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JOHN was one who had no need of being put in mind of these things; his attention had been already detached from business, and he was as pliant as his spouse could wish. His brother often remonstrated to him on the impropriety of his conduct; but he was too much attached to pleasure, and too obsequious to his wife, to pay any regard to the advice of the best friend he had in the world.

A carriage was set up; a country house was taken, and furnished in the most elegant taste; and idle livery-servants were kept, in order to grace the solemn farce. But this was too gay a life to last long; for, when JOHN and his lady were at the opera, the play, the pantheon, and the masquerade, his business was neglected, and his bills were protested.

His mornings were spent in coffee-houses, haranguing upon the misconduct of the ministry, without thinking of his own. He looked upon it as dishonourable to be seen on "Change. An elegant dinner was served up about four o'clock: his lady did the honours of the table; and the court-end of the town concluded the evening, or rather began the morning. When they came home in the morning (for they seldom arrived sooner,) the servants were scolded for not giving proper attendance, because they had been overpowered by sleep: and the first news the clerks generally communicated to their master was, that many different persons had been there with bills.

"Let them come again," said JOHN, "I have no time to mind such low mean affairs." "I am surprised, Sir," said the lady, "that people should be so pressing for money: I wish, my dear, you would give over business, and take a house in Soho-square. Then, my dear, you would not be ¡ plagued with those mean wretches coming after you in this manner; and you know we should then be near Carlislehouse."



Things went on in this manner for some time; but even the most pleasant life will not last for ever, and at last JOHN saw his name in the Gazette. He knew that he was not able to give his creditors a satisfactory account in what manner he had disposed of his fortune, or rather of theirs; and, taking leave of his lady, he set out for Dunkirk.

THOMAS beheld his brother's misfortunes with great concern; but, as it was what he had long expected, it did not so much affect him as it otherwise would have done, THOMAS was a man of humanity; he considered himself as connected with his brother by the ties of nature; and, when he found that he had forfeited his life to the laws of his country, he set him up in a shop in Dunkirk. He mixed with the most vulgar company; he contracted a fatal disease, and died. His wife, who could not bear the thoughts of suffering the reproaches that were thrown out, against her, on account of poverty, mustered up all the money she could, with which she bought some paltry cloaths, and was taken into keeping by an eminent banker, who soon after died, and left her to range at large on the town. She sunk from one state to another, till at last she became so miserable that she stole something to satisfy the immediate calls of nature; and, having received sentence of transportation, died on her passage to America.

THOMAS lived in the world in the most industrious manner; and he died crowned with honour. His actions were just, his life reputable, and his death lamented.

WEEKLY Magazine, feb. 1774.

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Natural Appearances in June.

JUNE, in this climate, is what the Grecian poets represented May. It is the most lovely month of the year. Summer has commenced, and warm weather is established; yet the heats rarely rise to excess, or interrupt the enjoyment of those pleasures which the scenes of Nature at this period afford. The trees are in their fullest dress; and a profusion of flowers is every where scattered around.

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One of the earliest rural employments of this month is the shearing of sheep; a business of much importance in various parts of the kingdom, where wool is one of the most valuable products. England has for many ages been celebrated for its breeds of sheep; which yield wool of various qualities, suited to different branches of the woollen manufacture.

In the hedges the place of the hawthorn is supplied by the flowers of the hip, or dog-rose, the different hues of which, from a deep crimson to a light blush, and even pure white, form a very elegant variety of colour; and of some the smell is peculiarly fragrant. Some time after, the woodbine and honeysuckle begin to blow; and these, united with the rose, give our hedges their highest beauty and fragrance.

The several kinds of corn come into ear and flower this month; as do likewise numerous species of grass. In Europe the principal kinds of corn are wheat, rye, barley, and oats; in Asia rice; in Africa maize or Indian corn.

The latter part of June is the beginning of hay-harvest for the southern and middle parts of the kingdom. This is one of the most busy and agreeable of rural occupations. Both sexes and all ages are engaged in it. The fragrance of the new-mown hay, the gaiety of all surrounding objects, and the genial warmth of the weather, conspire to render it a season of pleasure and delight.

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The Dew.

THE Wise Ruler of the world, who watches continually over his children, and provides for all their wants, makes use of more than one means to render the earth fruitful. But the most common mean, the surest, and most universal, and that which men the least attend to, and are least sensible of its value, is the dew. This inestimable gift of Heaven, which even in years of the greatest drought supports and preserves the plants from perishing, is those sparkling drops seen in such profusion morning and evening on the leaves' of trees and plants. The dew does not fall from above, as was formerly imagined; it does not descend from the highest parts of our atmosphere; and still less is it the sweat of the stars, as superstition had supposed. This pretended celestial origin has probably given rise to the folly of some alchymists who hoped to convert dew into gold. It is now generally allowed, that the dew is nothing but the sweat of the plants, and the moisture they draw from the earth. In order to be convinced of this, one need only cover a plant with a glass bell, and it will appear that the leaves collect in the night a greater quantity of dew drops than the leaves of the other plants which are exposed to the air. This certainly would not be the case, if the dew fell from above, and if it did not rise from the ground. Nothing is more easy, either, than to comprehend how it is formed: for nobody is ignorant, that the rays of the sun, and the heat which is cast on the earth, continually loosens a multitude of thin particles from off every thing; some of which rise into the atmosphere, and the rest collects in the form of drops of water. This account of the dew explains to us, how it happens that it is sometimes hurtful, and sometimes not so. Its nature evidently depends on the quality of the vapours of which it is composed. The wind carries away Y 3


the light exhalations as soon as they are formed, and prevents them from falling in drops. This is the reason that there is most dew when the air is very calm. By this wise plan of the Creator, the plants can vegetate and grow in countries even where there is no rain; for the soil of those parts being sandy, porous, and very moist underneath, the heat draws out a great quantity of dew, which supplies the place of rain.


Those different methods which Providence makes use of to moisten and fertilize the earth, ought to remind us of those he employs to improve the barren heart of man, and to make it fertile, in good works. Chastisement, more or less severe, blessings of every kind, exhortations, warnings given us from the example of others, and a thousand such means, are made use of by our gracious God, to lead us to himself, to sanctify us, and to induce us to bring forth the fruits of righteousness. Sometimes in the natural world there comes a storm of rain from the clouds, which deluges the country, drags every thing along with it, and makes the rivers overflow their banks. At other times, God calls the soft dew from the earth, and thus, in a manner secretly grants the wishes of the farmer for rain. It is thus in grace he also makes use of different means to arrive at the merciful end he proposes. How many hardened hearts oblige him to speak in thunder and lightning, as formerly on Mount Sinai! Less terrible means are employed to save and affect others; with a gentle, mild, and persuasive voice, God calls them to himself: he awakens their consciences, and refreshes their souls with the beneficent dew of his grace. Let this conduct of our Heavenly Father serve as a model for ours. Let us employ all sort of means to reclaim our fellow-creature, to make him better; but let us particularly endeavour, from the example of God, to gain him rather by kindness than by punishment.

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