84865 14. Ap6/1: L52/952 LEGISLATIVE BRANCH LIBRARY APPROPRIATION BILL, 1952 JUN 26 1951 DIV. STANFORD DOCUMENT HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS EIGHTY-SECOND CONGRESS FIRST SESSION SUBCOMMITTEE MICHAEL J. KIRWAN, Ohio CHRISTOPHER C. McGRATH, New York, Chairman Printed for the use of the Committee on Appropriations UNITED STATES WASHINGTON: 1951 COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS CLARENCE CANNON, Missouri, Chairman JOHN H. KERR, North Carolina ANTONIO M. FERNANDEZ, New Mexico E. H. HEDRICK, West Virginia PRINCE H. PRESTON, JR., Georgia OTTO E. PASSMAN, Louisiana LOUIS C. RABAUT, Michigan DANIEL J. FLOOD, Pennsylvania CHRISTOPHER C. MCGRATH, New York SIDNEY R. YATES, Illinois FOSTER FURCOLO, Massachusetts FRED MARSHALL, Minnesota ALFRED D. SIEMINSKI, New Jersey JOHN TABER, New York RICHARD B. WIGGLESWORTH, Massachusetts H. CARL ANDERSEN, Minnesota ERRETT P. SCRIVNER, Kansas FREDERIC R. COUDERT, JR., New York EARL WILSON, Indiana NORRIS COTTON, New Hampshire GLENN R. DAVIS, Wisconsin BENJAMIN F. JAMES, Pennsylvania GEORGE B. SCHWABE, Oklahoma GEORGE Y. HARVEY, Clerk LEGISLATIVE BRANCH APPROPRIATION BILL, 1952 MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1951 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RALPH R. ROBERTS, CLERK WITNESSES HARRY LIVINGSTON, DISBURSING CLERK WILLIAM M. MILLER, DOORKEEPER H. NEWLIN MEGILL, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, OFFICE OF THE CLERK GENERAL STATEMENT Mr. McGRATH. Gentlemen, the committee will come to order. This is the first meeting on the budget estimates for legislative branch appropriations for 1952. We are pleased to have before us the Clerk of the House, Mr. Ralph Roberts. Do you have a statement, Mr. Roberts? Mr. ROBERTS. Yes, Mr. Chairman. For the information of the committee, we desire to insert in the record a tabulated statement in support of the estimates (both original and supplemental), as submitted through the Bureau of the Budget, for the operation of the House of Representatives, during the fiscal year 1952. This statement will give you a complete picture covering all estimates by paragraphs, as appearing in the committee print. Each member of the committee has before him a photostatic copy of this statement, which breaks down and itemizes each position or title thereof by offices and departments, and reflects the number of employees involved; their basic salaries; the amount of increase or additional compensation under the Federal Employees' Pay Acts of 1945, 1946, 1948, and 1950; their gross annual salaries, including the total amounts estimated for 1952. (The statement referred to is as follows:) |