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are faithfully preserved. Frankenstein makes his man, huge, formidable, and grand, and the creature follows him throughout the world. He is at first disposed to be gentle; but the disgust which his appearance provokes, whets his dislike to manand he becomes a demon to all connected with Frankenstein. After destroying the betrothed of his father, -and running away with a little uncle, the creature meets Frankenstein in the Alps, and, in a conflict, is buried with the author (not Mr. Peake) under an avalanche. The frightful, awful interest of the novel is wonderfully kept up,-and we will defy any person to keep the natural ruby of his cheeks" at that period when the red workings of the furnace are seen through a sort of window, and the labours of Frankenstein are evidenced by the intense horror of a foolish domestic who has ventured to peep at what his master is doing. Then the rush of the pale scholar from his laboratory,-astounded at the work he has achieved-and the slaty-supernatural coming of the figure itself-alive-gigantic-without a purpose! fill up the work of terror!--the appearance of this creature at all times is mysterious and terrific!-and though we feel the extravagance of the creation throughout, we cannot but acknowledge that the author has, in our love for the marvellous, "fooled us to the top of our bent."

streets, professing to come from a knot of "friends of humanity," and calling on the fathers of families, &c. to set their faces against the piece. If this bill was seriously intended, —it was ludicrous enough. The answer on the part of the theatre was managerial and absolute;-and Presumption fills the theatre still with grumbling and money.

The acting in the two leading characters was perhaps the best ever seen in Melodrame; and, indeed, if it had been feeble, or outrageous, or, anything but what it was,-Frankenstein would soon have got rid of his tall blue Pest, and the long Demon would have perished in his infancy. It required certainly the finest powers of melodramatic acting, to make the extravagance commanding;-and in Mr. T. P. Cooke and Mr. Wallack these powers were, luckily for the author of both Frankenstein and his follower, found. Mr. Wallack was dressed delightfully,-German and scholar-like to the very buckle of his shoe. The fine intelligence of his countenance seemed to warrant the talk about his ardour after knowledge

and the deathy paleness and melancholy thrown into it seemed to speak of the fatality of his pursuits. Mr. T. P. Cooke as (----) (for he is so described,-and we see no reason for foregoing our own parenthesis because its palings touch those of Mr. Peake's) has proved himself to be the very best pantomime actor on the stage. He never speaks ;— but his action and his looks are more than eloquent. The effect of music upon him is affecting and beautiful in the extreme. He looks giganticand so contrives his uncouth dress and hair as quite to warrant the belief that he is more than human. While he is on the stage, the audience dare not hiss, nay-scarcely breathebut the moment he is well buried under the avalanche, all the good people in the pit feel for their moralities, and give vent to their disapprobation.

Something has been said of the impropriety of the production ;-and one paper has hinted, with a singular critical sagacity, at the impiety of the drama and novel:-surely, nothing can be more idle than such a strain of objection! The moral, if it be needful to require it in this case, is so glaring, as almost to disturb the mystery and interest of the work:-we trust, we shall not be thought impious for so expressing ourselves. A man, by study, creates a being and gives it life:-he is unable to give it sense, understanding, purpose, or any of those harmonizing qualities which fit it for existenceand the creator falls a victim to his imperfect creature!-Putting the im- This little piece, written in the improbability out of the question-perative mood, is a translation from where is the vice of all this? We the French, and has all the life of own we are unable to detect it. A plot and character which that nation foolish placard was stuck about the so invariably throws into its dramas.

The scenery was old--and the music was taken out of the same bin. I will have a Wife.

Mr. Planché is the translator, and the production does him credit. Bartley, as an old Admiral, is determined to marry-and having three ladies in his house, from whom he knows he can select, he is only anxious about the two he must discharge. He makes his choice-but the first lady is chosen ;-he is abashed, but chooses again,-lady the second is choosing elsewhere at the same time. -Of course he must put up with the third, but unluckily she has already put up with the admiral's son. The only female on earth after these, is (our readers will have guessed), Mrs. Grove. My Aunt is chosen !-Happy Bartley!

A very smart Operetta is contrived out of this group of refusals and every actor did his duty. Mrs. Grove was a company in herself. Mr. Mathews.

Mathews is come :-we have seen him. We have seen his Morblieu, French to perfection. We have reseen the Polly Packet and the Dili

gence and he is as fresh as ever. The Atlantic seems to have invigorated his Sea-sickness. He is "not thinner,”—and we are right glad of it.

The only benefit we have yet gained by Mathews's " trip to America" (a fit mode of expression for such a traveller) is, that he has been forced into the Drama, the Legitimate Drama, again-and to the taste of the Yankees do we owe one of the best pieces of acting on the stage:-we mean Morblieu, in Monsieur Tonson. It is the thing!-demi-semi-fine!— Oh! the delectable small voice, and pinched English, and flimsy figure! Oh the pointed dance with Madame Bellegarde !-The boots! meant like the boot of a coach to carry six, but not filled!-Gatty is excellent in this part:-But Mathews is cruel enough to have taken from poor Gatty's brow the only sprig of laurel that ever adorned it. Reader! Go,—and see Morblieu!-Don't stand reading here, but go!

SKETCH OF FOREIGN LITERATURE. France.-The Drama.-For some time past there has been nothing new in the higher branches of the dramatic art; but several new pieces, both tragedies and comedies, are said to be in rehearsal at the principal theatres. The inferior playhouses, such as the Vaudeville, the Gymnase, the Variétés, &c. have produced several successful trifles.

-History-A new collection is just advertised, under the title of a Collection of Memoirs, relative to the History of France, from the foundation of the French monarchy, to the thirteenth century, with an introduction, supplement, and notes, by M. Guizot. It will make thirty vols. Svo. and include the principal historians, from Clovis to St. Louis, who wrote the history of their own times, such as Gregory of Tours, Fredegaire, Eginhard, Thegan, Nithard, Suger, William Archbishop of Tyre, Foulcher of Chartres, Odon de Deuil, Pierre de Cernay, Rigord, &c. As these historians relate events of which they were witnesses, or even in which they participated, their

works are real memoirs, though not so called. They are almost all in Latin, and will be translated with care. This collection, added to that publishing by M. Foucault, (which we have already noticed) and which begins at the thirteenth century, with the Collection of Memoirs relative to the French Revolution, will form a complete body of French history, drawn from contemporary and original sources, from the foundation of the monarchy to our times. Volumes IV. V. and VI. of M. Sismondi's great work, Histoire des Français, have been rather more severely criticised in some French journals than the first three volumes. The particular title which he has thought of giving to the period from 987 to 1226, of "France confederated under the feudal System," seems to be disapproved of; as tending to lead the author himself insensibly to give a constrained turn to certain facts, in order to accommodate them to the system which he has in some measure prescribed to himself. It is, however, generally acknowledged,


that this Sketch of the History of printed on vellum, in the King's liFrance is far superior to all that brary, five vols. 8vo. merits to be have preceded it, by a better choice recommended for the excellent meof facts, more judicious criticism, thod of the work, the exactness of and a closer and more profound study the details, and the extensive biblioof the original authorities. A His- graphical knowledge of the author, tory of King René, in two vols. 8vo. who signs himself M. V. P.-Mr. F. is in the press; the author is the Vis- Didot has reprinted in small 12mo. count L. F. de Villeneuve Barge- the Catalogus Librorum Officine Damont. The war with Spain con- nielis Elzevirii, &c. Amstelodami, tinues to give birth to numerous 1681. This typographical wonder, publications. The History of the say the French journals, is a reprint Invasions of Spain, from the Pheni- of a little book so scarce, that it necians to the present time, by M. de ver has been in the catalogue of any Boissi, is a pretty good compendium. sale, and its very existence has -Fine Arts. Among these are No. hitherto been unknown to all biblioIX. of Gau's Nubia, of which fine graphers; M. Didot, and M. Thompwork only three numbers more re- son engraver on wood, have repromain to be published. Nos. I. toduced the original, letter for letter, and VI. of the Collection of Greek Vases vignette for vignette, with extraordiof Count Lamberg, who was Am- nary perfection. Only 100 copies have bassador at Naples, at the same time been printed, 80 on Dutch paper, as Sir William Hamilton; it will and 20 on superfine Dutch paconsist of eighteen numbers. The per, resembling vellum; only 60 of editor is Count Alex. Delaborde, who the former, and 10 of the latter are is well known by other expensive on sale. A Poetarum Græcorum Sylworks, such as his Tableau de l'Es- loge, edited by the learned M. Boispagne, and his Monuments of France, sonade, is a valuable publication, of which continues to appear regularly: which three volumes are published: eighteen numbers out of forty are it is very well printed, în 32mo. It already published. Another inter- will form 25 volumes, comprising esting work, by the same author, is Homer, Hesiod, Æschylus, Sophocles, a Picturesque Tour in Austria, in Euripides, Aristophanes, Pindar, Calthree vols,folio, containing 163 plates. limachus, the Anthology, &c. Be

-Natural History. The proprietors sides this miniature edition of the of the works of Buffon, with the con- Greek poets, the same bookseller is tinuations, by several celebrated na- publishing the principal Latin auturalists, making 127 vols. 8vo. with thors, in 60 volumes; the Italian 1150 plates, offer to dispose of the Classic Poets, in 30 vols. ; the French remainder of the impression, by sub- Classics, in 50 vols.; and a select scription, a livraison of four vols. to library of English poets, in 36 vols. be issued every month. Of the Faune Poetry. The success of the work Française, by a society of able na- published by Messrs. Jouy and Jay turalists, nine numbers are publish- on their being released from the ed; the whole will form twelve vols. prison of St. Pelagie, has perhaps with 800 plates, (ten in a number) induced the publication of the Soucontaining representations of at least venirs Poetiques de Deux Prison6000 species. The Phytographie Me- niers, by J. D. Magalon, and A. Bardicale of Dr. Roques continues to gines. The name of M. Magalon is merit, as it successively appears, the familiar to most of our readers, the praises which have been bestowed journals having frequently spoken, upon it.-Philology, Bibliography, &c. at the time of his being sent to Mr. Barbier has published the second prison, of the undue and unnecessary volume of his new edition of his va- harshness with which he was treated. luable Dictionary of Anonymous and The establishment of the Asiatic Pseudonymous works, written, trans- Society at Paris has given a new imlated, or published, in French and pulse to the study of Oriental literaLatin. This work is not merely a ture, and many valuable works may dry catalogue, interesting only to be expected from the press of the the lovers of books, but is full of society. Among other enterprises curious and instructive dissertations already determined upon is a new and facts. A catalogue of the books edition of Marco Polo from a manu


script in the King's Library, which academy was dispersed, and the contains twenty-six chapters that are royal printing office in confusion. not in any other edition. Mr. Klap- This important manuscript, after reroth's important work, Asia Poly- maining thirty-four years in the auglotta, in 4to. with atlas, in folio, is thor's portfolio, is now on the eve of now published.-Politics. Under this being published by M. Buchon, with head, a pamphlet with the title of the approbation of M. Dacier. M. Greece in 1821 and 1822, a political Buchon, we learn, intends to combine correspondence published by a Greek, it with a Collection of the National occasions much attention. The author Chronicles of France, written in the shows that the present struggle of vulgar tongue, which he is likewise the Greeks against the Turkish going to publish, (Froissart is to be power is not a revolution in the mo- subscribed for separately.) Considern acceptation of that term, nor an dering the importance of Froissart to insurrection against a legitimate go- the History of England, we cannot vernment, but a continuation of the but desire the speedy publication of war which the Greeks have never this edition of his valuable work. ceased to carry on against the Otto- We certainly consider it as a fortuman power.

The Greeks do not nate coincidence that so much attenobey the Turkish government; they tion is paid, at the same time, yield to the armed preponderance of in France, England, and Germany, to their cruel oppressors, but they have the monuments of the obscurer peremained a distinct people; they riods of European history. The rehave not become assimilated and solution of the British government fused with their conquerors, as the to print the ancient chronicles, docuGauls with the Franks, or the Britons ments, &c. the important and intewith the Saxons, and the war has resting discoveries which have already never, wholly ceased; the Greeks been made in searching among the rehave de facto constantly protested cords buried under the accumulated against the Ottoman government; dust of centuries, the probable results and from the taking of Constantin of the labours of the German Saciety, nople to our days, partial and local for printing ancient monuments of the resistance has never ceased; the middle ages (which we spoke of Manjots, the Sphackiots of Crete, last month,) the history of the house the brave defenders of Suli, and of Hohenstaufen by Raumer, the pubother mountain tribes, have always lication of which has been delayed for had arms in their hands, and the a short time, and lastly, the many love of liberty in their hearts. French publications, relative to the

The Chronicles of Froissart, by M. same period, which we have had ocDacier. It was well known that the casion to notice, will undoubtedly learned Academician was engaged throw new light on many intricate previously to the revolution in this points in the civil, religious, and mipublication. Ten years' researches litary affairs, and on the state of in all the libraries of Europe, a manners, arts, sciences, and literastrict examination of all the ma- ture, in that long, obscure, but most nuscripts then existing, some of important and interesting period in whicho have been since dispersed the history of Modern Europe. and lost, and a scrupulous revisal of Germany. - We shall probably

. the chronology of the historian, have have little new to announce from the long since made the learned world German press till the Michaelmas impatient for the appearance of M. fair at Leipsig, excepting, however, Dacier's labours, his situation in the that the German literati still contiAcademy and the Royal Library, and nue without interruption to give to the particular turn of his mind, emi- the world the fruits of their classical nently qualifying him for the task. labours, among which the learned Those who have had opportunities world will be peculiarly grateful for of seeing the result of M. Dacier's the Lexicon Herodoteum of Mr. John labours have found the new. Frois. Schweighäuser, in 2 large volumes sart, as completed by him, almost 8vo. This new work, on which Mr. double the printed editions. The Schweighäuser has spent six entire printing in folio was begun when years, is so arranged as to be used, the revolution put a stop to it; the not only with the Greek edition of Herodotus, which he published in trarch, Ariosto, and Tasso, in 8vo. 1816, but with all other Greek edi. This collection will make 10 volumes. tions of that historian that have him Netherlands. -The miscellaneous therto appeared.

Latin essays of the late celebrated Italy.—We have nothing particu- Professor Wyttenbach, have been lar to add to what we mentioned last published (for the first time collecmonth respecting Italian literature, tively) in 2 large octavo volumes. A the lovers of which, however, will Life of the Professor (in Latin), be glad to hear that M. Biagioli (at by G. L. Mahne, has just appeared. Paris), who has already published a We believe that the above Opuscula, valuable edition of Dante, has issued though now advertised, were puba prospectus of a new edition of the lished a year and a half or two Decamerone of Boccacio, with an his. years ago. torical and literary commentary,

Denmark.-We have not before and the most essential various read- had an opportunity to notice the folings of preceding editions. It will lowing very important work. Grundbe in 5 vols. 8vo. ; a separate volume, træk til en Almindelig Plante Geogranot included in the subscription, will phie, that is, Elements of a general contain the Life of Boccacio, a de- Geography of Plants, by Mr. Schow, tailed account of his work, a dis- professor in the University of Copencourse on the Decameron, and a core hagen. Our botanical readers will rect index of all the editions. To probably regret that it is in the these we may add, that the good Danish language; though we have reception given to the Selection of heard something of an intended Italian poets in 32mo. which we men- French translation, our authority is tioned, under the head of France, not positive enough to allow us to has induced the editors to publish assert that such an undertaking is in the four principal poets, Dante, Pe- contemplation.


PERKINS's STEAM ENGINE. the steam are loaded, one with 35, We have already communicated the other with 37 atmospheres, so all that was known concerning the that none of the fluid can escape till steam engine of Mr. Perkins, and we the heat creates a greater force. By are happy that we now have it in our means of a compressing pump, the power to give more precise informa- handle of which is wrought by the tion on the subject. Our readers are engine, water is forced into the geaware that water may be raised to nerator, the valve loaded with 35 any temperature, provided it be pre- atmospheres is opened, and a porvented from passing off in vapour; tion of the hot and compressed fluid that in fact, by keeping it subjected flashes out in the form of steam of to a certain pressure, it may be made high elasticity, and of a temperature red hot, on which depends the im- 420, and is conveyed to a borizontal portant discovery of Mr. Perkins. cylinder containing the piston, to The generator of his engine, that which it communicates motion. Havsupplies the place of the boiler, is a ing performed its office, it is carried cylinder of gun-metal, which is more into a condenser, where it is contenacious and less liable to oxidation verted into water, at a temperature than any other. It is three inches of about 320, and under a pressure thick, contains eight gallons of wa- of five atmospheres, whence it is ter, and is closed at both ends, with drawn into the forcing pump, again the exception of five openings for to be thrown into the generator.tubes.

It is placed vertically in a The pump acts with a pressure of 35 cylindrical furnace, in which, by the atmospheres; consequently when the aid of bellows, it is kept at a tempera- water is urged from it into the geture of from 400 to 450, the water nerator, it must expel a portion being brought up to the same heat. equal to itself in volume, which, aThe valves in the tubes that convey already mentioned, the moment

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