Abbildungen der Seite

Affective, af-fektiv. a. that which affects.
Affectuosity, âf-fêk-tshù-ôs'sè-tè. s. passion-


Affliction, af-flik'shun. s. the cause of sorrow calamity.

exuberance of riches.

Afflictive, âf-flik'tiv. a. painful, tormenting. Affectuous, âf-fèk'tshů-ûs. a. full of passion. Affluence, âf'flù-ênse. s. the act of flowing; Affere, åf fère'. v. a. a law term, signifying [wealthy. to confirm. [confidence. Affluent, âfflu-ênt. a. flowing, exuberant, Affluentness, áfflù-ênt-nêss. s. the quality of being affluent.

Affiance, af-fl'ânse. s. a marriage contract,
Affiance, af-fl'ânse. . a. to betroth, to give
Affiancer, âf-fl'ân-sår. s. he that makes a
contract of marriage between two parties.
s. mutual con-

Affidation, âf-fë-då'shûn. }

Affidature, åf-fe-da'tshire.

tract, mutual oath of fidelity. Affidavit, âf-fè-da'vit. s. a declaration upon


Afflux,âf fluks. s. the act of flowing,affluence.
Affluxion, âf flúk-shûn. s. the act of flowing
to a particular place. [bear expenses.
Afford, âf-ford'. v.a. to yield, to be able to
Afforest, af för'rẻst. v. a. to turn ground
into forest.

Affranchise, af-från'tshiz. v. a. to make free
Affray, af-fra. v. a. to fright, to terrify.
Affray, âf-frà. s. a tumultuous assault.
Affriction, âf-frik'shun. s. the act of rubbing

Affied, af-fled part. a. joined by contract.
Affiliation, âf-fil-le-a'shun. s. adoption. [tals.
Affinage, affe-naje. s. the act of refining me-Affright, áf-frite'. v. a. to terrify.
Affined, af-fined. a. related to another.
Affinity, âf-finnè-tè. s. relation to, connex-

ion with.

Affirm, âf-ferm'. v. n. to declare, to assert.
Affirm, åf-ferm'. v. a. to ratify or approve.
Affirmable, âf-fêr/må-bl. a. that may be af-


Affright, af frite'. s. terrour, fear.
Affrightment, âf-frite'ment. s. fear, terrour.
Affront, af-frint'. v. a. to encounter, pro-
voke, offend.

Affront, af-frånt'. s. insult, outrage.
Affronter, âf-från'tår. s. the person who af-
[quality of affronting.
Affrouting, áf-från'ting. part. a. having the
Affuse, âf-fuze'. v. a. to pour one thing upon

Affirmance, âf-fér'mânse. s. confirmation. Affirmant, af-fer'månt. s. the person that [firming, affirmed. Affirmation, âf-for-ma'shun. s. the act of af- Affusion, âf-fu/zhân. s. the act of affusing. Affirmative, âf-fêr'mâ-tîv. a. that may be Affy, âf-fl'. v. a. to betroth. affirmed. [positive side. Affy, âf-fl'. v. n. to put confidence in. Affirmatively, âf-fèr'må-tîv-lè. ad. on the Afield, â-fèèld'. ad, to the field. Affirmer,åf-fer'mår. s. the person who affirms. Aflat, â-flåt'. ad. level with the ground. Affix, âf-fiks'. v. a. to subjoin. [of a word. Afloat, &-flote'. ad. floating. Affix, affiks. s. a particle united to the end Afoot, â-fut. ad. on foot, in action. Affixion, áf-fik'shan, s. the act of affixing. Afore, â-foro'. prep. before; sooner in time Afflation, âf-fla'shun. s. the act of breathing Afore,&-fore'. ad. in time past; in front. [fore. [power of prophecy. Aforegoing, â-fore'go-ing. part. a. going beAfflatus, af-flatus. s. communication of the Aforehand, â-före hånd. ad. by a previous Afflict, af-flikt'. v. a. to put to pain, to tor[tioned before. fness. Aforementioned, â-före'men-shånd. a. menA forenamed,â-före'nà'mêd. a. named before Aforesaid, à-före såde. a. said before.



Afflictedness, âf-Alîk'têd-nèss. s. sorrowful-
Afflicter af-flik'tår. s. the person who afflicts


Aforetime, â-före'thne. ad. in time past.
Afraid, â-frade'. part. a. terrified, fearful.
Afresh, å-fresh'. ad. anew, again.
Afront, â-frånt', ad, in front, in direct oppo-


After, aftår. prep. following in place. After, aftur. ad. in succeeding time; following another. [posterity. Afterages, aftor-à'jêz. s. succeeding times, Afterall, aftar-all' ad. at last, in fine. Afterbirth, aftur-berth. s. the secundine. Afterclap, åf'tår-klåp. s. an unexpected event happening after an affair is supposed to be

at an end.

Aftercrop, aftår-krop. s. second harvest.

Agent, à'jent. a. acting upon, active. [factor. Agent, à'jẻnt. s. a substitute, a deputy, a Aggeneration, âd-jên-når-à'shûn. s. the state of growing to another body. Aggerate, adjur-åte. v. a. to heap up. Agglomerate, åg-glôm'mår-åte. v. a. to ga ther up in a ball. Agglutinauts, âg-glà'tè-nânts. s. medicines which have the power of uniting parts to gether.

Agglutinate, âg-glù'tè-nåte. v. a. to unite. Agglutination, åg-glù-tè-nà'shûn. s. union, cohesion.

Agglutinative, âg-glà'tè-nå-tîv. a. procuring agglutination.

Aftergame, aftår-game. s. methods taken Aggrandize, âg'grân-dize. v. a to enlarge, after the first turn of affairs.

[grass. Aftermath, aftår-math. 3. second crop of Afternoon, âftür-nôôn'. s. the time from the meridian to the evening. Afterpains, aftur-panz. s. pains after birth. Aftertaste, âftår-taste. s. taste remaining upon the tongue. [ter the act. Afterthought, âftur-thawt. s. reflection afAftertimes, âftår-tlmz. s. succeeding times. Afterward, áf'tår-wård. ad. in succeeding time.

Afterwit, âftår-wit. s. contrivance of expedients after the occasion of using them is past.

Again, â-gên'. ad. a second time, once more.
Against, a-gênst'. prep. contrary, opposite.
Agape, agape'. ad. staring with eagerness.
Agarick, aga-rik. s. a drug.
Agate, agat. s. a precious stone.
Agaty, ag'a-tè. a. of the nature of agate.
Agaze, â-gàze'. v. a. to strike with amaze-
Age, aje. s. the space of a hundred years; old
Aged, a'jed. a. old, stricken in years.
Agedly, a'jêd-le. ad. after the manner of an
aged person.


Agency, jên-sè. s. the quality of acting, business performed by an agent.


to exalt. [state of being aggrandized. Aggrandizement, âg'grân-dize-ment. s. the Aggrandizer, âg'gran-dize-år. s. the person that makes another great. [thing worse. Aggravate, âg'grâ-våte. v. a. to make any Aggravation, åg-grâ-và'shûn. s. the act of

aggravating; the circumstances which heighten guilt.

Aggregate, âg'grè-gáté. a. framed by the collection of parts into one mass. Aggregate, ag'grè-gåte. s. the result of the conjunction of many parts into one mass. Aggregate, ag'grè-gåte. v. a. to collect together.

Aggregation, âg-grè-ga'shun. s. the act of collecting many particulars into one whole. Aggress, ag-gress'. v. n. to commit the first act by violence.

Aggression, âg-grêsh'ûn. s. commencement of a quarrel by some act of iniquity. Aggressor, âg-grès'sûr. s. an assaulter or invader.

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an ague.

Agileness, âj'l-ness. s. nimbleness, quick-Aguish, à'gù-ish. a. having the qualities of ness, activity. [resembling an ague. Agility, â-jile-tè. s. nimbleness, quickness, Aguishness, à'gú-ish-ness. s the quality of activity. [mean rate. Ah, å. int. a word denoting dislike or comAgistment, áj-ist'mênt. s. composition, or passion. Agitable, áj'e-tâ-bl. a. that may be put in Aha! a-ha'. int. a word intimating triumph [actuate. Ahead, â-hêd'. ad. further onward than another.


Agitate, aj'è-tate. v. a. to put in motion; to
Agitation, âj-è-tà'shån. s. the act of moving
any thing; discussion, disturbance. [fairs.
Agitator, aj'è-tá-tur. s. he who manages af-
Agminal, ág'me-nål. a. belonging to a troop.
Agnail, ag nåle. s. a whitlow.

Agnation, âg-nà'shûn. s. descent from the
same father.

Agnition, âg-nish'ûn. s. acknowledgment.
Agnize, åg-nize'. v. a. to acknowledge.
Agnomination, âg-nôm-mè-nå’shån. s. allu-
sion of one word to another.
Ago, å-go'. ad. past; as, long ago.
Agog, a-gog, ad. in a state of desire.
Agoing, a-going. ad. in action.
Agone, a-gon'. ad. ago, past..
Agonism, ag'd-nizm. s. contention for a prize.
Agonistes, ag-d-nîs'tèz. s. a prize-fighter.
Agonize, ág'o-nize. v. n. to be in excessive

Agony, âg'o-ně. s. violent pain.

Aid, ade. v. a. to help, to support, to succour.
Aid, åde. s. help, support; in law, a subsidy
Aidance, ade'ânse. s. help, support.
Aidant, aderant, helping, helpful.
Aid-de-camp, ade-de-kawng'. s. an officer

who attends the chief commander.
Aider, åde'ûr. s. a helper, an ally.
Aidless, àde lêss. a. helpless, unsupported.
Ail, åle. v. a. to pain, to trouble.
Ailment, åle'ment. s. pain, disease.
Ailing along. part. a. sickly.
Aim, àme. v. a. to endeavour to strike; to
endeavour to reach or obtain.

Aim,ame. s. the direction of a missile weapon
Air, àre. s. the element encompassing the
earth; manner or gesture.

Air, are. v. a. to expose to the air, to warmı.
Airbladder, åre blåd-dår. s. a bladder filled

with air.

Airbuilt, are bilt. a. built in the air. Agrarian, â-gra/re-ân. a. relating to grounds. Air-drawn, are drawn. a. painted in air. Agree, â-gree. v. n. to be in concord. [ing. Airer, åre'úr. s. he that exposes to the air. Agreeable, a-grèè'â-bl. a. suitable to, pleas- Airhole, are hole. s. a hole to admit air. Agreeableness, â-grèè'â-bl-ness. s. consist- Airiness, are'è-ness. s. exposure to the air ency with; the quality of pleasing. lightness, gaiety. Agreeably,a-grée'â-blé.ad. consistently with. Agreed, à-greed'. part. a. settled by consent. Agreement, a-grèè'mênt. s. concord, compact, bargain.

Agriculture, ag'rè-kål-tshůre. s. tillage.
Agrimony, âg'rè-mån-né, s. a plant.
Aground, â-ground'. ad. stinnded.
Ague, a'ghe. s. an interrutting fever.
Agued, a'gu-êd. a. struck with the ague,
Ague-fit, a'gu-fit s. the paroxysm of the

Airing, åre'ing. s. a short jaunt.
Airless, are less. a. without the free air.
Airpump, åre pûinp. s. a machine by which
the air is exhausted out of proper vessels.
Airshaft, are shaft. s. a passage for the air
into mines.
[tial; gay.
Airy, are'è. a. composed of air; unsubstan
Aisle, ile. s. the walk in a church.
Ake, ake. v. n. to feel a lasting pain.
Akin, a-kin'. s. allied to by blood. [ble.
Alabaster, âl'â-bâs-tur. s. a kind of soft inar-

Alabaster, ala-bás-tår. a. made of alabaster.
Alack, â-lâk'. int. an expression of sorrow.
Alackaday, â-lâk'â-da'. int. a word noting


Alacriously, â-lak'rè-us-lè. ad. cheerfully.
Alacrity, a-lak/krè-tè. s. cheerfulness.
Alamode, ål-å-mode', ad. according to the

Alarm, a-larm'. s. notice of danger. [surprise.
Alarm, å-lårm'. v. a. to call to arms; to
Alarming, a-lar'ming. part. a. terrifying.
Alas, à-låss'. int. a word of pity.
Alb, alb. s. a surplice.
Albeit, al-bit. ad, although.
Albugo, âl-ba'gò. s. a disease in the eye.
Alcafest, ål kå-hêst. s. a universal dissolvent.
Alchymical, ál-kîmémé-kål. a. relating to
alchymy. [manner of an alchymist.

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Algebraical, al-je-brå'è-kål. a. relating to Algebraick, al-je-brà ́ík. algebra. Algebraist, al je-brå'ist. s. one skilled in the science of algebra. Algid, ål'jid. s. cold, chill. Algidity, al-j'd'dè-tè. s. chilness, cold. Alchymically, al-kim'mé-kâl-lè. ad. in the Algific, ál-jifik. a. that produces cold. Alchymist, alkè-mist. s. one who professes Algor, ål'går. s. extreme cold. [numbers. the science of alchymy. Algorithm, algo-rith.n. s. the science of Alchymy, al ́kè-mè. s. sublime chymistry; a Alias, ale-ás. ad. otherwise. kind of mixed metal. Alcohol, al'kó-hol. s. a high rectified spirit

of wine.

Alible, l'è-bl. nutritive, nourishing. Alien, ale'yên. a. foreign, estranged from. Alien, àle'yên. s. a foreigner, a stranger. Alcoholization, ál′kó-hôl è-zá'shûn s. the Alienable, ale'yên-a-bl. a. that may be transact of rectifying spirits ferred. [withdraw the affections. Alcoholize, al ko-ho-lize v. a. to rectify Alienate, ale'yên-åte. v. a. to transfer, to spirits till they are wholly dephlegmated. Alienate, åle'yên-åte. a. withdrawn from. Alcoran, ál kò-rån. s. the book of the Ma-Alienation,åle-yên-à'shûn. s. the act of transhometan precepts and credenda. ferring property. Alcove, ål-kove'. s. a recess to lie or sit in. Alight, à-llte'. v. n. to come down; to fall Alder, ål'dir. s. a tree. [gistrate. Alike, a-like'. ad. with resemblance. Alderman, ål'dår-mân. s. a governour or ma- Aliment, al'lè-ment. s. nourishment, food.. Aldermanly, ål'dûr-mân-lè. ad. like an al-Alimental, âl-lè-mên'tål. a. that nourishes. derman.

Aldern, ål'dårn. a. made of alder.
Ale, ble. s. a liquor mace of malt and hops.
Alebrewer, åle br33-år s. one who brews ale.
Alehoof, å'e ́hỏ¿f. s. ground ivy.
Alehouse, ale house. s a tippling house.
Alembick, á-lêm/bik. s. a vessel used

Alert, à-lert'. a. watchful, vigilant, brisk.


Alimentariness, âl-le-mên'tå-ré-ness. s. the quality of being alimentary.

Alimentary, ål-le-mên'tâ-rè. a. that has the

power of nourishing. [of nourishing. Alimentation,ål-lè-mên-tå'shûn.s,the quality Alimonicus,al-le-mo'nè-us. a. that nourishes in Alimony, állé-mån-nè. s. legal proportion of the husband's estate allowed to the wife, upon the account of separation

allegory, to form an allegory. Allegory,al le-gor-rè.s. a figurative discourse. Allegro, âl-le'grò. s. a sprightly motion. Allelujah, âl-lè-lu'yâ. s. a word of spiritual exultation; Praise God.

Aliquant, l'lè-qwånt. a. parts of a number, Allegorize, âl lè-gó-rize. v. a. to turn into which will never make up the number exactly. Aliquot, âllè-qwôt. a. parts of any number or quantity, such as will exactly measure it without any remainder. Alish, ale fish. a. resembling ale. Alive, å-live'. a. not dead; unextinguished, active; cheerful.

Alleviate, ål-lè'vè-åte. v. u. to make light, to ease, to soften.

Alleviation, âl-lé-vè-à ́shûn. s. that by which Alkahest, al'kâ-hest. s a universal dissolvent. any pain is eased, or fault extenuated. Alkalescent, ål-kâ-lês/sent. a. that has a ten- Alley, allé. s. a walk; a narrow passage. dency to the properties of an alkali. Alliance, ål-li'ânse. s. league; relation by Alkali, al'kâ-lé. s. any substance which, when marriage. [attracting. mingled with acid, produces fermentation. Alliciency, al-ish'yên-sè. s. the power of Alkaline, ål/kâ-lin a that has the qualities Alligate, al·lè-gåte. v. a. to tie one thing to of alkali. [alkaline. another.

[thing against another. Allision, al lizhan. s. the act of striking one Alliteration, al-lit-er-a'shun. s. the beginning two or more words with the same letter to give them a sort of rhyming consonance Allocution, al-ló-ku'shan. s. the act of speak· ing to another. [dent

[together. Alkalizate, âl-kâllé-záte. v. a. to make Alligation, âl-le-ga'shun. s. the act of tying Alkalizate, al-kál lé-záte. a. that has the Alligator, l-le-ga/tir. s. the crocodile of qualities of alkali. [alkalizating. America. Alkalization, al-kâ-lè-zá'shản. s. the act of All, all. a. the whole, every one. All, all. s. the whole; every thing. All, All. ad. quite, completely; altogether. Allay, al-là. v. a. to mix one metal with another; to quiet, pacify, repress. Allay, al-la. s. the metal of a baser kind mixed in coins, to harden them. Allayer, ål-la'ür. s. the person who has the power of allaying. [power of allaying. Alloyment, al-la'ment. s. that which has the Allegation, ål-lè-gà'shån. s. affirmation, de


Allodial, ál-lo'dé-ål. a. not. feudal, indepen Allodiun, ål-ló dé-ům. s. possession held in absolute independence. [a rapier. Allonge, ål-låndje'. s. a pass or thrust with Alloo, al-133. v. a. to set on, to incite. Alloquy, ål/ló-kwė. s. the act of speaking to [grant. Allot, ål-lot'. v. a. to distribute by lot; to al-Allotment, ål-lôt'ment. s. the part, the share. Allottery, ál-lôt'tår-è. s. that which is grant ed to any in a distribution.

Alege, âl-lědje'. v. a. to affirm, declare.
Allegeable, al-dje â-bl. a. that may be
Allegement, ál-lêdje'mênt. s. the same with
Alleger, âl-ledje år. s he that alleges.
Allegiance,al-lè'janse. s. the duty of subjects.
Allegiant, ål-lè'jant. a. loyal, dutiful.


Allow, al-loů. v. a. to admit, grant. [mitted
Allowable, al-lou'å-bl. a. that may be ad
Allowableness,âl-lôå ́â-bl-nåss. s. lawfulness

Allegorical, ál-lè-gôr'rè-kâl. a. in the form Allowance, al-louûnse. s. sanction, abate

[blocks in formation]

ment; a sum granted.

Alloy, al-loè'. s. baser metal mixed in coinage Allude, l-lude'. v. n. to have some reference to a thing, without the direct mention.

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