The crow doth sing as sweetly as the lark When neither is attended, and I think The nightingale, if she should sing by day, When every goose is cackling, would be thought No better a musician than the wren. Elements of Criticism - Seite 373von Lord Henry Home Kames - 1816Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch
| William Shakespeare - 1733 - 548 Seiten
...fweeter than by day. Ner. Silence beftows the virtue on it, madam. Par. The crow doth fing as fweetly as the lark, When neither is attended } and, I think, The nightingale, if fhe ibould fing by day, When every goofe is cackling, would be thought No better a mufician than the... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1740 - 454 Seiten
...fweeter than by day. Ner. Silence bellows the virtue on it, Madam. Par. The crow doth fing as fweetly as the lark, When neither is attended ; and, I think, The nightingale, if fhe fhould fmg by day, When every goofe is cackling, would be thought No better a mulician than the... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1747 - 498 Seiten
...fweeter than by day. Ner. Silence beftows the virtue on it, Madam. Per. The crow doth fing as fweetly as the lark, When neither is attended ; and, I think, The nightingale, if me mould fing by day, When every goofe is cackling, would be thought No better a mufician than the... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1750 - 78 Seiten
...fweecer than by day. Jfer. Srlence beftows the virtue on it, Madam, Per. The crow doth fing as fweetly as the lark, When neither is attended ; and, I think, The nightingale, if flie fhoyJd fiog by day., Whep every gopfe is cackling, would be thought No better a mufician than... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1752 - 452 Seiten
...fweeter than by day. Ner. Silence beftows the virtue on it, Madam. Por. The crow doth fing as fweetly as the lark, When neither is attended ; and, I think, The nightingale, if me mould fing by day, When When every goofe is cackling, would be thought No better a mufician than... | |
| Lord Henry Home Kames - 1765 - 576 Seiten
...more agreeable than when feen in a group with the furrounding objects : The crow doth fing as fweetly as the lark When neither is attended ; and, I think, The nightingale, if fhe fhould ling by day. When ev'ry goofe is cackling, would be thought fcjo better a mufician than... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1766 - 450 Seiten
...fweeter than by day. Ner. Silence beftows the virtue on it, Madam. For. The crow doth fing as fweetly as the lark,, When neither is attended ; and, I think, The nightingale, if (he Ihould fing by day, When every goofe is cackling, would be thought No better a mufician than the... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1767 - 454 Seiten
...fweeter than by day. Ner. Si}ence beftows the virtue on it, madam. Par. The crow doth fing as fweetly as the lark, When neither is attended ; and, I think, The nightingale, if fhe mould iing by day, When every goofe is cackling, would be thought No better a mufician than the... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1768 - 676 Seiten
...fweettr than by day. Ner. Silence bellows the virtue on it, Madam. ',, For. The crow doth fing as fweetly as the lark, When neither is attended ; and, I think, The nightingale, if fhe fhould ling by day, 5 T'ie man that bath no mufick well then as now, was leve tf Ac»' is not mo-v... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1769 - 374 Seiten
...fweeter than by day. Ner. Silence beftows the virtue on it, Madam, Por. The crow doth fiog as fweetly as the lark«= When neither is attended ; and, I think, The nightingale, if fhe mould fing by day, • When every goofe is cackling, would be thought No better a mufician than... | |
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