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Index of Proper Names.

MINYÆ, a people of Thessaly, companions of Jason.
MULCIBER, a name of Vulcan.


NEREUS, god of the sea depths, son of Pontus and Gaia.

NESTOR, king of Pylus, eldest and wisest of the Greek chiefs at Troy, present at the fight of the Centaurs and Lapithæ (xii. 148-535).

NINUS, founder and king of Nineveh, husband of Semiramis. NIOBE, daughter of Tantalus, wife of Amphion, all of whose children were slain by Apollo and Diana in punishment of her pride (vi. 165-312).

NISUS, kign of Megara, betrayed to Minos by his daughter Scylla (viii. 17-151).

NUMA POMPILIUS, second king of Rome, taught by Pythagoras (xv. 1-487).

ENEUS, king of Ætolia, father of Meleager.

ORION, a giant son of Neptune, loved by Diana, and unwittingly killed by her.

ORPHEUS, son of Apollo and Calliope, a bard of Thrace, who moved wild beasts and trees by his music (x. 1 — xi. 84). ORTYGIA, an isle on the coast of Sicily, the site of Syracuse.

PALAMEDES, Son of Nauplius, one of the chiefs against Troy, put to death by the wiles of Ulysses (xiii. 35-60).

PALES, Italian goddess of cattle and pastures.

PALLAS (brandisher), a name of Minerva.

PARCE, the Fates or Destinies, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. PARIS, son of Priam, who abducts Helen, and so brings on the siege of Troy; slayer of Achilles (xii. 580-628).

PASIPHAE, daughter of the Sun, wife of Minos.

PELEUS, Son of Eacus, king of Thessaly, father of Achilles.
PENELOPE, daughter of Icarius and wife of Ulysses (Her. i. 1).
Persephone, Greek name of Proserpina.

PERSEUS, Son of Jupiter and Danaë, who slays Medusa and delivers
Andromeda (iv. 615-803).

PHAETHON, son of Clymene and Phoebus, who drives his father's chariot for a day (ii. 1-400).

PHILEMON, a pious rustic of Phrygia (viii. 620-724).

PHILOCTETES, one of the Grecian chiefs at Troy, who held the poisoned arrows of Hercules, without which Troy could not be

taken, and lay at Lesbos, wounded by them (xiii. 45-55, 313-339).

PHILOMELA, sister of Progne, wife of Tereus; changed to a night


PHOBE, name of Diana, or the Moon.

PHŒBUS, name of Apollo, or the Sun.

PHRIXUS, son of Athamas, borne from Thessaly by the ram with golden fleece (see HELLE).

PIRITHOUS, Son of Ixion, friend of Theseus, at whose marriage with Hippodamia befell the fight of the Centaurs and Lapithæ. PLEIADES, daughters of Atlas, pursued by Orion, and changed to a group of stars.

POLYPHEMUS, a Cyclops, son of Neptune, enamoured of Galatea (viii. 750-869).

PRIAMUS, Son of Laomedon, king of Troy.

PROCRIS, wife of Cephalus, shot by him unwittingly with an arrow. PROGNE, daughter of Pandion, wife of Tereus, who avenged herself on him by killing his child Itys, and was changed to a swallow (see ITYS). PROMETHEUS, son of Iapetos, who fashioned men from clay, and

bestowed on them fire stolen from heaven: chained by Jupiter to a rock of Caucasus, where his liver was torn by vultures. PROSERPINA (Persephone), daughter of Jupiter and Ceres, who being stolen by Pluto, became queen of the Lower World. PROTESILAUS, the first of the Greeks slain at the landing at Troy. PROTEUS, a sea-divinity, son of Oceanus, having the power of converting himself into any form.

PYLUS, a city in the west of the Peloponnesus, the kingdom of Nestor.

PYRRHA, daughter of Epimetheus, wife of Deucalion.

PYTHAGORAS, a sage of Samos, about B. C. 550.

ROMULUS, first king of Rome, made a deity under the name Quiri


SATURNUS (name of the old Italian god of husbandry): in mythology the same with Kronos, son of Uranus and Gaia, youngest of the Titans, father of Jupiter, by whom he is dethroned and banished.

SCYLLA: 1. daughter of Nisus of Megara, who betrayed her father to Minos, and was changed to a sea-mew (ciris); 2. a nymph, daughter of Phorcus, changed by Circe to a sea-monster in the waters of Sicily (xiv. 1-74).

Index of Proper Names.


SEMELE, daughter of Cadmus, mother of Bacchus, blasted by the lightnings of Jupiter (iii. 253-315).

SILENUS, an attendant of Bacchus (vi. 90-99).

SIPYLUS, a mountain of Lydia, home of Tantalus and Niobe. SIRENS, sea-maidens, who by their song enchanted mariners to perish.

SISYPHUS, Son of Æolus, famous for craft, condemned in Tartarus to roll a stone for ever to a hill-top, from which it immediately falls back.

STHENELUS, king of Mycenæ, son of Perseus, father of Eurystheus. STYX, a river of Hades, by which the gods swore their most inviolable oath.

TANTALUS, king of Lydia, son of Jupiter, father of Pelops and Niobe (vi. 382-411; see note to vi. 172).

TARTARUS, the place of torment in the Lower World.

TELAMON, Son of Eacus, king of Salamis, father of Ajax and Teucer; a hero of the Calydonian Hunt and of the Argonautic Expedition.

TELEMACHUS, son of Ulysses and Penelope.

TEREUS, king of Thrace, husband of Progne, changed to a hoopoe

(vi. 412-676).

TETHYS, wife of Oceanus, mother of the ocean-nymphs.

THALIA, the Muse of Comedy.

THEMIS, goddess of justice, whose oracle was at Delphi (i. 379). THERSITES, a deformed and malignant Greek at the siege of Troy (xiii. 233).

THESEUS, Son of Ægeus, king of Athens, who slays the Minotaur, and escapes from Crete by aid of Ariadne: a hero of the Calydonian Hunt and Argonautic Expedition, who delivered the land from many monsters.

THETIS, a sea-nymph, mother of Achilles.

THYESTES, brother of Atreus, by whom his two sons were killed and served to him in a banquet.

TITAN, name of the eldest progeny of Heaven and Earth, and poetically of the Sun.

TMOLUS, a mountain of Phrygia (xi. 151–171).

TRIPTOLEMUS, prince of Eleusis, instructed in agriculture by Ceres (v. 645-661).

TRITON, Son and attendant of Neptune: his form part human and part that of a fish.

TRITONIS, an appellation of Minerva.

TYDIDES (son of Tydeus), a name of Diomed.

TYNDARUS, king of Sparta, father of Helen and Clytemnestra. TYPHOEUS, a monster, who warred against the gods and was buried by Jupiter beneath Mt. Ætna.

ULYSSES (Ulixes), son of Laërtes, king of Ithaca, most crafty of the Grecian chiefs at Troy (xiii. 1–381; Her. i. 1).

VENUS (Aphrodite), daughter of Jupiter and Dione, goddess of love and beauty.

VERTUMNUS, Italian god of the Seasons.

VESPER (Hesperus), the Evening Star.

VESTA (Hestia), daughter of Saturn, goddess of the hearth and the sacred fire.

VULCANUS (Hephaistos), or Mulciber, god of fire: his forge in Ætna, and the Cyclopes his workmen, who forged the thunderbolts of Jupiter.

ZEPHYRUS, the west wind, son of Astræus and Aurora.

ZETES, one of the winged sons of Boreas and Orithyia, who accompanied the Argonauts (see Calais).

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