Fox for Rome, 209 - writes to Wolfey, 246-carries the King's Point at Cambridge, 248-was Bp. of Winchester, and hadthe Custody of the Great Seal, 272.
Garter, the Order of the, first established in Ireland, 68.
Genoa, under French Government, 115-revolts, 159-surrenders to the Emperor all their Ports, 168.
Giglis, Sylvester, Bp. of Worcester, Patron to Erasmus, 79. Gilbert, Mr. Baron, Lord Com- missioner of the Great Seal, 290. Glames, John Lord, 66. Goodrick, Bp. of Ely, had the Custody of the Great Seal,
Gormanston, Jenico Preston, Lord Viscount, 68. Grantham, Henry, Earl of, 288. Grocyn, the famous, celebrated by Erasmus, 79. Guicciardin, a Remark on his History of the Wars of Ita- ly, 173.
Guilford, Sir Robert, Bart. his Ancestor, 131.
Hales, Mr. Attorney Gen. drew up the Informations against Wolfey, 294.
Hall, the Hiftorian, 95, 102, 112, 244, 306, 332. Hampton-court Palace, built by Wolfey, celebrated by Leland, 113-defcribed, ib-and its delightful Situation, ib. & feq. Harcourt, Simon Lord, Ld Chan- cellor, 286. Hardwicke, Philip Lord, the Ld. High Chancellor, 293- his laudable Gratitude, 340. Hatton, Sir Christopher, Ld Chan-
cellor, 273-the present Lord Viscount his Descendant. ib. Heath, Nicholas, Archbishop of York, had the Custody of the Great Seal, 272.
Henry the VIIIth, King of Eng- land, fends Ambassadors to con- gratulate K. Francis on his De- liverance, 15- enters into a Treaty with him, 21-refuses that of the Venetians, &c. 40- lives at Peace, 68-receives Let- ters from the Doge of Venice and the D. of Milan, 69, 70- ill used by Luther, 72, & feq. -his Letter to Erasmus, 80- another to Wolfey, 103-en- ters inte Treaties with France, 121-writes to Wolfey, 126- the laft Treaties with France regulated, 129- fend Am- baffadors to France, ib. 131- appoints a publick Thankf- giving, 136-fends the Order of St. George to Francis, and confers greater Power on Wol- fey, 138-fends new Inftruc- tions to Spain, 142-in Con- junction with Francis, pro- claims War against the Empe- ror, 148-writes to Rome in Favour of Wolfey, 164-fends Ambassadors to Scotland, 175 -enlarges Hampton-court Pa- lace, 183-requests the Bi- shoprick of Winchester for Wolfey, 199-fends Fox and Gardiner to Rome about the Divorce, 209-gives Cam- peius an Audience, 214-his Oration to the great Men, 215 -difpleased with Campeius's Stiffness, 219- not fatisfied with Campana's smooth Mef- sage, 220--fends new Inftruc- tions, relating to the Divorce, to his Ambassadors at Rome, 240-haftens the Commif- fioners
fiohers in England to forward it, 241-throws his Disap- pointment in the Divorce on Wolfey, 243-publishes an Or- der against the Pope's Decrees, ib.orders Q. Catherine to retire, 244-goes a Progress to divert his Melancholly, ib. tranfported with Cran-
mer's Advice, 245, 246 fends Commissioners to all fo- reign Univerfities, &c. with a State of his Cafe, ib. - their Certificates in Rymer, &c. ib. -threatens the University of Oxford, 247-both the Uni- versities debate on his Cafe, 247, 248 his Slight of Q. Catherine, and Amorous- ness to Anna Bullern, 250, & feq.receives Wolfey graci- oufly, 253 has Conflicts about facrificing him, 255 - neglects him, 257- hastens to London, and gives Campeius his Audience of Leave, 260 -but dissembles with him, ib. -orders Wolfey to be profe- cuted, 263-dismisses him from his Chancellorship, ib. --peremptorily demands the Great Seal, 267- fends a comfortable Message after him, 284-affigns him Attorneys, 296 fends Judges for his Answer to the Information, 298 fends Sir John Ruffel to Wolfey with a Token of Fa- vour, 302-grants him a Pro- tection, 303-exhibits a Com- miffion of Inquiry after his Effects, 304-directs a Parlia- ment to be called, 305-fends to demand York-house of Wol- Sey, 321-builds St. James's House, and encloses the Park, ib.-grown quite mercenary, 322-
fey, ib.-fends him comforta- ble Messages, 323 - prevails on Lady Anna to send him a Token, ib.-fiezes his Tomb, 325-sends a Physician to vi- fit him, ib. relents again, 326-and grants him a full Pardon, ib. - and other Fa- vours, 327, 328-yet pre- vailed on by his Enemies to order him to remove to York, 329- tries again to bring Wolfey over, 338-Memoirs of his Reign, from Wolfey's Death to his own, p. 1, after. Herbert, Lord, the Historian, 103, 135; 247, 314, 319- Mem. p. 26.
Herbert, Sir Edward, had the keeping of the Great Seal, 277-the present Lord Her- bert of Cherberry his Descen- dant, 278.
Heylin, Dr. quoted, 128. Hoadley, Dr. Benjamin, Bp. of Winchester, 200. Howard, Lady Catherine, be- comes a Favourite of King Henry's, Mem. p. 22-and his fifth Wife, 23-executed for Adultery, ib.
Hume, Sir Patrick, his Descen- dants, 178. Hungarians sadly beat by the Turks, 63 Mem. p. 39. Hungary, Affairs of, 62-De- scription of it, ib. 63-endures great Calamities, 64. Hutching, Sir George, Ld Com- miffioner of the Great Seal, 283.
Hyde, Sir Edward, Lord Chan- cellor, 278- Author of the History of the Rebellion, ib.
has Remorse of Con- James I. King of England,
fcience for his Usage to Wol-
James II. King of England, is commanded to quit Whitehall, 169.
James V. of Scotland, escapes from the Earl of Angus, his Father-in-law, 175-calls a Parliament, ib-regulates his Government, and restores the Order of St. Andrew, 176- -honoured with four Orders of Knighthood, 177 - com- mits several of the Nobility to Edinburgh Castle, and does o- ther Acts of Justice, ib. - fixes the College of Justice at Edinburgh, 179 - lives fome time peaceably, marries two Wives, falls into Despair, be- wails the Fate of his poor Kingdom, and dies, ib.-his Character, 180.
James's, Palace of, erected, Mem.
Jefus, Society of, instituted, Mem. p. 43-it's Founder's Death, ib.
Inchiquin, William O Brien, Earl of, 66.
Ipswich College founded by Wol- Sey, 191-the Corporation ex- ceedingly pleased with it, 194 -their Letter to him, 195- assign their Grammar-school Lands over for the Support of his College, 196 - its Foun- dation, and the Town describ- ed, 199.
Ireland, Affairs of, 66, 180 erected into a Kingdom, by Act of Parliament in Eng- land, 182.
Kecke, Anthony, Esq; Ld. Com- miffioner of the Great Seal, 282. Kent, Samuel, Efq; Member of Parliament for the Corporation of Ipswich, 199. Kerry, Thomas Fitz Morris, Earl of, 67.
King, Peter Lord, Ld. Chancel- lor, 290-Inscription on his Tomb, 292.
Kingston, Mr. Lieut. of the Tower, goes to assist in bringing Wol- fey to London, 344-comforts him, 345-visits him again, ib.-again for the laft Time, 346.
Knight, Dr. his Mistakes, re- lating to a Difference between Card. Wolfey and Dr. Yonge, rectified, 76, to 78-relating to Dr. Lee, 81 - severe upon Wolfey, 82.
Treaty of Madrid, 24-quits the French Court, 39-amuses the Pope, 51-fruftrates the Ex- pectations of the Duke of Milan, 52-dies of the Plague, 113. Lautrec takes up Winter Quar ters, 116-befriends the Pope, 145, 146, fets out for Naples, 154- many Towns open their Gates to him, 155- circumvents the Vice- roy of Naples, 156 - fiezed with a contagious Distemper, ib.-his Death, and fome Ac- count of his Life, 157, 158. Law-Proceedings ordered to be in English, Mem. p. 37. Lee, Dr. a smart Antagonist to Erasmus, 80-mifrepresented by Dr. Knight, 81, Legatine-court, for trying the Va- lidity of the Divorce opened, 220 - Journal of its Proceed- ings, 229, to 239-fits for for the last Time, 241.
Leger, Anthony St. Esq; Lord Deputy of Ireland, 182-Ar- thur St. ib.
Leland, celebrates Hampton-court Palace, 183.
Lewis, King of Hungary, wars with the Turks, 62-his De- feat and Death, 63-odd Cir- cumstances of his Birth, 64. Leyva, Anthony de, defeats Duke Sforza, 114-furprizes Pa- via, &c. 159 - takes Count St. Pol Prifoner, 160.
Lilly, the famous William, some Account of him, 107, & feq. Lincolnshire, a Rifing there, Mem.
Macclesfield, George Earl of, 290. Magdalen-college, Oxford, its Stu- dents remarkable Letter to Wolfey, 85. Maid, the holy one of Kent, a notorious Imposter, 97, & feq. Mandeville, Henry Viscount, Ld Commiffioner of the Great Seal, 276.
Marchmont, Earls of, their Fa- mily and Character, 178. Margaret, Governess of the Low- countries, dies, 172. Margaret, Queen Dowager of Scotland, concerts Measures to get her Son from the Earl of Angus, 64-fues for a Divorce, obtains it, and marries Lord Meffin, 174.
Mary, Princess, (afterwards Q. of England) her Legitimacy disputed, 123.
Mary, Princess of Portugal, mar- ried, Mem. p. 45. Maffureen, Vifcount, 181. Masters of the Rolls, and in Chan cery, a Lift of them from King Charles
Charles the Ild's Time, 294.
Maynard, Sir John, Lord Com-
miffioner of the Great Seal, 282, 283.
him, 270-opens the 8th Par- liament with a quaint Speech, 306, 307-beheaded, Mem.
Meath, Earl of, 181. Medicis, Alex, de, made Duke of Florence, 170. MEMOIRS, Additional, facing 358.
Muncer, Thomas, a rigid Follower
Memorandum on Wolfey's deliver- ing up the Great Seal, 270. Mercers, Worshipful Company of, their Gratitude, 109. Merone pardoned and restored to Favour, 50.
Michael, Military Order of St. explained, 173-
Milan, Duke of, joins with the Pope and the Venetians, 22 --capitulates with the Duke of Bourbon, 43 - coins the Church Plate into Money, 49 -fruftrated by the Vice-roy of Naples, 52-his Letters to Wolfey, 69, 70-one to King Henry, 70-his Death, Mem.
Miserai's Character of Francis I. Mem. p. 38.
Monasteries suppressed, Mem. p. 20. Monmouth, Duke of, marries the Duchess of Buccleugh, 64- his Death and Issue, 65. Montacute, Lord, beheaded, Mem. P. 21. Montagu, John Duke of, 321. Montmorency, Marshal de, depu- ted to go and receive the two French Princes, and Queen Eleanor on the Frontiers of Spain, 166.
More, Sir Thomas, a most inti- mate Correspondent of Eraf- mus's, 80, 82--deceived by Barton, the Imposter, 97- Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancaster, 121- Lord Chan- cellor of England, Memoirs of
of Luther, and Head of a strong enthusiastick Sect in Germany, called Muncerians. 76.
Murray, the Hon. William, Soll. General, his Family, and Mr. Pope's Encomium on him, 177.
Naples befieged by the French, 155-its Vice-roy killed, 156 -infected with the Plague, ib. -the Siege raised, 159-a Rebellion there, Mem. p. 46. Norfolk, Duke of, pays the Car- dinal a sycophant Visit, 320 -pushes on his Removal to York, 329, 330- narrowly escaped King Henry's bloody Axe, Mem. p. 26-his Con- feffion, ib.
Norris, Sir John, very complai- sant to Wolsey, 252 fent after him with a kind Mef- fage, 284.
North, Sir Francis, Baron Guil- ford, Lord Keeper, 282 - the present Lord Guilford his Defcendant, ib. Northumberland, Earl of, readily accepts the ungrateful Office of arresting Wolfey, 340- does it with Trembling, 341- retires ignominiously, 342.
Onslow, the Right Hon. Arthur, 289. Orange, Prince of, fuccours Na- ples, 155-defends it brave- ly, 156-his Death, Burial, Hhh 2 and
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