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not only to anticipate their entrance,' agreeable to the King," to convoke but to obtain for the army of the the ancient Supreme Council of Casfaith the honour of the capitulation. tile and the Supreme Council of the Accordingly he presented himself at Indies, and to entrust to them the the gate of Alcala with more than selection of the members who should one thousand troops ; the Constitu- compose the Regency. These men, tional General Zayas, who com- it seems, were to exercise what the manded, represented that the city Duke calls “ a necessary power” till was about to be occupied by the “the wished-for day,” in which FerFrench army by virtue of a capi- dinand, “ happy and free,” was to tulation, and that they and they return again amongst them, and alone would be allowed to take pos- make them happy also ! The Duke session. This was not the object of D'Angoulême ends his proclamation Bessieres, who persisted; the conse- with a piece of advice to them, quence of which was an engagement which no doubt he thought necessary, which ended in his total defeat, with as that great Prince does nothing the loss of 80 men killed, 700 pri- vainly; namely, to believe the word soners, and his own ultimate narrow of a Bourbon.It is not the first escape with only six or seven horse- time the Spanish people have taken men. From this it is a clear infer- “ the word” of the family, and ence that the capitulation of the therefore they are now pretty well city to the foreign foe, was the result able to estimate what it is worth. of a system, and not of any want of Soon after this proclamation, a loyal means or spirit to defend it. This address was got up in the name of attempt of Bessieres was clearly the “Grandezza of Spain,” professboth rash and feeble, as the French ing their ardent gratitude to the army were suffered to take peaceable Duke D'Angoulême as a liberator possession on the 23d and 24th, two and restorer of order, and declaring days after this unnecessary sacrifice. the anxiety of the addressers to deImmediately on the arrival of the vote their lives and fortunes to the French army, the Duke D'Angou- same cause. This address was dated lême issued a proclamation to the Madrid, May 20, and was signed by' Spanish people, declaring that he 26 Dukes, Counts, and Marquisses, had not come to make war upon four Countesses, and one Duchess. them! He only came, he assured None of the names are of the least them, as a friend, “ to help Spain to distinction, and the reader may restore her altars, to deliver her king, judge how severely pressed the and to re-establish justice, order, « lives and fortune ” men must have and peace in her bosom." This was been, when he is told that of these the purpose, he says, for which his ignoble nobles, some were on the uncle had sent him, and the moment verge of the grave, and some little had arrived for executing his wishes, more than out of the cradle. The and the first step which he proposed Councils of Castile and the Indies was the establishment of a regency having been convoked according to in a solemn and stable manner. To the command of the invader, they this body was to be entrusted the came to a resolution, that under exadministration of the country, theisting circumstances they did not organization of a regular army, and consider themselves authorised by the achievement, in concert with the laws of the kingdom to elect a their invading friend, of the King's Regency, but that they thought it deliverance.

A serious difficulty, their duty to present to the Duke a however, presented itself in the very list of such persons 'as appeared to first instance, as to the execution of them most competent to fill that this notable scheme; namely, that high office. The names presented time could not be allowed for the were those of the Duke of Infantado, concurrence of the provinces: this the Duke of Montemart, the Baron was the alleged difficulty, but we D'Eroles, the Bishop of Osma, and fancy the real one was the certainty Don Antonio Gomer Calderon. A that the provinces would not concur telegraphic account, published in the in it. Under these circumstances his French papers, mentions that the Royal Highness deemed it “ most Constitutional troops which evacusuitable, most national, and most ated Madrid, were pursued and ore

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taken by a division of the French well as that of the invaders, has suf. army, commanded by General Vallinfered severely, and Mina, the indeOf course, according to their own fatigable Mina, appears almost to accounts, the French

suc- possess the talent of ubiquity. Even cessful; it is worthy of remark, the French ultra press admits that however, that though they estimate he has out-manæuvred their generals the force of their enemy at 3000 in- Donnadieu and D'Eroles, and fantry, and 500 cavalry, they do not though they uniformly assert that pretend to have taken more than 60 he is ever in flight, and they ever prisoners. Indeed almost all the in pursuit, still they consistently accounts which we receive of the admit that he is often the assailant. Peninsular contest, are contained in On the 26th of May he suddenly apthe Parisian journals, and of course peared before Vich, with a consimust be received with considerable derable force, and the Monks and caution. Private letters from Ma- Friars immediately issued a procladrid state that the entrance of the mation calling upon all the inhaFrench into that capital, and the bitants to take up arms against him consequent retreat of the Consti- under pain of death. When Mina tutional troops, were the signal for heard of this he had instant recourse violent excesses on the part of the to an expedient which fully proves the populace. They broke the pillar of determined character of the man. the Constitution to pieces, burst He forth with issued what the Spainto the hall of the Cortes, destroyed niards call a Ban, declaring that all the chandeliers, benches, statues, &c. persons who assumed authority in and burned all the records and sta- opposition to the Constitutional gotutes. They then attacked and pil- vernment, or took up arms against laged the houses of the most distin- it, should be shot the moment they guished constitutionalists.

were captured; and that every neral illumination followed, and the commune in which the tocsin should picture of the beloved Ferdinand was be sounded against the Constitutional displayed in many places, after forces, should be burnt to ashes. which they destroyed the book of He has been actively employed in the Constitution, and Riego's pic- collecting tri-coloured cockades, the tyre, by the hands of the common use of which he promises somewhat hangman. All this, however, was mysteriously that time shall reveal; effected merely by the lowest of the he had already collected about ten priest-ridden rabble, all the respect- thousand, and was said to have made able inhabitants having previously frequent incursions into the French shut themselves up in their houses, territory; it is quite impossible to say or retired to the neighbouring vil what his plan is, but, from such a lages. Such were among the first character, nothing would surprise us. effects produced among the inha- Something like treachery, though we bitants of Madrid, by " the word of are not let into the facts sufficiently a Bourbon.” We have but little to to define it, appears to have been record in the way of actual hos- discovered in the Count D’Abisbal. tilities. The Spaniards appear reso- He has been deposed from his com.. lutely to adhere to the system laid mand, and the French papers say down from the commencement of would have been shot by the Spathe invasion, namely, the studiously niards but for the timely rescue of a avoiding any thing like a pitched French regiment. He had, howbattle, and relying upon time and ever, arrived in safety at Bayonne. circumstances to aid them in their An important fact is now at length persevering Guerilla warfare. The avowed by the Paris papers, the French, of course, in their advance, removal of Ferdinand and the Cortes are obliged to distribute a great part from Seville, towards which place of their forces in the towns in their the Duke D'Angoulême had detached rear, and also in besieging the strong two divisions of his army.

The ac. places which they have been obliged counts, however, which all agree in to leave behind them in possession. his removal, do not agree as to his of the enemy. In the north of Spain, destination, some saying that it is particularly Santona and St. Cadiz, and others that it is to Andero, the army of the faith, as Tariffe, a place only a few leagues


from Gibraltar. Letters from Bay- Lisbon, joined the Infante. If this onne state distinctly, that immense be true, it is difficult to say what quantities of provisions are daily man can be trusted, and still more forwarding from France intɔ the in- so to estimate what possible bribe terior of Spain, which are “ indis- could. have repaid such a man for pensably necessary to the support of the total surrender of an unsullied the French army.” A strange ad- reputation. A Paris paper, however, mission, and not very consistent with positively asserts, on the authority the Duke D'Angoulême's accounts of letters from Lisbon, dated the 2d of the enthusiastic reception he has of June, that an attack of the rebels met with from all classes of the on that city had been repulsed, and people. Great military reinforce- that the King and Cortes had stood ments are also on their way from firm, the latter body declaring SeFrance, eight new regiments of ca- pulveda “a traitor who had caused valry are spoken of, and the levies the desertion of 2760 men of the of 1823 are called out. All this troops of the line.” Even supposing looks as if the brilliant successes so this account to be true, there is but loudly vaunted have not been ob- little consolation to be derived from "tained for nothing, and ill accord it. We are bound however to state, with the confident predictions cir- that a subsequent express from Paris culated on the eve of the invasion, goes still farther, declaring that three that the Duke D'Angoulême would different couriers had arrived from at once overrun the Peninsula with Madrid, bringing information that his 100,000 men. The truth seems the Portuguese counter-revolution to be, that the war is yet scarcely in had been entirely consummated; that its commencement.

Don Miguel had actually entered The intelligence from Portugal, Lisbon on the 3d of June ; that though not actually confirmed and General Rego had been deposed from even somewhat contradictory, still his command, and that the troops bears an aspect somewliat dispiriting under bis orders had sent in their to the friends of the constitutional submission. They add what, if the cause. It is said, in a Lisbon paper accounts prove true, follows as a of the 31st of May, that the follow- matter of course, namely, that the ing attempt was made at a counter- King had been established in all the revolution. At nine on the morning plenitude o absolute power. We are of the 27th the Infante Don Miguel, willing to derive whatever consolaat the head of 360 infantry, and 30 tion we can from the circumstance cavalry, proceeded to the square of of this disastrous news coming merely Villa Franca, and proclaimed the through a French channel; it is abolition of the constitution; after much to be feared, however, that so which he quitted the capital. He many accounts of the same tendency, then wrote a letter to the king, in though not exactly to the same exwhich he deprecated the idea of act- tent, cannot be altogether without ing in any way against his father, some foundation. The Angoulême whose wishes, he insinuates, are in regency is said to have' despatched a contradiction to his “ exterior acts.” courier to this country with advices; The worst part of the story is, how- the same account adds, that Admiral ever, yet to come. It is said, that Jabat, the Spanish ambassador to General Sepulveda, who originated the Court of London, refused to rethe revolution of Oporto, and in cognise their authority, and a mere whom the constitutionalists naturally formal receipt for the despatches was reposed the most unbounded confi- given at the foreign office. Indeed dence, issued on the 28th a procla- we do not see how any thing else mation, stating himself to be charged could have been done consistently with the defence of the metropolis, and with our avowed system of neucalling on the people to depend upon trality. “a man who never had any other Our domestic retrospect is almost object in view than the honour of his confined to the parliamentary abcountry.” The very next evening, stract, and the aecounts from Irebowever, he collected as many troops land. We must not, however, omit as he could prevail upon to follow to mention, that there has been : him, and taking his departure from very numerously attended meetin

held in the City; the object of which ward by Lord Archibald Hamilton, was to assist the Spaniards. Though and certain resolutions were prothe subscription may be said to be posed, by the mover, pledging the as yet but in its infancy, several House to an inquiry early in the envery large sums have been sub- suing session, into the state of the scribed. The Corporation have voted representation of the counties of two sums of 1000). each to the Greek Scotland, with a view to effect some and the Spanish cause. Upon this lat- extension of the number of voters, ter subscription several legal doubts and to establish some connexion bewere raised; but the money having tween the right of voting, and the been forwarded to the acting com- landed property of the country. The mittee, they must be great fools if inquiry was resisted by Governnent they suffer the gentlemen of the long on the ground that the representation robe to share it with the patriots. of Scotland had continued in its Lord Byron has written a letter to present state from the time of the Greek Committee, making a ten- Charles I. ; that no petitions in fader of his services, and pointing out vour of the motion appeared upon in what way he thinks their co-ope- the table ; that the people were ration may be made most effectual. quite delighted with “ the present

The proceedings in the House of state of things,” and therefore that Commons have been protracted to the motion should be rejected, as an unusually late period from the not meeting the concurrence of those tedious, and as it now turns out, who were most interested on the worse than useless inquiry into the subject. There was

a majority conduct of the Sheriff of Dublin. against inquiry of 35. The session, however, is fast draw. A motion was also brought foring to a close. The Chancellor of ward for an inquiry into the causes the Exchequer has already given of the arrears in the Court of Channotice of his intention speedily to cery, and into the appellant jurisbring forward the budget, and as diction of the House of Lords. Vathis measure is universally consi- rious documents were produced to dered the closing scene of the prove that the delays in that.court drama, we may fairly conclude that were ruinous to the suitors; that by the first or second week in the en- the expensive nature of the proceedsuing month will restore our senators ings, amounting in one case to to the longing eyes of their consti- 10,3001., the people were deprived of tuents. The illness of Sir Francis that to which, by Magna Charta, Burdett, with whom the Dublin in- they were entitled, namely, imparquiry originated, has prevented his tial justice speedily administered. following it up by any specific mea- The motion, after two days' debate, sure, and of course it has altogether was negatived by a majority of 85. dropped.

By all the concurrent accounts from The proceedings instituted by the Ireland, the state of that unfortunate Lord Advocate of Scotland against country is represented as bordering a person of the name of Borthwick, upon desperation. Recent occurwere deemed by many unnecessary, rences in the House of Commons and by not a few, as unjust and op- seem to have accelerated a crisis pressive; in consequence of which a which every man of common sense vote of censure upon that learned has long ago foreseen. The Roman functionary was proposed during the Catholics have formed themselves last month in the House of Com- into an association; during one of

With the merits of the case the debates of which it was recently our readers must be in general al- declared that the struggle was no ready familiar, as it has frequently longer one for property or advanceundergone public discussion. The ment, but for life itself; and that it learned Lord, however, must now behoved all prudent men of that perfeel as satisfied as a majority of six suasion, to whom the laws allowed can make him, that his conduct was the use of arms, to preserve them for not only legal, but laudable. A their defence. On the other hand, the motion explanatory of the general violence of the Orangemen has conabuses which prevailed in the Scotch siderably increased since their signal system of reform was brought for- triumph over one of the branches of



the legislature, in the person of Sir had been done for Ireland, of which Abraham Bradley King. Indeed we she was now reaping the benefit.learn from the late Irish papers, that It bids fair to be a bloody harvest. the parties no longer confine them. The resolutions were negatived by a selves to mere words. On the 12th majority of 46—the numbers being, of June it seems a dreadful affray for them, 59-against them, 105. took place at a village called Mag- His Majesty has removed to his hera, in the county of Derry, be- cottage in Windsor Forest ; and, nottween the Ribbandmen and the withstanding some alarming reports, Orangemen, in which eight or nine presented himself to the people at persons were killed, and upwards of Ascot races, apparently in good sixty wounded. The Ribbandmen health. : His Royal Highness the appear to have had a temporary ad- Duke of Cumberland has returned to vantage, but the yeomanry arriving England from the Continent, after a in great numbers, commenced a fire very long absence. on them, which terminated in their defeat. Various parts of the country are proclaimed ; and in the south, the The rains which fell at the beginmurders, conflagrations, &c. are quite ning of the month, and at the end of frightful even to read of. Such is the May, with the warm weather that present situation of the country-an succeeded, made a rapid and great inquiry, it seems, is not to be made improvement in all the growing crops. even into the cause of it, and there. The grasses, which were thin and fore we must conclude it will arrive short, thickened and shot up aat its natural termination, a ferocious mazingly. They now present a fair and sanguinary rebellion.

swath to the scythe, although the The Irish Tithe Bill is still in its hay crop will not be so abundant by progress through the House, but its any means, generally, as in a good arrangements seem but little calcu- season. The corn of all descriptions lated, in the opinion of the Irish mem- has lost its yellow appearance, and bers, to accomplish any beneficial ob- taken most vigorous growth. ject. Mr. Western's annual motion Wheat is come into ear; and but for on the resumption of cash payments the check of the last few days of was brought forward, and, as usual, very cold weather, occasioned by the rejected by a large majority. prevalence of north-east and north

The Spitalfields' Act has passed west winds, there was every prosthrough the House of Commons, and pect of the harvest being accelerated. been referred by the Lords to a com- The peas seem every where to be mittee, to enquire into the case stated abundant; indeed, the season has by the petitioners.

been particularly favourable to the In the Upper House the Catholic light land growth. Turnip sowing Dissenters' Marriage Bill was thrown has been begun, and, in the western out, upon the second reading, by a counties especially, a greater breadth majority of six. The Marriage Law of land than common has been preAmendment Bill has been at length pared. The Swedes are almost uniagreed to.

versally sown; but in the north and The Duke of Devonshire, in a very east, the progress of getting in the sensible speech, brought the state of seed has been stopped by want of Ireland under the consideration of rain. the House of Lords, and concluded Sheep-shearing has commenced, by a motion, which declared, in sub- but the clip is not thought to be gestance, that the House was anxious nerally so good as that of last year. to put an end to the dreadful state of The reports vary as to the probable things in that country, which arose price. In the west of England, the from some inherent defect in the last year's clip is almost entirely in system of government; and that since the hands of the staplers, is advancexperience had proved a system of ing, and the dealers would readily coercion to be unavailing, it was the contract for this shear at late prices. duty of the House immediately to en- From the markets in the West quire into, and contrive a permanent Riding of Yorkshire, on the conamelioration.

trary, it is stated that wool will pr: The motion was resisted; and Lord bably be below the prices of 1 Liverpool declared that “a great deal year.


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