Abbildungen der Seite

in the Deanry of St. Stephens to Richard Fox, Bishop of Winchester, and George, Earl of Shrewsbury, who, on the 18th of October, in the fame Year, presented Thomas Wulcy, the King's Almoner, and he was admitted and instituted into it by John, Abbot of Westminster.

This appears by an Entry in the Register, or Leafe-books, of the Church of Westminster. In the fame Book is a long Particular of the Ceremony * obferved when Wolfey received his Cardinal's Cap, and is thus intitled, Forma Instructionis jam a Lxxv Annis, observat super Tranfmiffione Capelli rubei & Annuli ad novem CARDINALEM.

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VOL. II. Page 1, Line 6, for about Eighteen, read not Seventeen; p. 17, 1. 13, f. 3d of March, r. 3d of June,

VOL. III. Page 361, in the Note, Col. 2, Line 19, f. one Barnes, r. one Harness.

VOL. IV. Page 6, in the Note, Col. 1, 1. 20, f. on his own Horse, r. to his own House; p. 10, in the Note, Col. 1, 1. 8, for Who thought, r. Who little thought; p. 15, 1. 2, f. Chency r. Cheney; p. 51, in the Note, Col. 1, 1. 16, f. Friends, r. Enemies; p. 80, in the Note, Col. 2, 1. 16, f. 1537, r. 1534; p. 160, 1. 21, f. Princess, r. Princesses; p. 180, 1. 2, f. Philip the VIIth, r. the Ild; p. 184, in the Note, Col. 2, 1. 7. f. repose, r. repair; p. 207, 1. 21, f. mute Masters, r. Moot-masters; p 288, in the Note, Col. 2, 1. 2, f. 1741, J. 1714. MEMOIRS, P. 20, 1. 17, f. ever, r. even







Cardinal WOLSEY.


Affairs of Spain, France, England, and Italy.


E concluded our Third
Volume with taking
notice of a Confpiracy
against his Imperial
Majesty and the Spanish Forces at Mi-
lan. The Beginning of the Year, 1526,

the Commendary Herara returned from Rome to Madrid, and brought Letters from Pope Clement the VIIth, written with his own Hand, to the Emperor, in which he laboured to clear himself of the Imputation of having any Hand in the Conspiracy, by laying the Fault on the Marquis of Pescara, and Jerome Moreton; and entreated the Emperor to pardon Sforza, and restore him to his Dominions of Milan: But, says the Spanish Writers, "the Emperor, knowing that the Duke would





"afcribe the Benefit of his Liberty to the Interceffion " of the Pope and the Venetians, and not to his Mercy


only, made little Account of their fair Words.” Also about this Time the captive King of France was brought to confent to the Restitution of Burgundy for the Sake of his Liberty, only insisting, that it could not be performed till fome Time after he was free, because the People would never deliver it whilst he was a Prifoner; but, for Security of the Performance, he agreed to deliver his two eldest Sons as Hostages. Though the Emperor thought good to take the Advice of his Council upon so important an Affair, yet, finding their Opinions so very different one from the other, as not to be reconciled, he refolved to release the King upon fuch Terms as could be had. Accordingly the Treaty was concluded and signed, on the 14th of January at Madrid, by which Peace and Amity seemingly was established between Charles the Vth and Francis the Ist. The chief Articles of which were,


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That the King of France should marry Queen Eleanora, the Emperor's Sister, and have with her 200,000 Crowns in Gold. That he should be fet at Liberty on the 10th of March, and then deliver "his two Sons as Hostages. That he should


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resign to the Emperor the Dutchy of Burgundy in "full Sovereignty. That he should give up the


Homage the Emperor owed for Flanders and Ar"tois. That he should renounce all Claim to Naples, “Milan, Afti, Tournay, Lifle, Hefdin, &c. - -That he "should endeavour to perfuade Henry d'Albert to re

fign the Kingdom of Navarre to the Emperor, or at " least should give him no Assistance.----That within

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40 Days he should restore the Duke of Bourbon, " and all his Party to their Estates. That he should " restore Philbert de Chalons, Prince of Orange, and “ Michael Antonio de Saluzzo to their Principality."That he should give no fort of Assistance to the "Duke of Guelders, and, after that Prince's Death, " ufe

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" use his best Endeavours to cause his Towns to fall " into the Emperor's Hands. - That he should pay the King of England 500,000 Crowns which the Emperor owed him. That, when the Emperor should "go to Italy, to receive the Imperial Crown, he " should fend him 12 Gallies, four large Ships, and

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a Land Army, or 200,000 Crowns instead of the Army. Lastly, he promised, upon the Word and "Honour of a Prince, to execute all these Articles, or "to return Prifoner into Spain within fix Months."


The SECRET HISTORY of the CARDINAL, by GEORGE CAVENDISH, Esq; his GentlemanUsher.


Of the King's Discovery of his Love to Mistress Anne Bulloigne to the Cardinal, with the Cardinal's Dislike, and also the Opinion of all learned Bishops in England, and foreign Universities.

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To confirm this Treaty, Francis and his Ambassadors swore, by the Sacraments and the Holy Evangelifts, to keep it all Days of his Life, and not to give Counsel to, or favour any one that should break it.

At this Time Charles was under great Perplexities, befides those already mentioned: He knew, that the Princes and Hans Towns of Germany, that had embraced Luther's Doctrine, began to take Measures to secure themselves from the Calamities they were daily threatened with. To this was added the Dread of


• of, debated, argued, and judg'ed from Day to Day. But in • conclufion, when these antient • Fathers of Law and Divinity ' parted, they were all of one Judgment, and that contrary to the Expectation of most Men. And I heard some of the most famous and learned amongst them say, the King's • Case was too obscure for any Man, and the Points therein • were doubtful to have any Resolution therein, and so at that ⚫ time with a general Consent $departed, without any Resolution or Judgment.

• In this Affembly of Bishops and divers other learned Men, it was thought very expedient that the King should send out his Commissioners into all Universities in Christendom, as well here in England, as foreign Regions, there to have this Cafe argued substantially, and to bring with them from thence every Definition of their Opinions of the fame, under the Seal of every University, and thus for this Time were their Determinations.



• And thereupon divers Com' missioners were presently ap'pointed for this Design: So • fome were sent to Cambridge, ' some to Oxford, fome to Lo'rain, others to Paris, fome to 'Orleans, others to Padua, all at the proper Costs and Charges of the King, which in the ' whole amounted to a great Sum of Money: And all went ' out of this Realm, besides the Charge of the Ambassage to those famous and notable Persons of all the Universities, 'especially such as bear the Rule,


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or had the Custody of the U'niversity Seals, were fed by the Commissioners with fuch great Sums of Money, that they did easily condescend to ' their Requests, and grant their • Defires.

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By reason whereof all the Commiffioners returned with ' their Purpose, furnished according to their Commissions ' under the Seal of every seve'ral University, whereat there was no small Joy conceived of ' the principal Parties. Infomuch that ever after the Commiffioners


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