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ipse triumphali devinctus tempora lauro,
dum cumulant aras, ad tua sacra veni.

sed nitidus pulcherque veni: nunc indue vestem
sepositam, longas nunc bene pecte comas,
qualem te memorant Saturno rege fugato

victori laudes concinuisse Iovi.

tu procul eventura vides, tibi deditus augur
scit bene quid fati provida cantet avis,
tuque regis sortes, per te praesentit aruspex,
lubrica signavit cum deus exta notis:

te duce Romanos numquam frustrata Sibylla,

poet with the prelude to the main part of the song sung by the poet (meas), cf. 3, 4, 39-42: hanc primum veniens plectro modulatus eburno felices cantus ore sonante dedit: sed postquam fuerant digiti cum voce locuti, edidit haec dulci tristia verba modo; cf. Bell. U., p. 163, Anm. - vocales... chordas:


eloquent strains.' inpellere : the inf. with precor is found nowhere else in Tibullus except here (and in the next verse—flectere) though it occasionally occurs in Ovid.

4. flectere verba: sing in wellmodulated tones.'

5. triumphali: Apollo would appropriately wear the emblems of his own triumphs (cf. vv. 910, n.) when assisting in honoring the son of Messalla. For the father's triumph, cf. 1,7; for the son's, yet to come, cf. vv. 115 sqq. -devinctus: cf. v. 117.

7. sed... veni: not only come, but come in festal attire';

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9-10: explanatory of triumphali in v. 5; the reference is to Apollo's triumphant strains on the occasion of Juppiter's vanquishing the Titans. Cf. Sen. Agam. 332; Verg. Aen. 8, 319.

11. tu: Apollo's personal control is affirmed over each of the four well-known methods of seeking prophetic knowledge: (1) the characteristic Roman augury by the flight of birds; (2) sortes, 'lots'; cf. 1, 3, 11; (3) the Etruscan method of divination by examining the entrails of newly slain animals; (4) the Sibylline books.

15. Sibylla: the Cumaean Sibyl, the prophetess from whom, according to the tradition, came the Sibylline books themselves.




abdita quae senis fata canit pedibus.

Phoebe, sacras Messalinum sine tangere chartas
vatis, et ipse precor quid canat illa doce.

haec dedit Aeneae sortes, postquam ille parentem
dicitur et raptos sustinuisse lares.

nec fore credebat Romam, cum maestus ab alto
Ilion ardentes respiceretque deos.
Romulus aeternae nondum firmaverat urbis
moenia, consorti non habitanda Remo,

sed tum pascebant herbosa Palatia vaccae
et stabant humiles in Iovis arce casae.
lacte madens illic suberat Pan ilicis umbrae
et facta agresti lignea falce Pales,
pendebatque vagi pastoris in arbore votum,
garrula silvestri fistula sacra deo,
fistula, cui semper decrescit arundinis ordo:

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20. Cf. Verg. Aen. 1, 378.

22. ardentes: 'in flames,' applies to both Ilion and deos (i.e. the images of the gods).

23. Cf. Verg. Aen. I, 278: his ego nec metas rerum nec tempora pono, imperium sine fine dedi. aeternae . . . urbis: the eternal city' is no modern name for Rome: cf. F. G. Moore in TAPA., Vol. 25 (1894), pp. 34-60.—firmaverat: cf. Prop. 3, 9, 50. With the description of Rome's site in prehistoric times (a favorite subject for Roman poets) cf. Prop. 4, I; Verg. Aen. 8, 313-368; Ovid,

Fast. 1, 509 sqq., 243; A. A. 3, 119.

27. Cf. 1, 1, 36. Pan: corresponding in many ways to the Italian Faunus. Cf. Hor. Car. 1, 17.

28. Cf. 1, 1, 18; 1, 10, 20. 29. votum: a votive offering, the fistula of v. 30.

30. silvestri . . . deo Silvanus, who was identified with Pan.

31. fistula: the pandean pipe composed of several (usually 7-9) reeds of carefully graded lengths, a prototype of the organ, common among shepherds. Cf. Ovid, Met. 2. 682. For its Greek name (syrinx) and origin, cf. Ovid, Met. 1, 705-712. For its form see Rich's Dict. s.v. arundo.



nam calamus cera iungitur usque minor. at qua Velabri regio patet, ire solebat

exiguus pulsa per vada linter aqua. illa saepe gregis diti placitura magistro ad iuvenem festa est vecta puella die, cum qua fecundi redierunt munera ruris, caseus et niveae candidus agnus ovis. 'inpiger Aenea, volitantis frater Amoris, Troica qui profugis sacra vehis ratibus, iam tibi Laurentes adsignat Iuppiter agros, iam vocat errantes hospita terra lares.

It is described by Ovid, Met. 8, 189-195. Cf. Verg. Ec. 2, 36: disparibus septem conpacta cicutis fistula; Hor. Car. 4, 12, 10.

32. usque minor: constantly decreasing.'

33. at: cf. 1, 3, 63, n.-Velabri : the low, swampy valley between the Capitoline, Palatine, and Aventine hills, bordering on the Tiber, which was continually overflowing into it. One of the first great engineering enterprises at Rome was the draining of this valley, including the Forum Romanum site, farther back from the river. This was accomplished by an early sewer along the general line of the present Cloaca Maxima, which still performs its ancient functions and can be inspected at several points. See Lanciani, Ancient Rome, p. 54; cf. Prop. 4, 9, 5-6: qua Velabra suo stagnabant flumine quaque nauta per urbanas velificabat aquas; Ovid, Fast. 6, 405-406.

34. pulsa . . aqua: cf. Cat. 64, 58: iuvenis .. pellit vada remis; Prop. 4, 2, 8: remorum auditos per vada pulsa sonos.


35. illa i.e. aqua (= via.) — placitura: 'to delight'; cf. R. 1115, (3).

36. iuvenem = gregis... magistro of the preceding verse. festa... die: probably the Palilia (April 21); cf. v. 87.

39. The speech of the Sibyl here takes up the thread of thought broken off at v. 20.frater Amoris: Venus was the mother of Aeneas by Anchises, and of Cupid by Ares (as is usually assumed); cf. Verg. Aen. 1, 667: frater ut Aeneas.

40. Troica sacra : the Penates; cf. Verg. Aen. 1, 68: portans victosque Penates.

41. Aeneas landed near Laurentum, the ancient city near the mouth of the Tiber, where he was hospitably received by Lati




illic sanctus eris, cum te veneranda Numici
unda deum caelo miserit indigetem.
ecce super fessas volitat Victoria puppes;
tandem ad Troianos diva superba venit.
ecce mihi lucent Rutulis incendia castris :

iam tibi praedico, barbare Turne, necem.
ante oculos Laurens castrum murusque Lavinist
Albaque ab Ascanio condita longa duce.
te quoque iam video, Marti placitura sacerdos
Ilia, Vestales deseruisse focos,

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art. The most celebrated of all her statues was the Nike of Samothrace, which stood on a ship's bow. Perhaps this familiar conception suggests to the poet this expression, as if the goddess were now at length hovering above the ship of Aeneas and about to alight on the prow and guide it into a haven of victory. Cf. Baum. Denk., pp. 1019-1023.

48. Turnus, his great enemy, was finally overcome by Aeneas in mortal combat.

49. The first home of the Trojan exiles in Italy was a permanent camp near Laurentum; then Aeneas founded Lavinium; Alba Longa was built years later by Ascanius.

52. Ilia mother of Romulus and Remus by Mars; daughter of Aeneas and Lavinia according to the older tradition; later, in order to weave in the Alban legends, said to be the daughter of Numitor, the Alban king, and, as such, a vestal virgin, usually called Rea Silvia.



concubitusque tuos furtim vittasque iacentes et cupidi ad ripas arma relicta dei.

carpite nunc, tauri, de septem montibus herbas, dum licet hic magnae iam locus urbis erit. Roma, tuum nomen terris fatale regendis, qua sua de caelo prospicit arva Ceres, quaque patent ortus et qua fluitantibus undis Solis anhelantes abluit amnis equos. Troia quidem tum se mirabitur et sibi dicet vos bene tam longa consuluisse via. vera cano: sic usque sacras innoxia laurus

53. furtim modifies the implied participle agreeing with concubitus (Heyne suggests peractos). The motive was a favorite one in Roman art, and has survived in various mural paintings and basreliefs. See Preller3, Vol. 2, p. 347; Friedrichs-Wolters, Antike Bildwerke, No. 2141; Baum. Denk., p. 886; Ovid, Fast. 3, 11 sqq.

55. septem montibus: rather a conventional than an exact description of the site of Rome. The seven principal elevations now reckoned in the list do not coincide with those of the original "Septimontium," some of which were " hills" scarcely now distinguishable as such. Cf. Richter, Topog. von Rom., pp. 36-38; Enc. Brit., Vol. 23, p. 589; Sandys, p. 35; Platner, pp. 39 sqq.

56. iam cf. I, 1, 70, n.

57. nomen: whatever be its true origin, the name Roma had certainly long before this become identified in the minds of Greek

and Roman writers with the Greek Puun (strength'), and was therefore in itself fatale, portentous.' terris . . . regendis: cf. Madv. § 415.

58. Cf. Ovid, Fast. 1, 85-86; Juppiter arce sua totum cum spectet in orbem, nil nisi Romanum, quod tueatur, habet.

59. quaque . . . et qua: 'both where . . and where.'

60. amnis = Oceanus, which, according to the generally accepted notion, was a stream whose current never ceased to move around the earth. Cf. 3, 4, 17-18: iam Nox aetherium nigris emensa quadrigis mundum caeruleo laverat amne rotas: Hom. I. 14, 245. The river motion is implied also in Cat. 66, 69–70.

61. se: i.e. at her new and greater self, reproduced in mightier Rome.

63. vera cano: sic to make the form of the adjuration complete an ut should be supplied at

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