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April, 1509.

hyr and hyr younge infanta, and there sche contynwythe wythe a smal cumpany of servantys abowte hyr excepte Mo[nsen]. Ferrer and such Arragonesys as hyt plesythe the kynge hyr fader, and the bysschop of Malaga and the bysschop of Mondonedo; the whych bysschoppys be there for a countenance, but they speke not wythe the qwyn, nor to no man except Monsen. Ferrer. And hyt plese yowr grace, thys Tordeselyas ys the place where that the sayd qwynys grandame contynwyd and was kepyd many yerys after the deces of hyr kynge don John of Castyl, the sayd qwyne not beynge in hyr parfyte mynd; and so leke wyse thys qwyn ys leke for to be there keyped for the terme of hyr life. And hyr late kyngys corse not beynge beryed, by cause that the pepyle maye derecte2 the les dyscreschyon in the sayd qwyn, thys land nowe beynge perforce fully obedyent unto the kynge of Aragon; and also the sayd kynge dayli usythe meanys for to have the astatys retaynyd unto hym. The cunde de Cabra ys cleryd and qwyteyd ayent the kynge by the leanyd cownsel of the land, and on the syxtyn day of thys monythe of Apryel, so that the sayd cunde may goe home into hys cuntraye. And hyt plese your grace, the markes de Plego ys sent fore and ys comeynge to thys corte, and hyt ys sayed that the kynge wyl pardon hym and restore the sayd markes to hys onure, offycys and landys.

And acordeynge unto the conmandament of yowr hyghnys y do and have conforteyd suche as that by 3 the prynce of Castyllys fryndys here, that they schuld persever in theyr good myndys towardys the prynce of Castyl. And hyt plese yowr grace, they saye that they wole so gladly do, howe be that hyt ys and schalbe, they

1 She lived the rest of her life there and died at Tordesillas in 1555 (Gomara," Annals," ed. Merriman, p. 154).

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149 saye, to theyr utterly dysstruxschyons, in as muche as April, that the prynce comythe not nor ambassaturs from themperowr, nor from yowr grace and the sayd prynce for to se suche order taken that thys land be not dyspoylyd and the pryncys fryndys dysstroyed. For the defaute of suche order by your hyзghnys and themperowr not taken at lengythe, thys land schalbe impoveryschyd and they to be dysstroyed, or els for to abayse theym selfe, for to take the kynge of Arragons parte, the costys of the whyche ambassaturys here after my3ghte be payed of the revenwys of Castyl. Y se not, and hyt plese your grace, but that there schalbe non other provysyon of conforte hether yn the prynce of Castyl behalfe. Yowr grace schal understand that the cardynal of Toledo ys at Cartajena, were, by the kynge of Arragons conmandament and by the said cardynalys provysyon, there ys an armey assembelyd of fyve or [sy]x thowsand . . . es... [th]e sayd cardynal wyl pay into the Barbary ayent the Morys; and some saye that he wyl to Rome and other twoo thowsand men schal by al thys monythe schyp at Valencya, the whyche schal pas yn to the reame of Napulys.

Of late by my sundry letters I have wretyn unto yowr hy3ghnys for to be socurryd wyth more money for myn exspences for my grete nescessyte and danger of borowynge that y contenualli am in here; the whyche my trust ys that hyt be al redy remembreyd and provydeyd by yowr graschyust conmandament by fore thys day, otherwyse y [may not] leve here like the servant of yowr most excelente grace oute of the danger of evyl sayers. And hyt plese your grace, that by ani thynge that y can understand that hyt ys apoynteyd or schalbe that the cunde of Syfwentys, that ys presedent of the counsayle here, or the bysschop of Canarya, schal

April, 1509.

cum for ambassatur unto your grace. The delyverrance of the qwyn of Arragon of chyld, and hyt plese your grace, ys ourely lo[kyd] for to be, and of a swerty the qwyn of Castyl ys sore seke and yn grete jober [dy of] hyr lyf. Of the whyche [and] al other thyngys y schal hereafter make the certefycathe unto yowr hy3ghnys wythe the greteyst delygencys to my power by the grace of the Holy Gost, who preserve yowr royalyst astate long for to endure. Wreyn yn Valadalyd on the syx and twenty day of Apryel, the fowr and twent yere of your nobyllyst reygne, by the most humyl and faytheful servant to yowr grace.

Verryly, and hyt plese yowr grace, by the lytel hast that the kynge of Arragon makeythe yn the sendeynge of hys ambassators towardys yowr hyзghnys acordeynge to hys sayeynge to me that he ys not so wel myndyd towardys yowr hy3ghnys as hyt were of reson reqwysyte consydorynge yowr grete alyancys, after my pore mynd.

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