• No gainful trade their industry can 'scape, They fing, they dance, clean fhoes, or cure a clap: • All sciences a fafting Monfieur knows, • And bid him go to hell, to hell he goes.. Ah! what avails it, that, from flav'ry far, • I drew the breath of life in English air; • Was early taught a Briton's right to prize, And lifp the tales of Henry's victories; If the gull'd conqueror receives the chain, • And flattery fubdues when arms are vain? • Studious to pleafe, and ready to fubmit, The fupple Gaul was born a parafite: Still to his int'reft true, where'er he goes, Wit, brav'ry, worth, his lavish tongue bestows; In ev'ry face a thousand graces fhine, From ev'ry tongue flows harmony divine. • These arts in vain our rugged natives try, Strain out with fault'ring diffidence a lye, • And gain a kick for aukward flattery. Befides, with juftice, this discerning age • Admires their wond'rous talents for the ftage': • Practis'd their master's notions to embrace, Repeat his maxims, and reflect his face; With ev'ry wild abfurdity comply, And view each object with another's eye; • To pour at will the counterfeited teàr, And as their patron hints the cold or heat, } • Exalt • Exalt each trifle, ev'ry vice adore, Your tafte in fauff, your judgment in a whore: • Can Balbo's eloquence applaud, and swear • He gropes his breeches with a monarch's air? For arts like these preferr'd, admir'd, carefs'd, They firft invade your table, then your breast; Explore your fecrets with infidious art, Watch the weak hour, and ranfack all the heart; • Then foon your ill-plac'd confidence repay, • Commence your lords, and govern-or betray. By numbers here, from fhame or cenfure free, All crimes are fafe, but hated poverty: This, only this, the rigid law pursues; • Wakes from his dream, and labours for a joke; Fate never wounds more deep the gen'rous heart, • No peaceful defart yet unclaim'd by Spain? Quick let us rife, the happy feats explore, And bear Oppreffion's infolence no more. This mournful truth is ev'ry where confefs'd; "Slow rifes worth, by poverty deprefs'd:" But here more flow, where all are flayes to gold, Where looks are merchandize, and smiles are fold; 'Where, won by bribes, by flatteries implor'd, "The groom retails the favours of his lord. But hark! th' affrighted crowd's tumultuous cries ' Roll through the streets, and thunder to the skies: • Rais'd from fome pleafing dream of wealth and pow'r, • Some pompous palace, or fome blissful bow'r, Aghaft you ftart, and fcarce, with aching fight, • Sustain th' approaching fire's tremendous light; < Swift from pursuing horrors take your way, ⚫ And leave your little all to flames a prey; Then thro' the world a wretched vagrant roam, For where can starving merit find a home? In vain your mournful narrative disclose, • While all neglect, and most insult your woes. • Should Heav'n's juft bolts Orgilio's wealth confound, And spread his flaming palace on the ground, Swift o'er the land the difmal rumour flies, • The laureat tribe in servile verse relate, • See! while he builds, the gaudy vafals come, • And raise his treasures higher than before. • Now blefs'd with all the baubles of the great, The polish'd marble, and the fhining plate, Orgilio fees the golden pile afpire, • And hopes from angry Heav'n another fire. • Some hireling fenator's deferted feat; And stretch thy prospects o'er the smiling land, • There prune thy walks, fupport thy drooping flow'rs, • Direct thy rivulets, and twine thy bow'rs; And, while thy beds a cheap repa afford, Defpife the dainties of a venal lord. < There There ev'ry bush with Nature's mufick rings, And blefs thy evening walk and morning toil. Prepare for death, if here at night you roam, Yet e'en thefe heroes, mifchievously gay, Afar they mark the flambeau's bright approach, • And fhun the shining train, and golden coach. In vain, thefe dangers pafs'd, your doors you clofe, And hope the balmy bleflings of repose: • Cruel with guilt, and daring with despair, The midnight murd'rer burfts the faithlefs bar; Invades the facred hour of filent reft, And plants, unseen, a dagger in your breast. • Scarce can our fields, fuch crowds at Tyburn die,' With hemp the gallows and the fleet supply. Propose your schemes, ye fenatorian band, Whose ways and means fupport the finking land; A fingle gaol, in Alfred's golden reign, Blefs'd age! but, ah! how diff'rent from our own! Much could I add, but fee the boat at hand, . The tide retiring calls me from the land. Farewel!-When youth, and health, and fortune spent, • Thou fly'ft for refuge to the wilds of Kent; And tir'd, like me, with follies and with crimes, Then shall thy friend, nor thou refuse his aid, • In virtue's caufe once more exert his rage, Thy fatire point, and animate thy page.' ODE ΤΟ EVENING. I BY MR. COLLINS. Faught of oaten stop, or paftoral fong, May hope, chafte Eve, to foothe thy modeft ear, Thy fprings and dying gales,, O nymph referv'd, while now the bright-hair'd fun O'erhang his wavy bed; Now air is hufh'd, fave where the weak-ey'd bat, His fmall but fullen horn, As oft he rifes midft the twilight path, Now teach me, maid compos'd, To breathe fome foften'd ftrain, Whose numbers, ftealing through thy dark'ning vale, As mufing flow, I hail Thy genial lov'd return! For |