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upon every creature, and enabling us to view the concerns of time in connection with those of eternity. Through all its happy hours we sat, as on the holy mount, locking backward with gratitude, and forward with confidence; taking sweet counsel together, for the advancement of our highest interests, and scarcely considering ourselves inhabitants of this lower world. The company of even our most intimate friends on these occasions, would have rendered our intercourse with each other more reserved, and our pleasures proportionably less lively: but unrestrained by the presence of witnesses, we gave an unlimited indulgence to all our affectionate and devotional feelings. We conversed together as parts of the same family; we congratulated each other, as members of the Christian Church; we rejoiced over one another as heirs of the same glorious promises. Some interesting passage of Scripture, or some choice piece of divinity generally furnished the matter of our discourse; and while we endeavoured to obtain a clear and comprehensive view of the subject under consideration, a divine light would sometimes break in upon us, satisfying our doubts, exalting our conceptions, and cheering our hearts.

Many a joyful Sabbath have we thus spent together, especially during the latter years of our JOSHUA's continuance with us.* And now, when his mother and I are disposed, on the return of these sacred seasons, to look with regret towards his vacant place, we endeavour to animate each other with the hope of shortly following our dearest son to the celebration of that eternal Sabbath above, of which we have enjoyed so many sweet anticipations here below.. U u 3

*Referring to their only Son, who had died a short time before.

Essay on Industry.


SHOULD this Essay be thought worthy of insertion in your very useful publication, you will much oblige, Sir,

Your humble servant, 4.

"All is the gift of industry, whate'er

Exalts, embellishes, or renders lite


MAN certainly was not born to be idle, as were that the ease there would be no end in his creation; which appears to be quite inconsistent with the wisdom of that Being by whom he was made. It is evidently meant by God, that whatever gifts he may have bestowed upon man, should be improved by him to the utmost of his power. If that of extraordiaary talents, it is expected that he should use his endeavours to improve those talents; if riches, or honours, it will certainly be required that he should exert himself to do good in consequence of those blessings having been bestowed upon him, and this is the best (and indeed almost the only) way in which man can testify his gratitude to his Maker, for the gifts he has thought proper to grant him. The truth of this is evident from the order of things, as we see it is ordained we should not enjoy the comforts of life in their full extent without some activity on our own part; and though nature may have bestowed upon us with a bountiful hand all the necessary materials, yet it requires exertion in us to turn those materials to the best advantage. In short, the indolent man is incapable of enjoying numerous pleasures, of which he who is industrious can alone be sensible; so that we may conclude, that there are no real comforts of life which have not been acquired by industry. It would be impossible, perhaps, for any individual to accommodate to his necessities the gifts of nature but by exert

ing his own powers and faculties to their full extent; and by the assistance of his fellow creatures he is enabled to do so; and it is certainly the duty of man to submit to the will of his all-wise Creator, and as all the gifts of nature are ordered by him, he ought with pleasure to comform to her laws. We may be exalted in the eyes of the world by rank or fortune, but certainly not in those of God without virtue, the possession of which is the greatest exaltation one human being can possess over another; and it is impossible to be really virtuous without being industrious, and it is the attainment of that alone which can render life truly delightful. It is true, we may embellish life by the attainment of elegant accomplishments; these, however, without virtue will I fear appear but very trifling; but those who are possessed of both of these, must have enjoyments far superior to those who have not had industry, or rather perseverance enough to acquire them, and to all the pleasures which wealth or honours would gain for their possessors. But there are beings who are contented to plod on in the same path of ignorance for years, merely to avoid the trouble of improving themselves; as it must be allowed that the attainment of the above-mentioned good qualities cannot be effected without the greatest exertion on our own part, it is also evidently impossible for us to rise to any degree of excellence in any one thing if we are indolent. Those even who have acquired wealth or rank (which may undoubtedly be considered amongst the goods. of fortune) by their own merit and exertion, have certainly much more enjoyment in them than those who inherit. them from their ancestors: Now virtue, as has been before observed, cannot be obtained but by the greatest exertions and industry; it is therefore clear, that the enjoyment of it must be superior to every other kind. Thus I have endeavoured to prove that it is the duty of man. to


be industrious, as he thereby shows that the benefits bestowed upon him have not been bestowed in vain. It may also be deemed selfish in a man to be idle, as it is intended that we should all as much as possible contribute to each others' comforts, which cannot be done without industry. Even by the world in general, our society will be much more sought after, if, by industry, we have acquired such a degree of knowledge as may render us useful to others. If this habit is not acquired in our earliest years, it is to be feared we shall never attain it afterwards; and a life spent in indolence will render our old age very miserable. It may even be the cause of our being without the common necessaries of life, and then we shall see the bad effects of having neglected this good quality. But, alas! we shall see it when too late, as it is impossible to recall the years that are past however mispent they may have been; and it is perhaps one of our greatest punishments not to be able to forget them, so unpleasant is the reflection upon time ill improved. But how different on the other hand if we contemplate the old age of the industrious man! We shall see him surrounded with all the comforts and enjoyments of life acquired by his merits; and how different are his reflections! He will look back with pleasure upon his past life, and enjoy the greatest of all satisfactions, that of having turned to good account those benefits which were bestowed upon him by his Creator.



YOU mention your being in your seventy-eighth year ; am in my seventy-ninth. We are grown old together. It is now more than sixty years since I left Boston; but I remember well both your father and grandfather, having


heard them both in the pulpit, and seen them in their houses. The last time I saw your father, was in the beginning of 1724, when I visited him after my first trip to Pennsylvania. He received me in his library; and on my taking leave, shewed me a shorter way out of the house, through a narrow passage, which was crossed by a beam over head. We were still talking as I withdrew, he accompanying me behind, and I turning partly towards him, when he said hastily, "Stoop, Stoop! I did not understand him till I felt my head hit against the beam. He was a man who never missed an occasion of giving instruction; and upon this he said to me :- “You are young, and have the world before you stoop as you go through it, and you will miss many hard thumps." This advice, thus beat into my head, has frequently been of use to me; and I often think of it, when I see pride mortified, and misfortunes. brought upon people by their carrying their heads too high,




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