N. B. In these letters some entertaining anecdotes and well known personages are introduced, an answer is likewise given to the Dean's celebrated 30th of January fermon. LETTERXXXV. BRUTUS to the PEOPLE, on the Freedom of the Press, shewing the benefit thereof during the laft nine Reigns, 85 LET LETTER XXXVL BRUTUS to the PEOPLE, on Lord Townshend's administration, with some anecdotes of Sir George Macartney, LETTERXXXVII. HUMPHREY SEARCH's defence of his writ ings, and of the Quakers, against certain authors, LETTER XXXVIII. HUMPHREY SEARCH's letter to the remarker on his history of the Irish rebellion, 122 LETTER ΧΧΧΙΧ. BRUTUS to the PEOPLE, containing a refutation of Verax's supporting Lord Townshend's administration, 136 LET LETTER XXXIX. BRUTUS to the LORD MAYOR and Com MON COUNCIL, on the intended application for an address to Lord Townshend before his departure, 150 LETTER XL. HUMPHREY SEARCH on Love and Mar160 riage, LETTERXLI. The same subject concluded, LETTER XLII. 175 BRUTUS to the CITIZENS OF DUBLIN, with a lift of those Aldermen who voted fo and against agreeing with the Commons, in presenting the thanks of the city to Sir Edward Newenham in a gold box; with an exhortation to the citizens to obtain a meeting of the aggregate body, 188 LET |