| William Shakespeare - 1804 - 476 Seiten
...„ necessary he should be stopped: Sitfflaminan,,dui erat, as Augnslut said of Ifateriui. Hip „ wit was in his own power , would the rule of „ it...the person of Caesar, one •„ speaking to him." •• Cx'$m tliou dost me wrong. „ He replied : " " Caesar did never wrong , but. with just causa,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1806 - 394 Seiten
..." be stopped : Sufflaminandus erat, as Augustus said "of Haterius. His wit was in his own power j " would the rule of it had been so too ! Many times...said in the person of Caesar, " one speaking to him, " Ctesar, thou dost me wrong. " He replied : " Cstardid never wrong, but with just cause. . "' and... | |
 | William Shakespeare, Samuel Ayscough - 1807 - 578 Seiten
...facility, that sometimes it was necessary he should be stop" ped: Sufflaminandtis era/, as Augustus said of Haterius. His wit was in his own " power :...it had been so too ! Many times he fell into those tilings " which could not escape laughter ; as when he said in the person of Qesar, oun " speaking... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1809 - 394 Seiten
...facility, that sometimes it ' was necessary he should be stopped : Stifflaminandui erat, as -Augustus said of Haterius. His wit was in his own power; '...to him, ' Caesar thou dost me wrong.' " He replied : ' C<esar did never wrong, but with just cause.' " and such like, which were ridiculous. But he redeemed... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1809 - 390 Seiten
...facility, that sometimes it " was necessary he should be stopped: Sujflaminundus erat, as "Augustus said of Haterius. His wit was in his own power; "would...escape laughter; as when he said " in the person of Ca'sar, one speaking to him, ' Ca'sar thou dost me wrong.' "He replied: ' Caesar did never wrong, but... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1810 - 444 Seiten
...cility, that sometimes it was necessary he should be « stopped : Svfflaminandus erat, as Augustus said of « Haterius. His wit was in his own power...he « fell into those things which could not escape laugh« ter ; as when he said in the person of Csesar, one « speaking to him, " Caesar, thou dost... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1810 - 436 Seiten
...fa" cility, that sometimes it was necessary he should be " stopped : Sufflaminandus erat, as Augustus said of " Haterius. His wit was in his own power :...he « fell into those things which could not escape laugh« ter ; as when he said in the person of Cssar, one " speaking to him, " Csesar, thou dost me... | |
 | Ben Jonson, William Gifford - 1816 - 462 Seiten
...that facility, that sometimes it was necessary he should be stopped : Sufflaminandus erat, as Augustus said of Haterius. His wit was in his own power, would...been so too. Many times he fell into those things, could ndt escape laughter : as when he said in the person of Caesar, one speaking to him, " Caesar... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1817 - 350 Seiten
...facility, that some" times it was necessary he should be stopped : Sitffiam" inandus erat, as Augustus said of Haterius. His wit was " in his own power ;...escape laughter ; as when he said in the person of " Cssar, one. speaking to him, " Czsar did never wrong, bat with just cause ;* *' and such like, which... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1821 - 668 Seiten
...facility, that sometimes it was necessary he should " be stopped : Sufflaminandus erat, as Augustus said of " Haterius. His wit was in his own power;...said in the person of Caesar, one speaking to him, 4 Caesar, thou dost me wrong.' " He replied : ' Caesar did never wrong, but with just cause.' " and... | |
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