Abbildungen der Seite

Ad/ver-sa-ry, n. an opponent; enemy
Ad'ver-sa-ry, a. opposite to; adverse.
Ad-ver'sa-tive, a. noting opposition.
Ad'verse, a. contrary; calamitous; opposite.
Ad-versi-ty, n. affliction; misfortune.
Ad'verse-ly, ad. oppositely; unfortunately.
Ad-vert', v. n. to turn or attend to; to regard.
n. attention.

Ad-vër tent, a. attentive; heedful.
Ad-ver-tige, v. a. to inform; to give notice.
Ad-ver'tişe-ment, or Ad-ver-tişe'ment, n. in-
formation; admonition; public notice.
Ad-ver-tişler, n. he who advertises.
Ad-vice', n. counsel; instruction; notice.
Ad-viş/a-ble, a. prudent; expedient; fit.
Ad-viş'a-ble-ness, n. propriety; fitness.
Ad-vişel, v. a. to counsel, inform, consult.
Ad-vişe', v. n. to consult; to deliberate.
Ad-vised-ly, ad. deliberately; heedfully.
Ad-vigled-ness, n. deliberation.
Ad-vişe'ment, n. counsel; information.
Ad-vişler, n. one who advises; a counsellor.
Ad'vo-cate, v. a. to plead for; to defend.
Ad'vo-cate, n. one who pleads for another.
Ad-vo-ca'tion, n. act of pleading; defence.
Ad-vöŵ-ee', n. he that has the right of advow-
[to a benefice.
Ad-vöŵlson, (ad-vöû'zụn) n. a right to present
Ådz, or Ad'dice, n. a cutting iron tool.


'dile, (e'dil) n. a Roman magistrate. Egil-ops, (e'jjl-õps) n. a tumor; a plant. 'gis, (eljis) n. a shield.

Æ-oli-an-harp, n. a stringed musical instrument acted upon by the wind.

A-e'ri-al, a. belonging to the air; high; lofty.
Ale-rie, (ale-re, or e're) n. a nest of eagles, &c.
Ale-ri-form, a. having the form of air.
A-e-rogra-phy, n. a description of the air.
Ale-ro-lite, n. a meteoric stone.
A-e-rology, n. the science of the air.
Ale-ro-man-cy, n. divination by the air.
A-e-rom'e-ter, n. a machine for weighing air.
A-e-rome-try, n. the art of measuring the air.
Ale-ro-naut, n. one who sails in the air.
A-er-o-nautics, n. the art of sailing in the air.
A-e-ros-ta'tion, n. the science of weighing air.
Es-thetics, (es-thět'iks) n. the science which
treats of the beautiful.

A-far', ad. at a great distance; remotely.
Af-fa-bili-ty, n. the quality of being affable.
Affa-ble, a. easy of access; courteous.
Affa-ble-ness, n. courtesy; affability.
Affa-bly, ad. in an affable manner.
Af-fair', n. business; concern; transaction.
Af-fect, v. a. to act upon; to move.
Af-fec-ta'tion, n. false pretence or show.
Af-fectled, p. a. moved; full of affectation.
Af-fectled-ly, ad. in an affected manner.
Af-fectled-ness, z. quality of being affected.
Af-fecting, p. a. moving the passions.
Af-fecting-ly, ad. in an affecting manner.
Af-fection, n. desire; love; tenderness.
Af-fection-ate, a. warm; fond; tender; kind.
Af-fection-ate-ly, ad. kindly; tenderly.
Af-fection-ate-ness, n. fondness; tenderness.
Af-fective, a. that affects; moving.

| Af-fective-ly, ad. in an impressive manner.
Af-fector, n. one who practises affectation.
Af-filance, n. a marriage-contract; trust.
Af-fi'ance, v. a. to betroth; to pledge.
Af-filan-cer, n. he who affiances.
Af-fi-da'vit, n. a written declaration on oath.
Af-fil-ate, v. a. to adopt; to associate with.
Af-fil-i-altion, n. the adoption of a son.
Affi-nage, n. refining metals by the cupel.
Af-fini-ty, n. relation by marriage; likeness.
Af-firin', v. n. to declare positively.
Af-firm', v. a. to ratify; to assert; to allege.
Af-firm'a-ble, a. capable of being atfirmed.
Af-firm'ance, n. confirmation; declaration
Af-fir-ma'tion, n. a solemn declaration.
Af-firm'a-tive, a. that affirms ; positive.
Af-firm'a-tive-ly, ad. in an affirmative man-
Af-firm'er, n. the person who affirms. [ner
Af-fix, v. a. to unite to; to subjoin; to fix.
Affix, n. something added to a word. -
Af-flation, n. the act of breathing upon.
Af-fla'tus, n. divine inspiration.

Afflict, v. a. to put to pain; to grieve.
Af-flicted-ness, n. the state of affliction.
Af-flictler, n. one who afflicts. .
Affliction, n. calamity; sorrowfulness; mis-
Af-flictive, a. painful; calamitous. [ery
Af-flictive-ly, ad. in an afflicting manner.
Afflu-ence, n. riches; plenty; abundance
Afflu-ent, a. abundant; wealthy; rich.

n. the act of flowing to.

Af-ford', v. a. to yield or produce; to grant.
Af-forest, v. a. to turn ground into forest.
Af-franchise, (af-frăn'chiz) v. a. to make free
Af-fran'chişe-ment, n. act of making free.
At-fray', n. a quarrel; disturbance; tumult.
Af-fright', (af-frit) v. a. to alarm; to terrify.
Af-fright', (af-frit) n. terror; fear.
Af-front, (af-frunt') v. a. to insult; to offend.
Af-front, (af-frunt') n. insult; outrage.
Af-front'er, (af-frunt'er) n. he that affronts.
Af-front'ive, a. causing affront; abusive.
Af-fuse', v. a. to pour upon; to sprinkle.
Af-fusion, (af-fülzhun) n. act of pouring upon
Af-fyl, v. a. to betroth; to bind; to join.
A-field', (a-feld') ad. to the field; in the field.
A-float', (a-flōt!) ad. floating.
A-foot', (a-fut') ad. on foot; in motion.
A-fore', ad. in time past; in front.
A-fore'said, (a-for'sed) a. said before.
A-fore'time, ad. in time past.
A-fraid', (a-frād') a. struck with fear.
A-fresh, ad. anew; over again.
Aft, ad. behind; astern: a sea term.
After, pre. later in time; behind; according
After, ad. in succeeding time.-a. succeeding.
After-clap, n. a subsequent event.
After-crop, n. the second crop.


After-nôôn, n. time from noon to evening.
After-piece, (after-pēs) n. a farce.
After-thought, (after-thawt) n. later thought.
After-ward, (after-wurd) ad. in succeeding
After-wards, (afier-wurdz) time.
After-wit, n. contrivance too late.
X'ga, n. a Turkish military officer.

A-gain', (a-gen') ad. a second time; once more. | Ag-ri-cult'u-ral, a. relating to agriculture.

A-gainst, (a-genst') pre. In opposition to.
A-gipe, (a-gap') ad. staring with eagerness.
A-gast, a. struck with terror. See Aghast.
Aglate, n. a precious stone of a low class.
Aga-ty, a. of the nature of agate.
A-gave, n. the American aloe.

Agri-cult-ure, (ag/re-kult-yur) n. the art of cul
tivating the ground.

Ag-ri-cult'u-rist, n. one skilled in agriculture.
Ag'ri-mo-ny, n. liverwort, a plant.
A-gröûnd', ad. stranded: applied to a ship.
Algue, (algu) n. an intermitting fever, with
A'gu-ish, a. partaking of ague.
[cold fits.
Algu-ish-ness, n. the resembling of an ague.
Ah, (a) int. noting dislike, surprise, or pity.
A-hä, int. expressing triumph and contempt.
A-head', ad. further on: a nautical term.
Aid, (ad) v. a. to help; to assist; to relieve.
Aid, (ad) n. help; support; a helper.
Aid-de-camp, (ad'de-kawng') n. (pl. Aids-de-
camp) a military officer employed under a
Aid'less, (ad'les) a. helpless.
Ai'gret, (a'gret) n. the egret or heron.
Ailgu-let, n. a tag at the end of fringe.
Ail, (l) v. a. to pain; to trouble.
Ail, (al) v. n. to be in pain or trouble.
Ailing, (al'ing) p. a. sickly; morbid.
Ailment, (al'ment) n. pain; disease.
Aim, (am) v. n. to direct toward; to guess.
Aim, (am) v. a. to direct a missile weapon.
Aim, (am) n. direction; endeavor; design.
Aimless, (am'les) a. without aim or object.
Air, (ar) n. the element in which we breathe;

Ao, n. a period of time; a generation of men;
a hundred years; maturity; old age.
Aged, (a'jed) a. old; stricken in years.
Alen-cy, n. action; acting for another.
Alent, n. one who acts; a deputy; a factor
A-de-lation, n. concretion of ice.
Ag-glomer-ate, v. a. to gather up in a ball
Ag-glom-er-a'tion, n. a heaping together.
Ag-gluti-nant, a. uniting parts together.
Ag-glulti-nate, v. a. to cause to adhere.
Ag-glu-ti-nation, n. union; cohesion.
Aggran-dīze, v. a. to make great; to exalt.
Aggran-dize-ment, or Ag-gran'dize-ment, n.
act of aggrandizing; exaltation.
Aggran-di-zer, n. he that aggrandizes.
Aggra-vate, v. a. to make worse; to enhance.
Ag-gra-valtion, n. the act of aggravating.
Aggre-gate, a. formed of parts collected.
Aggre-gate, n. the sum of parts collected.
Aggre-gate, v. a. to accumulate.
Ag-gre-ga'tion, n. collection; act of collecting.
Aggre-ga-tive, a. taken together. [lence.
Ag-gress, v. n. to commit the first act of vio-
Ag-gression, (ag-gresh'un) n. the first injury.
Ag-gres/sor, n. one that commences hostility.
Ag-grievance, (ag-grêlvans) n. injury.
Ag-grievel, v. a. to give sorrow; to vex.
Ag-group', (ag-grop) v. a. to bring together.
A-ghast, a. struck with horror; amazed.
Agile, a. active; nimble; ready.
Agile-ness, n. nimbleness; agility.
A-gilli-ty, n. nimbleness; quickness; activity.
Agi-ō, (ăd'je-ô) n. the difference between bank

notes and current coin.
Agi-ta-ble, a. that may be agitated.
Ai-tate, v. a. to put in motion; to discuss.
Agitation, n. disturbance; violent motion.
Ai-ta-tor, n. one who agitates.

Agnate, a. allied to; akin from the father.
Ag-nation, n. descent from the same father.
Ag-no'men, n. a name given to a person in way

gentle wind; mien of a person; a tune. Air (air) v. a. to expose to the air; to warm. Air/bal-lôôn, n. See Balloon.

Air'built, (ár'bilt) a. built in the air.
Air'drawn, a. drawn in air; visionary.
Air'gun, n. a gun discharged by air.
Air-ness, n. exposure to the air; gayety.
Airling, n. a short journey to enjoy the air.
Air pump, n. a machine by which the air is
exhausted out of proper vessels.
Air'shaft, n. a passage for the air into mines.
Air'y, a. relating to the air; gay; sprightly.
Aisle, (il) n. a walk in a church.
Ake, v. n. See Ache.

of praise or dispraise, from some event.
Ag-nom-j-nation, n. an added name.
A-go', ad. in time past; as, long ago.
A-gog, ad. in a state of desire: a low word.
A-going, p. a. being in action; into action.
Ag-nism, (ǎglo-năzm) n. contention for a prize.
Ag-o-nis'ti-căl, a. relating to prize-fighting.
Aglo-nize,v.a.& n. to afflict with or be in agony.
Ago-ny, n. violent pain; suffering; anguish.
A-gra'ri-an, a. relating to fields or grounds.
A-gree, v. n. to be in concord; to concur.
A-gree/a-ble, a. suitable to; pleasing.
A-gréela-ble-ness, n. quality of pleasing.
A-greela-bly, ad. consistently with; pleasingly.
Agreed', p. a. settled by consent.

A-greement, n. concord; compact; bargain.
a. rural; rustic.


A-kin', a. related to; allied to by nature.
Al'a-bás-ter, n. a kind of soft white marble.
Al'a-bas-ter, a. made of alabaster.
A-lack', int. alas; noting sorrow.
A-lac'ri-ty, n. cheerfulness; liveliness.
A-lack'a-day, int. noting sorrow and melan-
Al-a-mode', ad. according to the fashion.
A-lärm', n. a cry of danger; sudden terror.
A-lärm', v. a. to call to arms; to excite fear in
A-lärm'běll, n. a bell rung noting danger.
A-lärm'ing, p. a. terrifying; giving alarm.
A-lärmist, n. he who excites an alarm.
A-lä'rum, n. an alarm clock; alarm.
Alb, n. a Roman priest's surplice.
A-lás', int. expressing lamentation or pity

Al'ba-tross, n. a South-sea bird.
Al-belit, ad. although; notwithstanding.
Al-bi'no, n. a person unnaturally white.
Al-bu-gin'e-ous, a. like the white of an egg.
Album, n. a book for inserting autographs, &c
Al-bu'men, n. the white of an egg.
Al-bür'num, n. the white or softer part of wood
Al'ca-hěst, n. a universal dissolvent.
Al-caid', n. an officer in Barbary and Spain.
| Al-chĕm'i-cal, a. relating to alchemy.

Al che-mist, n. one versed in alchemy
Al-che-misti-cal, a. acting like an alchemist.
Al'che-my, or Alchy-my, n. occult chemistry,
the art of changing metals into gold.
Al'co-hol, n. pure or highly-rectified spirit.
Al-co-holic, a. relating to alcohol.
Al'co-ho-lize, v. a. to make an alcohol.
Al'co-răn, n. the Mahometan book of faith.
Al-co-rănic, a. relating to the Alcoran.
Al-cove', n. a recess; an arbor.
Alder, n. a tree resembling the hazel.
Al'der-măn, n. a magistrate in a corporation.
Ale, n. fermented malt liquor.
A-lec'try-o-măn-cy, n. divination by a cock.
Åle'hôôf, n. ground-ivy.

Ale'höûse, n. a house where ale is sold.
A-lěm/bic, n. a vessel used in distilling.
A-lert', a. on guard; watchful; brisk; pert.
A-lert'ness, n. sprightliness; pertness.
Ål-ex-án'drine, n. a verse of twelve syllables.
A-lex-i-phar'mic, a. driving away poison.
a. antidotal.

Alge-bra, n. a peculiar kind of arithmetic.



a. relating to algebra.

Al-de-bralist, n. one well versed in algebra.
Al-gific, a. producing cold.
Al'go-rism, n. the art of computation by nu-
Algo-rithm, meral figures, as in arithmetic.
Ali-as, ad. [L.] otherwise.-n. a kind of writ.
Al'i-bi, n. [L.] in law, in another place.
Allien, (allyen) a. foreign; estranged from.
Alien, (al'yen) n. a foreigner; a stranger.
Allien-a-ble, (al'yen-a-bl) a. transferable.
Allien-ate, (al'yen-at) v. a. to transfer proper-
ty to another; to estrange.

Al-ien-a'tion, (ál-yen-ā'shun) n. the act of
alienating; transfer; mental derangement.
Al-ien-altor, n. he who transfers or alienates.
A-light', (a-lit) v. n. to descend; to dismount.
A-like', a. & ad. with resemblance; equally.
Ali-ment, n. nourishment; food.
Al-i-mental, a. nutritious; nourishing.
Al-i-menta-ry, a. belonging to aliment.
Al-i-men-ta tion, n. act of nourishing.
Al-j-mo1nj-oŭs, a. nourishing.

Ali-mo-ny, n. separate maintenance.
Ali-quant, a. not measuring exactly.
Ali-quot, a. such as exactly measure.
A-live', a. not dead; active; sprightly.
Ål'ka-hěst, n. a universal dissolvent.
Alka-li, or Al'ką-lį, n. a kind of salt which
neutralizes acid.

Alka-line, a. relating to alkali.

Al-ker'mes, n. confection made of kermes.
All, a. the whole; every one; every part.
All, n. the whole; every thing.-[All is much
used in composition; it adds force to the
word; as, all-honored, &c.]

All-heal, (al-hel) n. a species of iron-wort.
All-saints-day', (al-santz-da') n. the day for
celebrating the saints; the first of Novem-
All-soulş-day', n. the 2d of November.
All-wişe', a. possessed of infinite wisdom.
Al-lay, (al-la) v. a. to quiet; to pacify.
Al-lay!. See Alloy.

Al-layler, n. the person or thing that allays.
Al-le-gation, n. affirmation; a plea.
Al-lege', v. a. to affirm; to declare; to plead.
Al-legela-ble, a. that may be alleged.
Al-legler, (al-lejlur) n. he that alleges.
Al-legiance, (al-lējans) n. duty of a subject.
Al-le-gorlic, a. in the manner of an alle-
Al-le-gorical, gory.

Al-le-gori-cal-ly, ad. in an allegorical manner.
Al-le-gorli-cal-ness, n. the being allegorical.
Alle-go-rize, v. a. to turn into allegory.
Alle-go-rīze, v. n. to speak allegorically.
Alle-go-ry, n. a figurative discourse, implying
something not literally expressed.
Al-legro, n. a sprightly motion in music.
Al-le-lujah, (al-le-lu'ya) n. a word of spiritual
exultation, signifying praise God.

Al-le-vi-ate, v. a. to ease; to soften; to allay.
Al-lē-vi-ā'tion, n. act of alleviating.

Alley, (alle) n. a walk; a narrow passage.
Alliance, n. a union by treaty or marriage.
Al-licien-cy, (al-lish'yen-se) n. magnetism.
Alli-gate, v. a. to join to unite.
Al-li-ga'tion, n. a rule of arithmetic.
Alli-ga-tor, n. the American crocodile.
Al-ligion, (al-lizh'un) n. collision.
Al-lit-er-altion, n. the beginning of several
words with the same letter.
Al-lit'er-a-tive, a. relating to alliteration.
Al-lo-ca'tion, n. act of placing or adding to.
Al-lo-cultion, n. act of speaking to another.
Al-lo'di-al, a. independent of any superior.
Al-lo'di-um, n. [L.] in law, a free manor.
Al-lônge', (al-lŭnj') n. a thrust with a rapier.
Al-lôô, v. a. to set on; to incite.

Al-lot', v. a. to distribute; to parcel out.
Al-lot'ment, n. a share; part appropriated.
Al-löw, v. a. to admit; to grant; to abate.
Al-löwla ble, a. capable of being allowed.
Al-löwa-ble-ness, n. lawfulness.

Al-lowa-bly, ad. with claim of allowance.
Al-lowance, n. license; abatement; a grant.
Al-löy!, n. baser metal mixed in coinage.
Al-loy, v. a. to debase by mixing, as metals.
Allspice, n. Jamaica pepper or pimenta.
Al-lude', v. n. to refer; to hint; to insinuate.
Al-lu'mi-nor, n. a colorer or painter upon paper.
Al-lure', v. n. to entice; to decoy.

Al-lure'ment, n. an enticement; a temptation.
Al-lürler, n. he that allures.
Al-lur'ing, a. tempting; seducing.
Al-luring-ly, ad. in an alluring manner.
Al-luring-ness, n. enticement.

All, ad. quite; completely; wholly; entirely.Al-lū/şion, (al-lū'zhun) n. a reference to some-
All-fool's-day', n. the first of April.
All-fours', (al-forz) n. a low game at cards.
All-hail', (al-hal') int. all health.
All-hǎl'lows, (âl-hǎl'lọz) n. All-saints-day.
All-hǎllow-mass, All-hǎl'low-tide, n. the term
near All-saints-day.

thing known; a hint; an implication. Al-lu'sive, a. hinting at something. Al-lulvi-al, a. pertaining to alluvion. Al-lulvi-on, n. an accession of land washed to the shore by inundations.

Al-ly', v. a. to unite by kindred or friendship.

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Al-ly', n. a friend or confederate.

|ǎl'u-děl, n. a subliming pot used in chemistry Alma, or Al'mẹ, n. a dancing girl in the East. Alum, n. a mineral salt, of an acid taste.


Alma-nac, n. an annual calendar.
Al-migh'ti-ness, n. unlimited power.
Al-mighty, (al-mi'te) a. omnipotent.
Al-mighty, (al-mi'te) n. the Divine Being.
Almond, (a'mund) . nut of the almond tree.
Almonds, (a'mundz) n. pl. two glands on the
sides of the tongue; the tonsils.
Almon-er, n. a distributer of alins.
Allmon-ry, n. place for distributing alms.
Almost, or Al-most', ad. nearly; well nigh.
Alms, (ämz) n. a gift or benefaction to the poor
Alms/deed, (amz'ded) n. an act of charity.
Alms giv-er, (ämz'giv-er) n. a giver of alms.
Alins höûse, (ämz'höûs) n. a house devoted
the reception and support of the poor.
Almg/măn, n. a man living upon alms.
Allmug-tree, n. a tree mentioned in Scripture.
Alinage, n. a measuring by the ell.
Alna-der, n. a measurer by the ell.
Alloeş, (allōz) n. a tree; a cathartic juice.
Al-q-et'ic, or Al-o-et'i-cal, a. consisting of aloes.
A-loft, ad. on high; above; in the air.
A-lone, a. single; without company; solitary.
A-long, ad. at length; forward; onward.
A-longside', ad. by the side of a ship.
A-lool, ad. at a distance; cautiously.
A-loud', ad. loudly; with a great noise.
Alpha, u. the first letter in the Greek alphabet.
Alpha-bet, n. the letters of a language.

Alu-mine, n. a kind of earth.
A-lü'mi-nous, a. consisting of alum.
Alvine, a. relating to the belly or intestines.
Always, (al'waz) ad. perpetually; constantly.
Am, the first person of the verb to be
Am-a-bil'j-ty, n. loveliness; amiableness.
A-main', ad. with vehemence; with vigor.
A-măligam, n. a mixture of metals.

A-mallga-māte, v. a. to mix or unite metals.
A-mal-ga-ma'tion, n. the act of amalgamating.
A-man-u-en'sis, n. a person who writes what

another dictates.

Am'a-ránth, n. a flower which never fades.
Am-a-răn'thine, a. consisting of amaranths.
A-măr'i-tüde, n. bitterness.

Ain-a-ryllis, n. a genus of plants.
A-mass, n. a. to collect together; to heap up.
A-mass'ment, n. a heap; an accumulation.
Am-a-teur, n. a lover of any art or science.
Aina-to-ra. relating to love.

A-mazel, v. a. to astonish, perplex, confuse.
A-maze'ment, n. confusion; astonishment.
A-mazing, p. a. wonderful; astonishing.
Am'a-zón, n. a warlike woman; a virago.
Am-a-zō'ni-an, a.warlike; relating to amazons.
Am-bā'ges, n. a circumlocution.
Am-balgi-ous, a. circumlocutory.

Am-bas/sa-dor, n. a person sent in a public
Al-pha-betlic, a. in the order or nature of manner from one sovereign power to another.
Al-pha-hět'i-cal, the alphabet.
[ner. Am-bǎs'sa-dress, n. the lady of an ambassador.
Al-pha-běti-cal-ly, ad. in an alphabetical man-Amber, n. a yellow transparent substance.

Alpine, or Alpine, a. relating to the Alps.
Al-ready, (al-red'de) ad. now; at this time.
Also, ad. in the same manner; likewise.
Altar, n. the place where offerings are laid;

the communion table in churches.
Altar-piece, n. a painting over the altar.
Alter, v. a. to change; to make otherwise.
Alter, v. n. to suffer change; to vary.
Alter-a-ble, a. that may be changed.
Al-ter-altion, n. the act of altering; change.
Alter-a-tive, a. having the quality of altering.
Alter-cate, v. n. to wrangle; to contend with.
Al-ter-cation, n. angry debate; wrangle.
Al'ter-na-cy, n. action performed by turns.
Alternate, a. one after another; reciprocal.
Alternate, n. what happens alternately.
Alter-nate, or Al-ternate, v. a. to perform

Am'ber-gris, n. a resinous substance.

Am-bi-dex'ter, n. one that can use both hands
alike; a double dealer.

Am-bi-dex-teri-ty, n. the being able equally to
use both hands; double dealing.
Am-bi-dex'trous, a. using either hand.
Am-bi-dex'trous-ness, n. ambidexterity.
Am'bi-ent, a. surrounding; encompassing.
Am'bi-gu, n. [Fr.] a medley of dishes.
Ain-bi-guli-ty, n. uncertainty of signification
Am-bigu-ous, a. of doubtful meaning.
Am-big'u-ous-ly, ad. doubtfully; uncertainly.
Am-big'u-ous-ness, n. uncertainty of meaning.
Am-billo-gy, n. talk of ambiguous meaning.
Am-billo-quoŭs,a.using ambiguous expressions.
Am-billo-quy, n. use of doubtful expressions.
al-Am'bit, n. the compass or circuit of any thing.
Am-bition, (am-bish'un) n. eager desire of
superiority, preferment, honor, or power.
Am-bitious (am-bishius) a. filled with ambi
tion; aspiring; eager after advancement.
Am-bitious-ness, n. the being ambitious.
Amble, v. n. to move upon an amble.
Amble, n. a pace between a walk and a trot.
Ambler, n. one that ambles; a pacer.
Am-brō'şi-a, (am-brō'zhe-a) n. the imaginary
food of the gods; the name of a plant.
a. of the nature
Am-brō'şi-al, (am-brō'zhe-al)
of ambrosia ;
Am-brō'şi-an, (am-brō'zhe-an) )

ternately; to change reciprocally.
Alternate-ly, ad. in reciprocal succession.
Alternate-ness, n. the being alternate.
Al-ter-nation, n. reciprocal succession.
n. choice given of two things.
Al-ter'na-tive, a. reciprocal.

Al-ter na-tive-ly, ad. by turns; reciprocally.

n. reciprocation.

Al-ter'ni-ty, n. reciprocal succession.

Al-thela, n. a flowering shrub.

Al-though, (al-tho) c. though; be it so.

Al-tillo-quence, n. pompous language.
n. the art of measuring heights.


Al-tis'o-nant, a. pompous or lofty in sound.
Alti-tude, n. height; elevation.

Al-to-gether, ad. completely; without

Am'bry, n. an almonry; a pantry. [delicious.
Ambs-ace', (amz-ās') n. a double ace.
v. n. to move hither and thither.

excep-Am-bu-lation, n. a walking; a promenade.

Am'bu-la-to-ry, a. walking; movable.
Am'bu-la-to-ry, n. a place for walking.
Am'bu-ry, n. a bloody wart on a horse..
Am-bus-cade', n. a private station in which
men lie to surprise others; an ambush.
Am'bûsh, n. the place or act of lying in wait.Am'pu-tāte, v. a. to cut off a limb.
Am'bûshed, (ăm'bûsht) p. a. placed in ambush.
Am'el, n. vitreous composition for enamelling.
A-mellio-rate, (a-mēl'yo-rāt) v. a. to improve.
A-me-lio-ra'tion, (a-mel-yo-ra'shun) n. the act
of making better; improvement.
A-měn', ad. a term of assent: so be it.
A-me'na ble, a. responsible; liable to account.
A-n.ead, v. a. to correct; to reform; restore.
A-mènd', v. n. to grow better; to reform.
A-měnd'a-ble, a. reparable; corrigible.
A-mendment, n. reformation; recovery.
A-měnds', n. recompense; compensation.
A-měn'i-ty, n. pleasantness; agreeableness.
A-merce', v. a. to punish by fine or penalty.
A-mërcela-ble, a. liable to amercement, or fine.
A-mërce'ment, n. pecuniary punishment.
A-mër'cer, n. he who amerces.

Am'pli-fi-er, n. one who amplifies.
Am'pli-fy, v. a. to enlarge; to exaggerate
Ampli-fy, v. n. to speak largely; to enlarge
Am'pli-tude, n. largeness; copiousness.
Am'ply, ad. largely; liberally; copiously.
Am-pu-ta'tion, n. the act of cutting off a limb:
Am'u-lět, n. a charm hung about the neck.
A-muşel, v. a. to entertain; to divert.
A-muşe'ment, n. recreation; diversion.
A-müşler, n. he that amuses.

A-měr'i-can-işm, n. an American idiom.
Am'e-thyst, n. a precious stone of a violet color.
Am-e-thyst'ine, a. resembling an amethyst.
A'mi-a-ble, a. lovely; worthy to be loved.
A'mi-a-ble-ness, n. loveliness; agreeableness.
A'mi-a-bly, ad. in an amiable manner..
Amli-anth, or Am-j-ǎn'thus, n. earth-flax.
Am'i-ca-ble, a. friendly; kind; obliging.
Am'i-ca-ble-ness, n. friendliness; good will.
Am'i-ca-bly, ad. in an amicable manner.
Amice, n. undermost part of a priest's habit.
A-mid', pre. in the midst; mingled with;
A-midst', amongst; surrounded by.
A-miss', ad. faultily; wrong; improperly.
Am'i-ty, n. friendship; love; harmony.
Am-mo1ni-a, n. a volatile alkali
Am-mō'ni-ac, n. a drug or gum.
Am-mo-nila-cal, a. containing ammoniac.
Am-mu-nition, (ăm-mu-nish'ụn) n. military
Am'nes-ty, n. a general pardon.

A-mongst', pre. mingled with.


Am'o-rous, a. enamored; inclined to love

Am'o-rous-ly, ad. fondly; lovingly.

Am'o-rous-ness, n. fondness; lovingness.

A-mörphous, a. shapeless; without form.

A-mulsive, a. diverting; divertive.
A-myg/da-late, a. made of almonds.
A-mygda-line, a. resembling almonds.
An, the same with the article a; denoting one
See A.-The article a must be used before
all words beginning with a consonant, and
before the vowel u when long; and the
article an must be used before all words be-
ginning with a vowel, except long u, before
words beginning with h mute, as, an hour, an
heir, &c., or before words where the h is not
mute, if the accent be on the second sylla-
ble, as, an heroic action, an historical account,

Ăn-a-băp'tist, n. one who holds to re-baptizing
An-ach'o-rite, n. a solitary monk; a hermit.
A-nǎch'ro-nism, n. an error in computing time.
An-a-clătics, n. the doctrine of refracted light.
An-a-con'da, n. a very large serpent.
An'a-glyph, n. an ornament by sculpture.
An'a-gram, n. the transposition of the letters
of a word, as Amor into Roma.
An'a-gram-măt'i-cal, a. like an anagram.
An-a-gram'ma-tist, n. a maker of anagrams.
An-a-lep tic, a. restorative; strengthening.
An-a-log i-cal, a. having analogy; analogous.
An-a-logi-cal-ly, ad. in an analogous manner.
An-a-logi-cal-ness, n. the being analogical.
A-nål'o-gous, a. having analogy; analogical.
A-nǎllo-gy, n. resemblance, similarity, com-
parison, or proportion of one thing to another.
A-nǎl'y-sis, n. (pl. a-nǎl'y-sēş) the separation or

solution of any thing to its first elements.
An-a-lytic, a. pertaining to analysis; re-
An-a-lyt'i-cal, solving into first principles.
An-a-lyt'i-caldy, ad. in an analytical manner.
Ana-lyze, v. a. to resolve into first principles.

A-mör-tj-za'tion, n. in law, the right of trans-An'a-lyz-er, or An'a-lyst, n. one that analyzes.

An-a-mor-phō'sis, n. deformation.
A-na'nas, n. the pine-apple.

An'a-pěst, n. a metrical foot, containing two

A-mör'tize-ment, ferring lands to mortmain.
A-mör'tize, v. a. to alien lands.
A-möûnt', v. n. to rise to; to come to.
A-möûnt', n. the aggregate, or sum total.
short syllables and one long one.
A-môur', (a-môr') n. affair of love; intrigue. An-a-pěstic, a. relating to the anapest.
Am-phibli-ous, a. living in two elements. An-a-ple-rot'ic, a. filling up; supplying.
Am-phĭb'i-ous-ness, (am-fib'e-us-něs) n. capa- Ăn'arch, n. an author of confusion.
bility of living in two different elements.
A-närichi-cal, a. confused; without rule or
Am-phi-bol'o-gy, n. ambiguous discourse. A-när chic,
Am-phibo-lous, a. tossed from one to another. Anlar-chist, n. he who occasions disorder.
Am'phi-brách, n. a foot of three syllables. Anlar-chy, n. want of government; disorder
Am-phi-thela-tre, (ăm-fe-the'a-ter) n. a circular An-a-sar'cous, a. dropsical.
building for public amusements.
An-a-sto-matic, a. removing obstructions.
Am-phi-the-ǎt'ri-cal, a. relating to exhibitions A-năs'tro-phẹ, n. in rhetoric, inversion.
in, or to the form of an amphitheatre. A-nath'e-ma, n. an ecclesiastical curse.
Am'ple, a. large; wide; extended; diffusive. An-a-the-măt'i-cal, a. containing anathema
Am-pli-fi-ca'tion, n. enlargement; diffuseness. A-nath'e-ma-tize, v. a. to curse.

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