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in length.

a long one.

longam ... sequenti: lit. a shorter one coming just below

191. ut... putes: so that you might think they grew on a slope.

quondam: sometimes, often.

192. avenis: with stalks of oats.

193. Tum...imas: then he fastens them together with flax (thread) at the middle and wax at the bottom.

194. parvo curvamine: with a slight curve (inward).

195. una stabat: was standing by.

196. ignarus se tractare: not knowing that he was handling. pericla: things which would prove dangerous to him.

197. ore renidenti: with beaming face.

modo: now.


199. mollibat (= molliebat): softened, kneaded. This form of the Imperfect belongs to Early Latin and occurs only rarely in poetry, and then for metrical reasons. lusu suo: with his play.

200. manus ultima: the finishing touch. Dative with prep. in composition.

coeptis: upon the work;

203. Medio... curras: to go by a middle route; construe with monet. 204. ne: lest.

demissior: too low.

206. spectare: to look at; that is, to guide your course by the stars as sailors do.

208. me... viam: make your way where I lead; that is, simply follow Pariter: at the same time. praecepta volandi: instructions


how to fly.

210. Inter... seniles: in the midst of the work (fitting on the wings) and the advice, the old man's cheeks grew moist.

212. non iterum repetenda: never again to be repeated. 213. ante: ahead. comiti: for his companion.

like a bird; the comparison ends with nido.

velut ales:

214. produxit: leads forth; Iterative Perfect in comparisons.

215. damnosas... artes: and teaches him the costly accomplishment.

It cost Icarus his life.

217. aliquis dum captat: some fisherman catching.

dine with trembling rod; the fish jerked the pole.

tremula harun

218. stiva... arator: or plowman leaning on his plowstock.

219. quique and since they; Causal relative: 633; A. & G. 320, e; H. 517. carpere to make their way through.

220. Iunonia: sacred to Juno.

laeva parte: on the left.

221. fuerant... relictae: had been left behind.

222. dextră erat: was on the right. Samos was on the left, Lebinthus and Calymne on the right.

223. audaci: notice that adjectives of the third declension have i in the Ablative; participles usually have e.

225. Rapidi: destructive.

226. pennarum vincula with which the feathers were fastened on.

228. remigio: here equivalent to wings.

229. caerulea: goes with aqua.

230. nomen: that is, the Icarian Sea, a part of the Aegean.

231. nec iam: no longer.

233. 'Icare' dicebat: adspexit: as he was saying 'Icarus,' he saw. 234. devovit: cursed. sepulcro: Ablative of Place Where.


MET. VIII.-626. huc: to this place; the scene is laid in Phrygia. specie mortali: in the guise of a mortal.

his father, Jupiter.

cumque parente: and with

627. Atlantiades: the grandson of Atlas, Mercury. caducifer: the wand-bearing. With this staff (caduceus) Mercury was wont to close the eyes of men in slumber or wake them.

628. locum requiemque: a resting-place; hendiadys: 698; B. 374, 4 ; H. 636, III., 2.

629. serae: bolts, bars, placed across the doors.

630. stipulis... palustri: thatched with straw and canes from the swamp.

632. illa casa: in that hut. casa is understood with the first illa. 634. nec... ferendo: and by bearing it with resignation.

= et aequa. Notice the fondness of the Latin for the negative. 635. nec refert: it makes no difference (whether).

637. tetigere: reached, came to.

nec iniqua

-ne: or.

penates: house.

postes door.

638. submisso vertice: with bowed heads.

639. posito sedili: placing a seat.

membra relevare: to rest them

selves. membra, corpus, and animus are often used in Latin where we

prefer the reflexive.

640. quo: over which, refers to sedili.

textum: rug.

643. anima anili: with an old woman's breath, by blowing.

[blocks in formation]

647. truncat holus foliis : cuts the leaves from the vegetables.

[blocks in formation]

holus :

furca... suis: she takes down with a two-pronged

fork the smoky side of bacon.

648. tigno: from the rafter.

649. de tergore: from the side.

650. domat... undis: that is, boils it soft.

651. medias fallunt: they while away the intervening.

655. concutiuntque torum: and (finally) they shake up the bedding;

they prepare the couch upon which their guests are to recline at the meal. de: of, giving the material.

656. sponda...salignis: of willow frame and posts; Abl. of Quality. 659. non indignanda: well suited to. The bedstead had no right to complain that the bedclothes were too fine.

660. Accubuere: took their places on the couch, reclined for the meal. succincta with her skirts tucked up.

662. Testa: a pot of earthenware. clivum sustulit: had removed the incline.

Quae postquam: after it.

663. mentae (Nom.): mint; she wiped the table with mint. 664. bicolor: the two-colored, first green, then black.

chaste, the virgin.

baca: berry; that is, olives.

sincerae :

665. faece: brine.

666. intiba... coacti: endives, radishes, cheese.

668. fictilibus: on earthenware dishes.

669. caelatus eodem argento crater: a wine-bowl made out of the same precious metal; that is, earthenware.


fabricata fago: made out of

670. qua cava sunt inlita: smeared on the inside.

671. foci... calentes: the hot fire-place sent forth.

672. nec longae vina senectae: and wines of no great age. For the negative, compare 1. 634.

673. paulum seducta: moved a little to one side.

mensis secundis :

that is, the dessert. This consisted of nuts, dried figs, dates, plums, apples, grapes, honey in the comb.

674. nux: nuts; Singular used collectively.

678. nec... voluntas: that is, and earnest hospitality.

nec iners

pauperque: more closely, and attentive and unsparing. Compare 1. 634. 679. cratera... vina: they see the bowl fill itself of its own accord and the wine increase by itself.

681. novitate: at the strange spectacle.

the palms turned upward.

supinis: up-turned, with

682. timidus: timidly. Take with both subjects.

683. dapibus nullisque paratibus: for their plain dinner.

684. custodia: guardian. The Romans regarded geese as superior to watch-dogs. Once Rome was about to be taken by the Gauls in a nightattack, when geese gave the alarm and the city was saved.

685. dis hospitibus: to their divine guests. 686. celer penna: swift of wing.

domini: the owners.

tardos aetate: them, slow on ac

count of their age; that is, the slow old pair.

690. inmunibus: predicate adjective agreeing with vobis.

691. Modo: only.

693. ite simul: go with us.

with staffs.

baculis levati: supporting themselves

694. vestigia ponere: to place their tracks; that is, to walk.

695. Tantum... quantum: (when) they were as far from the top as. 696. mersa ... cetera: everything else covered with water.

697. tantum: only.

tecta: poetical Plural.

699. dominis... duobus: small even for two, even its two owners regarded it as a small hut.

700. furcas... columnae : columns took the place of the props.

701. stramina flavescunt: the thatch turns yellow.

[blocks in formation]

702. tellus: the earth-floor.

707. Esse sacerdotes poscimus: we ask to be the priests. 708. concordes: in harmony.

videntur: pas

709. auferat... eadem: let the same hour carry us both off. 710. busta: the tomb.

ab illa: a rare use instead of the Dative.

711. Vota... sequitur: their prayers are answered. guardians, like custodia: abstract for concrete.

tutela: the

714. frondere: put forth leaves. They were turned into trees. 719. frutex: the branches.

720. de gemino corpore: from the two bodies.


MET. X.-1. Inde: thence; from the wedding of Iphis and Ianthe in Crete. croceo: saffron. Brides usually wore veils of yellow or red. Here the god of marriage himself is represented as dressed in yellow. 2. Ciconum: of the Cicones, a people of Thrace.

3. tendit: hastens.

Orphea (adj.): of Orpheus.

lacrimoso tear-bringing.

4. Adfuit... quidem: he came, indeed. sollemnia festive.

6. stridula usque fuit: kept hissing.

7. motibus: could not be made to burn by shaking.

8. Exitus... gravior: the sequel was worse than the omen.

9. nova nupta: bride.

naïadum... comitata: accompanied by a

throng of naiads. She, too, was a nymph.

10. occidit fell dead.

talum: heel.

11. Quam: her; object of deflevit. Rhodopeius vates: the Thracian bard; that is, Orpheus. Rhodope was a mountain in Thrace.

12. ne non et that he might also. The Purpose depends on descendere. 13. Taenaria porta: by the Taenarian gate; a place in Laconia. 14. leves: light. Ghosts, having no substance, have no weight. functa sepulcro: the unburied were not readily admitted to Tartarus, but were supposed to wander for a long period on the bank of the Styx. 16. nervis: the chords, of the lyre. He played the accompaniment to his song on the lyre.

17. positi: agrees with mundi. numina is Vocative.

18. in quem... creamur: into which all of us mortals fall.

21. nec...monstri: nor to bind the Medusaean monster's (that is, Cerberus's) three throats, shaggy with serpents.

[blocks in formation]


42. captavit: tried to catch. refugam: fleeing. The thirsty Tantalus, though surrounded by water, was unable to drink. stood still. orbis: wheel. Ixion was turned on a wheel as a punishment for his crimes. Vultures were devouring the liver of Tityos but it constantly grew again, that his punishment might be prolonged. The fifty daughters of Danaus (the Danaides, the grand-daughters of Belus), tried to lift water in sieves. The stone which Sisyphus was doomed to roll up hill, would always roll back. The Eumenides were the Furies, the avengers of crime.

47. sustinet oranti negare: has the heart to refuse his request. qui regit ima: the Ruler of the Underworld, that is, Pluto. 49. inter among; goes with umbras.


50. legem the condition.

passu tardo: with a slow

52. exierit: Perfect Subjunctive, representing Indicative of the direct form.

aut: else.

53. Carpitur: is climbed; translate: they climb. through the regions of profound silence.

55. afuerunt: notice the quantity.


the Future Perfect futura: sc. esse.

per muta silentia:

telluris summae: of the earth's

56. ne deficeret metuens: fearing that she was not there. 57. amans: fondly.

58. bracchiaque intendens: and stretching out her arms.

63. vix acciperet: was scarcely able to catch; Subjunctive of Characteristic.

73. portitor: the ferryman, Charon.

diebus: Time How Long is

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