Or, in the senate, when Britannia's cause With generous themes infpires the glowing mind; With conscious joy the tender parent fraught, A PASTORAL. TO A YOUNG LADY, UPON HER LEAVING AND RETURN TO THE COUNTRY. BY DR. BROOME. DAMON. AY, while each scene fo beautiful appears, SA Why heaves thy bofom, and why flow thy tears ? See from the clouds the spring defcends in fhow'rs, The painted vallies laugh with rifing flow'rs: Smooth flow the floods, foft breathe the vernal airs; The spring, flow'rs, floods, confpire to charm our cares. FLORUS. But vain the pleasure which the season yields, The laughing vallies, or the painted fields. No more, ye floods, in filver mazes flow; Smile not, ye flow'rs, no more soft breezes blow DAMON. Ah! now I know, why late the op'ning buds For For thee, fair Rofalind, the op'ning buds For thee the rose withdrew her sweets, and dy'd. FLORUS. See where yon vine in foft embraces weaves DAMON. Say, O ye winds! that range the diftant fkies, FLORUS. Ye murm'ring fountains, and ye wand'ring floods, DAMON. Tell me, I charge you, O ye fylvan fwains! FLORUS. Soft, I adjure you by the skipping fawns, DAMON. Return, O virgin! and if proud disdain If If pleas'd thou view'ft a faithful lover's cares, Thick rise, ye fighs! in floods descend, ye tears FLORUS. Return, O virgin! while in verdant meads The food of wolves, or hungry lions prey. DAMON. Ah! shield her, Heav'n! your rage, ye beafts, forbear! Those are not limbs for favages to tear! Adieu, ye meads! with her thro' wilds I go, O'er burning fands or everlafting fnow; FLORUS. Come, Rofalind! before the wint❜ry clouds DAMON. Come, Rofalind! O come! then infant flow'rs By you the lily fhall her white compofe, Your blufh fhall add new blushes to the rofe; Each flow'ry mead, and ev'ry tree fhall bud, FLORUS. Yet, ah! forbear to urge thy homeward way, DAMON. Hark! from yon bow'r what airs foft-warbled play! FLORUS. FLORUS. See from the bow'r a form majestick moves, DAMON. Shine forth, thou fun! bright ruler of the day; THE TRIUMPH OF MELANCHOLY, BY DR. BEATTIE.. EM'RY, be ftill! why throng upon the thought Is there in all thy ftores no chearful draught, Yes-from afar a landscape seems to rife, Embellish'd by the lavish hand of Spring; How bless'd the youth, in yonder valley laid! Hail Innocence! whofe bofom, all ferene, O! ne'er may Care distract that placid mien! Vain wifh for lo, in gay attire conceal'd, Yonder she comes! the heart-inflaming fiend! (Will no kind pow'r the helpless ftripling fhield ) Swift to her deftin'd prey see Passion bend! O fmile accurs'd, to hide the worst designs! And inftant, lo! his dizzy eye-ball fwims Ghaftly, and redd'ning darts a frantick glare; Pain with strong grafp diftorts his writhing limbs, And Fear's cold hand erects his frozen hair Is this, O Life, is this thy boafted prime! And does thy fpring no happier prospect yield! Why should the fun-beam paint thy glitt'ring clime, When the keen mildew defolates the field! How Mem'ry pains! let fome gay theme beguile Ye images of Woe, no more recoil; Be Life's paft scenes wrapp'd in oblivious night! Now, when fierce Winter, arm'd with wasteful pow'r, How fweet to fit in the fequefter'd bow'r, To hear, and but to hear, the mingling war! Ambition here difplays no gilded toy, That tempts on defperate wing the foul to rife; Nor Pleafure's paths to wilds of woe decoy, Nor Anguish lurks in Grandeur's proud difguife. Oft |