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Menelaus were engaged in single combat, when Paris, getting the worst of it, was rescued by Venus.

806. Diomedeos enses: the sword of Diomede; poetic Plural. Venus had just rescued her son Aeneas, when she was wounded on the hand by Diomede.

See 1. 769.

807. Talibus hanc genitor: her father (Jupiter) addresses her as follows. 808. movere to move, to shake. Intres licet ipsa: you may your

[blocks in formation]

809. molimine vasto: of vast structure; Ablative of Quality, limiting tabularia.

810. rerum tabularia: the archives of fate; a history of all time, as it


811. concussum caeli: the shaking of heaven; that is, thunder.

812. tuta atque aeterna: being secure and eternal; agree with quae. ruinas: downfall.

813. adamante perenni: in everlasting steel.

816. Hic: he; that is, Caesar.

sua tempora: his (allotted) time. 818. Ut deus accedat caelo, facies: you will cause him to come to heaven as a god.

820. Arrange: fortissimus ultor (as the avenger) caedis parentis nos suos (as his allies) in bella habebit.

822. Illius auspiciis: under his leadership; notice the quantity of illíus, permissible in poetry. It was the privilege of the generals to consult the gods for omens (auspicia).

823. Mutinae: Genitive depending on moenia. In the year 43 B.C. Decimus Brutus was besieged in Mutina by Mark Antony. Octavian (afterwards called Augustus) marched against Antony and defeated him. Pharsalia: a district in Thessaly, famous for the battle between Caesar and Pompey (48 B.C.). Afterwards at Philippi, in this same region, Octavian and Antony defeated M. Brutus and Cassius (42 B.c.)

824. Emathii: properly of a district in Macedonia, here Thessalian. 825. magnum nomen: that is, Pompey. Sextus Pompey, son of Pompey the Great (Magnus), was defeated near Mylae in Sicilian waters (Siculis undis) by Agrippa, Octavian's admiral (36 B.C.)

826. Romani ducis: that is, Antony; the Genitive depends on taedae, which in turn is Dative, depending on fisa. coniunx Aegyptia: that

is, Cleopatra.

taedae: marriage-torch, marriage.

827. non bene fisa: unwisely trusting.

828. Capitolia: the Capitol, the Capitoline hill, in Rome, here used for

Rome; the Plural is poetic.

Canopo: Canopus, a city in lower Egypt,

here used for Egypt. The Dative depends on servitura.

829. barbariam: the lands of the barbarians, conquered by Au


ab: on; in the east and in the west.

830. Quodcumque habitabile: all the habitable land that. 833. suum: agrees with animum.

834. mores reget: will regulate the morals. Augustus was not very successful in this attempt.

836. prolem: refers to Tiberius, stepson of Augustus. He was adopted by Augustus and succeeded him. sancta: chaste; Livia, however,

was not better than her age.

838. nisi cum: until.

senior: as an old man.

Pylios annos:

the years of the Pylian, that is, of Nestor, who dwelt in Pylus and was

famous for his great age.

839. cognata sidera: kindred stars; referring to Caesar. 840. Hanc animam: this soul; that is, Caesar's.

Capitolia nostra: the

841. fac iubar: turn into a radiant star. speaker, Jupiter, possessed a famous temple on the Capitoline. 842. aede: his temple was situated on the Forum.

843. media sede senatus: in the middle of the senate-chamber. 844. alma: nourishing, gracious.

nulli cernenda: visible to none.

845. Arrange: animam recentem sui Caesaris eripuit membris (from the body) nec in aëra solvi passa (and did not suffer it...but).

translate as soon as he was killed.

846. astris: to the stars.

847. lumen capere sensit: she perceived it light up.

848. illa subject.

849. crinem: that is, the tail of the comet.

850. nati: that is, Augustus.

851. suis: than his own.

852. Hic: that is, Augustus.

853. libera: being free.

854. invitum: against his will.

in this one particular.


paternis to those of his father. obnoxia: subject.

una in parte repugnat: opposes him

855. cedit titulis: yields to the titles of honor, is inferior in fame.

Atreus, etc. instances of the inferiority of father to son.

857. ut... utar: to use an illustration befitting their rank; Augustus and Caesar are so great that none but Jupiter and Saturn deserve to be compared with them.

[blocks in formation]

873. cum volet...aevi: let that day (i.e. death), which has no power except over this body, end my uncertain life-period when it pleases.

877. qua patet Romana potentia: as far as the Roman power extends.

terris domitis: over the conquered lands.

878. fama: by reputation.



HER. I.-1. Hanc : sc. epistulam.

lento: who art so slow to return. A shade of reproach is conveyed by the word, which in Ovid and Propertius often connotes coldness, indifference. The reference is to the twenty years' absence of Ulysses. Ulixe: for the declension of Greek proper

names, so common in Ovid, see 65; A. & G. 37, 43, 63, 64; B. 22, 27, 47; H. 50, 54, 68.

rescribas :

2. nil... veni: answer me naught, but come thyself. Subjunctive in Prohibition: 263; A. & G. 266, a and ; B. 276; H. 484, IV.

3. iacet has fallen. puellis brides. The word is often used of married women. The case was originally Dat. of Agent, as invisa was Participle of invideo, and meant hated rather than hateful. Compare HOR. O. 1. 1, 24 : bellaque matribus Detestata.

4. tanti: worth so much, that is, what they have cost us; Gen. of Price: 380; A. & G. 252, a; B. 203, 3; H. 404.

5. 0 permissible Hiatus, after monosyllabic interjections. classe: Ablative of Accompaniment.

6. obrutus esset: Unreal Wish: see 261; A. & G. 267; B. 279, 2; H. 483, 2. insanis aquis mad waters, wild waves; would imply a storm. adulter: that is, Paris, who carried off Helen, the wife of Menelaus, from Greece to Troy, and so caused the Trojan war.

7. non iacuissem: I should not have lain; the condition is implied in the wish. frigida: in cold neglect. lecto: Abl. of Place Where,

poetical omission of the preposition.

8. tardos: slowly; predicate adjective, agreeing with dies. licta: in my abandonment; take with subject of quererer.


9. mihi: my, with manus: 350; A. & G. 235; B. 188, 1; H. 384, 4, n. 2. fallere deceive, beguile, while away. So decipere. The Infini

tive with quaero is poetic, or post-Augustan.

10. pendula tela: the hanging web. According to Homer, Penelope spent much of her time in spinning and weaving. Compare Od. xv. 516: οὐ μὲν γάρ τι θαμὰ μνηστῆρσ' ἐνὶ οἴκῳ

φαίνεται, ἀλλ' ἀπὸ τῶν ὑπερωίῳ ἱστὸν ὑφαίνει:

'for not often does she show herself to the suitors in the house, but far from them, in an upper chamber, she weaves her web.'

11. veris: than the real. So Laodamia writes to her husband in Troy, Her. XIII. 149:

Nos sumus incertae, nos anxius omnia cogit,

quae possunt fieri, facta putare timor.

ituros (sc. esse) were about to advance.

13. in te against thee. 14. in: at.

15. Antilochum victum: that Antilochus had been vanquished.

ab Hectore: an inaccuracy in Ovid. Antilochus was slain by Memnon. Compare HOMER, Od. IV. 187 f. See Appendix.

16. nostri: my, as often in OVID.

17. Menoetiaden: Patroclus, the son of Menoetius.

not his own, but those of Achilles.

falsis that is,

19. sanguine with his blood. Tlepolemus was killed by Sarpedon, the leader of the Lycians. Compare HOMER, Il. v. 657.

21. castris: Abl. of Place Where. See note on Met. I. 95.

22. frigidius glacie: the chill of fear is often mentioned in the poets. pectus amantis: the heart of thy fond wife. Pectus was the seat of the affections.

23. consuluit: has cared for, looked to the interest of. with Accusative means to consult.


24. sospite viro: and my husband's life has been spared; Abl. Absolute. 25. Argolici: Grecian. safe return.

altaria fumant: i.e. from offerings for their

For Argolici rediere duces, compare HOMER, Od. 1. 11 :

Ενθ' ἄλλοι μὲν πάντες, ὅσοι φύγον αἰπὸν ὄλεθρον,

οἴκοι ἔσαν πόλεμόν τε πεφευγότες ἠδὲ θάλασσαν:

'then all the rest, as many as escaped dire destruction, were at home, having escaped both war and sea.'

26. ad in the temples of, before.

ponitur ad is offered to.

barbara praeda: booty taken from the barbarians.

27. nymphae (from the Greek vúμpŋ): in Latin usually means nymphs; here puellae, 1. 3. pro salvis maritis: for the safety of their hus


28. illi refers to maritis.


victa Troica fata: the conquered fates of

suis: to their families; or, as many commentators take it, the

fates of Troy conquered by their own. Compare the tales of Ulysses, HOMER, Od. IX.-XII., and VERG. Aen. 1. 748 ff.

29. iusti: grave.

30. pendet ab ore: hangs on the words. Compare VERG. Aen. Iv. 79: Iliacos iterum demens audire labores

exposcit, pendetque iterum narrantis ab ore.

31. iamque, etc.: cf. TIB. I. 10, 32: et in mensa pingere castra


32. Pergama tota: the whole of Troy, here including its surroundings. The word properly denotes the citadel of Troy. mero: that is, vino.

33. hac ibat Simois, etc.: compare Ov. A. A. 11. 133 :
'Haec inquit Troia est,' muros in litore fecit:
hic tibi sit Simois, haec mea castra puta, etc.

tendebat: tented.

35. Aeacides: Achilles, the grandson of Aeacus. Compare VERG. Aen. 11. 29: hic saevus tendebat Achilles.

36. hic... equos: compare the poem formerly attributed to Ovid, Eleg· in Mor. Drus. 319:

Hoc fuit Andromache cum vir religatus ad axem

terruit admissos sanguinolentus equos.

lacer mangled. admissos: running at full speed. Achilles fastened the dead body of Hector to his chariot and drove away, dragging the head in the dust. Compare HOMER, II. XXII. 395 ff. Afterwards he drove thrice round the tomb of Patroclus, Il. xxiv. 16. But there is nowhere any mention of the frightened horses. Perhaps Ovid is following some later account.

37. senior: the aged. Compare Ov. Met. XII. 187, where Nestor says: vixi annos bis centum, nunc tertia vivitur aetas. According to HOMER, Il. 1. 250, he was living with the third generation. te quaerere: to look for thee; Inf. to express Purpose, a Greek construction, in Latin rare, and chiefly poetic: 421, R. 1; A. & G. 273; B. 326, n.; H. 533 11., 532 (footnote). misso agrees with gnato tuo (Dat.).

39. Rhesum, Dolona: see Vocabulary, and compare Met. XIII. 244 ff. 40. ut how; Indirect Question.

hic refers to Rhesus.

41. oblite tuorum: forgetful of thy loved ones.

42. tangere visit, set foot in.


43. tot

hic... ille: the one. . . the other;

nocturno dolo: at night by

uno: that is, Diomede.

according to Homer, thirteen. Compare Met. XIII. 241.

44. mei: Objective Genitive. The reference is probably to Ulysses's effort to avoid going to the Trojan war. The story goes that he feigned madness, and was plowing in a field with a donkey and an ox yoked together, when Palamedes, who suspected the ruse, placed the little Telemachus in the way. Ulysses, fearing to hurt his son, turned aside, and so was detected. See Met. XIII. 36 and note.

dum: until.


45. Usque metu micuere sinus: my bosom kept quivering with fear. Compare Her. v. 37: attoniti micuere sinus; TIB. I. II, corde micanti. amicum (adj.): agrees with agmen. 46. Ismariis: i.e. Thracian, those of Rhesus. The name is derived from the town or mountain (Ismarus) in Thrace. equis on the steeds, probably driving the steeds, as in Met. XIII. 252 Ulysses is represented as riding in a chariot; the Ablative is Instrumental.

47. sed... solum : but what advantage is it to me that Troy has been torn asunder by the arms of you Greeks and that the walls have been levelled to the ground?

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