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twenty or thirty fhot in her hull, mafts, or rigging. However, the admiral faid, he fhould have been able to proceed to fea again in twenty-four hours, had there been a neceffity for fo doing. The Englifh found their fafety in their own bravery and fpirit, and by driving the enemy from their works with the brifkness of their fire. The garrifon having once abandoned their batteries, were fafe in the extraordinary height and thickness of their walls; for all their ramparts, not hewn out of the folid rock, were built of maffy ftone, at least ten feet in length, laid edgeways; fo that the greatest weight of metal made no impreffion, and would never have effected a breach therefore, it is evident that the garrifon was fubdued by the terror of fo unusual a fire.

THERE were found in the place 200 pieces of cannon, and fix brass mortars; with a great quantity of ammunition, military and naval ftores of all kinds; befides money and effects to the value of 125,000l. which were divided among the captors, without any reserve either for the nation or the company. Angria's fleet was entirely deftroyed: thefe were eight grabs and one fhip, with a great number of gallivats; as alfo two large fhips upon the stocks, one of which was to carry forty guns.

ABOUT 2000 people were made prifoners, among whom were Angria's wife and two children; his mother, brother, and admiral, whom Mr. Watson treated with the utmoft clemency. When he entered Angria's palace, the family appeared, making a grand falam, or reverential bending of their bodies, touching the floor with their faces, and ftreaming tears from their eyes; which was a moving fcene to all the fpectators. The admiral comforted the prifoners by many marks of tendernefs, and told them they were under his protection. They made another falam, and Angria's mother addreffed his conqueror in these terms: "The people

people have no prince; I have no fon; my daughter has no husband; nor these children any father. The admiral answered, he would be their father: upon which, the youngest boy, about fix years of age, feized the admiral's hand, and fobbing faid, "Then you shall be my father." It overpowered the heart of that gallant man, who fhed tears on this occafion, and took the children with him to bombay but Angria, who was then thirty-five years of age, remained with the Morattoes, and the reft of his family continued under the protection of the English at Geriah.

THERE were fix Englishmen, two Scotchmen, and three Dutchmen, found prifoners in the fort, who were happily released from flavery. While the fleet were employed in taking the plunder on board, the Morattoes fent detachments to fummon feveral other forts, which furrendered without making any resistance: thus, in less than a month, they got poffeffion of all the territories wrefted from them by Angria's predeceffors, and of which they had for seventy years despaired of ever being able to recover.

ADMIRAL Watson left 300 of the company's European troops, and as many fepoys, in garrifon at Geriah; he also stationed four of the company's armed veffels in the harbor, for the defence of the place, as it was judged to be very tenable, and extremely well fituated for the advantage of the company. In the beginning of April, the fleet returned to Bombay, where the admiral repaired his squadron: He failed from thence on the 28th of April, and arrived at Madrafs on the 12th of May; after having totally annihilated the power of Angria on the coast of Malabar.

THE fuccefs of the English on this coast, was greatly checkered with their loffes in other parts of India. Fresh troubles arofe in Arcot between the

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Nabob and the fubordinate governors; as also between the viceroy of the Deckan and the French; while the English company were deprived of all their fettlements on the coaft of Bengal.


M. Bussy is difmiffed the fervice of SALABATZING ; be retires with the FRENCH troops from GOLCONDA; and fortifies himself at HYDRABAD. Salabatzing applies to the prefidency of MADRASS for affiftance; which is granted; but prevented by the unhappy fituation of the ENGLISH affairs in BENGAL. The state of affairs on the coast of COROMANDEL, in 1756.


INCE the proclamation of the truce, M. Buffy had been conftantly employed near the perfont of Salabatzing; fometimes accompanying him in expeditions in the field, at others refiding with him at Golconda, where he entirely influenced his councils. In the expedition which they made to Maiffore, they collected a large fum of money, without committing any hoftilities; for the Maifforeans agreed to pay 5,200,000 rupees, or 650,000l. fterling; befides confiderable presents to the principal officers, among whom M. Buffy had the greatest


AFTER his return from this expedition, Salabatzing remained several months at Golconda; and as the French influence over him was never fo great in a time of tranquility, as when he had occafion for their fervice in the field, fome of the difcontented lords of the court, who were attached to the depofed minifter Seid Lefker Cawn, renewed their intrigues to diminish the viceroy's affection for the French; and even the Duan Shanavas Cawn, wearied by the perpetual reproaches of his country


men for fupporting the intereft of thofe foreigners, turned again and joined that party, by betraying of which he had obtained his poft.

THEIR fcheme was deeply laid; and to fecure the fuccefs of it, they communicated it to Balazerow, the chief of the Morattoes, whom the frequent defeats which he had received from M. Buffy, rendered as defirous as themselves of removing the French troops from the fervice of Salabatzing.

M. Buffy was every day enlarging the valuable and extenfive poffeffions which the French held in the north; and it was apparent that the ufe he had been endeavouring to make of his influence over the viceroy, was to acquire the dominion of all the Deckan. The French made exorbitant demands of poffeffions from Salabatzing, and even required to garrison the fort of Golconda. Ballazerow remonstrated to Salabatzing, the danger and fhame which the influence of a small body of Europeans, thus arrogantly giving law to a great prince, muft bring on his character and government. He then propofed, to march with their united forces against the city of Savanore, the capital of one of the Patan Nabobs, by whofe treachery Nazirzing and Muzapherzing loft their lives. The fucceffor of that Nabob had refused allegiance to Salabatzing, and entered into a defenfive alliance with Morarow, whom Balazerow had regarded as a rebel ever fince he affected to be independent of the Saha Rajah's authority.

SALABATZING Confented to this propofal of Balazerow; and both their armies appeared in the month of March before Savanore. This place is fituated about 200 miles fouth of Golconda, and thirty north-west of Bifnagar: it was ftrongly fortified, and the garrifon was reinforced by Morarow with a great body of Morattoes. However, the operations of M. Buffy foon reduced the Nabob and Morarow to enter into a negociation, and both of

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them made their fubmiffion; Morarow not only to Salabatzing, but alfo to Balazerow.

IMMEDIATELY after this fuccefs, the difcontented lords demanded of Salabatzing to difmifs the French troops, and oblige them to retire to Mafulipatnam. M. Buffy faw the impoffibility of refifting the combination formed against him; and making a merit of neceffity, pretended to be as defirous as his enemies could with him of quitting a fervice fo full of discontent: but his defign was to fecure the provinces which Salabatzing had given the French. He therefore took his leave of the Soubahdar, without any marks of difguft, and marched away with the troops under his command, which were 600 Europeans, with 5000 fepoys, and a fine train of artillery. However, his enemies fufpected his defign, and determined to cut off his troops on their march. Orders were fent to all the Polygars to oppose their paffage, and Balazerow detached 6000 Morattoes to harrafs them; but they marched with little lofs to Hydrabad, where they arrived on the 14th of June.

M. Buffy took poffeffion of a garden which had formerly belonged to the kings of Golconda, determining to keep his poft until he fhould receive fome fuccors from Pondicherry and Mafulipatnam, from which places he was to be joined by 500 men, who were to be landed at Mafulipatnam, from whence they could march to Hydrabad in fifteen days.

SALABATZING prepared to march and attack the French in Hydrabad; and as a furer means of reducing them, difpatched expreffes to the prefidency of Madrass, defiring they would immediately fend a body of troops, to affift him in a fervice in which their own intereft was fo nearly concerned. Nothing could be more acceptable to the prefidency than this invitation; as they defpaired of striking at the French influence in the northern parts of the Deckan,

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