Abbildungen der Seite

Rebecha Borand



Bouingdon Hur Bosch 1708




Containing the Old

Teftament and the New.

Newly tranflated out of the Originall
Tongues: and with the former tran-
flations diligently compared
and revised.

By his Majesties speciall


Printed by R. Y. Printer to the
KINGS moft excellent



Anno Dom. 1637.

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TO THE MOST HIGH AND MIGHTY PRINCE,IAMES by the grace of God King of great Britane, France,& Ireland, Defender of the Faith,&c.The Tranflators of the Bible, wish Grace,Mercy,and Peace, through IE SVS CHRISTour Lord.

Reat and manifold vvere the bleßings (most dread Soueraigne) vobich Almighty God,the Father of all mercies, bestowed upon us the people of England, when firft hee sent your Maiefties Royall person to rule d reigne over us. For vvheras it was the expectation of many, whov rished not vvel unto our Sion, that upon the setting of that bright Occidental Starre. Queene Elizabeth of moft happie memory, fome shicke and palpable clouds of darkenes vvould so haue ouershadovved this land, that men should have been in doube which vay they vvere to vvalke, & that it should hardly be knovvne, vvho v vas to direct the unfeiled State: the appearance of your Maiefie, as of the Sun in bis frength, inftantly dispelled those fuppofed and surmised mistes, and gaue unto all that vere vvell affected, exceeding cause of comfort: effecially when ve behold the gouernment established in your Highneffe, & your hopefull Seed, by an undoubted Title, and this also accompanied with peace and tranquillity at home and abroad.

Bust amongst all our loyes, there was no one that more filled our hearts, then the sleffed continuance of the preaching of Gods facred vvord amongst us,vvhich is that iweft im able treasure, vvhich excelleth all the riches of the earth, because the fruit thereof extendeth it selfe, not onely to the time spent in this transitory vuorid, but diretteth and defpofeth men unto that eternall happines vvhich is aboue in heauen. Then not to fuffer this to fall to the ground but rather to take it up. & to continuė it in that ftate,vvherein the famous predeceffour of your Highneffe did leane it: nay to goe far vard with the confidence i refolution of a man in maintaining the trueth of Christ and propagating it farre and neere, is that which hath so bound & firmely. knit the hearts of all your Maiesties loyall and religious people unto you, that your very Name is precious among them, their eyz doeth behold you with comfort, they bleffe you in their hearts, as that fanctified person, vvho under God, is the immediate authour of their true happinesse. And this their contentment doeth not diminish or decay, but every day encreaseth & taketh firength, when they obferue that the zeale of your Maiestie tovvards the house of God, doeth not flacke or goe backenvard, but is more and more kindled, manifefting it felfe abroad in the furthest part of Christendome by vvriting in defence of the trueth (which hath giuen fuch a blow untothat man of Sinne, as vill not be healed) & euery day at home,by Religious & learned difcourfe, by frequenting the house of God by hearing the word preached, by cherishing the teachers thereof, by caring for the Church as a moft tender & louing nourcing


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There are finitie arguments of this right Christian and Religious affection in your Majestie: but none is more forcible to declare it to others, then the vehement and per petuated defire ef the accomplishing and publishing of this wvorke, vvhich no with al humilitie v ve refen unto your Maieftie. For vvhen your Highnesse had once out of deepe judgment apprehended hour convenient it vras.The out of the Original fared tongues, together with comparing of the Labour:, both in our ovvne & other forreigne Languages, of many worthy men vuho vvent before us, there should be one more exait Tranflation of the Holy Scriptures into the English tongue; your Maietie did never defift, to urge and to excite those to whom it was commended, that the varke might be haftened, and that the businesse might be expedited in so decent a maner, as a matter of fuch importance might inffly require.

And novy at last, by the mercy of God the continuance of our Labours,it being brought unto fuch a conclufion, as that we have great hope that the Church of England.hell reape good fruit thereby : vve hold it our duety to offer it to your Maiestie, not onely as to our King and Sovereigne, but as to the principall mover and Authour of the Worke. Humb') craving of your most sacred Maieflie, that fince things of thie quality have ever beene fubiect to the cenfures of ill meaning & difcontented persons, it may receive approbation & Patronage from fo learned and indicions a Prince as your Highneffe is, vrbose allovvance acceptance of your Labours, shal more honour and encourage us, then all the calumniations and hard interpretation of other mem shall difmay us. So that, if on the en: fide vvi shallbe traduced by Popish perfons aɛ home or abroad whetherfore will maligne us,because vve are joore Instruments to mane Gods holy Trueth to be yet more and mor knowven unto the people,vrom shop defire til to keepe in ignorance and darkeneffe; or if on the other fde vwe shall be

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