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primō, adv. at first, in the beginning. primum, adv. first, for the first time, at first.

primus, -a, -um, first.

prima via, the first part of the way. primi anni, youth. prīmi vidistis amantes, ye lovers were the first to see. primus hērēs, nearest heir.

princeps, -cipis, adj. [capio] first, chief. Subst. ruler, leader, chief. principium, -1, n. beginning. principio, first.

prior, prius, adj. Comp. sooner, earlier ; former; first (of two). prior vēni, I came first.

priscus, -a, -um, of venerable antiquity, ancient, old-time, of the olden time, former, pristine.

prius, adv. Comp. sooner, earlier, before. prius quam, before.

1. prō, prep. with Abl. before; for, in defense of, in behalf of: for, in return for instead of, in comparison with. prō corpore magnus, large in comparison with the body. ūsum prō mūnere, loan, not a gift.

2. prō, interj. 0.

proavus, -1, m. great-grandfather, ancestor. Pl. forefathers, ancestors. probitas, -ātis, f. honesty, fidelity. probo, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, [probus] test,

prove; approve, approve of, praise. fictum probavit crimen, furnished evidence in support of the trumped-up charge. probor esse, I am proved to be. me probat, esteems me.

prō-cēdo, -ere, -cēssi, -cēssum, go forward, advance.

procella, -ae, f. storm.

procellōsus, -a, -um, stormy, stormbringing.

proceres, -um, m. chiefs, leaders, princes. Procne, -ēs, f. Procne, daughter of the Attic king Pandion and wife of Tereus.

She and her sister Philomela were turned into the swallow and the nightingale for taking vengeance on the wicked Tereus by slaying Itys, the son of Procne and Tereus. According to another account it was the mother of Itys that was changed into the nightingale.

procul, adv. far off, far away, far. procul esse, be far away. prō-cumbo, -ere, -cubui, -cubitum, fall, sink. procus, -1, m. suitor.

prōd-eo, -ire, -ii, -itum, come forth, ap


prodigus, -a, -um, wasteful, prodigal, extravagant. sanguinis et animae prodige, wasteful of blood and life (Gallus committed suicide).

prōditiō, -ōnis, f. treachery, treason.

pro-do, -dere, -didī, -ditum, [dŏ] bring forth, produce, show; disclose; betray; abandon, desert, leave in the lurch.

prō-düco, -ere, -dūxi, -ductum, lead forth, bring forth; ignes ad flammās producera, make the fire blaze. sēmen in aristas prōdūcit, makes ears of grain out of the seed. virum producet, will entice the man.

proelium, -1, n. battle, fight, contest. profāno, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, desecrate. profectō, adv. certainly, surely, truly, in


prō-fero, -ferre, -tuli, -latum, bring forth; stretch out, extend; raise, lift up. prō-ficio, -ficere, -fēcī, -fectum, [facio] accomplish, effect. non proficientia, accomplishing nothing, ineffectual.

profugus, -a, -um, fleeing, ready for flight; exiled, banished. Subst. profugus, exile.

profundus, -a, -um, deep. Subst. profundum, -1, n. the deep, the sea. summō profundo, on the top of the sea. progeniēs, -ēl, f. offspring, progeny, descendant, son, child. Progne Procnē.

pro-hibeo, -ēre, -ui, -itum, hold off, keep off; hinder, prevent. quo prohibentur, from which they are shut out, where they are not admitted.

prō-icio, -icere, -iēcī, -iectum, cast forth,

throw away; banish.

prōlēs, -is, f. offspring; child, son,


Promēthīdēs, -ae, m. son of Prometheus, i.e. Deucalion.

prō-mitto, -ere, -misi, -missum, promise.

prōmissum, -1, n. that which has been prō-sum, prodesse, prōful, avail, be of

promised; promise.

1. promptus, -a, -um, [prōmỗ] ready, at hand. promptum est, it is easy. promptior ad arma, readier to take up



2. promptus, -ūs, m. readiness. promptu est, it is easy. pronepos, -ōtis, m. great-grandchild. prōnus, -a, -um, inclined, descending, sloping downward, precipitous (via); inclined, ready; flat, flat on one's face. prōnus humi, flat on the ground.

propago, -inis, f. shoot (of a vine); offspring, descendant, son.

prope, 1. adv. near, almost. 2. prep. with Acc. near.

propero, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, hasten.

advantage, be useful, help. prodesse in causam, be of advantage in the case. prō-tego, -ere, -tēxi, -tectum, cover, protect.

protervus, -a, -um, violent, boisterous (venti); bold, impudent.

Proteus, -ei, m. Proteus, a sea-god who had the power of assuming various shapes.

protinus, adv. straightway, immediately. prō-venio, -venīre, -vēnī, -ventum, come forth, spring up, arise, appear. provincia, -ae, f. province. proximitās, -ātis, f. nearness; nearness of kin, kinship.

proximus, -a, -um, [prope] nearest, next, very near.

properātus, hasty, too early, untimely, prūdēns, -entis, adj. prudent, cautious,

premature (fāta, death), quickly acquired (glōria).

Propertius, -i, m. Propertius, a famous Roman elegiac poet (49-15 B.c.) somewhat older than Ovid.


prudentia, -ae, f. prudence, wisdom, cunning.

pruina, -ae, f. frost, dew.

pruinōsus, -a, -um, frosty, dewy.

propinquus, -a, -um, near, neighboring, prunum, -1, n. plum.


propior, -us, adj. Comp. [prope] nearer. prō-pōno, -ere, -posui, -positum, set up as a prize (arma); propose, purpose, intend.

propositum, -1, n. intention, purpose, plan. propositum premit, clings to his plan.

propter, prep. with Acc. near; on account of.

prōra, -ae, f. prow, bow (forepart of a ship).

prōrae tūtēla, the officer of the prow. Prōreus, -ei, m. Proreus, a sailor. pro-sequor, -sequi, -secutus sum, accompany, attend, escort.

Proserpina, -ae, f. Proserpina (Persephone), daughter of Ceres, carried off by


prō-specto, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, look forth

upon, look out at (pontum).

prō-spicio, -spicere, -spexi, -spectum, look out, look forward to, look forward at (occasus); examine; see, behold. prō-stituo, -uere, -ui, -ūtum, prostitute (vōcem).

Prytanis, -is, m. Prytanis, a Lycian, slain by Ulysses. psittacus, -I, m. parrot.

publicus, -a -um, public, common, of all, of the state. ad publica commoda,

to the advantage of all. pudet, ere, -uit, cause shame. mē pudet, I am ashamed.

pudicus, -a, -um, modest, virtuous. pudor, -ōris, m. sense of shame, shame, modesty; disgrace, shame. pudōre posito, without shame. digna pudōre, shameful deeds. Personified, Pudor, Modesty.

puella, -ae, f. [puer] girl, maiden; young


puellaris, -e, of a girl, girlish. puer, -eri, m. boy, youth.

puerilis, -e, of a boy, boyish, youthful. pūgna, -ae, f. fight, battle.

pugnax, -ācis, adj. fond of fighting, warlike. Subst. fighter.

pūgno, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, fight, contend. pügnus, -i, m. fist.

pulcher, -chra, -chrum, beautiful, fine; | qualis, -e, of what sort, such as. tālis noble, honorable (vulnera).

pullus, -a, -um, dark.

pulso, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, [pellŏ] strike violently, strike, beat.

pulverulentus, -a, -um, dusty.

pulvinus, -1, m. cushion, pillow.

pulvis, -eris, m. dust.

-qualis, such as.

qualiscumque, qualecumque, adj. of
whatever sort, no matter how insignifi-

quam, adv. how much, how, as; after
comparatives, than.
quam primum,
as soon as possible. quam-tam, as-
so (as), while-yet.

pūniceus, -a, -um, Punic, Phoenician; quamlibet, adv. however much, however. reddish, red, purple.

quamlibet exiguus, however smali.

pūnicus, -a, -um, Punic, Phoenician; quamquam, conj. with Indic. or (later) purple, purple-red.

puppis, -is, f. stern (of a ship); ship. purpura, -ae, f. purple.

Subjv. although.

quamvis, adv. however much; conj. with Subjv. or (later) Indic. although.

purpureus, -a, -um, of purple, purple; quando, adv. interrog. when? indef, ever.

red, rosy.

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quandocumque, adv. rel. whenever.

quantus, -a, -um, how great, how large,
how much; as great as, how, as.
quantō, by how much, how. quantus
erat, wholly. Correlative: tantus.
quã-rē, adv. on which account, wherefore;

quartus, -a, -um, fourth.
quasi, adv. as if.

quasso, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, [quatio] shake
violently, shake, shatter.

quassus, -a, -um, [quatio] shattered,


quater, adv.
v. four times.

Pyrois, -entis, m. Pyrois, one of the Sun's quatio, quatere, quassum, shake.


quattuor, four.




pyrōpus, -1, m. pyropus, a gold-bronze-que, conj. and, but, or. -que
mixture which sparkled like fire.
Pyrrha, -ae, f. Pyrrha, daughter of the
Titan Epimetheus and wife of Deucalion.
Pyrrhus, -1, m. Pyrrhus (also called Neo-
ptolemus), son of Achilles.

querela, -ae, f. complaint, lamentation,

[blocks in formation]

queror, queri, questus sum, complain, lament, mourn; dulce queruntur avēs, the birds make sweet complaint, sing touching songs.

1. qui, quae, quod, pron. rel. who, which,

what, that.

2. qui, quae, quod, adj. interrog. and
quis, quid, pron, interrog. who? which?
what? what sort of? quid, why?
3. qui, quae and qua, quod, and quis,
qua, quid, indef. adj. and pron. any,
any one.

4. qui, adv. how.
quia, conj. because.

[blocks in formation]

quidam, quaedam, quoddam and quid

dam, a certain, some.

quidem, adv. indeed, of course. nēquidem, not even.

quiēs, -ētis, f. quiet, rest; sleep. quiēsco, -ere, quiēvi, rest; be silent.

quiētus, -a, -um, quiet, calm, peaceful, restful.

quilibet, quaelibet, quodlibet, any that you please, any.

quin, 1. adv. nay. quin etiam, nay even. 2. conj. that not, but, from; that. Quinquãtrūs, -uum, f. the Quinquatrus, festivals of Minerva, the greater of which was celebrated from March 19 to 23 inclusive.

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Pl. brushwood.

quisque, quaeque, quidque and quod- rāmāle, -is, n. [rāmus] branch, twig; que, each, every; each one, each thing. ut quaeque altissima, tellus, the earth, according as each part was highest, i.e. all the highest parts of the earth.

quisquis, quicquid(quidquid), whoever, whatever. quicquid mortale creamur, all of us mortal creatures.

quivis, quaevis, quodvis and quidvis, any you please, anyone you please, anything you please.

quo, 1. pron. rel. (Abl.) by how much; with comparatives, the-. Used as a conj., especially with comparatives, to introduce clauses of Design, that the, in order that the, that, in order that. 2. pron. interrog. (with accusative force), to what place, whither, where? 3. pron. rel. to which place, whither, where.

rāmōsus, -a, -um, having (many) branches, wide-spreading.

rāmus, -1, m. branch, bough, limb. rapax, -ācis, adj. [rapio] plundering, greedy, destructive.

rapidus, -a, -um, [rapio] carrying off ; eager for prey, greedy; burning, consuming, devouring, destructive (flamma); swift, rapid.

rapina, -ae, f. plundering, pillage, rapine; carrying off, abduction.

rapio, -ere, rapui, raptum, carry off, abduct; seize, plunder.

rapto, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, [rapio] carry off, drag away, abduct. raptor, -öris, m. robber, abductor. raptum, -1, n. [rapiŏ] robbery, plunder.

rārō, adv. seldom, rarely.

rārus, -a, -um, thin, far apart, rare; seldom. rārus pecten, wide-toothed rake. rāstrum, -1, n. rake, mattock, toothed hoe.

ratio, -ōnis, f. calculation, consideration; reason, understanding, cleverness; way,

red-igo, -igere, -ēgi, actum, [ago]
drive back, bring back; reduce.
reditus, -ūs, m. [redeo] return, return-
ing, going home.

red-oleo, -olēre, -olui, be fragrant, be
redolent of.

manner, method. qua ratione, in re-dūcă, -ere, -dūxī, -ductum, bring

what way?

ratis, -is, f. raft; craft, boat, ship.

ratus, -a, -um, [reor] fixed, certain, true, reliable, ratified, verified.

raucus, -a, -um, hoarse, harsh, rough,


rebellis, -is, masc. adj. rebellious.

rec-cido, -ere, reccidi, [cado] fall back, return, fall.

back, lead back.

redux, reducis, adj. returned, at home

re-fero, ferre, rettuli, relatum, bring
back, carry back; bring back word, re-
late. sẽ referre, withdraw, retreat.
pedem referre, step back, retreat.
refert, referre, retulit, it concerns, re-
gards, is of importance. nōn refert,
it makes no difference.

re-cēdo, -ere, -cēssi, -cēssum, go back, refertus, -a, -um, stuffed, filled full.
withdraw, recede, retire.

recēns, -entis, adj. recent, fresh, new,


receptus, -ūs, m. [recipio] retreat.

receptus canere, give the signal for retreat.

re-cingo, -ere, -cinxi, -cinctum, ungird, unfasten, loosen.

re-cipio, -cipere, -cēpī, -ceptum, [capio]

take back, obtain again, recover; receive. sẽ recipere, withdraw, retreat. recito, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, recite, read (aloud).

re-condo, -ere, -condidī, -conditum, put
away, hide away, hide deep.
recordor, -ārī, -ātus sum, recall, recollect.
rēctě, adv. rightly, well.

rector, -ōris, m. · guide, manager; driver;
helmsman, pilot; ruler.

rectum, -1, n. right, uprightness, honesty, justice.

rectus, -a, -um, straight; right, upright,
honest, just.

recurvus, -a, -um, bending backward,
curved, crooked.
aera recurva, i.e.
recūsă, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, refuse; object,
struggle against; deny (bona).
red-do, -ere, reddidi, redditum, [do]
give back, return; restore; give up;
give, bestow, offer, assign.

re-ficio, ficere, feci, -fectum, [facio]
make again, restore.

refugus, -a, -um, fleeing, receding.
regia, -ae, f. royal palace, palace.
regimen, -inis, n. guidance; rudder (of a

rēgīna, -ae, f. queen.

regiō, -ōnis, f. region, district, land ;

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rego, -ere, rēxi, rēctum, direct, guide; rule, regulate.

re-labor, -lābi, -lapsus sum, glide back,
sink back; return.

re-laxo, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, open, loosen,
push back (claustra).
relēgātus, -i, m. one sent away, dismissed,
a privileged exile. Relēgātiō was a
modified form of banishment, leaving the
accused in possession of his property and
civil rights.

re-lego, -ere, -lēgi, -lēctum, read again,


re-levo, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, make light,

lighten; quench, satisfy (famem); membra relevare, refresh one's self, rest. relictus, see relinquo.

red-eo, -īre, -ii, -itum, return, come back. re-linquo, -linquere, liqui, -lictum,

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