• Promife and I will truft thy faithful vow, (Oft have I try'd, and ever found thee true!) • That to some distant spot thou wilt remove This fatal pledge of haplefs Emma's love, Where, fafe, thy blandishments it may partake; And, oh! be tender, for it's mother's fake. Wilt thou? "I know thou wilt-fad filence (peaks affent And, in that pleafing hope, thy Emma dies content! I, who with more than manly strength have bore The various ills impos'd by cruel Fate, Suftain the firmnefs of my foul no more, Juft Heav'n,' I cry'd, from Memory's earliest day • No comfort has thy wretched fuppliant known; • Misfortune ftill, with unrelenting fway, Has claim'd me for her own. But O-in pity to my grief, reftare This only fource of blifs; I afk-I ask no more!? Vainly I ftrive to stay her fleeting breath, And, with rebellious heart, protest against her death! When the ftern tyrant clos'd her lovely eyes, ofanow Fond man, forbear, Thy fruitless forrow fpare, Dare not to talk what Heav'n's high will decreed; In humble rev'rence kifs th' affictive rod, And proftrate bow to an offended God. Perhaps kind Heav'n in mercy dealt the blow, And plunge th' exulting maniac in despair. Time fhall adminifter it's wonted balm, And hush this storm of grief to no unpleafing calm. Thus the poor bird, by fome difaft'rous fate' Moping awhile, in fullen moodi. Droops the fweet mourner-but, ere long, Prunes it's light wings, and pecks it's food, won And meditates the fong: Serenely forrowing, breathes it's piteous cafe,: Forgive me Heav'n-yet, yet the tears will flow, My budding joys juft promifing to blow, All nipp'd and wither'd by one envious blaft! 1 My hours, that laughing wont to fleet away, Move heavily along; Where's now the sprightly jeft, the jocund fong Time creeps unconscious of delight: How fhall I cheat the tedious day? And, O-the joyless night! Where Where shall I rest my weary head? How shall I find repose on a fad widow'd bed? Come, Theban drug, the wretch's only aid, Her voice foft whifpering in my ear But, ah! th' unwelcome morn's obtruding light Alas! what pleasures now can these convey? Thro' valley, grot, and grove; Nought can their beauties or my loss restore: Sickness and forrow hov'ring round my bed, Who now with anxious hafte fhall bring relief, With lenient hand fupport my drooping head, Affwage my pains, and mitigate my grief? Laudanum. Should Should worldly bufinefs call away, Who now thall in my abfence fondly mourn, Too faithful Mem'ry-Ceafe, O ceafe- (O, to forget her!)-but how vain each art, Whilst ev'ry virtue lives imprinted on my heart! And thou, my little cherub, left behind To hear a father's plaints, to fhare his woes, Thy infant fteps to guide aright? She, who with doating eyes would gaze On all thy little artless ways, By all thy foft endearments blefs'd, And clafp thee oft with transport to her breaft, A father's dearest, tendereft love. And, And, O fweet fenfelefs fmiler (envy'd fate!) For virtue prove the phoenix of the earth? When fick and languishing I lie, Wilt thou my Enima's wonted care fupply?. And oft, as to thy lift'ning ear Thy mother's virtues and her fate I tell, Whilft on the mournful theme I dwell? Say, wilt thou ftrive to make it lefs? To foothe my forrows all thy cares employ, And in my cup of grief infuse one drop of joy? EVENING ADDRESS TO A NIGHTINGALE. SWEE BY THE SAME. WEET bird! that kindly perching near, Thanks for thy forrow-foothing strain: Elfe why fo feelingly complain, And with thy piteous notes thus fadden all the grove? Say, |