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Thursday, February 21st, 1907.

The Senate met, pursuant to adjournment, at 10 o'clock. After prayer by the Chaplain, the roll was called showing Senator Hayselden (excused) absent.

The Journal of the First Day was read and, upon motion of Senator Lane, seconded by Senator Brown, approved as read. A communication (No. 1) from the Superintendent of Public Instruction inviting the Members to view exhibits in the Office. of the Department of Public Instruction and Rooms of the Hawaii Promotion Committee was read by the Clerk as follows:


To the Honorable President

and Senate of the

Honolulu, February 20th, 1907.

Territory of Hawaii:

There is now on exhibition in the office of the Department of Public Instruction a collection of pictures purchased as prizes for the Arbor Day Tree Planting contest, and, in the rooms of the Hawaii Promotion Committee, there is an exhibit of school work done by the pupils of the public schools of this Territory. A cordial invitation is extended to your Honorable Body to view both of these exhibits.

Yours respectfully,


Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Senator Coelho moved that the communication be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Senator Dowsett and carried. A communication (No. 2) from the House of Representatives transmitting House Concurrent Resolution No. I was read by the Clerk as follows:


Honolulu, February 20th, 1907.

To the Honorable President and

Members of the Senate of the

Territory of Hawaii.

I have the honor to herewith transmit to your honorable

body House Concurrent Resolution No. 1, which was this
day adopted by the House of Representatives of the Territory
of Hawaii.

Yours respectfully,


Clerk, House of Representatives.


Be it Resolved by the House of Representatives of the Territory of Hawaii, the Senate concurring, that a Committee of Six, one from each Representative District, be appointed by this House, to act in conjunction with one to be appointed by the Senate, for the purpose of investigating the Nuuanu Dam, Water Works, and that this Committee have full power to investigate all records, call witnesses, and have all other powers granted Committees.

Senator Coelho moved that the Concurrent Resolution be considered now. Seconded by Senator Lane and carried. Senator Lane moved that the Concurrent Resolution be laid on the table. Seconded by Senator Dowsett.

Senator Smith moved to defer further action until Saturday, February 23rd, 1907, and that the Concurrent Resolution be placed on the Order of the Day on that day. Seconded by Senator Chillingworth.

Senator Lane here withdrew his motion to lay on the table and the motion of Senator Smith being put carried.

A Communication (No. 4) from the County Clerk, County of Oahu, submitting a report for the year ending January 7th, 1907, was read by the Clerk as follows:


Honolulu, T. H., February 21, 1907.

To the Honorable President

and Members of the Senate

of the Territory of Hawaii.

Gentlemen:-I have the honor to report that for the period ending January 7, 1907, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Oahu, T. II., held 90 meetings; received 120 petttions for public improvements of various kinds; considered 831 communications of public nature; offered and adopted 1,4,57 resolutions concerning the allowance of accounts against the County; offered and adopted 39 resolutions bearing on

matters other than appropriations; received and adopted 1,593 reports from the Committees of the Board of Supervisors and from the various heads of departments under the County; received 32 bids under 9 lettings for the award of contracts for public work; entered into 11 contracts for work of public improvements; has approved for the passage of 7 ordinances relative to street and police regulations; required of the County Treasurer an additional bond of $25,000.00; allowed the transfer of the House Numbering Bureau from the Territorial Government to the County Clerk's Department; has approved of 35 bonds, same being for County Officers, County appointees and for contracts awarded for public improvements; created the Office of County Engineer, etc.

Record of all matters coming before the Board of Supervisors and the disposition thereof has been kept and indexed, open at all times for the information of the public.

The following comprise the force in the Department of the County Clerk; to wit:

One Clerk, one Stenographer and Typewriter, one Assistant Stenographer and Typewriter, and a Messenger.

In closing, I wish to state that the work of this Department has been materially aided by the hearty co-operation of the Board of Supervisors and the various heads of departments of the County Government for which I desire to express my thanks.

Respectfully submitted,

D. KALAUOKALANI, JR. County Clerk, County of Oahu.


Appended hereto are copies of the following matters which I trust will be found of use to your Honorable Body:

Monthly Reports of the County Treasurer showing the financial condition of the County of Oahu for term ending December 31, 1906.

Statistical Reports of the County Auditor showing in compendious form all financial transactions of the County for the term ending December 31, 1906.

The Report of the Road Supervisor for the District of Honolulu for the same term and the Report of the County Engineer bearing on all work performed in the outside districts, viz: Koolaupoko, Koolauloa, Waialua, Waianae and Ewa Districts for the same term.

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