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next to a King: fo that they will both always have the Title of the Loyal Pair, if not Royal too in Merit.



HIS folemn Text feems to turn again upon the Topick of Marriage, and fhews the glorious Confequences of a happy Match. Matrimony was the first honourable Calling of Man and the best original Condition of humane Life, without a Fall. Mutual Love is the Fountain and Foundation of all Felicity, in a marry'd State; which must be maintain'd by a Harmony of Tempers, a Conformity of Wills, and an Agreement of Paffions: with fufficient Prudence to fupport the whole Fabrick of Wedlock, in a juft Decorum of reciprocal Affection, and reverent Behaviour between the Two peaceful Parties; fuch a happy Couple, as contend only to out-do one another in all the good Offices of Life, and Obligations of Honour, upon Occafion. In fhort, a Gentleman's good Fortune depends very much upon the good Graces of an indulgent Wife: fo that according to Prov. Chap. xii. Ver. 4. A Virtuous Woman is a Crown to her Husband; but she that maketh afhamed, is as Rottennefs in his Bones. Hence it is, that this wonderful Wife hinted at in these Proverbs, always proves fo fignally obliging to her beloved Husband, in careffing and honouring his Perfon; fo fingularly affable, courteous, kind, conftant and loyal to his Caufe: that it would almost tempt him to become too uxorious and loving to a Fault; but that he remains the fame tender Spouse to her ftill, and makes the fame fuitable Returns of Love, without Effe

minacy or Foolishness. She neither expects, nor defires to abridge him from better Bufinefs Abroad, by indulging his Time away at Home, out of meer Complaifance to her Humour. No; fhe would not be fo detrimental to the Publick. She confults his own Honour and Advantage more, than to make him fo useless a Member of the Common-weal, by any private Restrictions of his Love, or domeftick Impediments of his Liberty. Her chief Endeavour is, rather how to promote, than hinder his publick Services, and civil Imployments. 'Tis her Defire, above all Things, that he may be known in the Gates, and fit among the Elders of the Land. She would not have him fo confin'd to his House, or wedded to his Wife, as either to prohibit or prevent his better Acquaintance with his Seniors, and Converfation with his Superiors. She will never prejudice or obftru&t his Studies of Learning, Friendship and Preferment; but rather encou rage or prompt-on the Progrefs, Proficiency, and Accomplishment of his Undertakings.


courts nothing more, than his Advancement to Honour and Dignity. 'Tis by the Power of her perfwafive Endearments, that he makes himfelf the greatest Master of Ethicks, Oeconomicks, and Politicks, both in his own Family and StateAffairs. Her main Business is, to create him in her own Mind, under God, the fole Sovereign of her Will, the nobleft Patriarch of her Power, and the greatest Monarch of her Heart. Her whole Inclination and Diligence is to magnify his Character, or aggrandize his Fortune in the World. Thus by the Motive of her Grace and Goodness, as well as his own Application of Mind, his Morality becomes famous; his Occonomy, admirable; and his Polity, either Ec


lefiaftical or Civil, univerfally celebrated. Upon the Fame of which extraordinary Qualifications, he is often preferr'd to the nobleft Places of Truft at Court, and rais'd to the highest Seats of Glory or Authority in the Kingdom. Infomuch that he establishes himself at laft, in the univerfal Reputation of being the exacteft Moralift, for the Prudence of his profperous perfonal Conduct; the most noted Oeconomist, for the Paternal Care of his flourishing Houfhold; and the most efteem'd Politician, for the wife Management of his fuccefsful Tranfactions in the State. In fine, the great Honour that a good Husband gets, by having fuch a virtuous Lady to his Wife, makes her the Queen of all Hearts, and crowns her with Popularity, publick Applaufe, or univerfal Acclamation, as well as private Affection. Upon this accomplish'd Character of her honoured Spouse.

1. HE becomes thoroughly well known in City, Town and Country, as the Vulgar call it. Wherever he goes, whether in making fome fhort Progrefs, or travelling upon a longer Tour, he is highly regarded. No Man can be more popular in all publick Places. He hasthe Vox Populi on his Side, in a good Sense. In a Word, he is the Darling of his native Country. His Goodness, his Wifdom, his Juftice, his Mercy, and his Charity, are only the Harbingers of his greater Peace, Honour and Grandeur to come. They are nothing but the Avant-Couriers of his coming, publickly wellknown almost every where, long before his glorious Arrival in Perfon. Thus King Charles the Second was generally well-belov'd. He had no great Occafion to carry any Trumpet along with him, to found his Glory, or give Notice


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of his Restauration. The People readily did him that good Office, with louder Huzza's and Acclamations of Joy in his Travels. His whole Journey was but one continu'd Scene of Love, Triumph and Loyalty, upon his returning Home, to take his Place among the Elders of the Land. His Progress was refounded all the Way with the loudest Shouts of Gladness, next to this hearty Wish of Long live the righteous LawGiver of the Realm! In a Manner fomething like thofe old lofty Io Paan's of Victory in the ecchoing Air, when Apollo had formerly kill'd the formidable Serpent Python; or as if St. George had flain the monftrous Dragon again in England! Pardon the well-intended Metaphor. But how many glorious Examples alfo have we in Hiftory, of meaner Perfons becoming Princes, and rais'd from a low Degree, to the highest Pinnacle of Honour, by their celebrated Virtue ? Their Learning and Judgment, with Fidelity, good Counfel, and Refolution, render'd them the greatest Hero's. Fame and Authority are the Two great Spurs of future Glory, and the never-failing, as well as flowing Springs of nobler Actions, in a well-govern'd Kingdom: if Pride, Ambition, and Tyranny, do not fpoil the One, or a mercenary Covetoufnefs and Corruption do not poison the Other. But there can be no good Management, where thefe are reigning Iniquities, and ride in Triumph.

II. HE is likewife as perfectly well-known at Court, or the King's Palace. For he will always have the Reputation of being the ableft Statesman at the Helm of Government. And he cannot be more celebrated for the Wisdom of dif creetly governing in his own private Family, than he is renown'd for his political Admini


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ftration in Affairs of State. It would not, perhaps, be a Part of Modefty to name him, efpecially being fo univerfally well-known above any Panegyrick. 'Tis no great Matter, whether he be a Member of P-1-m-t, a C-m-r, or a P-r, a Prince or a Prelate, a Patriarch or a privy Counsellor. He is deferving of any Title of Honour. His excellent Qualifications of Learn. ing, Loyalty and Religion, render him worthy of the nobleft Favours of the Monarchy:. if the King pleases to imploy. him in any ho-; nourable Poft of Profit, or Place of Truft, throughout the whole Community. But perhaps he may think it proper to plant him at his own Elbow. By his great Merit, he commonly makes himself familiar with his Superiours, as well as admir'd by his Inferiours, for his noted Courtefy and Condefcenfion. By his remarkable Knowledge and Understanding in the Laws of the Land, as well as State-Affairs, he generally becomes well-acquainted with the El ders of Government: and perhaps his Seniors in Experience, may come far fhort of his Pobiteness in Politicks. By his exquifite Accomplish ments of Mind, he always makes himfelf known to Perfons of the greatest Worth and Eminence all over Europe, as well as in the Gates of every City in his own Kingdom; who All court his Correfpondence and Familiarity, or admire his wonderful Wisdom and fuperiour Genius. His entire Love to his Native Country, and Fidelity to his Royal Mafter, as a true-English Heart, will never fail of recommending him to move in the highest Orb of Dignity, in the Govern ment, next to the Seat of Majesty in Dominion, without offending the Elders of the Land. For, without doubt, by thefe fuperlative Qua



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