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course of persecution, was driven to seek an asylum from his sorrows by swallowing poison; or when a CORNELIUS AGRIPPA was obliged to fly his country and the enjoyment of a rich income, merely for having displayed a few philosophical experiments; and more happily still, we live in a land where the equal protection of the law secures us against the power of the evil minded, were they ever so much inclined to do us bodily harm, while engaged in vir tuous or innocent pursuits: but, notwithstanding all this, none are secure against the malicious workings of envỹ; and men actuated by the purest motives and best intentions, too often become the butt of the invidious shafts of the silly would-be-critic.

Every periodical author or publisher who attempts to get the better of popular prejudices and inveterate bad customs, must expect to meet with opposition from the unthinking, and particularly from those whose vices he more directly attacks; and if we reflect for a moment, that men's minds are as various as their faces, it would be folly in the extreme, even in cases where individuals do not feel themselves materially concerned, to expect to please every one.

The author of the Rambler, while engaged in that work, had not only occasion to notice in one of his papers a species of beings, which he not improperly designated “the screech-owls of mankind; but in another, he has the following remarkable expressions: "The first appearance of excellence unites multitudes against it, unexpected opposi tion rises up on every side; the celebrated and the obscure join the confederacy; subtilty furnishes arms to impudence, and invention leads on credulity. When any man has endeavoured to deserve distinction, he will be surprised to hear himself censured where he could not expect to have been named; he will find the utmost acri


mony of malice among those whom he never could have offended; but," adds he, "as the industry of observation has divided the most miscellaneous and confused assemblages into proper classes, and ranged the insects of the summer, that torment us with their drones or stings, by their several tribes; the persecutors of merit, not withstanding their numbers, may be likewise commodiously distinguished by the roarers, whisperers, and moderators.” After describing these three characters, the Doctor concludes: "such are the arts by which the envious, the idle, the peevish, and the thoughtless, obstruct that worth which they cannot equal; and by artifices thus easy, sordid, and detestable, is industry defeated, beauty blasted, and genius depressed."


Even Mr ADDISON, whose character, in the words of his biographer, you have so highly and deservedly extolled in June number, was so beset at one time with those vermin who prey upon, and detract from the well-meant labours of superior worth, that he was obliged to treat them with a paper on the subject; which he contrived to do in a very humorous and ingenious strain, concluding with the following appropriate fable: "The owls, bats, and several other birds of night, were one day got together in a thick shade, when they abused their neighbours in a very sociable manner. The satire at last fell upon the SUN, whom they all agreed to be very troublesome, impertinent, and inquisitive. Upon which the SUN, who overheard them, spoke to them after this manner: "Gentlemen, I wonder how you can abuse one that you know could in an instant scorch you up, and burn every mother's son of you; but the only answer I shall give you, or the revenge I shall take of you is, to

E, July, 1812..


Extract from a Clergyman's Legacy.

(Communicated for insertion in The Cheap Magazine.)

As the last advice of a dying friend may have often a better effect than his living advice, I have ordered these few rules to be printed, and distributed among you at my funeral. They contain the sum of what instruction I may at different times have given you.

The great end for which God Almighty sent us into this world, I have often informed you, is to fit us for heaven. Why God, instead of making us happy at once, thought proper to lead us to a state of happiness in heaven, through a state of trial in this world, is a question we have Nothing to do with.-It is God's pleasure it should be so and we have only to submit to his means of making us happy; and to take it for granted they are best. We have to consider ourselves, therefore, as placed in this world, as in a school of preparation to fit us for the next, by laying aside all wickedness, and fitting ourselves for a state of purity. I shall, therefore, give a few rules to shew you what is chiefly required of us, in our passage through this world,

To God our first duties are owing. As we receive all from God, he has a claim on the utmost of our love and gratitude. Through him we live; through him we are preserved and through his mercy we are redeemed, by the atonement of Christ, from the evil consequences of sin. To him, therefore, we must shew our gratitude by daily prayer. Make him your friend by a good life, and through faith in the merits of a blessed Redeemer, you may hope to be accepted by him. He will support you when every thing else fails.

Whoever neglects the church can have little regard for


religion; and he who neglects the sacrament can have as little for the dying commands of that Saviour who died for his sins.

Never let an oath come out of your mouth. As there is no temptation to swear, it is, in fact, doing the Devil's work for nothing.

Be honest and fair in your dealings. Tricking and cheating serve only a present occasion; they never turn out well in the end. Take care not to get a habit of drinking. As drunkenness includes every vice and folly, nothing is more offensive to God. The man is turned into a beast. Consider also, that there is no vice more easily acquired.

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In your meeting with each other, never speak ill of those who are absent: be not rough and abusive to those who are present; and never defile your lips with lewd and filthy discourse. Such discourse shews you have corrupt hearts yourselves, and tends to corrupt others.

Be industrious in your callings. Do the best you can yourselves: but leave the event to God.


In your families be gentle and kind. Spend what you earn, at home-not on yourselves. Instruct your children as as you can; and, above all things, give them a good example. If the father let his son hear him swear, or see him get drunk, or cheat, he must not wonder if his son turn out ill.

Young men who have the same wages with those who have families, ought to lay by a little every week. It will teach them to be frugal, and enable them when they have families, to furnish a house.

Do these things, and you will be happier in this world than wickedness can make you; and I hope we shall all meet again together in a blessed eternity hereafter; which is the sincere prayer of your affectionate Minister,

Vicar's Hill, 5th April,Į


WILLIAM GILPIN. (From W. B. Alloa.)

On the practice of Swearing.



PROFANE swearing is a most detestable practice, and deserves to be severely censured by every well-wisher to Religion. It seems rather to be increasing in this country-a sure mark that true religion is daily losing ground among us.

The readers of The Cheap Magazine will not think a few thoughts upon this subject unworthy of their careful perusal; if swearers, they may be led to reform, and if not swearers, they will at least see what a criminal thing it is, and how careful they ought to be lest they become subject to it. It is one of those sins which are called presumptu"ous; no excuse can therefore be made for the commission of it, and the swearer can look for nothing at the hand of God but punishment. The commission of it is not attended, as some other sins are, with any kind of pleasure; but, on the contrary, it is destructive of innocent pleasure, being the symptom of strife, hatred, and other evil passions. Some swearers, indeed, have no thought of doing any harm when they swear; they have no ill will to the person who is the subject of their oaths; they only swear for swearing's sake (if I may so express myself); and perhaps have hearts of a softer and more feeling texture, than some of those who do not swear. Other swearers are only guilty of this sin when something adverse has happened to them; when the bad behaviour of their fellow-creatures has offended them; in short, when they are angry, or under the power of some disturbing passion. The motives to swear are numerous; I will not insist further upon them; but will now proceed to shew how sinful it is, whatever may be


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