BACKGROUND MATERIAL ON MUTUAL DEFENSE AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS FISCAL YEAR 1965 APRIL 4, 1964 Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Affairs 30-700 Ο U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1964 COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS THOMAS E. MORGAN, Pennsylvania, Chairman CLEMENT J. ZABLOCKI, Wisconsin EDNA F. KELLY, New York WAYNE L. HAYS, Ohio ARMISTEAD I. SELDEN, JR., Alabama J. L. PILCHER, Georgia BARRATT O'HARA, Illinois L. H. FOUNTAIN, North Carolina FRANCES P. BOLTON, Ohio E. ROSS ADAIR, Indiana WILLIAM S. MAILLIARD, California PETER H. B. FRELINGHUYSEN, New Jersey J. IRVING WHALLEY, Pennsylvania E. Y. BERRY, South Dakota BOYD CRAWFORD, Staff Administrator MARY MEDSGER, Staff Assistant FOREWORD APRIL 4, 1964. This compilation of tables, graphs, and charts, prepared by the Agency for International Development, except as noted, has been assembled to make readily available to the members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and of the House of Representatives pertinent statistical background material during the consideration of the mutual defense and development programs for fiscal year 1965. THOMAS E. MORGAN, Chairman. III |