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ists, and can only be presented on objectors we feel a personal respect such a survey.

that calls for one. They think the What, indeed, can be more won- science adverse to religion, because derful than that in these times, 2000 they imagine it to be a system of years down from the days of Aris- materialism; and they fear that it is totle, the genus omne of metaphy- a dangerous one.

dangerous one. On the subject of sicians should be at sea, even with its danger, while we assure these regard to their most elementary prin- worthy individuals that their alarm ciples? What more inexplicable, than is grounded solely on a misapprethat in the business of life in the hension of the true nature of the cure even of insanity, for example) study, we boldly say, that in all inthose men who profess to make mind quiries, TRUTH is the grand object their study, never should be referred of pursuit, and that where it is, there to for advice; that, on the contrary, can no danger be. The objection of metaphysicians are proverbially ig- materialism again, is purely a misnorant of men as they appear in so- take. In all systems of metaphysics, ciety, and are, in all countries, ridi- the universe is divided into matter culed even

on the stage as rapt and mind: of neither of these sube blockheads ? Moralists, poets, and stances do we know the essence: we divines, have shown themselves ac- know them only by their qualities : quainted with human nature. It may the ens which possesses hardness, cobe studied with practical use in their lour, &c. or exhibits imagination, works. But metaphysicians have reason, and so forth, we know not at made it only a sort of mental exer- all; though seeing that the qualities cise, a matter to be quibbled about; of each are essentially different, we and they have overlooked the only think ourselves entitled to conclude use and reason of all study,--its ap- that the substrata in which these plication to human affairs, and in- qualities inhere, are different in their fluence on their improvement. essence. Again, while we see matter

But metaphysicians have not existing separately in every departe merely failed 'in making their sci- ment of nature, we never find mind ence available in life. There are a unless in conjunction with matter : thousand notorious facts, of which in this life, the human mind is unthey give no account. Of the in- known, unless in its actings, by means finite diversities of character among of the body. Now the Phrenologists individuals they give no explanation : agree in all this. They do not prethey cannot tell whether genius be tend to say what mind is. They beoriginal or superinduced : they are lieve in the immortality of the soul; lost when desired to explain how na- they glory in it: but scripture has tions and families, for centuries to- not told, they do not attempt to regether, continue to exhibit a similar veal, what is the soul. The only character: the theory of dreaming point of difference, therefore, beis, in their system, a mystery as in- iween them and the vulgar (metáexplicable as the union of soul and physicians included) is, that they say body: they give no account of the the mind acts by means of a part of cause and varieties of insanity: their the body, the brain, which they consystem scarcely admits the yet noto- sider to be the organ of the mind;. rious phenomenon that in different and that they maintain, that accordindividuals particular faculties ap- ing to the development of brain in pear and disappear, earlier and later any individual, always is his maniin life than in others; and so on in festation of mind. many other instances.

In this opinion, there is obviously Now, Phrenology professes to sup- nothing leading to materialism. The ply these deficiencies; in particular, eye, by means of which we see, is it professes to make the science of an optical instrument as truly mamind practically useful in life, as a terial as one of Dollond's glasses; but sure guide in education and in legis- no one supposes himself a materialist, lation, and it founds those preten- by admitting that we see by means of sions on facts. Yet fools call it fancy the eye. Neither do Phrenologists reand raving! To them we condescend gard themselves as such by holding po answer: but to another class of that we think by means of the brain.


The question of materialism they skull much beyond 1-8th of an inch, leave altogether untouched. There while organs are known to vary in is nothing in the science to hinder different individuals from one to two either Berkeley or Spinosa from be- inches ; and with regard to the lieving in it.

sinuses, where they do exist they But the consistency of this doctrine occupy a very trifling space in a ho with revealed religion must not be rizontal position in the region where rested here. It not merely is un- Individuality (and perhaps Locality) opposed to the Bible, but also is the is placed. But it is not a little cuonly system of mind which corres- rious that the sinuses are formed ponds with it in all particulars; so only towards manhood; that is to as, if true, to become one added to say, the brain, by the supposition, the ever-increasing proofs of the au- falls in slightly in the region of India thority of inspiration. Man, as stu- viduality at that very period when died in the schools, is an ethereal the restless curiosity remarkable in being, beautiful, and approaching to infancy and youth (given by Indiviperfection. In the Bible, he is cor- duality) begins to abate. Here, inrupt and sinful. Phrenology, with deed, is a marvellous coincidence. its Combativeness, Destructiveness, But so it is in all true suppositions and Secretiveness (though these terms Every new fact, and every new obdo not imply all the evil which their jéction, only serves to confirm them. etymology indicates) clearly becomes The objections arising from cases of consistent with the scriptural view, injury of the brain are, in general, in a manner not found in the school met by the circumstance of the systems; and the phrenological fa- brain's duplicity ; for it is plain, that culty of Veneration (which gives the if each faculty has a double set of disposition to venerate) is the only organs, one hemisphere of the brain metaphysical principle which at once may be hurt without serious detriexplains the irrational custom uni- ment to the faculty ; in the same versal among umenlightened nations way as one eye may be removed and of worshipping stocks and stones, yet the patient continue to see. The and shows the use of revelation to subject is too extensive to be entered direct the implanted principle to its upon here. Those who are curious true object.

about it will find it well stated in a We have said nothing of the ana- paper on the effects of injuries of the tomical objections to Phrenology, brain, contained in the work before partly because, in a question of me- us, p. 183. taphysics, which this mainly is, we But we must here close our sketch. very particularly undervalue the This work is the produce of a society opinions of medical men; and part- formed at Edinburgh, for the cultily because, in the work now under vation of Phrenology, and bids fair to notice, there is a very admirable and do honour equally to the science, and conclusive answer to them—Mr. to the institution. Our limits forbid Andrew Combe's Observations on Dr. us from entering at large into the meBarclay's Objections to Phrenology, rits of the different papers. But we

shall probably take them up on an The leading objections of this na- early occasion, and in the meantime ture, founded on the various thickness we venture to say, that the perusal of of the skull, on the existence of sinu. them will interest even the enemies ses, and the trituration of the temporal of the system. They exhibit much muscles, as preventing the skull exter- acuteness, 'research, variety, knownally from showing the shape of the ledge of life, novelty, and science : and brain, are susceptible of an obvious as an example of that mode of phianswer; viz. that phrenologists decide losophizing, which Phrenologists proon none but healthy subjects in the fess, they are of value, as pointing out prime of life ; and that in these, none to all thinkers an extensive field of of the causes mentioned affect the inquiry, hitherto untrodden.

P. 393.


In our last report we alluded to the Festivals then about to commence. They have been concluded with a success which exceeds the most sanguine expectations their most sanguine projectors could have formed.

We are solicitous to convey to our musical and unmusical readers general notions of the grandeur, excellence, and arrangement of these performances, without entering upon such a detail as may prove to the one a mere repetatur haustus; and to the other, an uninteresting jargon. Virtuosi do not need to be told, that Catalani sung Gratias agimus; Mrs. Salmon, From mighty kings; or Miss Stephens, Farewell ye limpid springs. These, and others of a like kind, are the standing dishes. All such enumerations, therefore, we shall omit, and endeavour to show the distinctive features of each and all of these grand assemblages of talent.

York took the lead. The conductor was Mr. Greatorex, assisted by Dr. Camidge, Messrs. Camidge, Knapton, and White. The number of performers was near 500, the greater portion constituting the vocal band. There were four days' performance. The Minster was prepared for the Oratorios, and the Assembly Rooms for the Concerts. The first morning was a selection, consisting of the Dettingen Te Deum, part of Judas Maccabæus, Jephtha, Joshua, and Judah (by Mr. Gardiner), with some portions of Jomelli's and Mozart's Masses. The Messiah constituted the second morning's performance. The third was a selection: The Coronation Anthem (Handel's), a part of the Requiem, and of the Creation, and a miscellaneous act. The fourth a selection, consisting of Graun's Te Deum, part of the Seasons, and a miscellaneous act, principally from the other sacred works of Handel. The evening concerts exhibited as much of the various excellences of the Italian school, and as much of classic and modern English composition, as could be included.

At Birmingham and at Liverpool the same general outlines are discernible. The Mount of Olives was per

formed at the last named place; at the first, a new selection of great force and beauty, from a composition of Winter's (Timoteo), adapted (expressly for Birmingham) to English words. The more this delightful music is heard, the more it will be relished.

The differences in the principal performers were not many. Catalani was at York and Birmingham. Sapio at York with Vaughan; and Braham at Liverpool and Birmingham with Vaughan also. Mrs. Salmon and Miss Stephens at all the three. Miss Travis, at York and Birmingham, and Miss Goodall at Liverpool. Signor and Madame de Begnis were there also. Signor Placci at York and Birmingham. Mr. Bellamy at all.

With such an assemblage of va rious power, comprehending every species of ability, the perfection in the direction must have been to bring into play every single exertion, and every combination of talent that could gratify the senses, yet stimulate them by variety and contrast. When we consider what a vast contrariety is included between the pianissimo of Mrs. Salmon, and the overwhelming power of 500 voices and instruments, all joined in one "loud acclame "-when we recollect how these may be employed to move the human heart, and when we remember the prodigious force of the talent in composition which has been elicited through ages of progressive science, the mind is lost in the contemplation of such resources. And indeed it should seem that human agency (so far as its potency is yet developed) could go no further.

The voluming of the sound from this mighty mechanism possessed the grandeur of elemental majesty. As it rolled along the walls and vaulted roofs of the Minster, it had no earthly object of comparison, except indeed it be found in the awfully splendid description given by La Baume of the fires of Moscow. There was "an ocean of flame"-here a sea of multitudinous sounds. Such were the sublime effects resulting from aggregated power. But as Mr. Burke, the great theorist of the two chief sources

of intellectual gratification, has ob- are to be added, the levity of Italian served, little less of sublimity result- buffo performance, refined articulaed from the simple majesty of the tion of notes, and words combined single voices. Both, however, and with touching melody, and exemall were susceptible of every distinc- plified by the fascinating archness of tive shade of beauty or of grandeur, Madame de Begnis, while the as they were employed. St. Mat- stronger, but similar traits are thrown thew's tune, by all the voices, and in by Signors de Begnis and Placci. Luther's hymn by Madame Catalani, Perhaps nothing conveys a better were each specimens of the subli- exemplification of the influence of mity which simplicity of design, these assemblages of talent, than the when executed by power, is calcu- attention excited by the symphonies lated to inspire. The magnificence of Mozart and Beethoven. Nor can of the celestial hierarchy was as any thing speak more strongly the nearly approached as human concep- all-pervading progression of a real tions can reach in the choral parts love of music, than this delight, of the Messiah; and though with a almost new to the English, in instrudifference, there was scarcely less of mental performance. All the confeeling in the airs. And the princi- certs were gemmed, either with conple was further borne out by the fact, certed pieces, or solos, and nothing that Miss Travis's What though I was received with more applause. trace, and Miss Goodall's How cheer- At all the meetings too were found ful along the gay mead, searched as amateurs, who could creditably susthoroughly the affections of the au- tain a part even by the side of the dience as the most complicated and London musicians, in the several exalted parts of the performance. orchestras, and upon various instruk

As the faculties usually respond to ments. the stimulus applied, so it is to be To sum up the merits of the sepresumed that all the performers did veral meetings, we must say, York their utmost; and insomuch as the was the most imposing and brilliant occasion was greater, they were The solemn magnificence, and vast themselves actually greater than un- space of the Minster, the almost der the ordinary calls upon their countless numbers assembled, the professional character. It is not less perfection of the compositions, and true than curious, that the great vo- the excellence of the execution, all calists all differ in their several qua- contributed to give to the picture lities so widely, yet all possess such the deepest shadows, and the broadexcellence, as to render their execu- est lights. Every thing was heighttion as distinct as the departments ened by contrast, and the mind and they embrace. The force, majesty, the affections stimulated by the magand transition of Madame Catalaní nitude and the multiplicity of the are unequalled. They are of nature parts. To Birmingham, the same rather than acquirement, and, as it observations apply, with perhaps a were, emanations from the omnipo- slight allowance for reduced means. tence that has given such power. Liverpool, without aiming at such Mrs. Salmon's delicacy, brilliancy, absolute grandeur, was yet not a and purity of execution have the whit less delightful. Perfection was, brightness and the speed of light; perhaps, more nearly approached, while Miss Stephens’s full rich voice, owing not only to the excellent consent forth in the most chaste and un- ducting of Sir George Smart, but affected manner, carries to the ute also to the fact that all was submost the impression that tone in its jected to one grasp, and that grasp finest flow can make. In the first, could comprehend all. Majesty was we have the fullest force of dramatic compensated by superior delicacy passion, in the second, the volant and finish, beauty of airy sound playing about It remains only to state the proour sense of hearing, as the corus, digious receipts at the several places, cations of summer lightning glance which, it is to be recollected, are in upon the sight. Braham and Sapio aid of the funds of some of the are distinguished for animation and noblest charities that benevolence dramatic expression; Vaughan for can frame ; namely, of general hasexquisite grace and polish. To these pitals, for the reception and cure of

those whom casualties afflict, and "who would sink under such misfortunes in the wretched abysses of poverty and suffering, but for the refuge and the comfort such institutions afford. This is, indeed, to turn art to a glorious purpose; and when we perceive how misery is alleviated, happiness diffused, science improved, and the prosperity of individuals and of communities aided by these assemblages of ability, it becomes a duty to advocate their universal adoption. But facts and examples are stronger incitements than precept, and we see the generous flame is spreading. Norfolk has announced a festival for next year, or rather called upon its opulent inhabitants for support, and there can be no doubt but emulation will kindle everywhere.


At the first concert there were 1300 persons present at the second concert, 1550. At the first ball, 1400 -at the second, 800-making a total of 5050 tickets issued for the balls and concerts alone; which at 15s. each, amount to 37877. 10s.

On the first day there were 3000 people at the Minster, and during the remaining three days, about 4700 each day, making a total number of 17,100 people. There were 400 sets of tickets for the gallery sold, which at 31. 13s. 6d. amount to 1470l. There were 200 sets for the centre sold at 21. 158. each, making a total of 550l.

In addition to the above there were in the gallery 600 people on the first and last days, and 800 on each of the other days, who paid 17. 1s. In the centre the first day 1200, and on the three remaining days 1600 per day, whose tickets were charged 15s. each. The side aisles, however, contained only 300 the first day, and 1600 per day afterwards at 7s. each, making a total as follows.-Number of single tickets issued for Minster, 13,900; cash received for ditto, 9,2251. Grand Total.

Concerts and Balls.

£. S. 3787 10

Sets of Tickets sold for Minster. 2020

[blocks in formation]

£10,859 14 0

Norwich has had two grand concerts on the 16th and 17th of October. Mr. Sapio, Miss Carew, and Miss Goward, with Mr. H. Smart as leader, and Mr. Lindley with a good band, were there. Miss Paton, after an engagement made months since, disappointed the audience and did not appear. It seems that Mr. Paton committed a double error (if such it may be called). First he engaged his daughter in a series of performances at the Edinburgh theatre, which concluded only just in time to Total Receipts £15,212 10 render it possible for her to reach

Single do. for do.


Collected at the doors of Minster

the 1st day...


Ditto 2d day, after which no

more collections at the doors

were attempted....


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