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Letters arrived a few days ago at the India houfeew:: 17804 containing certain information that this Author is mistaken in every conjecture which he has made concerning the place where there fhips wintered s for that instead of wintering in Siberia, Nova Zembla, or Lapl as he bad conjectured, they were returning home by the way of China and the Cape of Good Hope, as might reafonably have been.. expected without this certain information.

Art. 26. The Crifis. Now or never. Addreffed to the People of England. Concluding with a poetical levocation to the Genius: of England. By a Gloucestershire Freeholder. 4to. 16 de Rivington.

This Gloucestershire freeholder, though a very indifferent writer expreffes himself like an honest and well meaning man. His patch work plan of reformation is a triennial parliament, and change of and minifters. A change of ministers, to those who may be immediately. interested in the change, is no doubt defirable, but people at large will furely wish for fomething more fubitantial-annual parlia ments, and an equal reprefentation.

Art. 27. An Abstract of the Trial of George Stratton, Henry Brooke, Charles Floyer, and George Mackay, Efquires, for depofing the Right Honourable Lord Pigot, late Governor of Fort St., George, in the East Indies. 8vo. 1 s. 6d. Murray, 1780. This abftraft, we are informed, is printed from the notes of a gen. tleman of Lincoln's Inn; and is intended for public information, as the defendants decline publishing the notes of their fhort-hand writers. Whatever the defendants may propofe to themfelves by..... omitting fuch a publication, they are no doubt extremely well fatife g fied with the event of the trial. The general circumflances of the

unhappy Lord Pigot's fate, are well known; and Madam Juftice, like any other whimsical lady, only gave the acting parties in it a gentle tap with her fan, and faid-Get you gone, for a pack of naughty boys!

Art. 28. The Literary History of the Troubadours. Containing their Lives, Extracts from their Works, and many Particulars relative to the Caftoms, Morals, and Hiftory of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Collected and abridged from the French of M. De Saint-Pelaie, by the Author of the Life of Petrarch. Octavo. 6s. Boards. Cadell. 1779.

In the Appendix to the 51ft, and that to the 52d volume of our Review, we gave a pretty full account of Abbé Millot's Difcourfe prefixed to the Literary History of the Troubadours, to which we refer our Readers.

The ingenious Mrs. Dobfon, to whom the Public is indebted for her very entertaining Life of Petrarch, now presents us with a judicious collection of the most interefting and inftructive parts of Mr. De Saint Pelaie's work, which cannot fail of being agreeable to those who make the human heart their study, and are defirous of being acquainted with the manners and cuftoms of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. We fee (to ufe Mrs. Dobfon's own words) fovereigns and great lords, knights and noble ladies, monks and prelates, libertines and devotees, enthufiafts in love or in religion, fatirifts or licentious flatterers, pafs in review before us.' Art. 29. A New Syftem of modern Geography: or, a Geographical, Hiftorical, and Commercial Grammar; and prefent State of the feveral Kingdoms of the World. By William Guthrie, Efq. The Aftronomical Part by James Fergufon, F. R. S. A new Edition, with great Additions and Improvements. Illuftrated with a -Set of large Maps, engraved by Mr. Kitchin, &c. 4to. l. is. ¿Dilly,' &c. 1780.

It is unneceffary to fay any thing concerning the nature, defign, and general plan of this work, as they are particularly pointed out in the preface to the former editions of it, and as we have already given a fufficient account of this undertaking, in the xlvth volume of our Review. Mr. Guthrie's performance was at firft principally intended for fchools; but having met with almost univerfal approbation, it has been thought proper to print a new edition of it, on a large type, and in a handfome quarto volume, and to enrich it with a new fet of maps, engraved by the best artists.

The work being historical, as well as geographical, the perpetual fluctuation of human affairs has rendered fome confiderable additions neceffary in the hiftorical part; fuch additions have accordingly been made in the edition now before us; particularly, fome account is given of the late extraordinary revolutions in Ruffia, Denmark, Sweden, and Poland; of the rife and progrefs of the unhappy conteft between Great Britain and the American Colonies, and of fome of the principal incidents of the war between them, together with a brief account of the late voyages, which have been undertaken at the expence of the British goveanment, for the purposes of difcovery, and efpecially in the fouthern hemifphere. In the defcriptions of feveral countries,


likewife, and in the accounts of their histories, feveral particulars are added, which need not be diftin&tly enumerated, but which add greatly to the value of the prefent edition. Art. 30. A View of the prefent State of the Dutch Settlements in the Eaft Indies. Containing a true and circumftantial Account of their Government, Adminiftration, and Proceedings, their Poffeffions, drooping Trade, Navigation, &c. By a Perfon long refident in India. 8vo. 1 s. 6 d. Robinson.

Comparisons are faid to be odious; but in this inftance they can be odious only to the Dutch; and at prefent they are lawful game: for if this homely invective, homely perhaps becaufe written in Englifh by a Dutch pen, deferves any degree of credit; the fervants as they are bere called, of the English East India Company, about whofe mal-practices we make fuch a rout, are by the aforesaid me thod of comparison, humane, well-bred, and courteous gentlemen! It is to be noted, that the parties compared, exercise their virtues at a great distance from Europe.

Art. 31. Letters to and from the Countess Du Barry, the laft Miltrefs of Lewis XV. of France; containing her Correfpondence with the Princes of the Blood, Minifters of State and others; in cluding the Hiftory of that Favourite, and feveral curious Anecdotes of the Court of Verfailles, during the last fix Years of that Reign; with explanatory Notes. Tranflated from the French. 8vo. 3s. fewed. Kearfley. 1779.

Perhaps there is no part of the globe where female influence is fo extenfive as in France. Madame Du Barry is only one instance, among feveral, in which the miftrefs of a King of France has been in fact his prime minifter. In this capacity fhe acted for many years: and whether these letters be genuine or not (which is a point we do not undertake to determine), they exhibit, in a lively and entertaining manner, the amours and political intrigues of this celebrated


Art. 32. A Hint to the Dyers and Cloth-makers. And well worth the Notice of the Merchant. By James Haigh, Silk and Muflin Dyer, Leeds. 8vo. 6d. Rivington and Son.

Mr. Haigh feems laudably zealous for the improvement of his art; which he very fenfibly advifes his brother dyers to expect from a better knowledge of the chemical qualities of the drugs made ufe of, and from fuperior care and cleanlinefs in their operations. This little tract contains likewife fome practical instructions that may be of use to the dyers; and a very important hint to the merchants, that they cannot reasonably expect to have the finest colours, when they are unwilling to pay a proportionate price for them. This obfervation is indeed of great confequence, and well worth the attention of merchants in general, who frequently contribute to the ruin of our manufactures, by establishing a mean competition among the workpeople, not which fhall excel in quality, but which fhall make their goods the cheap ft, and confequently the worst. A contrary and more liberal way of thinking would greatly tend to improve and establish the character of our manufactures: and we should not then long hear it afferted, that our blacks and fcarlets, especially the latter, are yet greatly inferior to the French.-Plate informs us, that the dyers


in his time, when they wished to make a fine colour, begun by dif charging the Ruff of all impurity, and making it firft a perfect white: and no doubt great care and exadness in the preparation, clearness in the liquors, and neatnefs in the whole procefs, are of great confequence in this very ufeful art.

For our account of Mr. Haigh's Dyer's Affiftant in the Art of Dying Wool and Woollen Goods, fee Review for Auguft 1779, p. 158.

Refpecting AMERICA.

Art. 33. A Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies with a Plan of Accommodation, on Conalitutional Principles. By the Author of Letters to a Nobleman, on the Conduct of the American War. 8vo. 23. NewYork printed, in, 1775, and now republished by Wilkie. 178c. This republication contains two tracts, viz. the Candid Examination, and a defence of it, in answer to An Addrefs to the Examiner. They were originally published in America, with defign to prevail on the Colonilts to take the path of accommodation, and to avoid the horrors of a civil war and they are reprinted in Britain, at a time when (fays the Author), the Public have reafon to hope that proper meatures will foon be taken to unite the two countries upon. juft and conftitutional principles-in order to throw fome light upon the fubject. The Author, it is fuppofed, is Mr. Galloway, late a member of Congress, and a convert to the British Government. To this Gentlenian we owe, not only the Letters to a Nobleman abovementioned, but the two following well-received tracts, viz. "Cool Thoughts on the Confequences of American Independence," and Hiftorical and political Reflections on the Rife and Progress of the American Rebellion." Thele performances have been refpectively characterised and commended in our Reviews; and the prefen: Examination is equally worthy of the very fenfible and ingenious Writer.



Art. 34. An Efay on the Interefts af Great Britain in regard to America, or, An Outline of the Terms on which Peace may be reltored to the Two Countries. 8vo, 6d. Sewell, 1780.

After expatiating, with good fenfe, on the impolicy of our continuing the war in North America, the Author proceeds to enumerate the terms on which an happy union between the two countries might be effected: he fays they are fuch as would, he is "well affured, be received by America." For the particulars, we refer to the tract. To fee them take effect, were a confummation devoutly to be nuifbed, MILITARY AFFAIRS.. Art. 35. A Supplement to the State of the Expedition from Canada* containing Generai Burgoyne's Order, refpecting the principal Movements and Operations of the Army, to the raising of the Siege of Ticonderoga. 4to. s. 5.d. Becket, &c. 1780.

The Editor does not undertake to lay before the Public the whole of General Burgoyne's orders during the campaign of 1777.-In fo extenfive a detail, many would appear quite uninterefting at the pre

See our account of the State of the Expedition, &c. Review for March, Art. 33 of the Catalogue.


fent moment, and even at the time they were given, except perhaps to the departments immediately concerned, as far as regarded their execution: fuch are thofe refpecting the daily duties, the hofpital, the commiferate, d.ivers, &c. Thole only have been felected, that have for their object the general arrangements and movements of the army, and which may tend to illustrate the operations of the campaign. There are likewife fome few by Generals Carleton and Philips, which are introduced here, as relating in particular to General Burgoyne's expedition.

The Editor's principal inducement for offering these orders to the Public, was drawn not only from the idea that the state of the expedition is incomplete without them, but likewife from the obfervation of the avidity with which General Wolfe's orders were received by all ranks of people, and particularly by the officers of the army. It was conceived, that if General Wolfe's orders were effeemed as models to commanding officers of corps, as well as inftructive leftons in their profetion to thofe of an inferior rank, General Burgoyne's would more fully anfwer that defcription, as they relate to military tranfactions far more important, and to scenes infinitely more inte refting to the Public.-Befide that the Author of them is known to add to the knowledge and experience of the General all the exterior graces and refinement of the scholar and the writerga

It is but juftice to his Excellency the Lieutenant General to ac knowledge, that thefe orders are published without his concurrence or authority.'


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Art. 36. Elegiac Epistles on the Calamities of Love and War. Including a genuine Defcription of the tragica po tragical Engagement between his Majefty's Ships the Serapis and Countefs of Scarborough, and the Enemy's Squadron under the Command of Paul Jones, on the Twenty-third of September, 1779. 8vo. 2 S. Printed for the Authors, and fold by Pridden. 1780.

Thefe Epistles, though written in no very high ftrain of poetry, are yet not deftitute of that pathetic tenderness which is thought to conftitute the true nature of Elegy. They feem to bear a faithful impreffion of what paffed in the Writer's mind at the time they were compofed; and confequently to a Reader, who is not fqueamishly faftidious, they will probably communicate more pleafure then may be afforded by fome more elegant and laboured performances, that are written without an immediate appeal to the feelings of the heart.

The following paffage may perhaps juftify this remark:
When late, (to Elbe's commercial cities bound)
As fail'd the veffel o'er the deep profound,
A gentle swallow, labouring to explore
The diftant confines of the fummer-shore,
Fell on the deck towards the approach of night,
Panting for breath, and wearied with its flight.
The pitied fcene foft o'er each rifing thought
Your TENDER FEELINGS to remembrance brought:
Whofe eye could ne'er behold the wanton boy
The feather'd parent's patient hopes destroy:


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