There is so hot a summer in my bofom, Poifon'd, ill fare! dead, forsook, cast off; Drink, drink, drink, colder, colder And Than snow on Scythian mountains: oh my heart-strings I'll have brought through my body: And Volga, on whose face the North-wind freezes, Already to my funeral are flaming, Shall I not drink? Like Nero, But far more terrible and full of flaughter, More drink, A thousand April showers fall in my bosom; : See Act. 5. S. 2. But, in another play of theirs---- A wife for a month, is a poison Give me more air, more air, air blow, blow, blow, Dig, dig, dig, dig, until the springs fly up; The cold, cold springs, that I may leap into them, Or shoot me into the higher region, Where treasures of delicious snow are nourish'd, : And banquets of sweet hail. Rug And none of you will bid the winter come Rug. Hold him fast, fryar, Alph. What will ye sacrifice me ? Upon the altar lay my willing body, Confuming flame: stand off me, or you're ashes, Mart. To bed, good fir. Alph. My bed will burn about me: Like Phaeton in all-confuming flashes Like jewels round about my head to cool me. The line 'Twixt the cold bears, far from the raging lion, was read, (before corrected by Mr. Seward) Betwixt the cold bear and the raging lion. SCENE SCENE X. England, invincible, if unanimous. England never did, nor ever shall Lye at the proud foot of a conqueror, P JULIUS [92] Julius Cæfar. ACT I. SCENE III. (1) W PATRIOTIS M. to me? THAT is it, that you would impart Set honour in one eye, and death i' th' other, Caffius, in Contempt of Cæfar. I was born free as Cæfar, so were you'; We both have fed as well; and we can both (1) What, &c.] "How agreeable to his stoic character, does Shakespear make Brutus speak here? Cicero de Fin. iii. 16. Quid enim illi ΑΔΙΑΦΟΡΟΝ dicunt, id mihi ita occurrit, ut indifferens dicerem. One of the great divisions of things among the stoics was into good, bad, indifferent: virtue, and whatever partook of virtue, was good: vice, bad: but what partook of neither virtue, nor vice, being not in our power, was indifferent: such as honour, wealth, death, &c. But of these indifferent things, some might be esteemed more than others; as here Brutus says, I love the name of honour, more than I fear death. See Cicero de Fin. iii. 15. 16. The stoics never destroyed choice among indifferent things. This being premised, let us fee Brutus's speech.-" If it be aught (says he) towards the general good, (προς το ολον προς την ποι λιν) as I am a part of that whole, a citizen of that city: my principles lead me to pursue it: this is my end, my good: whatever comes in competition with the general good, will weigh nothing: death and honour are to me things of an indifferent nature: but however I freely acknowledge, that of these indifferent things, honour has my greatest esteem, my choice and love: the very name of honour I love, more than I fear death." Upton's Obfervations on Shakespear, p. 314. Endurė Endure the winter's cold, as well as he. (2) For once, &c.] It is too well known that swimming was a usual exercise with the hardy and noble Romans, to infift upon it here: Horace makes it a mark of effeminacy to neglect it: and complains to Lydia, that she had enervated Sybaris, by making him afraid even to touch the yellow Tyber's stream--- Cur timet flavum Tyberim tangere? See ode 8. 1. 1. Julius Cæfar was remarkable for his excellence in swimming: Beaumont and Fletcher, in their False one, thus nobly defcribe one - of the most illuftrious incidents of his life-- But got near the sea, See the latter end of Act 5. The reader is defired to refer to the 10gth page of the ist volume. Is |