God's Purpose for His People

Hannibal Books, 2006 - 109 Seiten
"God's purpose for His people is a central theme of the Bible, one with vital importance . . . for all believers," says Dr. Winston Crawley. The author has been engaged in Christian ministry for many decades as pastor, Bible teacher, church-planter, missionary, mission adminisrator, seminary teacher, and author. "It's a very special privilege to be part of God's Chosen People -to have a close personal relationship with the creator of the universe, to be usable by Him in the carring out of His purpose for human life and human history," he says. "This tracing of an important theme throughout the entire Bible clarifies what being part of God's people means for the life of the believer." Crawley has written this biblical study of the people of God to new belieers and in pioneer mission situations, as well a among long-time Christians.

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