UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMISSION Operation of the TRADE AGREEMENTS PROGRAM Fifth Report July 1951-June 1952 PREPARED IN CONFORMITY WITH EXECUTIVE UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMISSION EDGAR B. BROSSARD, Chairman OSCAR B. RYDER LYNN R. EDMINSTER GEORGE MCGILL WALTER R. SCHREIBER DONN N. BENT, Secretary Address all communications UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMISSION For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Foreword This is the fifth report of the Tariff Commission on the operation of the trade agreements program. Each of the successive Executive orders, No. 9832 of February 25, 1947, No. 10004 of October 5, 1948, and No. 10082 of October 5, 1949, has required the Commission to submit to the President and to the Congress at least once each year a factual report on this subject. The Commission's first report on the operation of the trade agreements program covered the period from the inception of the program in June 1934 until April 1948. The second report covered the period from April 1948 through March 1949; the third, that from April 1949 through June 1950; and the fourth, that from July 1950 through June 1951. The present report discusses the operation of the trade agreements program from July 1951 through June 1952. Copies of the Commission's reports on the operation of the trade agreements program may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C.1 1 The prices of these reports are as follows: Report Operation of the Trade Agreements Program, June 1934 to April 1948, Rept. No. 160, Price Part III. Trade-Agreement Concessions Granted by the United States.. 35¢ Part IV. Trade-Agreement Concessions Obtained by the United States....... Part V. Effects of the Trade Agreements Program on United States Trade... Operation of the Trade Agreements Program: Second Report, April 1948-March 1949, Rept. No. 163, 2d ser., 1950... 25 15¢ 25¢ Operation of the Trade Agreements Program: Third Report, April 1949-June 1950, 45€ Operation of the Trade Agreements Program: Fourth Report, July 1950-June 1951, 40¢ III Changes in tariffs, exchange controls, and quantitative import restrictions by coun- tries with which the United States has trade agreements. The use of quantitative import restrictions for balance-of-payments reasons.... Miscellaneous matters regarding trade-agreement obligations.... |