| Richard Crossinge - 1732 - 324 Seiten
...altogether clear from thefe Imputations ? If they can, are they able to rife yet higher? Are they able to rejoice with them that rejoice, and to weep with them that weep ? To be truly affe6ted with all the Good or all the Evil that befals their Neighbour ? Is their Sympathy... | |
 | William Law - 1760 - 254 Seiten
...any Perfbn, but every Unreadinefs to do good of all Kinds, to all that we can ; every Unwillingnefs to rejoice with them that rejoice, and to weep with them that weep, and love our Neighbour as ourfelves ; every Aver/ion to be inwardly all Love, and outwardly all Meeknefs,... | |
 | Hugh Blair - 1790 - 458 Seiten
...undoubtedly breathe benevolence and humanity. This is the fcope of the two exhortations in the text, to rejoice with them that rejoice, and to weep with them that On Senjibllity. 23 that weep ; the one calculated to promote SER M. the happinefs, the other, to alleviate... | |
 | 1804 - 508 Seiten
...the creature to the Creator; he then shews the happy effects it produces on the mind, leading us " to rejoice with them that rejoice, and to weep with them that weep." This sermon was preached alter the author's church had been repaired. We expected to find an impassioned... | |
 | 1803 - 818 Seiten
...peace with all men," to be patient and forbearing, humble and thankful, " pitiful and •courteous;" to "rejoice with them that rejoice, and to weep with them that weep ;" to put on that " charity which is the bond of perfectness," and without which, though we should... | |
 | Philip Doddridge - 1805 - 632 Seiten
...selves' to maintain a constant sympathy with ümt weep. your brethren ot mankind, which may lead you to rejoice with them that rejoice, and to weep with them that weep : to congratulate others on their felicity, a Panning hoipitalily.'] It ivas the more kind of bann... | |
 | George Joachim Zollikofer - 1806 - 636 Seiten
...chriftian affedlion. How many opportunities and motives will then occur to the chriftian philanthropift to rejoice with them that rejoice and to weep with them that weep, as he perceives in one place innocent, fimple manners, few wants, rude, but real and heartfelt fatisfactions,... | |
 | Philip Doddridge, Andrew Kippis - 1907 - 500 Seiten
...yourselves, to maintain a constant symWthheraPathy with your brethren of mankind, which may lead you to rejoice with them that rejoice^ and to weep with them that -weep ; to congratulate others on their felicity, and to bear your part with them in their sorrows, as members... | |
 | Georg Joachim Zollikofer - 1807 - 678 Seiten
...way be ever taking a greater intereft in the concerns and fortunes of our brethren, fo as cordially to rejoice with them that rejoice and to weep with them that weep. Let our converfe with each other be conftantly more edifying, always more ufcful, and the fatisfa&ions... | |
 | Philip Doddridge, Andrew Kippis - 1807 - 502 Seiten
...to maintain a constant sym^t^eeePwiththempathy with your brethren of mankind, which : may lead you to rejoice with them that rejoice, and to weep with them that rveep ; to congratulate others on their felicity, and to bear your part with them in their sorrows,... | |
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