Abbildungen der Seite

to me a full'noycous bonde to be bounden with, and over greuouse charge. For I suppose, that yf I thus dede many men and women would, ye syr, might justly unto my confusion sey to me, that I wer a traitor to God and to them; syns (as I thinke in myne hert) many men and women truste so mekle in me in this case, that I wold not for savyng of my lyfe do thus to them. For yf I thus sholde do, full many men and women wolde (as they might full truly sey) that I hadde fal-ly and cowerdly forsaken the truthe, and slaundred shamefully the Word of God. For yf I corsented to you, to do hereafter your will for bon chefe or mischef that may befall to me in this lyfe, I deme in my conscience that I were worthy herefore to be cursed of God, and also of all his seyntes, fro which inconuenience kepe me, and all Christen people Almighti God now and ever for his holy name.'

not yet bethought, whether thou wilt do, as I haue here seid to the? And I seid then to hym; Syr, my father and my mother, on whose souls God haue mercy (if it be his will) spent mekyll money in diue se places about my learning, for the entent to haue made me a prieste to God: but when I came to yeares of discretion I had no will to be prieste, and therefore my friends were right heuy to me: and than me thought their grudging agenst me was so peynfull to me, that I purposed therfor to haue left their company; and when they perceiued this in me, they spake some tyme full feire and pleasaunt wordes to me; but for that they might not make me to consent of good harte to be a prieste. thei spake to me full ofte tynes very grevous words, and manassed me in diuerse manners, shewing to me full heuy chere. And thus one while in feire manner, a nother while in greuous they were long tyme as me thought And than the abp. said unto me, O thine full besy about me, or I consented to them to hart is full hard endured as was the herte of be a prieste; but at the laste, whan in this Pharao, and the Deuell hath ouercomen the matter they wold no longer suffer myne excuand perverted the; and he hath so blynded sacions, but other I should consent to them, or the in all thy wittes, that thou hast no grace to I shold ever bear their indignation, ye, their know the treuthe, nor the mesure of mercy curse, (as they seide) than I seing this, praid thot I have profered to the. Therefor, as I them that they wold gyue me licence for to go perceyue now by thy folish Answere, thou hast to them that wer named wyse priestis and of no will to leaue thyne olde errours. But I sey vertuous conuerscaion, to haue their counsell, to the leude losell, other thou quickly consente and to know of them the office and the charge to myne ordinaunce, and submit the to stand of priesthode. And hereto my father and my to my decrees, or by seynt Thomas thou shalt mother consented full gladly, and gaue me their be disgraded, and followe thy felowe in Smith-blissing and goode leaue to go, and also money felde.' And at this seying I stode styll and spake not, but I thought in myne harte that God did to ine a greate grace, if he wolde of his great mercy bringe me to soch an ende. And in myne harte I was nothing frayde with this menasing of the abp. And I considered there two things in him: one, that he was not yet sorowfull for that he had made William Soutre wrongfully to be burnt; and as I consydered that the abp, thyrsted yet after more sheding out of innocent bloode. And fast therefore I was moved in all my wittes, for to hold the abp. nother for prelate nor for priest of God; and for that myne inward man was thus altogether departed from the abp. methought I should not haue ony dread of him. But I was right heuy and sorouful, for that ther was none audience of seculermen by: but in myne hart I praid the Lord God for to comforte me and strengith me ageinst them that there ware agaynste the sothefastenesse. And I purposed to speak no more to the abp. and his clerckes than me nede behoved: and all thus I praid God for his goodnesse to geue me than and alwaye grace to speake with a meke and an easy spyrit; and whatsoeuer thinge that I shulde speke, that I might haue true authorities of scripture, or open reason.

And for that I stode thus still, and nothing spake, one of the abp's. clerkes seid vnto me, What thing musiste thou? Do thou as my lord hath now commanded to the here.' And yet I stode still, and answered him not; and than sone after the abp. seid to me, Art thou

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to spende in this journey. And so than I went to tho priests, whom I herde to be of best name, and of moste holy lyving, and beste learnid, and most wyse of heauenly wisdom; and so I communed with them vnto the tyme that I perceiuyed by their verteuous and continuall occupacions that their honeste and charitable werks passed their fame which I herde before of them. Wherefore, Syr, by the example of the doctrine of them, and specially for the godly and innocent workis which I perceiued than of them and in them; after my conning and power I have exercised me than and in this time to knowe perfectly God his lawe, hauing a will and a desyre to lyve ther after, willing that all men and women exercised them self feithfully theraboute. Yf than, syr, other for pleasure or displeasure of them that ar nother so wise, nor of so verteuouse conuersation to my knowledge; nor by comone fame to ony other mannis knowledge in this land, as thes men wer of whome I toke my counsell and information; I sholde now forsake thus sodenly and shortely, and unwarnid, all the learning that I exercised my self in this thirty winter and more; my conscience shulde ever be herewith out of mesure vnquieted and as, syr, I knowe well that many men and women shoulde be therthrowe greatly troublid and sclaunderid, and as I said syr to you before, for myne untrewthe and false cowardness many a one sholde be put into full great reprefe ye syr I drede, that many a one, as thei might then iustely, wolde curse me full bitterly, and syr

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feare not but the curse of God, which I sholde deserve herein, wolde bring me to a full euyll end, yf I continewid thus. And if thorow remorse of conscience I repentid me any tyme retourning into the way, which you doo your diligence to constreine ne now to forsake ye syr, all the bishopis of this lande with full many other priestis wolde defame, and pursew me as a relapse, and thei that now have (though I be unworthy, some confidence in me, hereafter wolde neuer truste to me though I cowlde teache and liue neuer so verteuously more than I can or may. For if after your counsell I lefte vtterly all my learning, I sholde hereby firste wounde and defyle myne owne soule; and also I sholde here through geue occasion to many men and women of fall sore hurting: ye syr, as it is likely to me, if I consented to your will I sholde herein by myne cuil example in it, as ferre as in me wer, flee many folke ghostely, that I sholde neuer deserue for to haue grace of God to the edifying of his Chirche nother of my self, nor of none other mannes lyfe, and undone bothe before God and man. But syr, by example chetely of some whos names I will not now reherse, H. of J. P. and B. and also by the present doyng of Philip of Rampenton that is nowe becomen bishop of Lincoln, I am now learnid, as many more hereafter thorow Goddis grace shall be learned, to hate and to fle all soche sclander, that thes foresaid men chefely bath defyled principally themselves with. And in it that in them is they have enuenemid all the Chirche of God for that sclanderous reuoking at the crosse of Paulis of H. P. and of B. and how now Philip Rampenton persewith Christis people. And that feining, that thes men dissemble by worldly prudence keping them cowerdly in their preaching and communing within the bondis and termis (wich without blame may be spokyn and shewid out to the moste worldly lyuers) will not be unponishid of God. For to the point of trewthe that thes men shewid out some tyme, they will not now streche forth their lyues. But by example eche one of them, as their wordis and their works shew, they besy them thorow their feinyng, for to sclaunder and to persewe Christe in his members, rather than they will be persewed.'

And the Archebishop seid to me, 'Thes men the which thou spekist of now wer foolis and heretiques, whan they were countid wyse men of the and other soche loselles. But now they ar wyse men, though thou and soche ot! er deme them vnwyse. Neuerthelesse I wiste neuer none, that right seide, that any while were enuenymed with your contagiousnesse, that is, contaminate and spottid doctrine.'And I scid to the Archebishop, Syr, I think well that thes men and such other ar now wyse as to this worlde; but as their wordis soundid sometyme, and their workis shewid outwardly, it was likely to move me that they had earneste of the wisdome of God; and that they sholde haue deserued mickell grace of God to have sauyd their own soules, and meny other mennis,

| if they had continewid feithfully in wilfull pouerte, and in other symple verteuous lyving; and specially if they hadde with thes foreseid vertues continewid in their besy fruteful sowing of Goddis word: as to many mennys knowledge they occupied them a season in all their wittes full besyly to know the pleasaunt will of God, trauelying all their membres full besily for to doo therafter, purely and chefely to the praising of the most holy name of God, and for grace of edification and saluacion of Christen people; but wo worthe false couetise, and euill counsell, and tyranny, by wiche they and many men and women are ledde bliyndely into an evill ende.-Than the Archebishop seide to me, Thou and soche other losellis of thy secté wolde shaue your headis full nere for to have a benefice. For by Jesu I know none more couetouse shrewis than ye ar, when that ye haue a benefice. For lo 1 gave to John Puruay a benefice but a myle out of this castell, and I herde more compleintis aboute his covetous nesse for tythes and other mysdoyngys, than I didde of all men that wer auancid within my diocesse.' And I seid to the Archebishop, Syr, Puruay is nother with you now for the benefice that ye gaue him, nor he holdith feithfully with the learnying that he tawght and writ before tyme, and thus he sheweth hymself nother to be hote nor cold; and therefore he and his felaws may sore drede, that if they torne not hastely to the waye that they have forsaken, perauenture they be put out of the nombre of Cristis choyen people.'-And the Archebishop said, Though Puruay be now a false harlot, I quyte me to him; but come he more for soche cause before me or we depart, I shall knowe with whom he holdith. But I sey to the, Whiche are thes holy men and wyse of whom thou haste takyn thyne informacion ?


And I seid, Sir, Master John Wicliff was holden of full many men the greatiste clerke that they knewe than lyvyng; and therwith he was amid a passing ruely man, and an ynnocent in his lyuynge, and herefore great men commonyd ofte with him, and they louyd so his learnying that they writ it, and besily enfor-id them to rule themself there after. Therefore syr, this foreseid learnying of master John Wicliff is yet holden of full many men and women, the most agreeable learning unto the lyuing and teachyng of Christe and of his apostles, and moste openly shewing and declaring how the Chirche of Christ hathe ben, and yet shulde be rewlid and gonern'd. Therefore so many men and women couet this learnying, and purpose through Goddis grace to conforme their lyuying life to this learnying of Wicliff. Master John Aiston tawght and writ accordingly, and full besily wher and whan, and to whome that he might; and he vied it hym self right perfitly unto his lifes ende. And also Philip of Rampenton while he was a chanone of Lacester, Nicholas Herforde, Dauy Gotray of Pakring, monk of Bylande, and a master of diuinitie, and John Puruay and many other wich wer holden right wise men and prudent,

one, which the clerke delivered to the Archebishop. And by and by the archebishop redde this rolle, conteining this Sentence :'

"The thirde Sonday after Easter, the yere of our Lorde M.CCCC. and seuen, William Thorpe came vnto the towne of Shrewisbury, and thorow leaue graunted unto him to preache: He said openly in Synt Chaddis Chirche in his sermone, that the sacrament of the altare after the consecration was material brede: and that ymages shulde in no wise be worshipped: and that men shulde not go on pilgremages: and that priests have no titles to tythes: and that it is not lefulf for to swere in any wise."


tawcht and writ besily this foresaid learnyng, and conformid them thereto. And with all thes men I was ofte right homely, and communyd with them long tyme and ofte; and so before all other men I choes wilfully to be informid of them and by them, and specially of Wicliff himself, as of the most verteuous and godly wise men that I herde of or knewe. And therefore of him specially, and of thes men, I tooke the learning that I haue taucht, and purpose to liue there after (if God will) to my liues end. For though some of thes men be contrary to the learning that they taucht, before I wote well that their learning was trewe which they taught; and therefore with the And when the Archebishop had red thus this helpe of God I purpose to holde and to use the Rolle, he rolled it up agein, and seid to me, learning which I harde of them, while they sat Ys this holesome learninge to be among the on Moses chaire, and specially while they sat people? And I said to him, Syr, I am both on the chaire of Christe. But after the werkis ashamed on their behalfe, and right soroufull that they now do, I will not doo with Goddis for them that have certified you thes things thus helpe. For they feine and hide, and contrary vntrewly: for I preached never nor taught thus the trewthe wich before they taucht out plenily priuely nor apertly.And the archebishop said and trewly. For as I know well when some to me, I will give credence to thes worshipof these men hath been blamid for their sclaun- full men which haue written to me, and witderous doing, they graunte not that they have nessed vnder their sealis there among them. tauchte a misse, or erryd before time; but that Though thou now deniest this, wenist thou that they were constreined by peine to leave to tell I will give credence to the? Thou losell haste out the sothe, and thus they choese now rather trobled the worshipful cominalte of Shrewisto blaspheme God than to suffer a while here bury; so that the bailives and cominalte of that persecution bodely for sothefastnesse that town haue written to me, praynge me that am Christe shed out his harte bloode for. And archbishop of Canterbury, primate and chaunthe Archebishop seid, That learning that thou celer of Englond, that I will vouchsafe to callist trewthe and sothefastnesse, is open grannte then, that if thou shalt be made (as sclaunder to holy Chirche, as it is prouid of thou art worthy) to suffer opeu jouresse for holy Chirche. For all be it, that Wicliff thine Heresys, that thou maye haue thi youresse your autour was a great clerke, and though that openly ther among them so that all they many men held him a perfite liuer, yet his doc- whome thou and soche other loselles haue ther trine is not approuid of holy Chirche, but many peruerted, may thorow feare of thy dede be resentences of his learning are dampnid as they consyled ageyn to the vnite of holy Chirche. well woorthy ar. But as touching Philip of And also they that stand in true faithe of Holy Rampenton that was first chanone, and after Chirche may thorowe thy dede be more stab abbot of Lacester, which is now bishop of Lin-lished therein.' And as yn thys askyng hadde coln; I tell the that the day is comen for which he fastid the euene. For nother he holdeth now, nor will hold the learning that he thought when he was a chanon of Lacester: for no bishop of this land perseweth now more sharply them that holde thy way than he doeth.'-And I said, Syr, full many men and women wonderith upon him, and speakith him mekill shame, and holdeth him for a cursid enemy of the trewthe.' And the Archebishop seid to me, Wherefore tariest thou me thus here with soche fables, wilt thou shortely (as I have seid to the) submit the to me or no? And I seid, Syr, I tell you at one word, I dare not for the drede of God submit me to you, after the tenour and sentence that ye have aboue rehersed to me.'.

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And than as if he hadde been wrothe he seid to one of his clerkis, fetch hider quikely the Certification that came to me fro Shrewisbury under the bailiues seal, witnissing the Errours and Heresies which this losell hath venemously sowen there. Then hastely the clerke tooke out, and leid forth on a cupborde diverse rollis and writings, among which there was a little

pleased the Archebishop, he said,' by my thrifte this hartye prayoure and feruente requeste shal be thought on.'

But certeynly nother the prayer of the men of Shrewisbury, nor the manassynge of the Archebishop made me any thinge afrayde. But in rehersyng of this malice, and in the hear ynge of it, my herte greatly rejoysed and yet dothe. I thanke God for the grace that I than thought and yet thinke shall come to all the chirche of God here thorowe, by the speciall mercifulle doynge of the Lord. And as hauynge no dreade of the malice oftyrauntes, by trustynge stedfastly in the helpe of the Lorde with full purpose for to knowlege the sothefastenesse, and to stande thereby after my connyng and power, I said to the Archebishop; Syr, yf the truthe of Gods Worde might be now accepted as it sholde be, I doute net to proue by lykely evidence, that they that are famed to be out of the faythe of Holy Chirche in Shrewisbury, and in other places also, are in the true faithe of Holy Chirche. For as their wordes sounde, and their workes shewe to mannis judgment, dreading and louing faithfully God, their will,

their desyre, their loue, and their besinesse are order of priesthode chefly for to make knowen moste sett to dreade to offend God, and to loue to the people the worde of God after his confor to please him in true and faithfull keping ning and power, approuing his wordes euer to of his commandments. And agene, they that be true by his vertuous workes: and for this are said to be in the faithe of Holy Chirche in entent we suppose that bishopes and other preShrewisbury and in other places, by open eui- lates of Holy Chirch shold chefely take and use dence of their proude, enuiouse, maliciouse, ther prelacie. And for the same cause bishopes couetouse, lecherouse and other foule wordes sholde giue to priestes their orders. For biaad workes, nother knowe nor haue will to shopes sholde accept no man to priesthode, knowe, nor to occupye their wittes truly and except that he had good will and full purpose, effectuously in the right faith of Holy Chirche. and were well disposed, and well learned to Wherefore all these, nor more that followe preache. Wherefore, syr, by the bidding of their maners, shall ony time come verely in the Christ, and by example of his moste holy liufaith of Holy Chirche, except they enforce ing, and also by the witnessing of his holy them more truelye to come in the waye whiche Apostles and Prophets, we are bounde under nowe they despise. For these men and wo- full great peine to exercise vs after our conmen that are now called feithfull and holden ning and power (as euery prieste is likewise juste, nother knowe nor will exercise themselfe charged of God) to fulfil dewly the office of to know of faithfulnesse one commaundement of priesthode. We presume not here of oure God. And thus full many men and women selves for to be estemed (nother in our owne now, and especially men that are named to be reputacion, nor in none other mannes) feithful principall lymmes of Holy Chirche, stiere God disciples, and speciall folowers of Christe: but to greate wrathe, and deserue his curse, for syr, as I said to you before, we deme this by they that call or holde them unjuste men, authoritie chefely of Goddes worde, that it is which are full vnjuste, as their viciouse wordes, the chefe deutie of euery prieste to besy them their great customable sweringe, and their feithfully to make the law of God knowen to slaunderouse and shamefull workes shew openly his people, and so to comune the commaundand witnesse. And herefore soche viciouse ment of God charitably, howe that we may men and unjuste in their owne confusion call beste, where, whan, and to whom that euer we them unjuste men and women, which after may, is our very deutie. And for the will and their power and conning besy them self to liue businesse that we owe of our dewe dette to do justely after the commaundment of God. And justely our office thorow the steiring and spewhere syr ye say, that I haue distrobled the cial helpe (as we truste) of God, hoping stedcominaltie of Shrewisbury, and many other fastly in his mercie, we desire to be the feithmen and women with my teaching, if it thus be, full disciples of Christe; and we pray this gra it is not to be wondred of wise men, sins all the cious Lorde for his holy name, that he make us cominalte of the cite of Jerusalem was destro-able so to please him with deuout prayers, and bled of Christes awne person that was very God and man, and most prudent precher that ever was or shall be. And also all the synagogue of Nazareth was moued againste Christe, and so fulfilled with ire towardes him for his preaching, that the men of the synagogue rose up and cast Christe out of their cyte, and ledde him vppe to the top of a mountaine for to cast him doune ther hedeling. Also accordingly hereto the Lord witnessyth by Moses, that he shall put dissention betwixt his people and the people that contrarieth and persewith his people. Who, syr, is he that shall preche the treuthe of Goddes worde to the vnfeithful people, and shall lett the sothe fastenesse of the Gospell, and the prophecye of God almightie to be fulfilled?'

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And the Archebishop said to me, 'It foloweth of thes thy words, that thou and soche other thinkest that ye do right well for to preach and teach as ye do without authoritie of any bishop. For ye presume, that the Lord hath chosen you only for to preache as faithful disciples and special folowars of Christe.' And I said, Syr, by authoritie of Gods lawe, and also of seintes and doctours, I am learned to deme, that it is euery priests office and dutie for to preache besily frely and truely the worde of God. For no doute euery priest should purpose first in his soule, and couett to take the

charitable priestly workes, that we may obteine of him to folowe him thankfully.

And the Archebishop said to me, 'Lewde losell, whereto makist thou soche venye reasons to me? Asketh not Seynt Paul, Howe sholde Priestes preche, except they be sent?' but I sent the neuer to preche; for thy venemous doctryne as so knowen thorow out Englond, that no bishop will admitt the for to prech by witnessyng of their letters. Why than, lewde Ydiot, willest thou presume to preach, syns thou art not sent, nor licensed of thy souereyn to preach? Saith not Seynt Paule, That subjectes owe to obey their souereyns,' and not only good and vertuous, but also tyrauntis that are vicious 'And I said to the Archebishop,

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Syr, as touching your letter of licence or other bishopes, which we say we sholde haue to witnesse that we wer able to be sent for to preache; we knowe well that nother you, syr, nor ony other bishop of this lande will graunte to us ony soche letters of licence, but we sholde oblige us to you and to other bishopes, by unlefull oathes, for to passe not the bondes and termes, which ye, syr, or other bishopes, will limyt, to us, And sins in this matter your term is to be some to large, and some to streite, we dare not oblige us thus to be bounden to you for to kepe the termes, which you will lymitt to us, as ye do to Friere and soch other


prechers and therefor though we haue not your letter, sir, nor letters of other bishops written with ynke upon perchement, we dare not herefor leaue the office of preching; to which preching all priestes, after there connying and power, are bounde by diuerse testimonies of God's lawe, and of great doctours, without ony mencion making of bishopes letters. For as mekell as we baue taken upon vs the office of priesthode (though we are vnworthy thereto) we come and purpose to fulfyll it with the helpe of God, by authoritie of his owne lawe, and by witnesse of great doctours and seintes accordingly, here to trusting stedfastly in the mercye of God; For that he commaundeth vs to do the office of priesthode, he will be our sufficient letters and witnesse, if we by example of his holy lyuing and teaching specially occupye vs feithfully to do our office justly, ye the people to whom we preache, be they feithfull or unfeithfull, shall be our letters, that is, our witnesseberers; for the treuthe, where it is sowen, maye not be unwitnessed: For all that are conuerred and saued by learninge of Goddes worde, and by working thereafter, are witnesseberers, that the trewith and sothfastnesse which they harde and dyd after, is cause of their saluacion. And ageyn, all unfeythfull men and women, which herde the treuthe, tolde out to them and wolde not do thereafter; also all they that might have herde the truthe, and wolde not heare it because that they wolde not do thereafter all thes shall beare witnesse against themselfes, and the treuth which they wold not heare, or else harden and despised to do thereafter thorow their unfeythfulnesse, is and shall be cause of their dampnacion. Therefore, syr, syns this forseide witnessing of God, and of diverse seintes and doctours, and of all the people good and evyll, sufficeth to all true preachers; we thinke that we do not the office of presthode, if that we leaue our preaching, because that we haue not, or maye not haue, dewly bishopes letters to witnesse that we are sent of them to preache.. This Sentence approueth Seynt Paul, wher he speaketh of himselfe, and of feithfull apostles and disciples, saing thus: We neede no letters of com'mendacion, as some other preachers do, whiche preache for couetousness of temporal "goodes, and for mennes praising.' And where ye say, syr, that Paul biddeth subjectes obey their souereyns: this is soth, and may not be denied: But ther is ij. maner of souereyns, vertuous suffereyns, and vicious tyrauntes; therefore to thes last souereyns nother men nor women that be subjecte owe to obey in ij. manners. To vertuons suffereins and charitable, subjectes owe to obey wilfully and gladly, in hearing of their good counsell, in consenting to their charitable biddinges, and in werkynge after their frutefull works. This sentence Paul approueth, wher he saith thus to subjectis; Be ye mindfull of your souereyns that speke to you the worde of God, and folow you the feithe of them whos conuersacion you know to be vertuous.' For as Paul saith after, Thes souereyns, to whome subjectis


owe to obeye in following of their maners, worke besily in holy studying, how they may 'wihtstande and destroy vices firste in themself, ' and after in all their subjectis, and how they may beste plante in them vertues.' Also thes souereyns make deuoute and feruent prayers for to purchase grace of God, that they and their subjectis may ouer all things dreade to offende him, and to loue for to please hym. Also these souereyns to whom Paul biddeth vs obey, as it is seid before, lyue so vertuously, that all they that will lyue well may take of them goode example to knowe and to kepe the commnaundmentis of God. But in this foresaid wyse, subjectis owe not to obey, nor to be obedient to tyrauntis, while they ar vicious tyrauntis; syns their will, their counsell, their biddings, and their workis ar so vicious, that they owe to be hatid and lefte. And though soche tyrauntis be masterfull and cruell in bostyng, and manasing in oppressions and diverse punyshyngis; Seynt Paul biddeth the seruauntis of soche tyrauntis to obey mekely to soche tyrauntis, suffering paciently their malicious cruelnes; But Peter counsellith not ony seruant or subjecte to obey to ony lorde, or prince, or souereyn in ony thyng that is not pleasing to God.'

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And the Archebishop said vnto me, 'Yf a souereyn bidde his subject doo that thing that is vicious, this souereyn herein is to blame; but the subjecte for his obedience deserueth mede of God, for obedience pleasith more to God than ony sacrifice.'And I said, Samuel the prophete said to Saul the wycked king, That God was more pleased with the 'obedience of his commaundment than with ony sacrifice of bestis.' But Dauid saith, and Seynt Gregory according to gither, 'That not onely they that do euyll is worthy of dethe and dampnacion, but also all they that consente to euyll doers.' And, syr, the law of Holy Chirche teacheth in the Decrees, That no seruant to his lorde, nor childe to the father or mother, nor wyfe to hyr husbond, nor monke to his abot, ought to obey except in lefull thingis and lawfull.'-And the Archebishop said to me, All these allegingis that thou bringest forth ar not els but proude presumptuousness; for hereby thou enforcist the to prove, that thou and soche other ar so juste, that ye owe not to obeye to prelatis. And thus agenst the learning of Seynt Paul, that teachith you not to preache but if ye wer sent, of your own authorite ye will go forthe, and preache, and doo what ye liste.' And I said, Sir, presentith not every prieste the office of the apostles, or the office of the disciples of Christe?" "And the abp. said ye.' And I said, Syr, as the tenthe chaptre of Matthew, and the laste chaptre of Marke witnesseth, Christe sent his apostles for to preache; And the tenthe chaptre of Luke witnesseth, that Christe sent his two and seuentie disciples for to preache in every place that Christe was to come to. And Seynt Gregory in the common lawe saith, That every man that goth to priesthode, takith upon hym

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