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" The eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not seen, man's hand is not able to taste, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report what my dream was. "
The Works of Shakespeare: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and Corrected - Seite 132
von William Shakespeare - 1773
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The Comedy of A Midsummer Night's Dream

William Shakespeare - 1600 - 98 Seiten
...Methought I was — and I methought I had, — but man is but a patched fool, if he will offer to say what methought I had. The eye of man hath not heard,. the ear of man hath not seen, man's hand is hot able to taste, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report, what my dream...
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Midsummer night's dream ; Merchant of Venice ; As you like it ; Taming of ...

William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 560 Seiten
...and mcthou^Kt But Man is but a patch'd Fool, if Vve Nt\\V. ofox xo methought I had. The Eye of Mzn hath not heard* the Ear of Man hath not feen; Man's Hand is not able totafte, his Tongue to conceive, nor his Heart to report what my Dream was. I will get Peter Quinte...
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The Works of Shakespeare in Seven Volumes, Band 1

William Shakespeare - 1733 - 600 Seiten
...tinker! Starveling ! god's my life ! floll'n hence, and left me afleep ? I have had a moft rare vifion. I had a dream, paft the wit of man to fay what dream...of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not feen j man's hand is not able to tafte, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report what ray dream was....
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The tempest. A midsummer-night's dream. The two gentleman of Verona. The ...

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 550 Seiten
...queles mnjles, des quelles les deux gut ejloient JUMELLES avoiint yuinxt ans, Qiiatrieme Jour. Nov. 3. man is but an afs, .if he go about to expound this...not heard, the ear of man hath not feen ; man's hand iq not able to tafte, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report what my dream was. I will get...
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Critical, Historical, and Explanatory Notes on Shakespeare: With ..., Band 1

Zachary Grey - 1754 - 424 Seiten
...the firft aft fcene i . Come my Hipolita, what cheer my love ? Anon. Sc. 3. p. 154. Bot. : • *Tbt eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not able to tafte, his tongue to conceive, nor bis heart to report what my dream was.] Thefe blunders are of the fame kind with thofe in a Comedy,...
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The Works of Shakespear: The tempest. A midsummer-night's dream. The two ...

William Shakespeare - 1768 - 330 Seiten
...tell what. Methought I was, and methought I had,—But man is but a patch'd fool, if he will ofier to fay what methought I had. The eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not # And I have found Demetrius like a jewel, Mine own, and not mine ouw.] Hermia had obferved that Things...
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Stockdale's edition of Shakespeare, with explanatory notes

William Shakespeare - 1784 - 1120 Seiten
...tell what. Methought I was, and methought I liad, But man is but a patch'd fool 3, if he will oiler to fay what methought I had. The eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not leen ; man's hand is not able to talle, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report, what my dream...
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Stockdale's Edition of Shakespeare: Including, in One Volume, the Whole of ...

William Shakespeare - 1784 - 1114 Seiten
...methought I liad, But man is but a patch'd fool ¡, if he will oner to fay wiuit methnught I liad. The eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not feén ; man's hand is not able to tall-;, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report, what my...
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Love's labour's lost. Midsummer night's dream

William Shakespeare - 1788 - 460 Seiten
...what. Methought I was, and methought I had, But man is but a patch'd fool, if he will offer to say what methought I had. The eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not seen ; man's hand is not able to taste, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report, what my dream...
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The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: In Ten Volumes: Collated ..., Band 2

William Shakespeare - 1790 - 554 Seiten
...and methought I had,—But man is but 2 patch'd fool , if he will ofter to fay what methought I nad. The eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not feen ; inn's hand is not able to tafte, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report, what my dream was....
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