Inauguration Day. JOINT RESOLUTION Making Inaugu-
ration Day a legal holiday in the metropolitan area of the
District of Columbia, and for other purposes.
Economic report. JOINT RESOLUTION To extend the
time for transmitting the economic report of the President
for the first regular session of the Eighty-fifth Congress... Jan.
President's Advisory Commission on Presidential Office Space.
AN ACT To amend Public Law 954, Eighty-fourth
Congress, approved August 3, 1956 -
Small Business Act of 1953, amendments. AN ACT To amend
the Small Business Act of 1953 to increase the amount
available thereunder for business loans___.
Boston National Historic Sites Commission. AN ACT Ex-
tending for one year the time in which the Boston National
Historic Sites Commission shall complete its work
North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Washington public
buildings land grants. AN ACT To amend section 12 of the
Act approved February 22, 1889 (25 Stat. 676) relating to
the admission into the Union of the States of North
Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Washington, by
providing for the use of public lands granted to the States
therein for the purpose of construction, reconstruction,
repair, renovation, furnishings, equipment, or other per-
manent improvement of public buildings at the capital of
said States...
Middle East, economic and military cooperation. JOINT
RESOLUTION To promote peace and stability in the
Middle East.
Smithsonian Institution. JOINT RESOLUTION To pro-
vide for the reappointment of Doctor Arthur H. Compton
as Citizen Regent of the Board of Regents of the Smith-
sonian Institution__
Smithsonian Institution. JOINT RESOLUTION Providing
for the filling of a vacancy in the Board of Regents of the
Smithsonian Institution, of the class other than Members
of Congress_
Federal National Mortgage Association. JOINT RESOLU-
TION To provide interim assistance, through the Federal
National Mortgage Association, in relieving the shortage
of funds for home loans, and for other purposes.
Alaska, conveyance of Juneau Subport of Embarkation.
ACT To authorize and direct the Secretary of the Interior
to convey certain property of the United States located in
Juneau, Alaska, known as the Juneau Subport of Embark-
ation, to the Territory of Alaska..
Tax Rate Extension Act of 1957. AN ACT To provide a
fifteen-month extension of the existing corporate normal-
tax rate and of certain excise-tax rates__
Durum wheat. AN ACT To amend section 334 (e) of the
Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, relating
to increased allotments for durum wheat.
Atomic energy cooperation with Berlin. AN ACT To amend
the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and for other