Mr. CASEY. For the record, will you introduce the people who are with you today, Doctor? INTRODUCTION OF WITNESSES Dr. MUMFORD. At the end of the table is Mr. Lorenz, the Deputy Librarian of Congress. At the other end is Mrs. Kegan, the Assistant Librarian of Congress. Next to Mr. Lorenz is Mr. Welsh, Director of the Processing Department. In the back, going in order: Mr. Applebaum, Assistant Director of the Processing Department for Acquisitions and Overseas Operations. Mr. Croxton, Director of the Administrative Department. Mr. Hemperley, the Budget Officer. Mr. Kenyon, the Law Librarian. Mr. Beckman, Deputy Director, Congressional Research Service. Mr. Poole, who is Assistant Director of the Administrative Department for Preservation and Coordinator for Building Planning. Finally, Mr. Curran, the Chief of the Financial Management Office. Mr. CASEY. Would you like to give your general statement at this time, Doctor? GENERAL STATEMENT OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS Dr. MUMFORD. Mr. Chairman and members of the committee: I have a brief statement which points up a few highlights of the Library's: budget request but is by no means a detailed summary of the significant items we are placing before you. SUMMARY OF BUDGET REQUEST The request is $99,391,100 in all appropriations. The total gross increase is about $16,200,000 but is partially offset by a decrease of $3,500,000, leaving a net increase of nearly $12,700,000. Approximately $8,100,000 of this amount is for salary and price increases and to cover increases resulting from interagency funding procedures. Of the $8,100,000, almost $3,000,000 is for space rental that was previously funded in the General Services Administration budget and there is a $500,000 increase in postage, much of which results from increased billings made by the U.S. Postal Service for certain categories. This $8,100,000 portion of the increase is needed to maintain the present level of staff and services. The remaining one-third or $4,500,000 of the net increase is needed to meet increased workload, and to improve and strengthen services and support activities. Table III in the justification book provides a more detailed overview of the requested increases. NEW POSITIONS To meet our most urgent needs in fiscal year 1975, I am requesting 106 new positions in the Library of Congress general funds-this is a fund that supports fire departments in addition to about $1,800,00 for the preservation of Hibrary materials, the upgrading of computer equipment, and the national program for acquisitions and cataloging. For the Copyright Office, which did not request any new positions for fiscal 1974, I am asking for 18 positions for fiscal 1975. This is based on the continuing increase in registrations and greater increases in other workload factors, such as correspondence and telephone inquiries. The Congressional Research Service will be in the fourth year of a 5-year plan to implement new and expanded responsibilities under the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970. The 96 positions requested will provide staff to respond to expanded in-depth research assignments growing out of closer work with committees, increased reference, and automated briefing services for Members and committees, as well as improvement of the traditional research and informational funetions of the Service. Nearly $1.300.000 of the $1,596,000 requested for the Division for the Blind and Physically Handicapped is to cover increased costs of material and equipment. FURNISHINGS FOR MADISON BUILDING Funds for furnishing the James Madison Memorial Library have been provided in previous years for compact and conventional book stacks. In this budget I am requesting about $2,600,000 for card catalogs, partitions, and other furnishings. TRANSFER OF REQUEST FOR HINDS' AND CANNON'S PRECEDENTS Funds for the revision of Hinds' and Cannon's precedents are being transferred to the House of Representatives by mutual agreement, and are therefore deleted from this request. PROPOSED LANGUAGE CHANGES I am requesting two language changes. Under the special foreign currency program, at the suggestion of the Department of State. I am seeking an appropriation of foreign currencies which have accrued to the U.S. Government by means other than the sale of surplus agricultural commodities. This language change is required by the transfer to the Government of India of Public Law 480 rupees accrued by the U.S. Government. The authority sought would not affect the geographical coverage of the Library's program which would stil be limited to "excess currency countries.” Under "Administrative provisions." I am requesting that the eurrent limitation of $50,000 for attendance at meetings be increased to $65.000. The Library's programs cover a wide range of responsibilities, all of which require some outside participation by specialists on the staff. The $50,000 limitation severely limits participation by Library specialists in meetings of professional, educational, and business organizations and makes it very difficult to exchange information with colleagues and keep abreast of the latest developments in their fields of specialization. D REVENUES Finally, I should like to point out that the fees for copyright registrations and sale of catalog cards and technical publications through the card division represent a fairly sizable return to the Treasury. In 1974 the Library will collect and deposit in the U.S. Treasury approximately $9,543,000 in these categories. VOLUNTARY REDUCTIONS Two recent developments permit me to reduce this budget request by $684,000. The first reduction is $634,000 representing 60 established positions in the appropriation, "Distribution of catalog cards." This reduction results from a continuing decline in the workload of the card division which we will elaborate upon later in our testimony. The second reduction is for $50,000 in the appropriation, "Books for the blind and physically handicapped." We are withdrawing the request for two additional multi-State distribution centers in order to have more time to evaluate the operational performance characteristics of the first two centers, for which funds were granted in fiscal year 1974. My staff and I welcome the opportunity to develop the justification in greater detail and to answer your questions. NEW COMMITTEE MEMBER Mr. CASEY. We want to welcome a new committee member, Mr. Lawrence Coughlin, of Pennsylvania, who has just joined our committee. He is replacing John Rhodes who, as you know, resigned from the committee to become the new minority leader. We are sorry we lost Mr. Rhodes, but we are pleased to have Mr. Coughlin. Mr. COUGHLIN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am glad to be aboard. Mr. CASEY. I think you will find some of this interesting and educational, to say the least. Mr. COUGHLIN. Thank you. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY TABLES Mr. CASEY. Doctor, you have some tables which you supply every year. Again, we will start out by inserting at this point in the record tables I, II, and III from the justification book. These have the comparative summary of appropriation and the appropriation estimates. [The tables follow:] |