Abbildungen der Seite

Arrives at

But, after all these great Promises from the King, it appears that his Majesty meant nothing by them; for we find the Cardinal was no fooner retreated to Esher, but he was intirely neglected, nothing being thought of but how to carry on Prosecutions against him in the most effectual Manner, which were begun by Mr. Hales, Attorney General, before the Cardinal left York-place. This Lawyer drew up an Information against him on the Statute of Premunire, for holding his Legatine Court by Vritue of the Pope's Authority, and deciding Causes there, which ought to have been determined in the King's Court. Besides this Information Mr. Attorney afterwards drew up and preferred another againft

Here we shall give the Reader a List of their Honours the Masters of the Rolls, and the other Masters in Chancery, from the Restoration of King Charles the Ild to this Time, with the Times of their Admissions, as they fell in Succeffion to their respective Office.

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1682, Apr. 16, Rob. Legard, Efq.

1665, Jan, 26, Sir Wil. Lifle.

Νου. 15, R. Procter, Elq.

1670, July, Dr. Tim. Bald-wyn.

1712, 08, 17, Rob. Holford, Efq. 1660, June 1, Sir Just. Lewin.

1675, July 7, John Franklin, Efq. 1707, Aug. 22, Will. Fellows, Efq. 1723, Feb. 1, Fran. Eld, Esq.

Sixth Office.

against him, for the like Offences, within two Days after the Cardinal had resigned the Great Seal.


And this Information fets forth, "That The Informa"Thomas, Legate de Latere, Cardinal, tion against " and Archbishop of York, being not " ignorant of the Premises, had obtained certain "Bulls from Clement the VIIth, by Virtue of which " he exercised Jurisdiction and Authority Legatine, to the Depravation of the King's Power established in " his Courts of Justice; which faid Bulls he caused to " be publickly read in Westminster, assuming to him" self thereupon the Dignity and Jurisdiction of Le"gate de Latere, which he has exercised to this Day,


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to the Prejudice of fecular and ecclesiastical Persons; " and that by Colour thereof he had given away the "Church of Stow-guilford in the County of Surry; "all which was to the Contempt of the King and his



Crown, and contrary to the aforesaid Statute of 16 “Rich. II. Moreover, that, by Colour of the faid Authority, he had caused the Last Wills and Tefta"ments of many out of his Diocess to be exhibited " and proved in his Court, and their Goods and Chat" tels to be administred by such as he appointed : "Alfo that, under Colour of his faid Authority, he " had made divers Visitations out of his Diocess, and " drawn Pensions from Abbeys, to the Contempt of "the King and his Laws."

Attorneys affigned him

As many Profecutions were set on foot against the Cardinal, no fooner was Michaelmas Term begun, but he received a Commission that empowered him to appoint proper Attorneys to defend him against the different Profecutions that the Court was now very intent in carrying on against him, the Original whereof in Latin is preserved in Rymer's Fad. Vol. XIV. and runs in English thus.*

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As foon as the Cardinal had received this Commission he appointed two Attorneys to defend his Causes, a Memorial whereof was fixed in the proper Courts, which we have here exhibited in English. *



⚫ our Chancery, and to gain or lose in all manner of Actions, Briefs, Pleas, Bills, Informa⚫tions, Impeachments, Suits, Complaints, moved, followed or affirmed, or hereafter to be 'moved, profecuted or affirmed, in our Court before us, or any, or either of our Courts, by whomsoever of our Judges, or Justices, against the faid Cardinal alone, or against him * and any other Person, or Per* fons jointly, at our Suit, or • the Suit and Complaint of any • other Person or Perfons, wil ling to profecute the faid Cardinal for us and themselves, or * for themselves alone, being • moved, profecuted, and affirm'ed, or to be moved, profecuted, or affirmed, on any Contempts, Tranfgreffions, or Of• fences whatsoever, perpetrated by the faid Cardinal, or com mitted contrary to the Form of any Statute, of Ordinance, or • Statutes, or Ordinances, of Provisoes or of Premunire, or * either of them.


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Emorandum, That, on the 27th Day of Oct 'tober, in the 19th Year of the Reign of the Lord Henry the • VIIIth, by the Grace of God, ' of England and France King, ९५

• De

Submits to the King.

The Cardinal, notwithstanding the King feemed to shew him fome Marks of Favour, foon found, from the vigorous Proceedings carrying on against him, that he was refolved to have him at his Mercy upon the Statute of Premunire, altho it appeared to the whole Nation, it was a great Hardship to have that Law let loose upon him; inasmuch as he had the King's Licence to execute his Legatine Commission: Yet, at the Importunity of several Lords of the Council, he declined pleading to the Information exhibited against him. This being known to the Court, the Judges were, for Form fake, fent down to him to demand his Answer, which he returned in these Words.



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'Lord the King, before the • same Lord the King; or in 'what other his Court or Courts ' soever, or either of them, and • before what Judges or Justices ' foever of the said King, against • the faid Cardinal alone, or against him and some other Per• son or Persons jointly, or at the Suit of the said Lord the King, for the faid Lord the King only, or at the Suit or • Complaint of any other Person,

• Defender of the Faith, and Lord • of Ireland, came before the King in his Chancery at Westminster, the most Rev. Father in Chrift, Thomas, by Divine Clemency, Legate a Latere from • the Apoftolick See, Cardinal • Prieft, Archbishop of York, and • Primate of England, and by • Virtue of the Letters Patent of • the Lord the King, bearing Date the 9th of October, in the • 21st Year of his Reign, with ' the Permiffion granted to him • by the faid Lord the King, he • conftituted and appointed for • his Attorneys jointly and sepaа• rately in his Stead, in the faid • Court of Chancery, his belov-secuted, or affirmed, or hereaf



• ed in Christ John Scufe and Christopher Jenny, Efqrs, and learned in the Laws of England, to gain or lofe, in all • and all manner of Actions, • Briefs, Pleas, Bills, Informations, Impeachments, Suits and Complaints, moved, profecut'ed, affirmed, or hereafter to • be moved, profecuted, or af'firmed, in the Court of the

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or Perfons, willing to complain ⚫ and profecute for the faid Lord • the King, and themselves, or ⚫ for themselves alone against the • aforesaid Cardinal moved, pro

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ter to be moved, profecuted, or affirmed, of what Contempts, Tranfgreffions, or Of

fences, supposed, or to be sup' posed, to have been committed ' and perpetrated by the faid Cardinal, against the Form of

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any Statute or Ordinance, or ' of any other Statutes or Ordinances, of Provisoes or Pre' munire, or either of them."

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