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elected minister of the place, three sermons were | Rev, J. Phillips gave a brief history of the school, preached on Sunday, March 23rd, two by the and addresses of a most interesting and suitable Rey. Thomas Horton, of Devonport, and one by kind were delivered by the mayor, Mr. Cooper, the Rev. Dr. Etheridge ; and a public tea meet and Rev. 'Messrs. Radburn, Jas. Ewence, M. ing was held on the following Monday evening, in Philpin, G. Hiņds, and T. James. the Council Chamber, kindly lent for the occasion.

RYDB, ISLE OF WIGHT.--On Thursday, March About 200 persons were present; and after tea a

20th, the foundation stone of a new Baptist Con. public meeting was held, which was fully attended, W. H. Bond, Esq., took the chair, and a statement

gregational Chapel was laid in Ryde, Isle of Wight,

The Baptists, under the able ministry of the Rev. of the financial account was made by Mr. Parkyn, the treasurer ; after which addresses were delivered

J. B. Little, who has been the pastor of the church by the Rev. T. Wilshire, of Penzance, Rev. J.

for nearly three years, have been increasing in Walcot, of Falmouth, Rev. T. Horton, of Devon.

numbers, year by year, until they now find their port, John Freeman, Esq., of Falmouth, Rev. T.

present chapel utterly incapable of affording suffi.

cient accommodation. Under these circumstances Bonser, B.A., Independent, Rev. 8. Jones, Me

vigorous efforts have been made by both pastor thodiet New Connexion, and Rev. Mr. Reeves, United Free Methodist. Great interest was felt

and people ; a most eligible site has been pro, in the proceedings, and, at the suggestion of the

cured; and the building has been commenced

under the most encouraging auspices. On the Rev. T. Horton, which was seconded by the Rev.

above day Sir S. Morton Peto, Bart., M.P., laid T. Bonsor, in a spirited appeal, and supported by Mr. Freeman, a special effort was made for the

the foundation stone ; and in the evening a public

tea took place, at which Sir Morton presided. removal of some considerable portion of the re

Addresses were delivered by the chairman, and by maining debt.

the Revs. J. H. Cooke, J. Davis, and J. Kitching, EYTHORNE, KENT.-In connection with the Bap of Portsmouth; the Revs. J. A. Spurgeon and A. tist cause in this place, which had been in existence | Hudson, of Southampton; Rev. A. C. Gray, of more than half a century when the Act of Uni. Newport; Rev. T. Morris, and the Rev. J. B. formity was passed in 1662, interesting services Little. Dr. Wavell, J.P., of Newport, also ad. were held on Good Friday, that being the day on dressed the meeting. It is expected that the build. which for generations the members have held their ing will be completed in August next. annual church meeting, and also the anniversary of the recognition of the present pastor. The

BRISTOL.-The recognition servioes in connection Church meeting was held in the morning. In the

with the settlement of the Rev. R. P. Macmaster afternoon the Rev. Charles Stovel, of London,

as minister of Counterslip Chapel, Bristol, were preached a characteristically beautiful sermon from

held on Wednesday, April '9th. At the morning John xvi. 26, 27. In the evening, the Rev. W.

service the devotional exercises were conducted by Garwcod, of Deal, gave an address on “Christian

the Revg. E. Probert, G. Wood, and Dr. Gotch, Brotherhood;" the Rev. B. C. Etheridge, of

and the Rev. C. Vince, of Birmingham, preached Ramegete, and the Rev. J. T. Bartram, of Deal

an impressive and beautiful sermon to a large and (Independent), on “ The Nonconformists of 1662;"

interested congregation. In the afternoon twentyand the Rey, D. Jones, B.A., of Folkestone, on

five of the Nonconformist ministers of the city, “ Fidelity to Conscience.” The Rev. C. Kirtland,

and the deacons of Counterslip, dined together, of Canterbury, was also present, and the Rev. Dr.

and gave Mr. Macmaster & most cordial and Hillier, of Sandwich (Independent), closed with

brotherly welcome to their city, and their ministerial prayer. It was felt that both the time and place

society. In the evening 900 persons sat down to tea were suitable for such themes. All the addresses,

in the Broadmead room. After tea the room became that of Mr. Jones especially, proved the possibility

crowded in every part, and a public meeting was held, of combining true Catholicity with rigid Noncon.

presided over by S. Leonard, Esq., and addressed by formity. Mr. Jones stated that he had had the

the Revs. H. Quick (Independent), J. Glendenning pleasure of hearing an excellent sermon in the

(Independent), N. Haycroft, c. Vince, J. Penny, morning by an Evangelical minister of the Esta

M. Dickie (United Presbyterian), and 'R. P. Macblished Church, the Rev. Mr. Marston, of Dover,

master. The addresses were of an interesting and albeit he was there to deliver an address on “Fi

practical character, and full of the warmest condelity to Conscience" that evening. Upwards of

gratulations to the new pastor and the large 400 persons partook of tea between the services,

church over wbich he has been called to preside. the tables baving been gratuitously supplied by LEIGA, LANCASHIRE -A pleasant service was ladies of the congregation. It being an auspicious held in this ancient and now rapidly enlarging day, large numbers were present from surrounding town, on Monday evening, the 14th inst., at which towns and villages.

the Rev. W. F. Burchell, of Blackpool, presided. ASTWOOD BANK, WORCESTERSHIRE.--The Sun After a lucid address on the constitution, princiday-school connected with the Baptist Chapel ples, and objects of a Christian Church, by the having been established three-quarters of a century, Rev. W. B. Birtt, the newly settled minister at special commemorative services were held on Sun. Atherton, Wm. Hayes, Esq., read a statement day, April 6th. The Rev. M. Philpin, of Alcester, setting forth the providential circumstances which preached in the morning from I Cor. iii. 6; in the led to the holding of the present meeting, for the afternoon, the Rev. J. Phillips, pastor of the purpose of forming such a confederacy. Mr. Burchurch, addressed the parents, scholars, and

chell having referred to their proposed doctrinal teachers, and then presented each teacher and basis of union, and elicited a public expression of scholar with a memorial card, neatly embossed, their mutual wishes, formed twenty-five persons and bearing a lithographed view of the chapel and into a church, and, having given to them the right school-rooms, and an inscription. In the even. hand of fellowship, commended them in special ing, the Rev. J. Phillips preached. On the follow prayer to the Saviour's grace and care. The Rev. ing Wednesday upwards of 300 persons partook of Mr. Turner, the venerable pastor of one of the tes in the spacious school-rooms, after which the Independent churches at Hindley, having offered Mayor of Birmingham (H. Manton, Esq.), a the newly organised community some kind and zealous Sunday-school superintendent, took the salutary counsels, the solemnities of the evening chair, ably supported by F. A. Cooper, Esq., of were concluded by the celebration of the Lord's Birmingham, another devoted superintendent. The supper.

TORQUAY, DEVON.- At two o'clock on Tuesday, I Bow, MIDDLESEX.--The Rev. W.P. Balfern has, March 25th, the foundation stone of a new Baptist on account of ill-health, been compelled to resign Chapel (for the Church under the pastorate of the the pastorate in this place. The Rev. C. J. Middle. Rev. J. Kings) was laid in the St. Mary church ditch, secretary of the Baptist Irish Society, having road, Torquay. After singing and prayer, by the

been invited to the pastoral office, has, with the Rev. T. C. Page, of Plymouth, an able introduc concurrence of the committee, accepted the invitatory address was delivered by J. C. Parry, Esq., tion, and will enter on his new sphere of ministerial of Delhi, who afterwards laid the foundation stone labour on the first Lord's-day in May. Mr. Middle. in the usual way. The Rev. E. Webb, of Tiverton, ditch will continue his connection with the Irish also gave an admirable address. The people then Mission, the operations of which are now carried adjourned to the chapel, and the Rev. T. C. Page, on with great success; but as be will not be able of Plymouth, preached an excellent sermon from

to undertake the deputational work bitherto dig. 1 Corinthians iïi. 11. In the evening, 400 people charged by him, the pecuniary arrangements of the partook of tea at the Union Hall, after which ad. Society hare been so modified as to provide for dresses were delivered. Mr. James Brown, jun., this without injury to its funds. took the chair. The Rev. W. W. Laskey (of

PLAISTOW, West Ham, Essex.-A small chapel Brixham), F. Pearce (of Newton), C. Willis and

has been taken and opened in this rapidly growing W. Elkin (of Torquay), E. Webb, J. Kings, F.

district by the Baptist Church, Cotton-street, Thomas, and Mr. Coombs, and J. C. Parry, Esq.,

Poplar. On Sunday, April 13, two sermons were took part in the meeting. The contemplated cost

preached, that in the afternoon by the Rev. B. of the new building is £2,500.

Preece. that in the evening by Mr. H. James. DOWNEND, NBAR BRISTOL.-Services of an in

On the following Tuesday & public meeting was

held, Harper Twelvetrees, Esq., in the chair. Adteresting character were held on Monday, March

dresses were given by the Revs. G. E. Startup, and 17th, at Downend, near Bristol, in connection with

B. Preece, Messrs. Davis, Banks, M'Collin, Lester, the opening of a new and spacious school-room, adjoining the Baptist chapel. There was a tea

G.James, and J. Cumming. The prospects of sucmeeting in the new building at five o'clock, at

cess are very encouraging. which about 200 friends sat down, followed by a

MINISTERIAL CHANGES..The Rev. J. Baines, public meeting in the chapel later in the evening.

of Wellington, Somerset, has been compelled, by Handel Cossham, Esq., presided, and after prayer

the failure of his health, to relinquish the pastorate by the Rev. J. Hall, of Fisb punds, and a statement

of the Baptist Church in that town, which he has of the financial position by the Rev. W. Evans

beld for more than forty-one years.-The Rev. W. the pastor, the meeting was effectively addressed

Chapman, having resigned his pastorate over the by the chairman, and the Revs. E. Probert, H. Baptist Church, Longford, near Coventry, after Quick, and R. Morris, of Bristol. The entire cost of nearly twenty years' successful ministry, has erection was cleared off before the meeting closed.

accepted an invitation from the Baptist Church, The memory of the late John Foster, the essayist,

Melbourne, Derbyshire, and is expected to comand once the minister of the chapel, was intimately mence his labours there on the first Lord's-day in associated with the erection of this building.

June.-Mr. John Morgan, of Pontypool College.

has accepted the invitation of the Church at St. HATCH BEAUCHAMP, SOMERSET.-Interesting ser. Bride's, near Newport, Monmouthshire.-The Rev. vices connected with the recognition of the Rev. E. W. C. Fifield has resigned the pastorate of the Curtis (late of Rawden College), as pastor of the

Church in Branch-road, Blackburn, and will finish church meeting in the above place of worship, were his labourg there shortly.--Mr. Thomas Fisk, of held on Wednesday, April 9th. A portion of the Baptist College, Bristol, bas accepted the Scripture was read, and prayer offered by the Rev. unanimous invitation of the Baptist Church, M. Hudson, of Southampton. The Rev. J. Price, Union-street, Kidderminster, and purposes to of Montacute, delivered an appropriate address to commence his work the firet Sunday in May --The the pastor, and invoked the Divine blessing upon Rev. John R. S. Harrington, of Bristol College. bis future labours. The Rev. E. Edwards, of has accepted the invitation of the Church meetiog Chard, then gave an able address to the church, in Broad-street Chapel, Ross, Hereford, and will from 1 Thess. iii. 8. At five o'clock upwards of 120 enter upon his duties early in May.--The Rev. persons sat down to tea. At half past six a public James Bury, of Manchester, has accepted the inmeeting was held, at which the Rev. J. Price pre vitation of the Church at Colne, Lancashire.-In sided. After prayer by the Rev, S. Hallett, of Blind. compliance with a memorial from the Church moor, and a few introductory remarks from the meeting in the Tabernacle, Edinburgh, their chairman, the meeting was addressed by the Revs. pastor, the Rev. Wm. Tulloch, has withdrawn his M. Hudson, R. Green, of Taunton, T. Tucker, of resignation, and agreed to remain with them. Hemyock, Í. Young, of Creech, E. Edwards, E.

The Rev. Tbomas Crow has resigned the pastorate Curtis, and Mr. T. Young, of Chard.

of the Church at Hatfield, Herts, -Mr. John

Thomas, of Pontypool College, has accepted the LANCASTER.-The want of a Baptist Church in invitation of the Church at Llandudno, North this town has long been a source of regret, and the Wales.The Rev. Thomas Brooks, of Bourton-onway to establish one has seemed a difficulty all but the-Water, has accepted an invitation from the insurmountable till within a few months past, when Church in Thames-street, Wallingford, and entered a handful of working men met together for mutual on his ministry the first Lord's-day in March. consultation, and prayer for Divine guidance, and, Mr. T. H. Jones, of Pontypool College, bas in the name of the Lord, determined to set about accepted an invitation from the Church at Tetbury. the work as vigorously as their means and circum and will enter upon his duties towards the end stances would allow. On the 30th of March last. of May.-The Rev. R. Shindler, late of Matfield the opening services took place in the Upper As Chapel, Brenchley, Kent, has accepted a call to sembly Room, when the Rev. F. Bugby, of Preg. the Baptist Church, Modbury, Deven, and has ton, delivered two powerful sermons to numerous entered upon his labours there. The Rev. Phillip and attentive audiences. Since then the Rev. T. Gast having supplied tbe pulpit at Spencer-place Bentley, of Rawden College, the Rev. W. F. Baptist Chapel, Gogwell-rond, for the last six Burchell, of Blackpool, and the Rev. R. Webb, of months, was at a recent Church meeting unani. Preston, have preached.

| mously invited to become their pastor,


“Built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jegus Christ himself being the

chief corner-stone."

JUNE, 1862.


CHAP. V.- BISHOPS AND PRESBYTERS MILITANT. Let us look a little more closely at the men who played a conspicuous part in “the passage of arms” known as the Savoy Conference, and in the other eccle. siastical strifes of this period. They naturally divide themselves into two groups. On the one hand we have the prelates contending for a tyrannous and unnatural uniformity; on the other, the Puritan, i.e., Presbyterian divines, contending for supremacy of conscience and freedom of worship.

Let the bishops have the precedence. Of these, GILBERT SHELDON claims our first regard. Before the Civil War broke out, Sheldon was chaplain to the Earl of Coventry, and even then won reputation as a man “well versed in politics.” At the Restoration he was made Bishop of London; and soon afterwards, on the death of Juxon, Archbishop of Canterbury. For this rapid promotion he was indebted to his defects no less than his virtues. Crafty and sagacious, rather than wise ; courteous, but not sincere ; lavish, and yet illiberal; a schismatic, though a Churchman; a bishop, and yet neither a scholar nor a theologian; "well versed in politics,” but not a statesman; a bigot, yet lacking personal piety ;-he was by no means unlikely to rise to power in a faithless licentious age, under a king whose winning affability was the cloak of both sensuality and superstition, and in the service of a party bent on substituting uniformity in the letter of religion for the freedom and manifoldness of spiritual life. Here is his portrait painted by a contemporary, himself a bishop. Burnet writes“Sheldon was esteemed a learned man before the wars, but he was now engaged so deep in politics, that scarcely any prints of what he had been remained. He was a very dexterous man in business, had a great quickness of apprehension, and a very true judgment. He was a generous and charitable man. He had a great pleasantness of conversation, perhaps too great. He had an art that was peculiar to him, of treating all that came to him in a most obliging manner, but few depended much on his professions of friendship. He seemed not to have a deep sense of religion, if any at all; and spoke of it, most commonly, as of an engine of government, and a matter of policy. By this means the King came to look on him as a wise and honest clergyman.”

Here is another picture of him, also painted by a contemporary, a sound Churchman in his way, though no bishop:On May 14th, 1669, Pepys dined at Lambeth, and makes this entry in his diary : “A noble house, and well furnished with good pictures and furniture, and noble attendance and good order, and a great deal of company though an ordinary day; and exceeding great cheer, nowhere better, or so much, that ever I think I saw for an ordinary table..... Most of the company gone, and I going ; I heard by a gentleman of a sermon

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that was to be there, and so I stayed to hear it, thinking it serious ; till, by and by, the gentleman told me it was a mockery, by one Cornet Bolton, a very gentleman-like man, that behind a chair did pray and preach like a Presbyter Scot, with all the possible imitation in grimaces and voice, and his text about the hanging up their harps upon the willows; and a serious good sermon, too, exclaiming against bishops, ..... till it made us all burst. But I did wonder to have the bishop at this time to make himself sport with things of this kind : but I perceive it was shown him as a rarity, and he took care to have the roomdoor shut; but there were about twenty gentlemen there."

Sheldon, though the moving spirit of his party, took no very prominent part in the discussions of the Conference. The most forward debater was BISHOP MORLEY, who, as our readers will remember, came over from Breda before the Restoration, and by his promises that “all former offences and animosities should be forgiven; that there should be henceforth meekness, charity, moderation,” won over the leading Presbyterians to the King's side. These promises made by Morley the agent, were forgotten by Morley the bishop. Referring to the Savoy Conference, Baxter says, that “hë (Morley) was the chief speaker of all the bishops, and the greatest interrupter of us, vehemently going on with what he thought serviceable to his end, and bearing down answers by the said fervour and interruptions.” For “meekness” there was pride ; for “ charity," bigotry; for “ moderation," vehemence. It is not the first time, nor the last, however, that the bishop has belied the promise of the man; and, with all his faults, one cannot help having a kindness for Morley, if only for his intimacy with some of those whose names stand high on the roll of our English worthies. In his younger days he was known as “one of Ben Jonson's sons,"-no slight claim to respect; and, through life, he was held in admiration for his brilliant wit. Chillingworth, too, was his friend ; and Waller, the poet; and Falkland, the pure-minded patriot; and Clarendon, the writer and statesman, to whose daughter Anne--afterwards consort to James II.-Morley had acted as confessor and spiritual guide from girlhood. Burnet describes him as pious and charitable, but passionate and full of obstinacy. Before the Civil War broke out he was thought to favour the Puritans ; and as he grew older he grew more tolerant, speaking of John Dod, his old tutor, a noted Puritan divine, as "an honest man, who is now in heaven," and showing himself averse to deal harshly with the ejected ministers and their followers. Of him the story is told that, talking with one of the ousted ministers, he asked him why he did not conform. The minister replied that he could not give his assent and consent to all and everything contained in the Prayer Book. “Ah, but,” replied the bishop, “ you must not philosophise upon the words ' assent' and 'consent’; no more was intended than that the person so declaring intended to read the book; and, therefore, if you would make the declaration in the words prescribed in the Act, and then say that thereby you mean no more than that you would read the Common Prayer, I would admit you into a living.” Of him, too, the following incident is recorded :-“The zealous mayor of some country town, desiring to distinguish himself during his year of office, consulted the bishop as to what method he should take, "effectually to root out the “fanatics.” The bishop politely ordered a glass of canary. The mayor repeated his question, to which the bishop gave no particular answer, but ordered another glass of canary. Again and again the mayor put the question, and each time a glass of canary was ordered ; at last, when the company who had been present had withdrawn, the venerable bishop, for he was now grown old, gravely advised the mayor 'to let these people live quietly, in many of whom he was satisfied there was the true fear of God, and who were not likely to be gained by rigour and severity.'"

After Morley, GUNNING, Bishop of Chichester, and afterwards of Ely, was the most active debater of the prelatical party. “He stuck at nothing,” says Baxter,

" and spoke most frequently of all.” This was he who engaged Baxter in logical duel during the closing days of the Conference--the two“ most unfit to heal matters, and the fittest to widen them.” How true this verdict was, at least of Gunning and for very different reasons it was equally true of Baxter-is evident from the merest glance at the portrait of him, again from an Episcopal brush, in Burnet's gallery. Of Dr. Gunning, Bishop Burnet affirms, “that he used all the arts of sophistry in as confident a manner as if they had been sound reasoning; that he was unweariedly active to very little purpose ; and, being very fond of Popish rituals and ceremonies, he was much set on reconcil. ing the Church of England to Rome.” It was not very likely that a Papistical sophist and a metaphysical hair-splitting Presbyterian would “heal any differences of opinion which had obtained in the Conference. Pedantic, ascetic, persecuting, Gunning awakens no lenient after-thought. Nor did any afterthought of wisdom or truth awaken in his heart. He was a persecutor to the end of his days, and in his theological zeal sometimes forgot his dignity. On one occasion he challenged all Digsenters to a public controversy, appointing three days for the disputation. On the first day he dealt with the Presbyterians and Independeuts; on the second, with the Baptists ; on the third, with the Quakers, who had collected in such numbers, and railed at him so effectually, that he retreated to his palace, followed by a multitude of people who plucked at his sleeve, crying, “The hireling fleeth! the hireling fleeth!" He would go to the meetings of Dissenters to break them up, and once sat on the bench of magistrates at the Quarter Sessions, expecting some Dissenters to be fined; but the chairman would inflict no fine, saying to the bishop, “If we would have good neighbours, we must be such ourselves.”

Cosin, Bishop of Durham, who proposed, as a method of ending the controversy, “putting the complainers upon distinguishing between things charged as sinful and things inexpedient,” could hardly have come to the Conference un. prejudiced. His ecclesiastical views had always been of the highest and strictest sort. Prebendary of Durham and Dean of Peterborough when the war broke out, he had offended the Puritans by his rigid adherence to the forms and ceremonies of the Church. Of all men he was most obnoxious to them, and the first to suffer in their brief day of triumph. Expelled from his preferments, and for a time, at least, an exile from his native land, he came back at the Res. toration, we may be sure, with no prepossession in favour of the Puritans. Yet, at the Savoy Conference, he met his opponents with a grave courtesy, and showed a disposition to concede to their scruples, which did him infinite honour, and which won from them the acknowledgment that he was “a prelate of great integrity, how high soever his notions of ecclesiastical polity.” A man of lofty, generous temper, who kept high state in the Durham Palace, living, says Pepys, “ more like a prince of this, than a preacher of the other, world,” he was yet learned, clement, devout. On more than one occasion he treated the ejected ministers with consideration, seeking to win them back to the Church, or rebuking the insolence of their clerical revilers. To the minister of Bishop's Auckland he offered private ordination in a form to which many Presbyterians did not object, if he would only conform. “ When Dr. Cartwright took occasion, in the presence of Bishop Cosins, to reflect upon Mr. Lomax, a Nonconformist minister, which was at that time very customary, the bishop said to him, ‘Doctor, hold your tongue; for, to my certain knowledge, John Lomax is a learned man.'' In his will these words occur: “I take it to be my duty, and that of all the bishops and ministers of the Church, to do our utmost endeavour, that at last an end may be put to the differences of religion, or, at least, that they may be lessened."

Dr. John PEARSON, afterwards Bishop of Chester, was the most eminent for learning and intellectual mastery of the Episcopal divines who appeared at the Conference. A thorough Churchman, as witness his " Exposition of the Creed,"

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