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Our Book Table.

organ of Congregationalism in New England, and hence sectarian, yet it is a reliable resource for the stirring events of the day. Its character has A COMPENDIUM OF CLASSICAL LITERATURE; com- always maintained an integrity which cannot be prising choice extracts translated from the best Greek and Roman writers, with biographical denied. Its home and foreign correspondence has sketches, accounts of their works, and notes di- a high literary tone, while much talent finds its recting to the best editions and translations. way into the discussions of religious tenets. We Part I-From Homer to Longinus. Part IIbelieve it has the largest circulation of any newsFrom Plantus to Boëthius. By Charles Dexter Cleaveland, formerly Professor of the Latin and paper of the kind in New England. There are Greek languages in Dickinson College, Carlisle, also very many valuable hints on agriculture, while Pa., and of the Latin language and literature of the fireside and domestic circle enjoys a visit each the New York University. Philadelphia: E. C.


SMITH'S ILLUSTRATED ASTRONOMY. Designed for the use of the Public or Common Schools in the United States. Illustrated with numerous original diagrams. By Asa Smith, formerly Principal of Public School No. 12, city of New York. Boston: Chase, Nichols & Hill, 43 Washington street. 1861.

and J. Biddle & Co., No. 508 Minor street. 1861. week with wholesome and entertaining matter for We have read quite thoroughly parts of this the little ones. Who can do without one religious work. The author has evinced a sound classical family newspaper? Such is the number of this taste in the manner in which the various authors class of prints that no one need complain of their have been brought before the reader. The biography here given of each writer is concise and rendered, we think, with great fidelity. Although many translations might have been here inserted which are not here, yet the author has summoned the brightest stars in the great firmament of the classics. This book will be of great use to all students in contrasting the varieties of style, as well It is enough to say of any work of this kind that as sentiment. This will prove a valuable auxiliary it has been revised and improved from notes and in the study of the English classics as a book of manuscripts of the new discoveries which have class reference. All objectionable matter found been made to 1860, by Prof. Newcomb, of the assometimes in the works of ancient writers has been tronomical department of Cambridge, Mass. It is scrupulously omitted. We shall keep copies on destined to go into many common schools. our table of reference books, most assuredly.

WE take pleasure in calling attention to the adMAYHEW'S PRACTICAL BOOK-KEEPING. Embrac-vertisement of E. S. Richie, of 313 Washington ing Single and Double Entry, Commercial Cal-street, Boston. A splendid catalogue has recentculations, &c. By Ira Mayhew, A. M., author of "Means and Ends of Universal Education." ly been issued, giving in detail the great variety of Boston Chase, Nichols & Hill. 1861.

This book has not only the usual rules and forms of such a work, but several paragraphs treating of various exchanges and banks, with their uses, while one of the best features we notice, is the appeal which it makes to the judgment of the pupil in the work of adjusting accounts. It receives the hearty approval of a large circle of experienced accountants. It is just the thing for common schools.

EXCELSIOR SONG BOOK; A collection of Songs, Chants and Hymns designed for Juvenile Classes, Schools and Seminaries. Containing a complete system of elementary instruction in the principles of musical notation. By B. F. Baker. Boston: Chase, Nichols & Hill. 1860.

common school apparatus as well as of a more advanced kind. Any orders for repairing, or for school instruments, &c., will be promptly attended to by forwarding to John J. Ladd, of Providence. In our last number we inadvertently neglected to give credit to the author of the excellent story It will be found in one of the series of Sargent's for boys, entitled "Not Ashamed of Ridicule." Readers, and was written by Mr. Sargent's own pen -as most of the best matter in those books is written by himself. We hold this as a valid reason why they are so fresh and entertaining.

THE DICTIONARIES. The Massachusetts Legislature have just rejected, by a large majority, a proposition to put a copy of Worcester's Dictionary We can truly say of this book what can seldom in each of the public schools in the State. In the be said of another, to wit, that the subject is judi- home of the two dictionaries, Webster seems to be iously arranged for the learner. It goes on from the favorite, as well as elsewhere. Efforts for the simplest explanation of voice and music to the Worcester have also recently failed with the Lehigher principles of the subject, while the pupil is pleasantly led upward in this delightful study.

gislatures of Maine and Pennsylvania.

WE are receiving calls for the Universal GazetAMONG our exchanges we have no one which we teer from some of our enterprising co-laborers, and derive more pleasure in perusal than the Congre- have no doubt, as we can furnish back numbers, gationalist, published by Galen James & Co.. No. that many will secure this two-fold advantage15 Cornhill, Boston. Price, $2.00 a year in ad- that of a book worth $6.00 as well as widening vance. This paper, although the acknowledged the circuit of the teacher's journal.

The R. J. Schoolmaster.


JUNE, 1861.


For the Schoolmaster.

Dana P. Colburn.

[WE are permitted to make the flowing extract from an exceedingly interesting memoir of Dana P. Colburn, prepared by Daniel Goodwin, Esq., for several years associated with Mr. Colburn in our Normal School. The entire paper will soon appear in Barnard's American Journal of Education.]


NO. 6.

by the example and the precepts of the judicious principal, and drinking in his enthusiastic spirit, he continued for over two years to lay the foundation of his future distinction in this department, until in July, 1850, he removed to Newton to engage in private tuition and to as

sist Dr. Sears in the Institutes.

During the spring and the early summer of 1852, he again engaged in normal instruction as assistant of Prof. Russell, having charge of the divisions of arithmetic and geography, in his While there, Mr.

THERE can be no doubt that the great work school at Merrimac, N. H. of Mr. Colburn's life was his instruction in Colburn, with Prof. Russell and Mr. Arthur normal schools. For ten years he consecrated Sumner, another assistant teacher, entered into to this avocation his ripest powers of mind and an engagement with Prof. Greene, then Superheart, and by his success in it the value of his intendent of Public Schools in Providence, to brief life must be estimated. The normal school- open a normal school in that city. This school, room was his work-shop, whence emanated his the outgrowth of a normal class held the premost positive influence on the surrounding ceding winter by Prof. Greene in the hall of world, and where his loss will be longest felt. the Providence High School, was accordingly He entered upon this branch of instruction commenced in the autum of 1852 as a private as assistant in the Normal School at Bridgewa- enterprise, supported by the fees of pupils and ter, in March, 1848, resigning the charge of the the liberality of citizens interested in education. school at Brookline, although he was there re- It continued for five or six months with an averceiving a higher salary than was offered him in age of seventy-five scholars, and attracted the his new position. His respect and affection for attention of the best educators of the State by his former instructor, Mr. Tillinghast, was so the excellence and the novelty of its methods great that he gladly made the sacrifice for the of instruction. The triumphant success of the satisfaction of being associated with him, wise- experiment led to a repetition of the session ly judging that the advantage of his compan- during the next winter with the same teachers. ionship and counsel more than compensated for For the intervening period, the summer of 1853, any mere pecuniary loss. His aim was to ob- Mr. Colburn was engaged at the New England tain the highest possible usefulness as a teacher. Normal Institute, Lancaster, Massachusetts, a By his pupils at Bridgewater, he was always school of a most superior standard, conducted regarded with much affection; his genial man- by Prof. Russell, with such associates as Prof. ners, vivacious conversation and genuine inter- Krüsi and Prof. Whitaker. During the second est in their prosperity rendering him a highly winter of the private Normal School at Proviacceptable instructor. In this school, profiting dence, the necessity of rendering it a public

and permanent institution came to be generally been previously learned. The agreeable exciterecognized, and in the spring of 1854 it was ment of such exercises tended to bring every adopted by the School Committee of the city, and provided for by an appropriation from the city council.

power of the mind into play, and to cultivate a readiness and agility of thought rarely reached even in our best high schools and colleges. Of this school Mr. Colburn was appointed In securing animation, Mr. Colburn was by principal, but, before he entered upon his du- no means neglectful of thoroughness. When ties, another change occurred in its manage- he requested a pupil to explain any process, he ment. By the exertion and advice of the State never allowed him to omit or slur over a single Commissioner of Public Schools, Hon. Elisha step, unless one already so familiar as to be eaR. Potter, the Assembly was induced to assume sily taken for granted. For each step he rethe responsibility of its support as a State insti- quired the principle to be stated, and did not tution, without any change in its teachers or its let it pass until the scholar perfectly understood organization. it, never allowing an arbitrary rule to take the place of an analysis.

On the 29th day of May, 1854, he opened the Rhode Island State Normal School, and, al- In accordance with the normal theory, he ofthough several times invited to other fields and ten appointed a member of the class to conduct tempted by greater emolument, continued in an exercise under his own eye, and thus to apcharge of it till the day of his death. He was ply practically the didactic principles he had henceforth its leading spirit. Whatever, there-been learning. This was styled either a teachfore, it came to be is to be attributed, in the ing-exercise or an examination-exercise. In the main, to his talents and his perseverance. The former case the class was considered, for the same commodious hall and recitation rooms on time, as composed of beginners, and the tempoBroad street, which had been occupied by the rary teacher endeavored to present some subPrivate School, continued to be occupied by the ject in such a way as would appeal most easily State School as long as it remained in Provi- and most naturally to the understanding of a dence. In 1857, it was decided by the State child. In the latter case it was the teacher's Assembly to be expedient to remove it from the business to discover what each pupil had acquirCity to Bristol, where it still remains in the plea-ed either from the previous teaching-exercise or sant and convenient apartments provided by the from books. At the close Mr. Colburn used to Town Council of that town. call for the criticisms of the members of the


in such a genial and kindly spirit did he convey these hints, that even the most delicate sensitiveness was rarely wounded.

Although mathematical science was his cho

In reviewing Mr. Colburn's methods of in-class, as to the manner and the accuracy of the struction and his manner of conducting the conductor of the exercise, and himself added school, the most salient points are, perhaps the such suggestions as would lead him to gain cheerfulness and the liveliness which pervaded greater self-reliance and to adopt a more affable every exercise. He was himself always in good style of address, a simpler and more exact mode spirits, teaching because he loved it, and, where of expression, or a more natural and logical orit was not totally absent by nature, never failed der in presenting facts and principles. to elicit a corresponding degree of vivacity on the part of his pupils. Many of his exercises, particularly when there was a great class, were like play, full of joy and laughter; and yet there was hard work done by every student sen department of instruction, he yet especially with all this merry face. Question and answer avoided, in the scope of his teaching, an excluwere sent forward and back and through the sive bias toward what are called practical studies. ranks so promptly that, out of a large class, He delighted in promoting a broad culture and nearly every member got a good share of atten- was fond of general exercises, where he could tion, and no one was suffered to wander. Es- throw aside text-books, and discuss, with all pecially sprightly were his exercises in arithme- the members of the school, questions of taste, tic. So rapidly were long mental processes per- politics, commerce, and history. In these exerformed by scholars who had been a short time cises he would often display an amount of culunder his training, that when the same result ture and information truly remarkable, in view was given by the whole class at once, it seemed of the imperfection of his means of education. like magic, and spectators, present for the first Sometimes he would discuss a question in natime, scarcely believed that the answers had not tural philosophy and so draw on his pupils by

skillful questioning as to make them seem to cussion of what are commonly considered the discover for themselves the principles involved simplest matters, such as the most reasonable As far as possible he endeavored to illustrate methods of teaching the alphabet, and the first each point by experiment, or to fix it on the lessons in reading words and figures, rightly mind by an exhibition of the object to which it esteeming the mastery of a system of arbitrary applied. At another time he would present the characters for the expression of thought the outlines of the science of astronomy, and by most difficult achievement of the human mind. the force of his vivid illustrations, so lift his Help a child well over this barrier to intellectual hearers with him in imagination above our pla- advancement and he will help himself over the net, that they could not choose but see all the rest. No torn and blood-stained banner tells of bodies of the solar system revolving in their or- more hard-fought battles than a well-thumbed der, the earth among the rest. Then taking primer. The dull and neglectful methods of advantage of this imaginary point of view, he teaching the abcedarians, often adopted on the would direct the attention to the various rela- plea of gaining time for the older scholars, is tions that determine the changes of the seasons, like launching a ship without lubricating the the varying temperature of the zones, or eclipses ways, and then oiling the sea. Often would a of the sun and the moon, so much more easily young lady, who had already gained the repugrasped from an outside stand-point. Indeed tation of an experienced teacher, and could have one of the prime secrets of his success was his demonstrated a proposition in geometry or gone great imaginative power and his happy faculty through an abstruse discussion in algebra withfor impressing a lively picture on the imagina. tion of others.

out tripping, utterly fail in giving an exercise, without the aid of a text-book, in teaching the alphabet or the first steps in arithmetic.

While he particularly delighted in inviting the attention of his pupils to generous researches In the government of the school, Mr. Colburn in the higher fields of science and of literature, almost attained the acme of perfection by not he yet never forgot that his main business was seeming to govern at all. He never issed any to teach how to teach the elementary branches arbitrary rules, so often only guides to insuborin the common schools of the State. It was dination, but rather depended on creating a high

on account of his keeping this constantly in moral atmosphere in which the scholar found view that the Rhode Island School has acquired doing right more natural and easy than doing a reputation, for its strictly normal character, wrong. He never assumed an arbitrary mansecond to none in America. He was accustom- ner, but strove by kindness and manifest honed to set apart a portion of each term to famil- esty of purpose to win over all to his side. iar lectures on the Theory and Practice of Teach- Every one felt that the Principal was earnest ing, in which he would discuss the best methods and sincere, and thus became earnest and sinof opening a school for the first time, the man- cere himself. Probably there was never a school ner in which a young teacher should conduct where a majority of the scholars were more wellhimself in order to win the respect and the con- disposed towards the teacher; yet he did not, fidence of his pupils and their parents, the prin- in gaining their good-will, sacrifice his dignity ciples to guide him in the arrangement of classes and his proper authority. When cases of disand the selection of text-books, the necessity of cipline arose, he managed them with firmness a rigid order of exercises, the most prudent sys- and decision, but never with the slightest hasty tem of discipline, the proper treatment of re- feeling. After listening patiently to all extenufractory scholars, and the legal rights and lia- ating circumstances, he would state his conclubilities of a teacher. There can be no doubt sion so reasonably and so kindly, that the ofthat, embodied in these lectures, was an amount fender would almost always anticipate the penof practical wisdom, founded on enlightened alty and acknowledge its justice. So singular theory, sufficient to form a volume of high val- was his prudence in such cases that it is doubtue to the young teacher. Nor were his pupils ful if he ever had occasion to regret an unwise on such occasions mere passive listeners. He or an unjust decision. Almost certain is it that always delighted to lead them to the desired no scholar left the school entertaining permaresults by carefully arranged questions, rather nent ill-will against him. than to attempt to convince them by a dogmatic statement of his own opinion.

While his primary aim was always to have a hard-working school, he yet did not fail to di

He was not ashamed to descend to the dis- versify labor by such social amenities as would

make it more agreeable and attractive. In addition to recreations now and then on a small scale, he every summer arranged some excursion or entertainment, such as a sail down the Bay, a clambake, or a pic-nic on the sea-shore, in which all the pupils and many of their friends were invited to participate. At these times his genial spirits reigned supreme, and he attained the height of happiness in ministering to the happiness of others. The most notable of these occasions was the reunion held on the removal of the school from Providence to Bristol, at the close of the summer term in 1857. To this festival all the past and present scholars were invited, to listen to addresses from gentlemen of distinction and to partake of an elegant collation.

Such is an imperfect sketch of the outlines of Mr. Colburn's great work in the Rhode Island Normal School. Who can estimate its results? To do so one must go through the length and breadth of the State, and in a hundred schoolhouses notice the cheerful, self-reliant faces of the teachers, the vitalized methods of instruction, and the wide-awake exercises which have superseded the old, stereotyped, sleepy routine. It has been the uniform testimony of the successive school commissioners, that in their annual visits they recognize in a moment the presence of a teacher trained by Mr. Colburn, and do not need to inquire farther concerning the success of the school. Thousands of children are better taught to-day for his having taught| their teachers how to teach. Who can doubt that he has there, in the quiet retirement of his school-room, exerted a more wide-spread and positive individual influence, than if, as Governor of the Commonwealth, he had sat for years at the head of the Senate ?

A Story of School.


The red light shone through the open door,
From the round declining sun;
And fantastic shadows all about

On the dusty floor were thrown,

As the factory clock told the hour of five, And the school was almost done.

The mingled hum of the busy town,

Rose faint from her lower plain; And we saw the steeple over the trees, With its motionless, golden vane; And heard the cattle's musical low, And the rustle of standing grain.

In the open casement a lingering bee
Murmured a drowsy tune;

And from the upland meadows, a song,
In the lulls of the afternoon,
Had come on the air that wandered by,
Laden with the scents of June.

Our tasks were finished, and lessons said,
And we sat all hushed and still,
Listening to the purl of the brook,
And the whirl of the distant mill;
And waiting the word of dismissal that yet
Waited the master's will.

The master was old, and his form was bent,
And scattered and white his hair;

But his heart was young, and there ever dwelt
A calm and kindly air,

Like a halo over a pictured saint,

On his face, marked deep with care.

His eyes were closed, and his wrinkled hands
Were folded over his vest,

As wearily back in his old arm chair
He reclined as if to rest;

And the golden, streaming sunlight fell
On his brow and down his breast.

We waited in reverent silence long,
And silence the master kept;

Though still the accustomed saintly smile
Over his features crept;

And we thought, worn with the lengthened toil
Of the summer's day, he slept.

So we quietly rose and left our seats,
And outward, into the sun,
From the gathering shades of the dusty room,
Stole silently, one by one;

For we knew by the distant striking clock,
It was time the school was done.

And left the master sleeping alone,
Alone in his high backed chair;
With his eyelids closed, and his withered palms
Folded, as if in prayer;

And the mingled light and smile on his face

And we knew not death was there!

Nor knew that just as the clock struck five,

His kindly soul away

A shadowy messenger silently bore

From his trembling house of clay, To be a child with the saints of Heaven, And to dwell with Christ alway!

THE Register General of England estimates that there are in that country nearly 40,000 surnames. Among them there are 51,000 families bearing the name of Smith, and 51,000 that of Jones. The Smiths and Joneses alone are supposed to include about a million of the popula


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