APPROPRIATIONS, BUDGET ESTIMATES, ETC. STATEMENTS FOR THE EIGHTY-FIRST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION and EIGHTY-SECOND CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION (January 3, 1951, to October 20, 1951) I.-APPROPRIATIONS MADE DURING THE SECOND SESSION OF THE EIGHTY-FIRST II.—PERMANENT AND INDEFINITE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS (pp. 520–551). IV.-CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF REGULAR, SUPPLEMENTAL, AND DEFICIENCY V.-REFERENCES TO INDEFINITE APPROPRIATIONS (pp. 558-562). VI. AMOUNT OF CONTRACTS AND LOANS AUTHORIZED BY APPROPRIATION OR OTHER ACTS IN ADDITION TO APPROPRIATIONS MADE THEREIN (pp. 563, 564). VII.-AUTHORIZATIONS FOR APPROPRIATIONS (pp. 565–568). VIII.-COMPARISON OF BUDGET-ESTIMATES AND APPROPRIATIONS (pp. 569-632). EIGHTY-FIRST CONGRESS SECOND SESSION, NOVEMBER 27, 1950, TO JANUARY 3, 1951 FIRST SESSION, JANUARY 3, 1951, TO OCTOBER 20, 1951 PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE COMMITTEES ON APPROPRIATIONS OF THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AS REQUIRED BY LAW. (U. S. CODE, TITLE 2, SECTION 105) COMPILERS' NOTE The previous volumes of this work for each session of Congress from the Fiftieth to the Sixty-seventh, inclusive, covering the fiscal years 1889 to 1924, inclusive, have contained tabulations in accordance with law, showing offices created and omitted and offices the salaries of which have been increased or reduced. Such tabulations have been eliminated from this publication, under the authority contained in the Legislative Appropriation Act approved June 7, 1924, and reading as follows: "In lieu of the data relating to offices created and omitted and salaries increased and reduced, the statement shall hereafter contain such additional information concerning estimates and appropriations, as the committees may deem necessary.' The Classification Act of 1923, as amended, providing a method for classification of positions in the District of Columbia, salary schedules and ratings for such positions, and provisions for administrative promotions, effective on July 1, 1924, makes impossible the compilation of accurate and useful statements of the character above referred to. This volume, pursuant to the above-quoted authority, contains detailed statements showing each item of appropriation made during the session and each Budget estimate submitted by the President and the increase or decrease in the Budget estimate compared with the appropriation in each instance. This compilation contains laws affecting or making appropriations which were enacted during the second session of the Eighty-first Congress after November 27, 1950 and the first session of the Eighty-second Congress, with the exception of private relief acts containing appropriations. Such private acts have been omitted from this compilation but a summary thereof containing the number of the act, the beneficiaries, and the amount appropriated is included. 2 4 Majority members through Mr. Furcolo, of Massachusetts, elected by H. Res. 9, agreed to January 3, 1951; remaining four members of majority elected by H. Res. 61, agreed to January 12, 1951. Minority members through Mr. Cotton, of New Hampshire, elected by H. Res. 44, agreed to January 4, 1951; next five members of minority through Mr. Schwabe, of Oklahoma, elected by H. Res. 68, agreed to January 15, 1951. $ Deceased October 2, 1951. Elected by H. Res. 465, agreed to October 17, 1951. 7 Deceased November 29, 1951. 3 I. APPROPRIATIONS MADE DURING THE SECOND SESSION OF By the Act making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1951, and for other purposes, approved January 6, 1951. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated, to supply supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1951, and for other purposes, namely: For payment to Mary Watts Meyer, widow of Herbert A. Meyer, late a Representative from the State of Kansas, $12,500_. PAYMENT OF SUMS DUE DECEASED CONGRESSIONAL PERSONNEL When any person dies while serving as a Senator or officer or employee of the Senate, the disbursing officer of the Senate shall pay to the widow or widower of such person, or, if there is no widow or widower, to the next of kin or heirs at law of such person, any unpaid balance of salary or other sums due such person at the time of his Section 50 of the Revised Statutes shall not be effective as to persons For an additional amount for "Capitol Building", $21,500--- Senate Restaurants: For replacement of equipment, Senate Res- taurant, Capitol Building, to be expended by the Architect of the Capitol under the supervision of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Stat- |