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friars, and that I had taught the art of fwimming to Wygate and another young man in the courfe of a few hours. His two fons were on the point of fetting out on their travels; he was defirous that they fhould previoufly learn to fwim, and offered me a very liberal reward if I would undertake to infruct them. They were not yet arrived in town, and the stay I should make myself was uncertain; I could not therefore accept his propofal. I was led however to fuppofe from this incident, that if I had wished to remain in London, and open a fwimming-school, I fhould perhaps have gained a great deal of money. This idea ftruck me fo forcibly, that, had the offer been made fooner, I fhould have difmiffed the thought of returning as yet to America. Some years after, you and I had a more important business to fettle with one of the fons of Sir Wil

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liam Wyndham, then Lord Egremont, But let us not anticipate events.

I thus paffed about eighteen months in London, working almoft without intermission at my trade, avoiding all expence on my own account, except going now and then to the play, and purchafing a few books. But my friend Ralph kept me poor. He owed me about twenty-feven pounds, which was fo much money loft; and when confidered as taken from my little favings, was a very great fum. I had, notwithftanding this, a regard for him, as he poffeffed many amiable qualities. But though I had done nothing for myself in point of fortune, 1 had increased my ftock of knowledge, either by the many excellent books I had read, or the converfation of learned and literary perfons with whom I was acquainted.


We failed from Gravefend the 23d of July 1726. For the incidents of my voyage I refer you to my Journal, where you will find all its circumstances minutely related. We landed at Philadelphia on the 11th of the following October.

Keith had been deprived of his office of governor, and was fucceeded by Major Gordon. I met him walking in the streets as a private individual. He appeared a little ashamed at feeing me, but paffed on without faying any thing.

I should have been equally afhamed myself at meeting Mifs Read, had not her family, juftly defpairing of my return after reading my letter, advised her to give me up, and marry a potter, of the name of Rogers; to which the confented but he never made her happy, and the foon feparated from him, refufing to cohabit with him, or even bear

his name, on account of a report which prevailed,

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prevailed, of his having another wife, His kill in his profeffion had feduced Mifs Read's parents; but he was as bad a fubject as he was excellent as a workman. He involved himself in debt, and fled, in the year 1727 or 1728, to the West Indies, where he died.

During my abfence Keimer had taken a more confiderable house, in which he kept a shop, that was well fupplied with paper, and various other articles. He had procured fome new types, and a number of workmen; among whom, however, there was not one who was good for any thing; and he appeared not to want business.

Mr. Denham took a warehouse in Water-street, where we exhibited our commodities. I applied myself clofely, ftudied accounts, and became in a fhort time very expert in trade. We lodged and eat together. He was fincerely attached to me, and acted towards me as

if he had been my father. On my fide, I respected and loved him. My fituation was happy; but it was a happiness of no long duration.

Early in February 1727, when I entered into my twenty-fecond year, we were both taken ill. I was attacked with a pleurify, which had nearly carried me off; I fuffered terribly, and confidered it as all over with me. 1 felt indeed a fort of difappointment when I found myfelf likely to recover, and regretted that I had ftill to experience, fooner or later, the fame difagreeable fcene again.

I have forgotten what was Mr. Denham's disorder; but it was a tedious one, and he at laft funk under it. He left me a fmall legacy in his will, as a teftimony of his friendship; and I was once more abandoned to myfelf in the wide world, the warehoufe being confided to

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