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compare Her. I. 103.

hic...hic: the editors all read hinc ... hinc,

but hinc and hic are often confused in the MSS. and hic certainly makes much better sense here, and its use in the corresponding passage of Tibullus is a strong argument in its favor.

51. in partem doloris venit: shared the grief.

52. comas: Accusative of Respect.

53. cum tuis sua iunxerunt oscula: joined their lips with thine. prior: that is, Delia.

54. solos proleptic, describing the effect of the action of the verb.
56. tibi: Dative of Agent.
ignis: flame, love.

57. Quid tibi sunt mea damna dolori: why is my loss a grief to you?
58. Me tenuit moriens, etc.: compare TIB. I. I,


Te spectem, suprema mihi cum venerit hora,

te teneam moriens deficiente manu.

Flebis et arsuro positum me, Delia, lecto,

tristibus et lacrimis oscula mixta dabis.

59. aliquid nisi: something besides; ‘if anything' is regularly siquid. 60. in Elysia valle, etc.: compare TIB. I. 3, 57 :

Sed me, quod facilis tenero sum semper Amori,

ipsa Venus campos ducet in Elysios.

61. Obvius huic venias, docte Catulle: mayest thou, learned Catullus, come to meet him. hedera: with ivy, as sacred to the lyric Muse as well as to Bacchus. Catullus was one of the greatest of the Roman poets, excelling in lyric power. Calvus was also a lyric poet.

62. tempora: temples; Accusative of Respect.

63. si falsum est temerati crimen amici: if the charge of injuring thy friend is false. Just what Gallus was accused of is not known. It seems that while in his cups he used some disrespectful language of Augustus. Compare Trist. II. 445:

Non fuit opprobrio celebrasse Lycorida Gallo,

sed linguam nimio non tenuisse mero.

Whatever the charge, he was condemned and committed suicide. He was an elegiac poet of great reputation among his contemporaries, but none of his writings have survived.

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36. miles as a soldier. Ovid is fond of comparing love to warfare. 37. placitam: who has pleased you; used in an active sense. orare: to persuade.

38. ut duret: Clause of Design, parallel with exorare.

40. meta: goal.

chariot race.


admissa rota: by the swift wheels; it is now a

41. passim: here and there.

race has not yet begun.

43. delapsa gliding down.

44. oculis: Ablative of Instrument.

loris solutis: with loose reins; the

45. ubi tendat: where to stretch; Dubitative Subjunctive.

46. moretur: Indirect Question.

47. qui sustinet hamos: i.e. the fisherman.

48. quae, etc. in what waters many fish swim.

50. frequens sit puella: girls abound.

53. Perseus portarit: let Perseus carry off.

54. Graia puella: i.e. Helen.

56. ut dicas: that you will say; Subjunctive of Result.

60. mater: i.e. Venus.

Aeneae sui: of her son Aeneas.

63. iuvenem a young woman; the gender of iuvenis is common.

64. nescius embarrassment of riches.

66. plenius: very numerous. The poet proceeds to mention walks, temples, theatres, the Circus, Baiae, etc.


A. A. I.-459. Disce bonas artes: learn the liberal arts.

Ovid's day, was about equivalent to

460. non tantum, etc.: not solely


461. Quam: as.

462. tam quite as much.

victa: overcome by eloquence.

study to be an orator.'

This, in

that you may defend the trembling

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463. in fronte openly, avowedly; let art be concealed. 464. Effugiant voces tuae: let thy language avoid.

466. valens causa: a strong cause.

467. Sit tibi: use.

470. lecturam spera: hope that she will read it.

471. Tempore: in time.

difficiles: hard to break.

472. lenta pati frena to endure the flexible reins; another interpre

tation of lenta is restraining, retarding.

477. persta modo: only persist; Imperative expresses Condition.

478. sero late, after long delay.

479. Legerit: should she read it? = if she should read it.

480. fac legat usque: make her keep on reading.

[blocks in formation]

482. per numeros, etc.: those things will come at the proper time. 484. quaeque, etc. and which will beg thee not to trouble her. get: Subjunctive of Characteristic. velis: Complementary Final


486. postmodo: after a while.



REM. AM.-149. Desidiam: idleness.

150. quo teneatur: to occupy it.

152. urbanae togae: i.e. of civil life.

puer ille: i.e. Amor.

153. iuvenalia munera: the active duties, those requiring the strength of youth.

154. deliciae: love.

155. fugax Parthus: the fleeing Parthian; this refers to the Parthians' favorite mode of warfare, by pretended flight. Compare A. A. 1. 210 : Telaque, ab averso quae iacit hostis equo.

Qui fugis ut vincas, quid victo, Parthe, relinquis?

159. Aetola a cuspide: while assisting the Trojans, Venus was wounded by Diomede; compare Met. xv. 769.

160. amatori suo: by her lover; i.e. Mars. She has no use for war. Compare HOMER, II. v. 428:

οὔ τοι, τέκνον ἐμόν, δέδοται πολεμήια ἔργα,

ἀλλὰ σύ γ' ἱμερόεντα μετέρχεο ἔργα γάμοιο,

ταῦτα δ' "Αρηι θοῷ καὶ ̓Αθήνῃ πάντα μελήσει :

'not to thee, my child, has been assigned the province of war, but do

thou attend to the charming province of marriage and all these things

will receive the attention of impetuous Mars and Minerva.'

170. quaelibet cura: any passion, no matter how great.

yield to, be driven out by.

172. sauciet: may wound, cut.

173. Obrue versata terra: bury under the turned soil.

reddat Relative clause of Design.

176. ferat: Subjunctive of Result, or Indirect Question with ut

174. quae: sc. semina.

178. tondentes: cropping.


= how.

181. inaequali arundine: the shepherd's pipe was composed of reeds of unequal length fastened together with wax; compare Met. 11. 682.

182. sedula: tireless.

183. Parte alia: in another direction.

185. examina: swarms of bees.

186. dempti favi: the honeycomb taken out, the removal of the honey. vimina: the wickerwork on which the honeycomb rested.

191. desectas herbas: hay.

192. raro pectine: with the wide-toothed rake. pecten is properly a comb.

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193. deponere: set out.

194. rivos lenis aquae: streams of gentle water, for irrigation.

195. insitio: (the time for) grafting.

196. peregrinis operta comis: covered with foreign foliage.

198. inritus exit: goes away harmless.

200. Phoebi sorore: i.e. Diana, the huntress.

201. pronum: stretched out, running at full speed.

with the keen-scented dog.

202. frondosis iugis: on the leafy mountain-tops.

catulo sagaci:

203. varia formidine: with the bright-colored scarecrow; see Vocabulary.

204. adversa cuspide fossus: pierced with hostile spear; adversa means that the boar and the hunter are facing each other.

205. Nocte: at night.

fatigatum; your wearied body. non

cura puellae: not thoughts of love.

206. pingui quiete: with undisturbed rest.

moved, free from restless tossing.

pingui: sluggish, un

207. Lenius est studium: it is a less exciting occupation. by catching birds.

208. aut lino aut calamis: either with nets or lime-twigs.

alite capta:

209. quae piscis edax, etc.: for the hungry fish to swallow with greedy mouth to his misfortune.

210. supremis cibis: with covering bait; supremus is that which is on top or the outside.

211. donec dediscis: while you are unlearning, forgetting. how to love.



TRIST. I. 2.-1. Di: Vocative. quid... supersunt: for what is left except prayers? It would seem more natural to us to express superest after quid and omit supersunt after vota. This is also good Latin. Compare 1. 23 below.

2. solvere parcite: loosen not. The expression is little more than a poetical circumlocution for the negative imperative. membra: the

[blocks in formation]

7. propior: Juno was related to Turnus (compare VERG. Aen. x. 618), the prince of the Rutulians, who waged a bitter war with Aeneas after the latter landed in Italy. The cause of the war was Lavinia, who had been

promised to Turnus but became the wife of Aeneas. Aeneas, however, was of older date.

Juno's hostility to

8. Veneris numine: by the protection of Venus, his mother.

10. patruo: Dative: 345, R. 1; A. & G. 229; B. 188, 2, d; H. 385, 2.

11. nobis: mihi. aliquod numen: some god.

far inferior to; for the mood, see Am. 1. 15, 14.

distamus ab: am

12. irato deo: though a god is angry. The reference is to Augustus, who had just banished Ovid.

adesse: to aid.

non proficientia: unavailing.

13. frustra: in vain. waste; tautological but emphatic.

perdo: I

14. graves aquae: the dreadful waters; graves does not refer to the greater specific gravity of salt waters, although this quality was known to Ovid. ipsa ora loquentis: my very face as I speak.

15. Notus: the south wind; to the Italians, the bringer of rain.

precesque. deos: and does not permit my prayers to reach the gods to whom they are sent.

17. idem: Nominative Plural.

not be injured in only one respect.

ne causa laedar in una: that I may

18. velaque votaque nostra: both the sails (i.e. the ship) and my praynescio quo: I know not whither.


20. iam iam...putes: you would think they were just about to touch the high stars. putes: Potential Subjunctive in the Ideal Second Per


21. quantae... valles: what valleys sink when the sea is divided.

24. hic: the one, here refers to the former, pontus.

25. inter utrumque: between the two.

26. cui domino pareat: what lord to obey.. This meaning would require Subjunctive in the Direct Question; see 465; A. & G. 334, b; B. 277; H. 484, v.

27. purpureo Eurus ab ortu: the wind from the rosy dawn.

28. sero vespere: from the late evening, i.e. from the west.

29. sicca ab Arcto: in the latitude of Rome the Great Bear does not sink below the horizon, and so was not wet with the waters of the ocean, as the sinking constellations were supposed to be; compare Met. II. 171. 30. adversa fronte: face to face.

31. quid fugiat: what to avoid.

35. precanti: Ablative.

37. nil...exule: has no other cause of grief than my exile.

exule: Ablative Absolute of Cause.


38. hoc unum: only this part.

39. corpora: poetical Plural.

41. Di bene: praised be the gods.

quod...passus: that I did not

42. ne: lest.

permit her to embark with me.

patienda: passive; so often the Gerundive of deponent verbs.

bis: twice; i.e. in her person as well as in mine.

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