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LIGHT BRIGADE OF SPAIN, THE. By Herbert Strang, author of "Tom Burnaby." With a preface by Lieutenant Colonel Willoughby Verner. Illustrated by William Rainey. 414 pp. Indexed. 12mo. G. P. Putnam's Sons. The service of the Light Brigade of Spain constitutes the most remarkable record of the use of light infantry in the annals of the British army. Its military record is made the thread of a series of personal adventures, prefaced by a careful summary of the work of the Brigade, published in an English illustrated paper. The work in book form is long, but is full of absorbing interest. The sort of stories. boys love.

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LITTLE CITIZENS. By Myra Kelly. Illustrated by W. D. Stevens. 353 PP. 12mo McClure, Phillips & Co.

The little people in this book are an entirely original set of youngsters. They attend a public school in New York's East Side, and comprise Hebrews, Irish and Italians. The grotesqueness of some of their ideas, and particularly of their dialect, are all shown through the instances of every-day school life, and will open up an entirely new world, not only to young people, but to many grown folks. Miss Kelly sees keenly and humanly. She has a very great appreciation for everything quaint and humorous. These stories are funny, with that touch of pathos which makes humor so appealing.

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These belong to "Roberts's Animal Stories." It is a chance for the smaller ones to read about Mr. Roberts's animal friends.


Written and illustrated by Clarence Andrews Williams. 8vo. Frederick A. Stokes & Co.

Verses and pictures showing the happiness of negro child-life, written with the hope of correcting some of the ridiculous ideas which people have concerning negro children. The book is very prettily made up.

MODERN TOMBOY, A. By L. T. Meade. Illustrated. 378 pp. I 2mo. E. P. Dutton & Co.

MOON PARTY, THE. By Ollie Hurd Bragdon. Illustrated by Beatrice Baxter Ruyl. 122 pp. 12mo. H. M. Caldwell Co.

A child's extravaganza in which the constellations, the planets and Greek mythology are all drawn upon for a light, graceful fantasy, intended for juveniles, but rather the adult view of juvenile life than the juvenile view.

MOTHER GOOse Puzzle BOOK, THE. By Willard Bonte. Illustrated. 79 pp. 12mo. E. P. Dutton & Co.

This contains a series of very amusing puzzle pictures, with descriptive stories opposite. Just the book to wile away the time on a dreary winter's day.

NURSERY FIRE, THE. By Rosalind Richards. Illustrated. 242 PP. 12mo. Little, Brown &


Tenderly written fictions about bright, wholesome little people. Just suited for the reading 'round the nursery fire.

ONE DAY. By Edith Farmiloe, author of "Chapel Street Children," etc. Illustrated. 99 pp. Quarto. E. P. Dutton & Co.

A little boy writes the history of one dayhis birthday. It is all told with youthful diction and accompanied by bright-hued pictures.

OUR LITTLE GERMAN COUSIN. By Mary Hazelton Wade. Illustrated by L. J. Bridgman. 105 pp. 12mo. L. C. Page & Co.

OUR LITTLE IRISH COUSIN. By Mary Hazelton Wade. 102 pp. 12mo. Illustrated by L. J. Bridgman. L. C. Page & Co.

We have heard from the little Japanese, Indian, Russian, Eskimo, Italian and many other cousins. It is well for American boys and girls to know what kind of little people live in other lands than their own—to know something about the way in which they live, and the things that they do. These stories tell just such things, and tell them in a way that all boys and girls can comprehend.

OUR LITTLE PEOPLE'S BOOK. Quarto. E. P. Dutton & Co.

A book of stories for the smallest children. Nicely colored, with the alphabet arranged after the usual method, with a couplet for each letter.

PEARL AND THE PUMPKIN, THE. By Paul Weston and W. W. Denslow. Illustrated by W. W. Denslow. 239 pp. 8vo. G. W. Dillingham Co.

A fantastic story book for children, something on the order of Frank Baum's stories. As usual, Mr. Denslow's illustrations are taking.

PICNIC ON A PYRAMID, A. By Marion B. Loud. Illustrated by the author. 114 PP. 8vo. The Saalfield Publishing Co. The magic automobile is a new vehicle of travel. The places into which this particular automobile goes, and the things that happen in these queer places, make quite an entertaining tale.

PUSS IN THE CORNER. By Edith Francis Gloucester. Illustrated by the author. 74 PP. 8vo. Dana, Estes & Co.

A story in which pictures take the place of certain words. This has been considered a good method of teaching reading.

RUSSIA, THE LAND OF THE GREAT WHITE CZAR. By E. C. Phillips (Mrs. Horace B. Looker), author of "Peeps into China," etc. Illustrated. 186 pp. 12mo. Cassell & Co.

A "juvenile" on Russia, written for English children by Mrs. Horace B. Looker, cast in the form of dialogue between two boys, with a little rill of story and much comment on Russian conditions, all from the English standpoint. Illustrations vary from processed photographs to indifferent drawings. A very considerable amount of information is conveyed in these pages, though the style has the tone of the English juvenile.

SANDMAN RHYMES, THE. By Willard Bonte. Quarto. H. M. Caldwell Co.

In this book all the everyday things-needles, spools, pocketbooks, vegetables, combs and brushes, etc.-hold conversations for the amusement of the small folks.

SEARCH, THE. By E. P. Weaver. A. S. Barnes & Co.

Laid in the middle of the Eighteenth Century, opening in London, but dealing with colonial life, this boys' historical novel takes its hero to Philadelphia and into the Indian war with the Iroquois, where he is taken prisoner. The story is a straightforward account of familiar adventure, with no special capacity for making real the records of the past.

STAYING GUEST, THE. By Carolyn Wells, author of "Eight Girls and a Dog." Illustrated by W. Granville Smith. 300 pp. 12mo. The Century Co.

The story of a clever little girl who comes by chance into the home of two maiden ladies, and wins her right to stay there. It is a tender, pleasing tale of child-life, as it develops among grown-ups.

STORIES OF THE GOOD GREENWOOD. By Clarence Hawks, author of "The Little Forester." Illustrated by Charles Copeland. 150 pp. 12mo. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.

A book in which the children are again introduced to a number of the small citizens of the outdoor community. The stories are told entertainingly, but with sufficient scientific fact as not to prove misleading.

STORY OF LITTLE KETTLE-HEAD, THE. By the author of "Little Black Sambo." 139 pp. 18mo. Frederick A. Stokes & Co.

A Christmas story with colored illustrations, on the unexpected fortunes of a doll, who loses its head and gums it on again.

TALE OF BENJAMIN BUNNY, THE. By Beatrice Potter, author of "The Tale of Peter Rabbit," etc. Illustrated. 85 pp. 18mo. Fred

erick Warne & Co.

A rabbit story in which Benjamin Bunny plays out a very interesting life history.

TALE OF TWO BAD MICE, THE. By Beatrice Potter, author of "The Tale of Peter Rabbit," etc. 85 pp. 18mo. Frederick Warne & Co.

Even the children who are afraid of mice will take delight in following up the capers of these two most mischievous mouselings.

TAMATE, THE LIFE STORY OF JAMES CHALMERS. By Richard Lovett. Illustrated. 12mo. Fleming H. Revell.

"Tamate," otherwise James Chalmers, lived the life of a hero in his efforts to uplift and Christianize the savages of Rarotonga and Guinea. The story of his adventures, the dangers that he came into, the perils of death that he experienced, is here told in a way to interest the boys. It is a noble example to place before a youth, an example of high ideals, courage, patience, perseverance. It will stir many a boy's heart and cause him to realize some of the opportunities which come to men whereby they can devote themselves to a lofty and noble cause, and contribute something to moral and religious advancement, and through these last to the progress of civilization and the world.

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