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d was deeply affected by it. Little Jack was come again se up to her. He looked at her with fondness, and lled her several times his mother. At length Mr Churchsaid to Susan, "My worthy woman, you have conducted urself very generously towards this unfortunate family: od will not fail to reward you for it."

"I have done no more than my duty :" said Susan. We are sent into this world to assist and relieve each her. I always thought that I could do nothing more easing in the sight of God for all the blessings that I have ceived from him, than to comfort my poor neighbours to e utmost of my power. Ah! if I could have done more an I did! But I am possessed of nothing in the world cept my cottage, a little garden where I have a few reens, and what I can earn by the work of my hands. Nevertheless, for these eight years that I have been a idow, God has always given me an honest support, and hope will do so while I live."

"But if you keep this child," said Mr Churchill, "the xpense of maintaining him may be very inconvenient to ou, before he be capable of earning his bread."


"I shall always take care not to let him want:" said We will share even to my last morsel of bread." And how are you to furnish him with clothes?"? relied Mr Churchill.

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"I leave the care of that to Him who clothes the fields grass, and the trees with leaves:" observed Susan. He has given me fingers to sew and spin; they shall ork to clothe our poor little orphan. Whosoever can ray and work, will never want."

"Then," said Mr Churchill, "you are resolved to keep ttle Jack with yourself?"

"Always, Sir," answered Susan, "I could not live uner the thought of sending away this destitute infant from "You ne, or of letting him come upon the parish."

"You are, I suppose, related to his family?" observed

Mr Churchill.

"No otherwise than as neighbours and fellow-christ ians" replied Susan.

"Then," said Mr Churchill, "as I am also related to both of you, by religion and humanity, I will not suffer you alone to have all the honour of doing good to this orphan, since God has provided me with the means for it more amply than you. Commit the education of little Jack to my care; and since you are so strongly attached to each other, and that your benevolence merits my esteem as much as the child's affection for his mother, I will take you both home with me, and provide for you. Sell your garden and your cottage, and come and live at my house: there you shall have a comfortable support and a home for the rest of your life."

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"Do not be angry at me, Sir:" returned Susan, [look”, ing at him affectionately.] "May God reward you for all your goodness! but I cannot accept your offers."

"And why?" asked Mr Churchill.

"In the first place," replied Susan "I am fond of the spot where I was born, and have lived so long; then again, I could not suit myself to the bustle of a great house, nor to the sight of so many folks in a family; neither am I used to ease or nice living. I should fall sick if I had nothing to do, or if I ate finer food than ordinary. Let me abide therefore in my cottage with my little Jack: it will do bi no harm to live a little hard. Nevertheless, if you choose to send him now and then a small matter, to pay for ki schooling, and to furnish him with tools for whatever trade he may take up, the gracious God will not fail to pay you an hundred fold; at least, this boy and I will pray dar for you that he may. I have no child; he shall be instead


ne to me; and what little I possess shall belong to him never it pleases the Lord to call me to himself." - Well then, be it so :" said Mr Churchill. "I do not that what I mean well should make you unhappy. I leave little Jack with you, since you are so well togethTalk to him often of me, and tell him that 1 am in the ce of a father to him, while you, on the other hand, will e upon you the cares and the name of the mother, for om he grieves so much. I shall send you every month at may be sufficient for your subsistence, I will come quently to see you; and my visits shall be as much on Er account as his."

I be

Susan lifted up her eyes to heaven, and implored its faars on Mr Churchill. She then said to the child, "Come her, Jackey, and ask this gentleman's blessing; he your father now." The little boy did so; but said esently to Susan, "How can he be my daddy? he wears apron." Mr Churchill smiled at this innocent question little Jack, and throwing his purse on the table, "Farell,” said he "generous Susan! farewell my little friend! shall not be long before you see me again. He then left em, and mounting his horse, took the road that led to the rish where the Curate lived, who had taken home the anger orphan. He found the Curate reading a letter, on ich he now and then shed tears. After the first civilities Churchill explained the subject of his visit to the worthy ine, and asked him if he knew what was become of the her of those two unfortunate children. "Sir," answerthe Curate, it is it not a quarter of an hour since I eived this letter, written by him to his wife. It was closed in one to me, and contains a small draft for the of his wife he requests me to deliver it to her, and to asole her for his absence. As she is dead, I have openthe letter: here it is; be so kind as to read it.”



Churchill eagerly took the letter, and read as follows:


"I cannot think without uneasiness on the trouble that


my absence must have occasioned you. But let me inform you of what has happened to me. Being on my way to the clergyman's house, I began to think in this manner: Of what use will it be to me to go a begging thus? I shall only get rid of one debt by contracting another, and shall gain nothing but the uneasiness of thinking how to pay it. I that am yet young, and can work, to go and ask so much money! I shall be taken either for an idle fellow, or a drinker. The parson to be sure married us, and loves us as his children but if he were to take a dislike, and refuse me! or, on the other hand, if he were not able to relieve us! And then supposing that he advanced me the sum for a year, should I be sure to have it in my power to pay him? and if I did not, should not I be as bad as a thief? It would be defrauding him. Thus I reasoned, my dear Margaret, and began afterwards to think how I might extricate our affairs by acting in a juster manner. I often sighed and put up my prayers to Heaven. For above half an hour these were my thoughts, when at last I saw part of a press-gang at a distance behind me. They soon came up with me, and asked me whence I came where I was bound? and whether I would go as a volunteer? I seemed at first not to like the sea, but they ques tioned me again, and promised me a bounty of five pounds. I told them that for so much I would serve during the war. Done, said they. Come along with us, my lad, and the affair shall be settled presently. They brought me before the lieutenant, who asked me some questions; and I answered them so much to his satisfaction, that he advanced my bounty immediately. And thus, my dear Margaret,

have entered the king's service to clear my affairs. I send you a draught for the five pounds. I would not keep a penny of it. Pay the forty shillings that we owe, and whatsoever else may be due. With the remainder do the best you can to keep house. Live well, that you may recover your strength. Clothe our children, and send them soon to school. I know that although you are handy and careful, you will not be able to make this sum last very long. But patience! my wages are 17s. 6d. per month; I will try if I cannot find a way to forward part of them to you at the end of a few months; and whenever we arrive in harbour, I shall ask leave to go on shore on purpose to see you. My dear Margaret, do not grieve; trust in God. We may soon have a peace. I will then return to you, and we shall begin housekeeping together once more. My lieutenant has promised me to write to our churchwardens, that the parish may not be uneasy on my account. Bring up our children carefully; make them. stick to home, and be fond of work. Pray with them every day, and teach them their duty, that they may grow up to be honest men; for you are very capable of instructing them well. Live in the fear of the Lord, pray to him for me, and I will pray to him in your behalf. Answer me soon. You have only to give your letter to the Doctor, he knows best how to direct it. Remember me to the two boys. Tell Jack that if he is a good lad, I will bring him home something at my return. God be praised for all things. Continue still to love me, who remain

"Your ever faithful husband,


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Mr Churchill's eyes were filled with tears while lie read this letter. When he had finished it, "This man," cried he, “may truly be called a good husband, a good Vol. I.



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