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crown, to have been early in moving a proper enquiry; and not to have oppofed it, even when a bill from the other house had in common decency rendered it at length indifpenfable. Not content with this neglect of duty, and contempt of his Majesty's recommendation, a conference with the Commons was also refused; by which, however imperfectly, the inattention of the Peers might have been remedied by the diligence of the other houfe; and when a conceffion was made that the reports of the com-mittee of the Houfe of Commons fhould be laid before us, on condition of their not being read by the clerk, this fmall conceffion of imperfect information was immediately withdrawn, and the house refolved to proceed altogether in the dark. We cannot reflect, without the utmost humiliation, on the total revolution which has happened in the fentiments and conduct of this houle, within fo fhort a time as fince the year 1720, when the Lords, in confidering the affairs of the South Sea Company, exerted the greatest diligence through the whole of a very long feflion in a ftrict parliamentary inquifition into facts, before they thought themfelves authorised to refort to an extraordinary ufe of the legislative power.

Thirdly, Because we conceive that the reason of difpatch aligned for this refufal of all forts of information, to be unworthy the legiflative and the judicial character of the Houfe, we are perfuaded that, invefted as we are with a public trust of the highest importance, we ought, in all cafes, to poftpone our amufements to our

duties, and are bound to measure our confideration of the affairs before us, not by the feafon of the year, but by the nature of the bu finefs. In the year 1720, the Lords had a conference with the Commons, which began in July, and did not end till the 25th of that month. If we once admit the advanced period of the feffion as a reafon of refufing to ourselves every information required by the case, the Commons have it in their power to preclude the Houfe from the exercife of its deliberative capacity; they have nothing more to do than to keep bufinefs of importance until the fummer is advanced, and then the delay in that houfe is to be aligned as a fuficient ground for a precipitate acquiefcence in this. Our predeceffors in this house were fo well aware of the ufe which, in future times, might be made of fuch a practice of the Commons, and fuch an argument drawn from it here, that they have exprefsly condemned both the practice and argument by our standing order, Die Martis 5 Maii 1668, which ftanding order we infert in this proteft, that it may appear that in this obftinate refufal of fuch an enquiry as the fubject called for, the Houfe has trefpaffed as much against its own rules of proceeding, as against the general rights and privileges of the people.

Standing Order of 5 May 1668.


Upon report made by the Lord-Chamberlain from the committee of the whole Houfe, concerning the bill for raising 300,010l. by an impofition on wines and other liquors, that in regard the faid bill being very long, and con. fifting of many paragraphs, came


from the House of Commons fo near the time of adjournment, he was commanded to report it as the opinion of the committee, that it might be entered into the JournalBook of this Houfe, as was upon this bill (of fhortnefs of time for

Treaty with the Caribbs, at St. Vincent's.

From the St. Vincent's Gazette. St. Vincent's, Feb. 27.

the palling of bills), to precipitate N Wednesday the 17th in

the paffing thereof, but that due confideration may be had hereafter according to the courfe of parliaments, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in parliament affembled, agreed with the report made from the committee, and ordered that this order be added to the roll of flanding orders of this Houfe."

Fourthly, Because we think that having rejected the ancient, reafonable, and parliamentary mode of proceeding, the maxim eftablished in its place is dangerous and irrational. We do conftantly deny, that what is commonly called pub. lic notoriety (which is in reality no better than common rumour) is or can be a ground for any act which may conclufively impair, much lefs wholly take away, any one of the rights of the fubject; fuch fuppofed notoriety being frequently uncertain in its foundation, generally under the influence of violent paffions, and entirely deftitute of that accuracy which is neceffary for afcertaining the nature, extent, or tendency of any grievance, or confequently for furnishing any wife or adequate methods of redrefs.



ftant a number of the Caribbs came into the grand camp at Maccaricau, and a treaty of peace and friendship was then concluded by his Excellency General Dalrymple on the part of his Britannic Majefty, and by the chiefs of Grand Sable, Maffiraco, Rabaeca, Maccaricau, Bauara, Coubamarou, Iambou, Colonrie, Camacarabou, Ouarawarou, and Point Efpagniol, for themselves and the reft of their people.-The Articles of which treaty are as follow:

Art. I. All hotile proceedings to ceafe, a firm and lafting peace of friendship to fucceed.

Art. II. The Caribbs fhall acknowledge his Majefty to be the rightful fovereign of the island and domain of St. Vincent, take an oath of fidelity to him as their King, promife abfolute fubmiflion to his will, and lay down their arms,

Art. III. They shall fubmit themfelves to the laws and obedience of his Majefty's government, with a power to the governor to enact further regulations for the public advantage as fhall be convenient,

(This article only respects their tranfactions with his Majefty's fubjects, not being Indians, their intercourse and customs, with each other in the quarters allotted them not being affected by it;) and all new regulations to receive his Majefty's governor's approbation before carried into execution.

Art. IV. A portion of lands, hereafter mentioned, to be allotted


for the refidence of the Caribbs, viz. from the river Bauara to Point Efpagniol, on the one fide, and from the river Analibou to Efpagniol on the other fide, according to lines to be drawn by his Majesty's furveyors from the fources of the rivers to the tops of the mountains; the reft of the lands formerly inhabited by Caribbs, for the future to belong entirely to his Majesty.

Art. V. Thofe lands not to be alienated either by fale, leafe, or otherwise, but to perfons properly authorifed by his Majefty to receive them.

Art. VI. Roads, ports, batteries, and communications to be made as his Majefty pleases.

Art. VII. No undue intercourfe with the French Islands to be allowed.

Art. VIII. Run-away flaves in the poffeffion of the Caribbs to be delivered up, and endeavours used to difcover and apprehend the others; and an engagement in future, not to encourage, receive, or harbour, any flave whatever; forfeiture of lands for harbouring and carrying off the Ifland a capital crime.

Art. IX. Perfons guilty of capital crimes against the English are to be delivered up.

Art. X. In time of danger, to be aiding and affifting to his Majefty's fubjects against their ene


Art. XI. The three chains to remain to his Majefty.

Art. XII. All confpiracies and plots against his Majesty or his government, to be made known to his governor or other civil Magif


Art. XIII. Leave, if required,

to be given to the Caribbs to depart this island, with their families and properties, and affiftance in their tranfportation.

Art. XIV. Free access to the quarters allowed to the Caribbs, to be given to perfons properly empowered in purfuit of run-away flaves, and fafe conduct afforded them.

Art. XV. Deferters from his Majesty's fervice, if any, and runaway flaves from the French, to be delivered up, in order, that they may be returned to their masters.

Art. XVI. The chiefs of the different quarters are to render an account of the names and number of the inhabitants of their respective diftricts.

Art. XVII. The chiefs and other Caribbs, inhabitants, to attend the governor, when required, for his Majefty's fervice.

Art. XVIII. All poffible facility, confiftent with the laws of Great Britain, to be afforded to the Caribbs in the fale of their produce, and in their trade to the different British islands.

Art. XIX. Entire liberty of fishing, as well on the coaft of St. Vincent as at the neighbouring quays, to be allowed them.

Art. XX. In all cafes when the Caribbs conceive themfelves injured by his Majefty's other fubjects or other perfons, and are defirous of having reference to the laws, or to the civil magiftrates, an agent, being one of his Majefty's natural-born fubjects, may be employed by themselves, or, if more agreeable, at his Majefty's cost.

Art. XXI. No ftrangers, or white perfons, to be permitted to fettle among the Caribbs without per


miffion obtained in writing from the governor.

Art. XXII. These articles fubfcribed to and obferved, the Caribbs are to be rendered, fecured, and fixed in their property, according to his Majefty's directions given, and all paft offences forgot. Art. XXIII. After the figning of this treaty, fhould any of the Caribbs refufe to obferve the conditions of it, they are to be confidered and treated as enemies by both parties, and the most effectual means used to reduce them.

Art. XXIV. The Caribbs fhall take the following oath, viz.-We A. B. do fwear in the name of the immortal God and Chrift Jefus, that we will bear true allegiance to his Majesty George III. of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and that we will pay due obedience to the laws of Great Britain and the

Ifland of St. Vincent, and will well and truly observe every article of the Treaty concluded between his faid Majefty and the Caribbs, and we do acknowledge that his faid Majefty is rightful Lord and Sovereign of all the Ifland of St. Vincent, and that the lands held by us the Caribbs are granted through his Majesty's clemency.

On the part of his Majefty.

On the part of the Caribbs. Jean Baptifte, Dufant Begot, Boyordell, Dirang, Simon, Lalime fenior, Bauamont, Juftin Bauamont, Chatoie, Doucre Baramont, Lalime junior, Broca, Saloe, François Laron, Saint Laron, Anifetter, Clement, Bigott, Mathieu, Jean Louis Pacquin, Gadel Goibau, John Baptifte, Lonen, Boyudon, DuValett, Boucharie, Doniba Baoilliard, Cauaia.


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