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instruction depends upon a good correspondence between the master and the scholar.

Gratitude for those who have laboured in our education is the characteristic of an honest man, and the tribute of a good heart. "Who is there among us," says Cicero," that has been instructed with any care, that is not highly delighted with the sight, or even the bare remembrance, of his preceptors, masters, and the place where he was taught and brought up?" Seneca exhorts young men to preserve always a great respect for their masters; to whose care they are indebted for the amendment of their faults, and for having imbibed sentiments of honour and probity.

The exactness and severity of our teachers may displease sometimes, at an age when we are not in a condition to judge of the obligations we owe them; but when years have ripened our understanding and judgment, we discern that their admonitions, reprimands, and a severe exactness in restraining the passions of an imprudent and inconsiderate age, are the very things which should make us esteem and love them. Thus Marcus Aurelius, one of the wisest and most illustrious emperors that Rome ever had, thanked heaven for two things especially; for his having excellent tutors himself, and that he had found the like for his children.

The duties of schoolboys consist in docility and obedience: respect for their masters, zeal for study, and a thirst after the sciences, joined to an abhorrence of vice and irregularity, together with a sincere and fervent desire of pleasing God, and referring all their actions to Him.




(Communicated for insertion in The Cheap Magazine.) THE great Creator and Ruler of all things, condescends

to be the Friend of the Works of his Hands: even the FRIEND of MAN! It might be their pride to be his Servants, and their bliss; but his goodness and tenderness is infinite. All beings are his servants-THEM he raises to the honour of being his FRIENDS, and in some measure to communicate of his fullness-infinity. This, O ambitious man! is the top of all honour; O, man of pleasure! this is the top of all joy; and this is the height of all desire and hope!-What can be conceived above it?-What equal to it, or even near to it? Friendship is the delight of the generous soul: It is the luxury of the nobleminded: It is their delicate repast in this world; without it, all would be insipid and tasteless. If the love and friendship of our fellows is so ravishing, what transports must there attend the Friendship of HIM, who is the Disposer of all happiness and joy? What content may he have who is the Friend of God, that overruleth every event, and will take care of his real interests. The heavens and the earth he looks on as his Friend's possessions; eternity as his; everywhere his Friend is with him, at his call; yea, within him. He not only can satisfy his desires, but can give him new powers; can open his capacity, and enlarge his soul. What less could purchase so noble and high a privilege, than a CHRIST? What cannot be obtained when HE is the price? What purchase too dear for HIM,


or above his value ?-The price and the purchase are wonderful and amazing; but God is a subject of astonishment to weak men, and will be forever their subject of praise and admiration.

This great hope might absorb our faculties for all our life, and serve to cheer us in solitude always. But this Friend is also friend to all other true, faithful followers of Christ; and he desires us to serve his friends, to love them, to live with them, and to delight to show our friendship to Him towards them. This is a great and noble bond, this unites us more than any other tie or relation whatsoever. This friendship, thus multiplied and varied, is the noblest and greatest subject our thoughts and affections can be employed on: This ought to possess all our care, all our capacity. How amiable is this friend in Himself! all beauty is defor mity compared with Him; the highest are faint reflections of Him, the parent of all beauty, the author of order; the infinite Excellency and unlimited Perfection; and in conformity to whom consists all loveliness, goodness, and perfection. Who would not delight in this Friend? Who would not leave all to follow Him? Who would not reserve the powers of their soul to employ them all on Him? Who would not be all desire and wishing towards Him, lost in the violence of love, and unable to think coldly and reflect on that infinity of beauty, and reason upon it?

Our souls are too weak, our powers faint for this great object-He that purchased us can elevate us, and bring us to his Father, our Friend, and there give us to feel new powers, new desires, proportioned to our state. We now know not, cannot describe, what he reserves above for his friends; something it is, wonderful and unfathomable; worthy of such a friend, worthy of our ever hoping, wishing, and distantly craving and aiming at it.-All this world


vanishes before it : All the richest imagination can conceive, or paint out to us, is trifling, is vanity, before it. Ambition and honour fade before it: Love and beauty die before it: Pleasure is not felt, nor any care perceived, while the soul is full of it: 'Tis the friendship of the all-perfect, supremely good, excellent, and wise God; pleasing him, and receiving bliss unalterable from him.

Let our chief thoughts be on this;-this employ the powers and strength of our mind; not these low passions that often fill us with violence and disorder.-Let us be cold and moderate in every thing else, having our chief hopes, wishes, and cares, employed thus: Our hearts ever overflowing with love and desire on this subject, till a ray from Heaven dart in our souls at death; chase away all shadows and doubts; open up new treasures, and let us feel beyond what we conceived before, when our God and our Friend will exert his immense and infinite powers to satisfy and bliss us.

Hide then our folly, past ages. What

empty things have we sought! let darkness cover them, or rather let them live for the glory of our Deliverer and Friend.

Advice to Servants.

Continued from p. 231..

13. PREFER a peaceable life with moderate gains, to great advantages with irregularity.



14. Save your money, for that will be a friend to you in be not expensive in dress, nor marry too soon. 15. Be careful of your master's property; for wastefulness is a sin.

16. Never swear ; for that is a sin without excuse, as there is no pleasure in it.

17. Be always ready to assist a fellow-servant; for good nature gains the love of every one.

18. Never stay when sent on a message; for waiting long

is painfub to a master, and quick return: shows diligence. 19. Rise early; for it is difficult to recover lost time. 20. The servant that often changes his place, works only to be poor for the, rolling stone, gathers no, moss.


21. Be not fond of increasing your acquaintance; for visiting leads you out of your business, robs your master of your time, and puts you to an expense you cannot afford; and above all things take care with whom you are acquainted for persons are generally the better or the worse for the company, they keep.

22; When out of place, be cautious where you lodge; for, living in a disreputable house puts you upon a footing with those that keep it, however, innocent you are yourself.

23. Never go out on your own, business without the knowledge of the family, lest in your absence you should be wanted; for leave is light; and returning punctually at the time you promise, shows obedience, and is a proof of sobriety

24. If you are dissatisfied in your place, mention your objections modestly to your master or mistress, and give a fair warning, and do not neglect your business, nor behave ill, in order to provoke them to turn you away; for this will be a blemish in your character, which you must always have from the last place you served.

Cottager's Advice to his Daughter,



The promises of JESUS, the Christian's hope...Rules, of conduel. ..Salutary admonitions.

I DID not finish, yesterday, all that I meant to say on the interesting subject we were upon. Thou wilt probably see me soon a lump of inanimate clay; and, with respect to this world; all my thoughts perished: But thou hast the happiness, of knowing, with full assurance, how God hath declared, by the Holy Scriptures, that death shall open a passage to eternity, a blessed eternity to the good, though


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