LONDON: Printed for R. GRIFFITHS: And Sold by T. BECKET, Corner of the Adelphi, in the Strand. MDCCLXXIV. TABLE TITLES, AUTHORS NAMES, &c. of the Books- and PAMPHLETS contained in this Volume. BRITISH PUBLICATIONS. ABAUZIT'S Mifcellanies tran- BAPTISM. See PRACTICAL. ABSTRACT of the Highway-Act, BARLOW's Eng. Peerage, 230 BATTEAUX's Elements of Litera- 154 - 324 Theory of Human Senfa- riage, 227 BERNARD'S Letters on America, AMNER on the Institutions of Chrif- BOURN's Rem. on Jacob, 499 tianity, 159 BRIEF Review of the Rise, &c. of 427 BRITISH Biography, 161 486 BROOKE'S Juliet Grenville, 15 ARCANA, or Principles of the Pe- titioners, ART of Joking, |