Abbildungen der Seite

and Character, 168-Prede-
ceffor to the Prince of Orange,
who was crowned King of
England, by the Name of Wil-
liam III. 169.

Ormond, Sir Pierce Buttler of,
made Earl of Offory, 67.
Oxford-University, great Disturb-
ances there, 84, 85-their
Charter, 86, & feq.-and
Letter to Wolfey, 88-a con-
cise History of it, 90, & feq.


Pace, Dr. Richard, a short Histo-
ry of him, 100, & feq.
Papists and Protestants, terribly
executed by King Henry. See
the Memoirs after 358.
Paris-University bribed, 246.
Parker's Ant. Brit. 215.
Parker, Thomas, Earl of Maccles-
field, Ld. Chancellor, 238.
Parliament meets, 306-is dif-
solved, 320.

Parr, Lady Catherine, K. Henry's
fixth Wife, Mem. p. 25-im-
peached for Heresy, but escapes
with her Life, ib.

Paul III. elected Pope. Mem.
p. 40-endeavours to restore
Peace among Chriftians, 41-
his Death, 47.

Paulet, William, Esq; Reprefen-
tative in Parliament for Win-
chester, 200.

Paulet, William, Lord St. John,
Lord Treasurer, 272.
Pelham, the Right Hon. Henry,
Chancellor of the Exchequer,
the present Possessor of Card.
Wolfey's House at Esher, 202.
Pembroke, the Right Hon. Earl
of, 321.

Penfions, given on account of Pro-
tections in Ireland, first disused,

Philip, Prince of Caftile, born,
116-baptized, 117-mar-
ried, Mem. p. 45.
Pol, Count St. retakes Pavia,
but foon after is taken Pri-
foner, 160.
Poland, Affairs of, 119.
Pole, Cardinal, one of Erasmus's
Friends, 79-his Education,
Mem. p. 17-condemned for
High Treason, 18 - when
made a Cardinal, b. - his
Mother's fingular Letter to
him, ib.

Pope, Alexander, Esq; his Enco-
mium on Craggs, Murray, and
Hyde, 177.

Pox, the French, a new Way of
conveying it, 312.

Poyet, Chancellor of France, dif-
graced, Mem. p. 34.
Premunire, the usual Sentence in-
curred on it, 300.
Privilege, the great Difference
between that enjoyed now,
and what was felt in Wolfey's
Time, 299.
Protestants, whence fo called, 172.
Puckering, Sir John, Ld Keep-
er, 273.

[blocks in formation]

Rawleigh Redivivus, 2.80.
Rawlinson, Mr. Sergeant, Ld
Commiffioner of the Great
Seal, 282-Sir William, ib.
Raymond, Lord Chief Justice,
and Ld Commissioner, 290.
Record-office, in the Exchequer,

Religion, the State of, 72.
Rich, Sir Richard, Ld Chan-
cellor, 272- the Rt. Hon.
Edward, Earl of Warwick and
Holland, ib.

Richmond, Duke of, Ld Com-
missioner of the Great Seal,
276-Charles Duke of, 321.
Richmond-Park first enclosed in
K. Charles I.Time; but closer
shut up since, to the no small
Inconvenience of the present
Inhabitants, 189.
Rolls, Master of the, a Dispute
about his Authority, 191.

Rome plundered, 112.
Rofcomon, the Earls of, 67.
Rothes, Earl of, the Origin of
the Family, 176.
Ruffel, Sir John, returns to
England, 202 his Let-
ter to Wolfey, 203 -re-
tains his Affection for him to
the last, 205-goes to him
with a Token of the King's
Favour, 302.


Rymer's Fædera, 136, 246,

[blocks in formation]

the E. of Angus, 64, 65-his
Family and Descendants, ib.
Scotland, Affairs of, 64, 174.
Seymour, Lady Jane, became a
Favourite of K. Henry's, Mem.
p. 11.-who marries her, 15
-dies, 17.

Shaftsbury, Earl of, Lord Chan-
cellor, 280-the present Earl
Henry defcended from him,
Shakespear, on the Steps previous
to the Divorce, 210, & feq.
- on the Legantine Court,
220, & feq.on its Proceed-
ings, 231, & feq. - on the
Courtiers confpiring against
Wolfey, 251, & feq. - on the
King's sending for the Great
Seal, 260, & feq.-draws Wol-
fey's Character, 354, & feq.
Shelley, Judge, demands of Wol-
Sey the Surrender of York-house,
321-posts to Court, 322.
Shrewsbury, Earl of, kindly en-
tertains Wolfey, 343 - much
concerned at his Illness, 344.
Sheffington, Sir William, Lord
Deputy of Ireland, 181-
the Rt. Hon. Clotworthy, ib.
Skelton, the Poet, his Verses
upon Wolfey, 105, 106-
smartly corrected by Lilly,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Talbot, Lord, Ld Chancellor,
292-the Rt. Hon. William
his Son, 293.
Tanner, Dr. Bp. of Afaph 200.
Tarbe, Bp. of, first objects to the
Princess Mary's Legitimacy,
123, 127.

Teftament, the New, burnt, 139.
Thanistry, a particular Ufage in
Ireland, 66.

Thomond, Henry E. of, his Sire,
Titles and Estate, 67.
Trevor, Sir John, Ld Com-
missioner of the Great Seal,

Tunis-city described, Mem. p. 40.
Tunstal, Bp. of London, a Friend
to Erasmus, 79-tranflated to
Durham, 200.

Turks beat the Hungarians, 63.

-fupports John de Zapol a-
gainst Ferdinand of Austria, 64
invades Hungary again,
Mem. p. 39- concludes a
Peace with the Venetians, 43.
Tuscany, the Grand Dukes of,
the Foundation of their mak-
ing so great a Figure, 170.


Vannes, Peter, K. Henry's Am-
baffador at Rome, 209
joined with Caffali to manage
the Business of the Divorce
there, 210.

Varillas, the French Historian,
146-Mem. p. 37.
Venice, Doge of, his Letters to
K. Henry, Q. Catherine, and
Card. Wolfey, 69.
Venetians join with the Pope and
the D. of Milan, to send Am•
bassadors to Francis, 22 一
enter into a Treaty with him,
23-the fame published, 39

enters into another, 114-
left out of the Treaty of Cam-
bray, 161-conclude a Peace
with the Turks, Mem. p. 43.
Vernon, Admiral, Member of Par-
liament for Ipswich, 199.
Virgil, Polydor, a bitter Enemy
to the Cardinal, 103 - his
fawning blafphemous Letter to
his Eminence, 348.
Voltaire's Character of Francis I.
Mem. p. 38.
Urbino, D. of, marches his Ar-
my into Naples, 46 - foon
quits it, 47.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

of Canterbury, one of Eraf-
mus's Patrons, 80- deceived
by the holy Maid of Kent, 98,
99- his obliging Letter to
Wolfey, 189-his Death, Mem.

P. 7.

Westmeath, Thomas Nugent, Earl
of, 67.

Westminster old Palace burnt, 321.
White Hall, formerly York-Place,
described, 321.
Williams, Dr. John, Bp. of Lin-
coln, Ld Keeper, 276.
Williams, William Fitz, Efq; a
worthy Domestick of Cardi-
nal Wolfey's, 140, 331, (and
Ancestor both to the present
Earl and Viscount, ib.)-en-
tertains the Cardinal, 343.
Wills, Dr. esteemed by Erasmus,

Wilton-priory, 104.
Winchelsea and Nottingham, Da-
niel Earl of, 282.
Winchester-bishoprick described,


the Cardinal's

natural Son, very extravagant,
Wolfey, Cardinal, discovers his
Address and Policy, 16 to 21
-demands Commiffioners to
be fent from the Venetians,
&c. 40-receives Letters from
the Doge of Venice and the
D. of Milan, 69, 70-pre-
serves the Balance of Power
well, 72- compromised the
Differences of Magdalen Col-
lege, 85-the Charter he ob-
tained for the University of
Oxford, 86, & feq. his fur-
ther Care of them, 90- re-
forms the Royal Houshold,
94-regulates the Coins, 95
-encourages Trade and Na-
vigation, 96-fuppreffes some
of the leffer Monatteries, ib.

not deceived by the holy Maid
of Kent, 100-the Charges on
him relating to Secretary Pace,
removed, ib. & feq.-as well
as other Defamations, 102}
the King's Letter to him, 103
-libelled by paltry Authors,
105-keeps up his Correspon-
dence with Bp. Fox, 109 -
receives a Letter from Sigif-
mond, K. of Poland, 119-a-
nother from Lady Anna Bulleyn,
125-one from the King, 126
- a second from Lady Anna,
ib. - obtains another Com
mission for hearing Causes in
his Absence, 130 - goes as
High Ambaffador to France,
131 - arrives at Abberville,
133-called there the Pacifick
Cardinal, 134-compleats se-
veral Treaties between his
Master and Francis, ib. 135
-returns to England, 136-
but, in his Way home, direct-
ed a Mart to be kept at Calais,
ib, made his Holiness's Vicar
General, 138- takes Crom-
well into his Service, 141-
tries a third Time for the Pa-
pacy, 162 & feq. - presents
Hampton-court to the King,
182-his Care not to deprive
the People of their common
High-ways, 186-of Archbp.
Warham, 189 - founds his
College at Ipfwich, 191-
writes to the Masters of his
School there, directing Lilly's
Rudiments to be taught, 197-
his College fell with him, 198
-made Bp. of Winchester,
199-the Pope sent Initru-
ments for that Purpose, 200,
201-the King's, ib. 202-
orders Esher-place to be repair-
ed, 201-obtains a Bull to up-
hold the Temporalities of Win-
chester, 202-his Care of Sir
John Russell's Children, 203
of his Fellow Subjects,
205-and of York in parti-
cular, ib. never corrupted or
influenced Persons to send Re-
presentatives to Parliament of
his Recommendation, 206-
joined with Campeius to fit in
Judgment on the Divorce, 210
-introduces him to the King,
214-cleared from the Charge
of first making him uneasy
with Queen Catherine, 230-
yet charged with preventing
the Divorce, 242 - visibly
declines in the King's Favour,
248-notwithstanding he was
determined to act impartially,
249- follows the King to
Grafton in Nottinghamshire,
251-noProvision made for his
Reception there, 252-yet gra-
cioufly received by the King,
253, 254-Wagers laid about
it, 253-next time received
but coolly, 257-departs from
Court for London, 259-In-
dictments, &c. drawing against
him, 260-at first refuses to
deliver up the Great Seal, 263
-at last does it in great Form,
270, & feq. - orders his
Jewels, &c. to be taken care
of for the King, 281- - fe-
verely reprimands his Treafu-
rer, ib.-fets out for Esher,
282- his Devotion on his
Knees, in the High-way, 285
makes Sir John Norris a
Present, 287-and another to
the King, 288-his kneeling
in the Dirt, cleared up, 289,
& feq. brought the Court
of Chancery into high Esteem,
293-arrives at Esber, 294-
the Information against him,
295-appoints his Attorneys


by special Commission, 296,
297-submits to the King,
298-his Speech to the Judges,
299-Judgment signed againft
him, ib. a Prisoner at large,
300-had good Authority for
his Legantine Commission, ib.
- bears his Misfortunes pretty
well, 301-wants to reward
his faithful Servants, ib. - a
most pathetick Interview with
them, 302-protected by the
King, 303-Reflections on
him in the House of Com-
mons answered, 309-Arti-
ticles exhibited against him in
the House of Lords, 310, to
318-charged with having
the Pox, 312-the Articles
rejected in the House of Com-
mons, 318
Collier's Re-
marks on them, 319-Sal-
mon's, 320-Wolfey juftly re-
proaches the Duke of Norfolk,
ib. - at first reasons against
furrendering York-house to the
King, 321-but foon after
signs that Deed, and another
Instrument, 322-writes to
Lady Anna Bulleyn and Crom-
well, 323-reflects on his
Disappointments, ib.-ftill re-
ceives Messages from Court,
324-takes the Dismembering
and Suppreffion of his Col-
leges to Heart, 324-writes
to the King about them, ib.-
his Patience, 325-falls dan-
geroufly ill, ib. - cherished
again by the King, and Lady
Anna, 326-and obtains his
full Pardon, ib. -the Articles
of it, 327-the King grants
him further Marks of Friend-
ship, ib. - complains to
Cromwell, 328-his Enemies
alarmed at the King's Favour,
and push for his being sent to

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