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Tanacetum vulgare, common tansy, on the borders of fields, and on the side of roads, P. July to August, yellow, in Deadman's lane, and on the banks of the Derwent, in the Old Meadows, near Derby, Horsley castle, &c.

Artemisia Absinthium, common wormwood, dry banks and on the road sides, P. August, yellow, Alvaston, Dethick, Mackworth, and in the Old Meadows on the banks of the Derwent, near Derby

vulgaris, mugwort, hedges and moist places, P. July, purple

Gnaphalium margaritaceum, pearl everlasting, meadows and pastures, August, yellow dioicum, cat's foot or mountain cudweed, meadows and pastures, June to July, rose colour, between Hayfield and Kinder-Scout. Mr. O. Sims rectum, upright cudweed, pastures, August, yellowish

uliginosum, black-headed cudweed, moist grounds, A. July to August, yellowish, Allestree and Derby

gallicum, grass-leaved cudweed, heaths, July to August, yellowish

minimum, least cudweed, dry sandy meadows, and among corn, June to July, yellowish

germanicum, common cudweed, pastures and road sides, July, Coxbench, Derby and Osmaston

Erigeron canadense, canada fleabane, heaths, July to August, yellowish

acris, blue fleabane, gravelly pastures, July to August, blue

Tussilago Farfara, common coll's foot, frequent on the banks of the Derwent, and in moist situations, P. March to April, yellow, Nutwood at Darley, Breadsall meadow, Darley in the Dale, and Old Meadows, Derby. The leaves are used in the British herb tobacco

Petasites, pestilent wort, butterbur or colt's foot, in moist ground near rivers, P.
March to April, flesh colour, Duffield, Matlock, and in the Holmes and
Old Meadows on the banks of the Derwent, Derby

var. hybrida, long-stalked colt's foot, in a moist part of the Old Meadows, between
Derby and Spondon

Senecio vulgaris, common groundsel, cultivated land, A. April to September, yellow. A strong infusion of the plant vomits. The bruised leaves are a good application to boils

viscosus, cotton grass or strong scented groundsel, sandy ground, June to October,

sylvaticus, bushy groundsel, in woods and on hedge banks, July, yellow
tenuifolius, hoary ragwort, with groundsel leaves, woods, July to August, yellow
Jacobæa, common ragwort, dry pastures, P. July, Allestree, Derby and Pinxton.
A decoction of the flowers will dye woollen cloth, after it has been boiled
in alum water, a beautiful yellow

aquaticus, water ragwort, marshes and watery places, P. August, yellow, Derby
and Pinxton

saracenicus, broad-leaved groundsel, moist meadows, July to August, yellow Solidago virgaurea, woundwort or common golden rod, woods, July to August, yellow, frequent in Matlock vale, from the baths to the village, Dale Abbey and Dethick. This plant is much esteemed for its efficacy in curing the stone and gravel

Inula dysenterica, elecampane or middle fleabane, in moist meadows and pastures, P. July to August, yellow, Derby and Pinxton. This plant is said to be a cure for the bloody flux

pulicaria, small fleabane, moist meadows and pastures, September, yellow Bellis perennis, common daisy, meadows and pastures, P. March to May, white, it flowers almost the whole year, common

Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum, greater daisy, ox eye, moon flower or daisy golding, meadows and pastures, P. May to July, white, Derby, Little Eaton, Middleton dale, and in a field between Breadsall and the Priory. It propagates by the root and extensively by the seed

segetum, corn marigold, in arable land on light soil, A. June to October, Allestree, Normanton and Breadsall

Pyrethrum Parthenium, corn feverfew, corn fields, August to September, white

inodorum, chamomile or goldings, corn fields, A. July to September, white Matricaria chamomilla, chamomile or field feverfew, road sides, farm yards and barren land, on dry gravelly soils, P. May to July, white, well known for its use in


Anthemis nobilis, sweet scented creeping chamomile, in moist heaths and pastures, July to August, white

Cotula, stinking mayweed, corn fields and by the road sides, A. May to July, white, Derby, Holbrook and Pinxton

arvensis, corn chamomile, corn fields, June to July, white, common

Doronicum Pardalianches, great leopard's bane or wolf's bane, walls and moist pastures, May, yellow, about the old walls near Haddon hall. Mrs. Lucy Hardcastle

Achillæa Ptarmica, sneezewort or goose tongue, in moist meadows, P. July to August, white, Coxbench, Duffield and Radbourn

serrata, germander milfoil,

Millefolium, yarrow, milfoil or nose bleed, pastures and road sides, A. June to August, frequent. Found sometimes with a purple flower, though it has generally a white one.


Centaurea nigra, black knapweed, pastures, P. July to August, purple

Cyanus, bachelor's buttons, blue bottle, knapweed, hurt sickle or corn flower, corn fields, A. July to August, blue, Breadsall

Scabiosa, greater knapweed, corn fields, P. July, purple, a corn weed, Pleasley Calcitrapa, common star thistle, on rubbish and road sides, B. July to August, deep red. It is a troublesome weed

Jacea, common knapweed or matfellow, on the borders of fields, July to August, purple, common.

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Orchis bifolia, butterfly orchis, moist meadows, May to June, white, Matlock bath, and between Ashbourn and Woodheaves, by the road side

pyramidalis, late flowering pyramidal orchis, dry pastures, P. June to July, scarlet, Newton wood, and between Matlock and Bonsal, on the high ground

Morio, meadow orchis, moist meadows, P. May to June, purple, Crich, Breadsall meadow and between Stanton and Ticknall

mascula, early orchis, meadows, May, purple, Crich, Rough Heanor, Horsley and Breadsall meadow, near the Priory

ustulata, dwarf orchis, dry pastures, P. May to June, purple, Alfreton, South Normanton, and in a field above the lead mines, at the top of Masson hill, between Matlock bath and Bonsall

militaris, man orchis, dry pastures, May, purple, Matlock bath

latifolia, broad-leaved orchis, moist meadows, P. May to June, in a small meadow near the cold bath at the Priory, Breadsall

maculata, spotted orchis, woods and dry pastures, P. June to July, flesh colour, Duffield, Matlock, Pleasley and Breadsall meadows

conopsea, red handed aromatic orchis, meadows and pastures, June, purple, in a field above the plantations and lead mines on Masson hill, Matlock bath and Pleasley

hircina, (satyrium hircinum) lizard orchis, Crich, P. Mr. Coke

Ophrys muscifera, fly orchis, meadows, P. July, purple, Heights of Abraham and Matlock


apifera, bee orchis, dry pastures, July, purple, Heights of Abraham, Matlock bath Nidusavis, tway blade or bird's-nest orchis, woods, May to June, brown, in the woods near Mr. Arkwright's grounds and Matlock bath

spiralis, triple ladies' traces, dry pastures, August to September, white, not common Listera ovata, common tway blade, woods, P. July, green, Markeaton, Mackworth, Matlock and Newton wood

cordata, least tway blade or heart-leaved ophrys, woods, yellow, High moor, Peak forest. Botanist's Guide Satyrium viride, frog satyrian, pastures, June to July, greenish. In the fields above the plantations and lead mines on Masson hill, Matlock

albidum, white satyrian, sunny hills, June, white

Serapias latifolia, common helleborine or bastard hellebore, woods, July to August, green, Heights of Abraham, Matlock bath and in a wood near Wheathill

ensifolia, sword-leaved hellebore, woods, June, white, in the plantations at Markeaton, near Derby

palustris, marsh hellebore, Woodheaves, near Ashbourn, July to August, green.


Lemna minor, duck's meat, ponds and standing waters, June

trisulca, ivy-leaved duck's meat, in ponds, ditches and stagnated waters, May to



Typha latifolia, great cat's tail or reed mace, on the banks of rivers, fish ponds and in moist

places, common, July

angustifolia, lesser reed mace, clay pits, June to July

Sparganium ramosum, greater burweed, pits and banks of rivers, July

simplex, lesser burweed, sides of pools

natans, floating burweed, ditches

Carex dioica, small sedge or separate-headed carer, in boggy ground, May to June pulicaris, flea sedge, marshes and wet meadows, June

stellulata, little prickly star sedge, marshy meadows, May to June

curta, white sedge, marshes and pools, June

ovalis, oval spiked sedge, marshes and pastures, June

remota, remote sedge, moist ditch banks, common, May to June

vulpina, great sedge, banks of rivers and pits, Makeney, common, P. May to June paniculata, panicled sedge, bogs, frequent, P. June

digitata, fingered sedge, woods, May

linosa, brown sedge, boggy meadows, June

pendula, pendulous sedge, moist woods and hedges, June to July

pallescens, pale sedge, moist pastures, May to June

sylvatica, wood sedge, woods, common, May to June

distans, loose sedge, marshes, June

præcox, vernal sedge, dry pastures, April

flava, yellow sedge or marsh hedge hog grass, wet meadows about Duffield, P. June panicea, pinky sedge, moors, Breadsall, P. June

recurva, heath sedge, moist places on heaths, May to June

riparia, common sedge, P. April

stricta, glaucous sedge, marshes, April

vescicaria, bladder sedge, bogs and pits, May

paludosa, acute sedge, moorish ground and wet ditches

hirta, hairy sedge, watery meadows, common, May to June

caespitosa, turfy sedge or carnation grass, marshes and old pits, May.


Buxus sempervirens, box tree, gardens, plantations and in very old hedges, not very common, April, yellow, very fine in Bretby gardens

Alnus glutinosa, alder tree

Urtica urens, lesser stinking nettle, under hedges and amongst rubbish, June to August dioica, common stinking nettle, hedges and amongst rubbish, July to August.


Bryonia dioica, red berried briony, May to September, hedges about Derby and Matlock.


Myriophyllum spicatum, spiked water milfoil, ditches and ponds, July to August, reddish verticillatum, verticillated milfoil, ditches and stagnated waters, July, green Sagittaria Sagittifolia, arrow head, ditches and banks of rivers, in the Trent near Ingleby

and Swarkstone bridge, July to August, white

Arum maculatum, wake robin or cuckoo pint, hedges, woods and shady places, frequent Poterium Sanguisorba, common burnet, pastures, Matlock, July, green

Quercus Robur, oak tree, woods and hedges, very large, Kedleston park and Crich Chase Fagus castanea, chesnut tree, hedges and plantations, very fine, one in Mr. Mouseley's garden, Derby, at Matlock, and in the avenue leading to Bretby hall, May Sylvatica, beech tree, hedges and plantations, May, fine and large at Hopton, and a very extraordinary one in Bretby park, 15 feet in circumference, and the branches extend 17 yards from the trunk each way

Betula alba, birch tree, hedges and plantations, April to May, not very common.

wine is a good beverage

Carpinus Betulus, horn beam, hedges and plantations, common, May


Corylus Avellana, hazel nut tree, hedges and plantations, frequent, Via Gellia and Dovedale Pinus sylvestris, Scotch fir, plantations, May.


Acer campestre, common maple tree, in hedges, almost every where, May to June pseudo platanus, greater maple tree, found in hedges near houses, May to June.

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Salix pentandra, sweet willow, woods and hedges, May to June

cinerea, grey willow, woods, May

aurita, round-eared willow, woods, April to May

repens, creeping dwarf willow, on heaths and hilly ground, May

caprea, common round-leaved sallow withy, hedge rows, pits and woods, April to May acuminata, long-leaved sallow, moist places, April

viminalis, osier, willow beds, near rivers, very common, April

alba, white willow, woods and hedges, chiefly in moist places, very common, April.


Empetrum nigrum, black berried heath, crake berries or crow berries, East Moor.


Viscum album, misletoe, on trees, particularly the oak, apple, pear, lime, willow, elm, &c. May, greenish. Much esteemed by the ancients, and still continues to be in request at Christmas to decorate houses and churches, at which season many a blushing maid receives a salute under the misletoe bush, Millford

Myrica Gale, sweet gale, sweet willow, or Dutch myrtle, moist heaths and marshy ground.


Humulus Lupulus, hops, in moist hedges near villages, July, yellow, in hedges on the Kedleston road, and near Little Eaton, Wilne, Killamarsh, Belper, Cresswell, Duffield, Marston, Montgomery, Walton on Trent, Mercaston, Pinxton, Roston, and by the canal side and Old Meadows, Derby. Glover.


Tamus communis, black briony, under hedges and bushes, June, greenish, frequent, Matlock.


Populus alba, white poplar or abele tree, common in moist boggy situations, March tremula, aspen or trembling poplar, in moist woods, frequent, March nigra, black poplar, in moist woods and sides of rivers, common, March.


Mercurialis perennis, dog's mercury, woods and moist ditch banks, common, hedges on the Duffield road, April to May, green

annua, French mercury, on rubbish, and often on cultivated land, July to September, green.


Taxus baccata, yew tree, fissures of rocks at Matlock, March to April, very large in Allestree, Darley in the Dale, and Duffield church yards.



Atriplex patula, spreading narrow-leaved orache, on rubbish and ditch banks, A. August hastata, wild orache or fat hen, on rubbish and in kitchen gardens, August to


angustifolia, narrow-leaved orache.



Equisetum sylvaticum, wood horsetail, ditches and woods, in shady moist places, April arvense, corn horsetail, on arable land, in moist situations, March

palustre, marsh horsetail, marshes, June to July

fluviatile, river horsetail, moist woods, rivers and pools, Newton wood
limosum, smooth naked horsetail, shallow waters

hyemale, shave grass, marshes

Lycopodium clavatum, club moss, bogs on East moor

selaginoides, prickly club moss, moist heaths, August

inundatum, marsh club moss, bogs, June to July, Chinley hill. Botanist's Guide

selago, fir club moss, bogs on East moor

alpinum, mountain or savin-leaved club moss, on the mountains near the Derwent

Polypodium vulgare, common polypody, walls and roots of trees, frequent

dryoptera, lesser branched polypody, shady woods and on walls, rare, Chinley hill

calcareum, rigid three-branched polypody, woods opposite the new bath, Matlock, and Middleton dale. Mr. Knowlton

Aspidium Filix mas, male fern or polypody, woods and hedges, common, May to June aculeatum, prickly shield fern or female polypody, on banks and the shady side of ditches, June

Aspidium dumetorum, berried fern, among bushes under the high rocks at the top of
Cromford, near the Matlock bath. Smith's Fl.

Filix fœmina, female polypody, common at Wingerworth, shady woods, June
Oreopteris, heath shield fern, dry wastes, June to July

cristatum, brittle polypody or great branched fern, with indented leaves, in woods
and moist shady places

dilatatum, great crested fern, moist woods, June to July

Asplenium Trichomanes, maiden hair, old walls and clefts of rocks, at Dovedale and Matlock, June to July

viride, green maiden hair, Coxbench wood

Ruta muraria, wall rue or white maiden hair, moist walls and rocks at Quarndon and Matlock, July

Adiantum nigrum, black maiden hair, rocks and old walls, and in shady lanes

Scolopendrium vulgare, spleenwort, fissures of rocks at Littleover and Matlock Blechnum boreale, rough spleenwort, in moist woody places and hedge banks, July Pteris aquilina, common fern or brakes, on heaths, August. Burnt to make ash balls cripa, curled stone fern, Chinley hill. Botanist's Guide

Ophioglossum vulgatum, adder's tongue, meadows, Dethick and Shottle, May. Mr.


Botrychium Lunaria, moonwort, woods, Dethick, Corbar and Buxton. Mr. Coke Osmunda regalis, water flowering fern or osmund royal, woods and moist boggy places, very rare, July to August

Cyathea fragilis, brittle cup fern, Matlock

regia, laciniated cup fern, limestone rocks. Mr. Knowlton.


Phascum subulatum, subulated earth moss, ant hills, on wet clayey soil

Hypnum complanatum, flat feather moss, trunks of trees

trichomanoides, feather moss, roots of trees

purum, neat feather moss, wet meadows and dry shady banks

lutescens, glistening moss

serpens, creeping feather moss, ground, sticks and stones

proliferum, opaque proliferus or fern feather moss, woods, frequent, Matlock

ruscifolium, knee holly-leaved feather moss, stones in rivulets

triquetrum, triangular feather moss, woods, frequent

filicinum, bog feather moss, wet moors and boggy ditches

cupressiforme, cypress feather moss, woods, at the roots of trees

Teesdalii, teesdalian feather moss, in woods on the south-east side of the river at Matlock, near Teesdale. Smith's Fl

recognitum, lesser opaque feather moss, Matlock. Smith's Fl.

Funaria hygrometrica, yellow bulbed marsh moss, on stones on the ground
Bartramia fontana, fountain marsh moss, mountainous commons
tortula subulata, twisted knotty moss
mucoronulata, spiked moss

Dicranum glaucum, bristle marsh moss, moors

taxifolium, yew-leaved moss

heteromallum, hair pencil mucum,

scoparium, broom marsh moss, hedge banks

pellucidum, transparent moss

Sphagnum obtusifolium, blunt-leaved moss

acutifolium, sharp-leaved moss

latifolium, broad-leaved bog moss,

Polytrichum commune, besom moss or goldilocks, woods and boggy ground

juniperinum, juniper moss

undulatum, waving moss

subrotundum, dwarf hair moss,

aloides, aloe-leaved hair moss, rocky banks

Alnium palustre, common marsh moss, bogs and wet heaths

Trichostomum fontinaloides, river fringe moss, B. in the river at Matlock bath
Didymodon flexifolium, bending-leaved moss

Bryum nutans, silky pendulous thread moss, Cromford moor.

Smith's Fl.

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